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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • Think it spelt out the costs more bluntly for the greater London public than before. Probably still rather confusing as to who exactly is the villain of the piece? Difficulty being, there are so many.

    And the gilet made a flashback appearance after all!
  • Great piece.

    Shame it was not up first on the bill. I fear the gaggle of ecomentalists blubbing over HS2 might have been a turn off.

    I'd have done the bit about Tower Bridge first to draw the viewers in, then about the Olympic Stadium in the middle, then the bit about the ducks at the end
  • edited January 2017
    I think it must have raised awareness so that is a good thing. I Don't think Brady and Johnson came off well. But I don't get the white elephant angle though. Boris could have always blamed the previous Mayor and not changed the goalposts. He could have let Totenham's plan go through - not sure why that wasn't mentioned! When a politician thinks he is made of teflon, these are the sort of decisions he makes to help his mates - rich people that can be useful to him down the line. I know proving it is the issue, but we knew FIFA was corrupt before those inside were caught, simply by the decisions it made. Why is Johnson exempt from the same obvious conclusions - I think it was much more likely to be corruption than icompetence!

  • Brady almost provoked one of those foot-thru-TV moments. Awesome display of arrogance - a true 21st century Marie Antoinette.

    The steadfast Mr Boff came up with a catchy idea - a nice round billion likely to be flushed away.

    No good looking to the EU - we're a lost cause, surely. Party politics is out - both lots culpable. That leaves the lawyers - how come the septics like Kroenke and AEG don't hire some reptiles of their own, because surely this steaming swamp is big enough for all.

    As for the programme, nice of the BBC to claim the credit for originally breaking the story. OS should have been first because this is the BIG story. Some sympathy with the Ruislip nature-lovers but hey, we kicked off the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago so plenty time enough to realise how things get done round here ....

  • Good to see more info released, e.g. 8 mill for retractable seats. Brady did herself no favours sounding arrogant.

    Not sure where it gets us though. I still have visions of West Ham ultimately being given the ground for free just to get it off taxpayers funding.

    No one is going to take the blame for this, all about passing the blame to others and insisting that this was the only option.

    I'm pleased that the fight goes on but not convinced that the taxpayer will ever get anything back.

  • I didn't watch I'm ashamed to say. I'm prepared to put money on West Ham being given the stadium within 2 years from today.
  • Surely there must be a club out there to push for state aid?

  • It's dead money, with more passing away each year until (gulp) 2115. The bureaucrats will do nothing, LB Newham would rather abandon its citizens than stand its ground. The politicians on both sides cannot act because this is one giant Rubik's cube - move one side and automatically you disturb another. The comatose and shell-shocked EU will freeze. The invertebrate football authorities - EPL and UEFA - will whistle a merry tune and look the other way. Our beloved mayor can change his name to Genghis but on his own his worthy crusade will just peter out.

    No, I'm afraid it will be left to the corporations to let slip the dogs of law. Only will their first victories finally embolden the other parties involved, and by then it will all be far too late.

    2017 = Brady+Trump+Boris+Roland - why, Lord, why ??

  • I think we are a tad disappointed. They referred to leaked documents going round City Hall. I spent some time with the producer going through the implications; and the implications are that while there is no naming rights deal, there will be an operating loss of about £2m per year for the foreseeable future. However if you add in the quite preposterous cost of the retractable seating, that loss rises to £9m per year. Who is going to fund that? From which budget? What will be cut, to pay for this? The programme didn't really make that plain, I feel.

    However, we are certain that Khan's enquiry wants to cover all that, and we will do our best to ensure we have an audience for all we know about the above.

    If nothing else, it keeps the subject in the public eye, which is no bad thing. The amount of money it costs to move some seat is just outrageous! It's a pity the programme was only shown in London - all UK taxpayers should have the opportunity to be outraged by this.
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  • Good summary of the situation so far. The Mayor needs to pick up the baton and follow it through. He needs to link in the donation make by West Ham to the Tory party, an obvious sweetener, and then go after Boris.

    The last word on the use of this stadium will come from the fans and 80% of them absolutely hate the stadium, the surrounding area, the over-hyped transport links, the exclusion from the Westfield on match days and the board for conning them into the move then advising them about a culture change away from the old West Ham. They will be boycotting their season tickets in droves and may never return, because it ain't West Ham United anymore, it's a club called West Ham London.
  • Prague, perhaps the way forward for your group is to take a leaf out of the Valley Party's game book and steer the focus your way a bit more by contesting all the seats in the next LB of Newham's local elections and see what can be done by a council that has the matter at the top of its agenda.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Commentators on BT Sport are currently saying that the pitch needs to be made smaller, as quite clearly West Ham can't quite keep up with the size of it... as they're 0-4 down.

    I love it. Even the pitch itself is shafting them.

    Yes, that'll be good. Move the pitch even further away from the fans.
    Blimey. That hadn't occured to me actually.

  • Once again the Olympic Stadium is emptying with 20 minutes to go. :smiley:

    Well there is a tube week!
  • Seeing as they don't pay for the pitch, then they shouldn't be allowed to change the size of it; unless they want to pay £5 million a year to do so.
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  • LuckyReds said:

    Commentators on BT Sport are currently saying that the pitch needs to be made smaller, as quite clearly West Ham can't quite keep up with the size of it... as they're 0-4 down.

    I love it. Even the pitch itself is shafting them.

    More room for retractable seating. You know it makes sense.
  • Its a good job they sold their best player for the sake of team 'unity'...
  • Man City have scored more goals in the sh*t pit that West Ham have in 2017!
  • LouisMend said:

    I went last night, couldn't believe how easy it was to get on the tube at full time.

    Half an hour before that would have been a different matter though.....

    You're part of the problem mate.
  • Story in 'sports management magazine' , and one on sky...

    By Paul Kelso, Sports Correspondent

    Boris Johnson will be asked to justify his management of London's Olympic Stadium as part of an in-depth investigation into the "skyrocketing" costs of converting the arena for West Ham United.

    The investigation, commissioned by Mr Johnson's successor as London Mayor Sadiq Khan, was launched after Sky News revealed that the bill for transforming the stadium has risen by £50m more than previously announced.

    The costs include an estimated £8m every year to move supposedly retractable seats, installed to bring football fans closer to the action, off the track to allow athletics every summer.

    The bill for conversion has risen from £272m to £323m, and the total cost of the stadium to £752m.
  • edited February 2017

    Story in 'sports management magazine' , and one on sky...

    By Paul Kelso, Sports Correspondent

    Boris Johnson will be asked to justify his management of London's Olympic Stadium as part of an in-depth investigation into the "skyrocketing" costs of converting the arena for West Ham United.

    The investigation, commissioned by Mr Johnson's successor as London Mayor Sadiq Khan, was launched after Sky News revealed that the bill for transforming the stadium has risen by £50m more than previously announced.

    The costs include an estimated £8m every year to move supposedly retractable seats, installed to bring football fans closer to the action, off the track to allow athletics every summer.

    The bill for conversion has risen from £272m to £323m, and the total cost of the stadium to £752m.

    I hope he gets a proper professional interogation -he is a slimy so and so and he will blame the bid when the detail should hang him.

    I'd like to know why the Spurs bid wasn't selected. I think this needs answering as it is where I think corruption took place. A bid that involved them paying for a state of the art British athletics stadium, when we currently don't have one!
  • Story in 'sports management magazine' , and one on sky...

    By Paul Kelso, Sports Correspondent

    Boris Johnson will be asked to justify his management of London's Olympic Stadium as part of an in-depth investigation into the "skyrocketing" costs of converting the arena for West Ham United.

    The investigation, commissioned by Mr Johnson's successor as London Mayor Sadiq Khan, was launched after Sky News revealed that the bill for transforming the stadium has risen by £50m more than previously announced.

    The costs include an estimated £8m every year to move supposedly retractable seats, installed to bring football fans closer to the action, off the track to allow athletics every summer.

    The bill for conversion has risen from £272m to £323m, and the total cost of the stadium to £752m.

    I hope he gets a proper professional interogation -he is a slimy so and so and he will blame the bid when the detail should hang him.

    I'd like to know why the Spurs bid wasn't selected. I think this needs answering as it is where I think corruption took place. A bid that involved them paying for a state of the art British athletics stadium, when we currently don't have one!

    Hi Muttley

    The trouble with the Spurs bid is that nobody, including the Spurs Trust, is sure that Levy was serious. However there isa much more interesting story which i only learnt recently from Steve Lawrence, the architect who worked on the original scheme.

    That scheme had the Park on a slightly different site, (but still Stratford) and the Stadium would have been a BOOT deal whereby McAlpine would have both built and operated it, thus zero cost to the taxpayer. Although it probably needed West Ham and Spurs to share it. Richard Rogers wrote to Tony Blair trying to get his endorsement. Steve doesn't have any record that Blair even replied.

    McAlpine in the end were paid handsomely by the State to build the current stadium...

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