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Will Trump become President?



  • Think it's awful how a country such as America are lumbered with these two no hopers. She's scum, as corrupt as they come and trump, he's just an absolute idiot.
    It's a lose lose for the US citizens in my opinion.

    Saying that, every American I know are overwhelmingly in favour of Trump.

    Every American I know is overwhelmingly against Donald Trump - that doesn't mean to say they are overwhelmingly in favour of Clinton!
  • Trump's odds in all reality are slim to none. Even if he wins most of the battleground States, he still won't have enough votes.

    I think it says a lot about the two candidates that Obama ratings have never been higher.
  • had a quick google and couldn't find anything, when does the result get announced is it similar to here where they announce states? as they are counted.

    Unless you're up for an all-nighter, you'll start seeing results come in as you go to bed (around midnight if memory serves), and won't know who's won until you get up in the morning.
  • The past few days have (in my opinion anyway) shown what a shambles Clinton is.

    She's wheeled out Obama, J-Lo, Beyonce and Jay-Z on her campaign trail, is up against a universally derided idiot who has no sensible policies, no celebrities with him and just turns up on his own wearing a stupid baseball cap............and she's reportedly only 3% ahead of him.

    She might well become the most unpopular president of recent times.
  • The past few days have (in my opinion anyway) shown what a shambles Clinton is.

    She's wheeled out Obama, J-Lo, Beyonce and Jay-Z on her campaign trail, is up against a universally derided idiot who has no sensible policies, no celebrities with him and just turns up on his own wearing a stupid baseball cap............and she's reportedly only 3% ahead of him.

    She might well become the most unpopular president of recent times.

    So long as it's her and not the other guy, then we're laughing.
  • The past few days have (in my opinion anyway) shown what a shambles Clinton is.

    She's wheeled out Obama, J-Lo, Beyonce and Jay-Z on her campaign trail, is up against a universally derided idiot who has no sensible policies, no celebrities with him and just turns up on his own wearing a stupid baseball cap............and she's reportedly only 3% ahead of him.

    She might well become the most unpopular president of recent times.

    What do you think it is about her that's a shambles?
  • Hopefully all the Breitbart inspired false equivalence from the right will calm down tomorrow.
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  • edited November 2016
    bobmunro said:

    1StevieG said:

    This is one Elephant I won't be shedding a tear for when it gets taken down.

    When he loses (and I'm assuming and hoping he will) the comedic fun will really start with him. He won't go away without making an even bigger prat of himself.
    I can imagine all the gory details about his campaign will come out too.
    IA said:

    Neither of them will beat Kanye 2020

    No he will get his arse served on a plate by Taylor Swift!
  • If Clinton wins, she ought to buy a lottery ticket as Trump was probably the only candidate she could beat!
  • Kanye vs Deez Nuts 2020 please
  • I can see the Republican's getting behind Negan in 2020. Lucille would make a fine first lady.
  • They're both dodgy as fuck. This time tomorrow, 1 of them will become the most powerful person in world politics. Scary stuff!
  • Rothko said:

    They're both dodgy as fuck. This time tomorrow, 1 of them will become the most powerful person in world politics. Scary stuff!

    One's a narcissistic sociopath and ones a not quite perfect politician, more false equivalence
  • Rothko said:

    Rothko said:

    They're both dodgy as fuck. This time tomorrow, 1 of them will become the most powerful person in world politics. Scary stuff!

    One's a narcissistic, thick sociopath and ones a not quite perfect politician, more false equivalence
  • They're both dodgy as fuck. This time tomorrow, 1 of them will become the most powerful person in world politics. Scary stuff!

    Is that right? I would have thought that is Xi Xinping.

    America may just about still be a bigger economy but when China's president asked his legislature to do something, they do it.

    Sure he can't ask them to do everything he wants but I think he has wider freedom to make change than Obama had.
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  • They're both dodgy as fuck. This time tomorrow, 1 of them will become the most powerful person in world politics. Scary stuff!

    Is that right? I would have thought that is Xi Xinping.

    America may just about still be a bigger economy but when China's president asked his legislature to do something, they do it.

    Sure he can't ask them to do everything he wants but I think he has wider freedom to make change than Obama had.
    I mean technically they won't be until 20th January.
  • The past few days have (in my opinion anyway) shown what a shambles Clinton is.

    She's wheeled out Obama, J-Lo, Beyonce and Jay-Z on her campaign trail, is up against a universally derided idiot who has no sensible policies, no celebrities with him and just turns up on his own wearing a stupid baseball cap............and she's reportedly only 3% ahead of him.

    She might well become the most unpopular president of recent times.

    So long as it's her and not the other guy, then we're laughing.
    What's the deal with Trump saying we'd be at the front of trade deals?
  • Going for the Englishman in New York vote.
  • The past few days have (in my opinion anyway) shown what a shambles Clinton is.

    She's wheeled out Obama, J-Lo, Beyonce and Jay-Z on her campaign trail, is up against a universally derided idiot who has no sensible policies, no celebrities with him and just turns up on his own wearing a stupid baseball cap............and she's reportedly only 3% ahead of him.

    She might well become the most unpopular president of recent times.

    One of them will.
  • Saw the Michael Moore show in Ohio yesterday (on tv, not in Ohio). Very powerful arguments in favour of Hillary - as you'd expect, whilst showing an understanding of and appreciation for Trump voters. Very clever man, he'd have persuaded me. Not that I'd have needed a lot of persuading.
  • bobmunro said:

    I'm old enough to remember both deaths. Jack was Jack - all charisma and charm. Bobby in '68 (and before as Jack's Attorney General) was, as they say, the last great hope and all since have been a pale imitation of a 'change for the good' agent. Maybe Obama could have made that difference had he been in control of Congress. We will never know.

    I won't say last great hope because one should never say never, but how America, how the world, needs another Bobby Kennedy.

    Bobby would have disappointed the left as well. Anyone who ever gets into power always does. But if he'd not been killed he would certainly have won the 1968 election and there would have been no President Nixon, no Watergate and no Chicago. The world would have been a much better place.

  • I'm all up for digging...having a clear out and going against an establishment. So long as there is proof that an individual in question has committed an offence of some kind.

    This is lacking.

    Even if it would kind of instinctively seem more likely, that in my opinion, Trump has probably got more skeletons in his closet then she might have.

    Do not ASSUME anything.

    Never assume things.

    Otherwise you are just sold on an idea.

    Hilary could have done better here....but she also could have done a lot worse.

    Trump is a different breed.
    She's going up against a different animal.
    Playing at stoke away on a cold Tuesday night (pulis stoke) sounds easy when you are Arsenal, right?

    As he reminds the American people, quite often, he is not a politician. He's just a man that has no inner circle ties and he just wants to "make America great again"

    He's says he's doing it all off his own back because he knows there is a problem with the political system. One of those problems is taking a lot of money under the table and major dishonesty.

    The common belief is that politicians are selfish ruthless people that speak in a tone to cover their tracks. That they also look down on people and have a silver spoon.

    These kind of words are an angle of persuasion that I understand why some people buy into it.
    It is potentially refreshing.

    Of course.

    He doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't actually offer bold thought out planned solutions to "problems". He is just very arrogant and thin skinned, in the way he argues his cases.

    It's just selling an idea. A vision....that people want to they accept that he is a brave outsider, just because he says he is.

    I think....he should have walked this, but, his awful general personality as a human being has dented his campaign.

    Young people about to vote for the 1st time. They may have been open enough either way to vote for trump. They are probably very high in numbers.

    It would have made some angry "establishment haters" (meaning that they blame personal flaws on other people) think twice. Soon as they realise that "The Donald" is probably the biggest bullshiter,......ever and that he is not the leader they have always wanted and needed.

    He has had an easy ride in life from the word go.
    A talented confidence trickster.

    Trump got a lot of the game right. Just the fact that he is in fact a complete twat, has blocked him from crossing any finishing line.

    It's a fascinating election and trump has played a major role in it. il give him that.

    He could still win of course.

  • Clinton will win but only because the alternative is Trump. Trump is the only person Clinton could beat in an election. A sad state of affairs really
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