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Will Trump become President?



  • SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    Best of a bad (remaining) bunch. Look at it another way, supposing a nuke were launched at us? Obama would be worrying about "How's that going to affect my legacy?" Bernie would be saying, "Don't worry, they're on the same side as us", Hilary would be saying "What difference does it make?" Oops, too late.
    There are checks and balances before a President can order THE button pushed, it's not his decision alone.
    If Trump becomes President we'll all just have to wait and see what kind of President he would be, just like any other President or elected official. I'm just not as scared of him as some (most?) are on this forum. Obama came in as President on a wave of good-will and hope from left AND right, look what a disappointment he has become. If Trump were elected there would be no good-will from the left, and not much from the right, the opposite for Hilary if she were elected, very difficult for them to overcome. Meantime, I am not a Trump supporter, I'm just not as scared of him as I am of Hilary.

    1964 wants it's doomsday scenario back. It was complete bullshit then, too.

    The only time we ever got close to a nuclear war was in October 1962. And just over a year later Kennedy got shot for being an appeaser (and for leaving some guys on a beach in Cuba which, when framed another way, sounds like a fucking delightful day out).

    Not me who's keeps bring up the "finger on the button " issue.
  • limeygent said:

    SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    Best of a bad (remaining) bunch. Look at it another way, supposing a nuke were launched at us? Obama would be worrying about "How's that going to affect my legacy?" Bernie would be saying, "Don't worry, they're on the same side as us", Hilary would be saying "What difference does it make?" Oops, too late.
    There are checks and balances before a President can order THE button pushed, it's not his decision alone.
    If Trump becomes President we'll all just have to wait and see what kind of President he would be, just like any other President or elected official. I'm just not as scared of him as some (most?) are on this forum. Obama came in as President on a wave of good-will and hope from left AND right, look what a disappointment he has become. If Trump were elected there would be no good-will from the left, and not much from the right, the opposite for Hilary if she were elected, very difficult for them to overcome. Meantime, I am not a Trump supporter, I'm just not as scared of him as I am of Hilary.

    1964 wants it's doomsday scenario back. It was complete bullshit then, too.

    The only time we ever got close to a nuclear war was in October 1962. And just over a year later Kennedy got shot for being an appeaser (and for leaving some guys on a beach in Cuba which, when framed another way, sounds like a fucking delightful day out).

    Not me who's keeps bring up the "finger on the button " issue.
    When he presses the button do you think he'll use his catch phrase?
  • edited March 2016

    Hark at someone from Chislehurst claiming that there is no such thing as institution racism and some people just need to pull their socks up!

    Nice assumption but I no longer live there, and when I did it wasn't "posh" Chislehurst. So what's your point exactly?? Unless you lived in a shithole you're not entitled to an opinion?
    When was Chislehurst not posh, 1784? Your opinion is like Shay Given's on the protest.
    Well what doyou want from a pic of my parents house?? Their annual income? At which point am I allowed my say?
    Still living at home? Man of the world you are, no wonder your opinions are so insightful.
    I'm not living at home you freak read my previous posts "I no longer live there".
  • limeygent said:

    The lefties on here are getting nasty, no need for it.

    Fair enough I've had my fun. Shame as he's teed me up beautifully with his reply. :trollface:
  • limeygent said:

    The lefties on here are getting nasty, no need for it.

    Fair enough I've had my fun. Shame as he's teed me up beautifully with his reply. :trollface:
    An apology would be a better response.
  • limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an "anyone but Hilary" supporter.

    So both Clinton and Trump win their respective nominations. You vote Trump ?

    Yes, without hesitation.
    And therefore are happy to let this person who encourages violence and acts of aggression to have his finger on the button ?

    There, you've talked me into it. Isn't that what you wanted?
    No not really. I'm just staggered by the acceptance of someone like Trump being possible President.

    I'm glad that it couldn't happen in Great Britain.

    Says a lot about America in my opinion.

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an "anyone but Hilary" supporter.

    So both Clinton and Trump win their respective nominations. You vote Trump ?

    Yes, without hesitation.
    And therefore are happy to let this person who encourages violence and acts of aggression to have his finger on the button ?

    There, you've talked me into it. Isn't that what you wanted?
    No not really. I'm just staggered by the acceptance of someone like Trump being possible President.

    I'm glad that it couldn't happen in Great Britain.

    Says a lot about America in my opinion.

    You realise we may have to include Boris Johnson into that mix if Cameron loses the EU referendum. could well happen here too!!!
  • edited March 2016
    TelMc32 said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an "anyone but Hilary" supporter.

    So both Clinton and Trump win their respective nominations. You vote Trump ?

    Yes, without hesitation.
    And therefore are happy to let this person who encourages violence and acts of aggression to have his finger on the button ?

    There, you've talked me into it. Isn't that what you wanted?
    No not really. I'm just staggered by the acceptance of someone like Trump being possible President.

    I'm glad that it couldn't happen in Great Britain.

    Says a lot about America in my opinion.

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    For the record, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an "anyone but Hilary" supporter.

    So both Clinton and Trump win their respective nominations. You vote Trump ?

    Yes, without hesitation.
    And therefore are happy to let this person who encourages violence and acts of aggression to have his finger on the button ?

    There, you've talked me into it. Isn't that what you wanted?
    No not really. I'm just staggered by the acceptance of someone like Trump being possible President.

    I'm glad that it couldn't happen in Great Britain.

    Says a lot about America in my opinion.

    You realise we may have to include Boris Johnson into that mix if Cameron loses the EU referendum. could well happen here too!!!
    Well we don't have an independent nuclear deterrent anyway. Boris will need Donald's approval to press any buttons. In actual fact as much as I think Boris is a bit loopy I don't consider him a danger to world security in the way I see Trump being.

  • If Piers Morgan wants to stop Islamist terrorism, why doesn't he just help the police to hack the terrorists' phones?
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  • Leuth said:

    Linking Piers Morgan! Oh you'll have everyone in agreement this way!

    Were you able to read it?
  • Like it newbie. For what its worth I don't think he will win but if he does the ride is going to be very interesting, bumpy but interesting
  • Isn't that a Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times"
  • No Idea Andy never heard a Chinese person swear
  • Leuth said:

    Linking Piers Morgan! Oh you'll have everyone in agreement this way!

    Rather than just taking the piss, is there any validity in what he says, in your very learned opinion?
  • limeygent said:

    Daily mail and piers Morgan... At least you linked a nice balanced source for opinions. He is a cretin and they are a hate rag, congrats.

  • If he's got the chumps on here fighting already before he's even been elected, we are in for a rough ride if he ever is. Get digging the Anderson Shelter everyone...
  • If he's got the chumps on here fighting already before he's even been elected, we are in for a rough ride if he ever is. Get digging the Anderson Shelter everyone...

    No fighting from me, I'm done with this lot.
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  • shine166 said:

    limeygent said:

    Daily mail and piers Morgan... At least you linked a nice balanced source for opinions. He is a cretin and they are a hate rag,they don't agree with me congrats.

  • For me, Donald Trump isn't actually the problem. He's just the symptom. His rise from predicted joke to (nearly?) unstoppable is very alarming, NOT because of anything he's said or done (though he's said and done some alarming things for sure) but because he can keep on saying and doing what he likes and people will still vote for him, simply because they are that desperate for someone or something to change the system, someone (perceived as) outside the political establishment, someone whose not just Candidate Number whatever off the party production line putting another coat of paint on the same old lines and platitudes and promises.

    He may win, he might lose. But in either case American politics seems to me on the verge of something very disturbing, there are an awful lot of people from all sorts of backgrounds willing to take a gamble on Trump despite or even because of his oft-cited failings just because they want something other than they've got. They just might get it...
  • thenewbie said:

    For me, Donald Trump isn't actually the problem. He's just the symptom. His rise from predicted joke to (nearly?) unstoppable is very alarming, NOT because of anything he's said or done (though he's said and done some alarming things for sure) but because he can keep on saying and doing what he likes and people will still vote for him, simply because they are that desperate for someone or something to change the system, someone (perceived as) outside the political establishment, someone whose not just Candidate Number whatever off the party production line putting another coat of paint on the same old lines and platitudes and promises.

    He may win, he might lose. But in either case American politics seems to me on the verge of something very disturbing, there are an awful lot of people from all sorts of backgrounds willing to take a gamble on Trump despite or even because of his oft-cited failings just because they want something other than they've got. They just might get it...

    Sounds a bit similar to how Adolf rose to power. Except this guy has billions behind him.
  • Big smile....
  • Comparing trump to Hitler, okay...
    Can you guys send me the link showing Trump killing 6 million plus innocent people??? I can't find it anywhere?!
  • 1StevieG said:

    thenewbie said:

    For me, Donald Trump isn't actually the problem. He's just the symptom. His rise from predicted joke to (nearly?) unstoppable is very alarming, NOT because of anything he's said or done (though he's said and done some alarming things for sure) but because he can keep on saying and doing what he likes and people will still vote for him, simply because they are that desperate for someone or something to change the system, someone (perceived as) outside the political establishment, someone whose not just Candidate Number whatever off the party production line putting another coat of paint on the same old lines and platitudes and promises.

    He may win, he might lose. But in either case American politics seems to me on the verge of something very disturbing, there are an awful lot of people from all sorts of backgrounds willing to take a gamble on Trump despite or even because of his oft-cited failings just because they want something other than they've got. They just might get it...

    Sounds a bit similar to how Adolf rose to power. Except this guy has billions behind him.
    Not really. Because I could probably substitute 'Bernie Sanders' for 'Donald Trump' and end up with an equally valid statement. And if either or neither of them actually wins there's likely to be an increase in the appeal of 'rogue' political figures and a period of adjustment and change as the men behind the curtains work out how the system works now and how to play it with the new rules. But they will, in time.
  • Comparing trump to Hitler, okay...
    Can you guys send me the link showing Trump killing 6 million plus innocent people??? I can't find it anywhere?!

    Do you think Hitler had six million plus people killed and THEN got elected?
  • Comparing trump to Hitler, okay...
    Can you guys send me the link showing Trump killing 6 million plus innocent people??? I can't find it anywhere?!

    Do you think Hitler had six million plus people killed and THEN got elected?
    Ohhhhhh so you're assuming he's going to kill multi millions of people then?? Wel that's perfectly rationale in that case...
  • edited March 2016

    Comparing trump to Hitler, okay...
    Can you guys send me the link showing Trump killing 6 million plus innocent people??? I can't find it anywhere?!

    Do you think Hitler had six million plus people killed and THEN got elected?
    Ohhhhhh so you're assuming he's going to kill multi millions of people then?? Wel that's perfectly rationale in that case...
    Not at all. Trump is a horrific human being but I don't imagine he'll ever oversee an atrocity like the Holocaust. I'm just trying to determine the logic of your argument.
  • edited March 2016
    All I am saying is he is playing on people's fears and ramping it up with some pretty inflammatory statements which are hitting home to a lot of people who are fed up with the current administration. Saying stuff like banning all Muslims from entering the country, stopping Mexican drug dealer/rapists crossing the border etc. is going to appeal to a large percentage of people who see what is happening outside of America. Did not say anywhere he was a mass murderer. Trump came out with a statement yesterday after the Belgium terror attacks and said the States are letting in all kinds of people with or without the necessary documentation and when I get to power this won't happen. Does his figures the power of good around the time of a presidential nominee election. Now I find it hard to believe that getting into America is so easy for a start and considering when I arrived here a couple of weeks ago, entering the country takes a hell of a long time with pretty much a triple check before you get through. I'd be pissed off I was a border security person and Trump says they are not doing their job properly.
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