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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • They could get Poyet back and change the A to an O!
  • There's nothing like a good dollop of schadenfreude, laced with a dash of karma, to help me through an alcohol-free January.

    And 23 January is lining up to be a bit of a day on the OSC media campaign front :-)

    More when confirmed...
  • We paid for it to be made and put up, we might as well pay for the replacement. ..

  • Winning 2-0...... against Palace. :-)
  • Winning 2-0...... against Palace. :-)

  • I'd forgotten until I read the Observer today that Bilic pulled a similar trick to get his move from WHU to Everton.
    I love hubris.
  • It's in the schedules...Next Monday, 19.30., BBC1 London

    Only 12 minutes, but more than enough, especially since the LLDC declined to appear, having aggressively complained to the BBC that they didn't get enough time in the 2015 doc...

    Recorder set....are we seeing the gilet at all?
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  • They now have a short clip available.

    Sets out the stall pretty clearly....
  • I'm wetting my pants in anticipation.
  • Apparently there are plans to play some of The Cricket World Cup there in 2019.

  • Earlier this week West Ham vice chairman Baroness Brady told a forum of supporters' websites and bloggers it unlikely that genuinely retractable seats would ever be installed as long as the stadium is owned by the state because of the "vast costs" involved.

    Brady making an early offer to step in and take over the stadium, for nothing. I've always suspected this was the end game.

    Tax payers are such tight buggers aren't they Karen? When you become a tory MP and moan about scroungers, I hope you don't choke on your words too badly! You are the queen of the scroungers!
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  • dearyme said:

    I'm wetting my pants in anticipation.

    I'd unbookmark the thread mate or get some of these.

    I'm hiding this from Mr F !
  • West Ham’s new “white elephant” London Stadium could end costing £1 billion, a senior politician claimed today.
  • edited January 2017
    I see at the end of the article that Brady makes tehargument that because the football industry contributes a lot of money through national insurance etc... it is ok for them to be subsidised by the tax payer - maybe we should subsidise Man Utd too eh? What a corrupt scrounger she is!
  • I see at the end of the article that Brady makes tehargument that because the football industry contributes a lot of money through national insurance etc... it is ok for them to be subsidised by the tax payer - maybe we should subsidise Man Utd too eh? What a corrupt scrounger she is!

    It's an argument she has made to London Assembly meetings too. It is utterly bogus and shows she isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

    Basically that argument is one which implies you should do away with corporation tax.

    It implies that all her players are on UK PAYE salaries. I would love to see the evidence for that.

    And not least, we can agree with her, if the taxpayer also funds £323million doing up the Valley, while allowing us to sell it, pocket the proceeds, and rent it on terms that make us overhead-free.

    Inside Out, BBC1 London tonight, 19.30.

  • Mackle said:

    gavros said:

    You sure you weren't listening to an old episode of Allo Allo Gavros?

    Maybe, it feels like an episode on here sometimes: "good moaning".

    "Oooooooh René!"

    "You stupid woman!"
    Just clicked onto this thread for the first time since last March and it had this photo! Spooky

    RIP Gordon

    Anyway - Just see on BBC London News that they estimated the cost of moving the seats backwards and forwards would be £300k, turns out it's costing mordant like £8 million wtf!?
    Yep saw that as well, Presenter Rizz did look a bit shocked...... Just seen Barry Hearn state ' this was a surrender'.
  • Great piece.

    Shame it was not up first on the bill. I fear the gaggle of ecomentalists blubbing over HS2 might have been a turn off.
  • Re tonight's Inside Out.

    Brady has some brass neck, "I have that covered in the two and a half million". Then just to rub it in itemises the list to the London assembly and tells the panel, 'it is what it is.' She cocked a deafen to the words 'moral obligation'.
  • Re tonight's Inside Out.

    Brady has some brass neck, "I have that covered in the two and a half million". Then just to rub it in itemises the list to the London assembly and tells the panel, 'it is what it is.' She cocked a deafen to the words 'moral obligation'.

    Like her moral obligation to sell plastic cocks!
  • It's in the schedules...Next Monday, 19.30., BBC1 London

    Only 12 minutes, but more than enough, especially since the LLDC declined to appear, having aggressively complained to the BBC that they didn't get enough time in the 2015 doc...

    It just repeated the known facts, not bad at all, but I'm not sure what it adds. I'm sure Prague will be able to enlighten us.
  • edited January 2017

    It's in the schedules...Next Monday, 19.30., BBC1 London

    Only 12 minutes, but more than enough, especially since the LLDC declined to appear, having aggressively complained to the BBC that they didn't get enough time in the 2015 doc...

    It just repeated the known facts, not bad at all, but I'm not sure what it adds. I'm sure Prague will be able to enlighten us.
    Interesting reaction. Any more? It would be very helpful to get your views. Do others feel they learnt anything new?

    I am still digesting it, and consulting with the gang. Will respond later

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