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Will Trump become President?



  • SD Addick made a really, really good post a few pages back about how this isn't the choice between two evils, that has rang true for me regularly since.

    To put it another way, I remember the celebrated actor and owner of the strangest hairline in modern history, John Travolta, once comparing a vote in the US election to being asked which eye he wants to have poked out.

    But this year it's different. This is a choice between have one eye poked out, or having your other eye not only removed, but for someone to do something very nasty to the eye socket after.
  • "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no Vision"

    Helen keller
  • "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no Vision"

    Helen keller

    Who is she voting for?
  • "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no Vision"

    Helen keller

    Who is she voting for?
  • edited November 2016

    Will the election result be legally binding if Trump wins, or will there be a legal challenge because some people don't like the decision?

    Will the powers that be decide that democracy has runs its course and organise a coup? Would the middle classes revolt against them and defend a democratically elected President Trump? We could be heading towards interesting times.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    SD Addick made a really, really good post a few pages back about how this isn't the choice between two evils, that has rang true for me regularly since.

    To put it another way, I remember the celebrated actor and owner of the strangest hairline in modern history, John Travolta, once comparing a vote in the US election to being asked which eye he wants to have poked out.

    But this year it's different. This is a choice between have one eye poked out, or having your other eye not only removed, but for someone to do something very nasty to the eye socket after.

    South Park said it best, when they said every election is between a giant douche or a turd sandwich
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    SD Addick made a really, really good post a few pages back about how this isn't the choice between two evils, that has rang true for me regularly since.

    To put it another way, I remember the celebrated actor and owner of the strangest hairline in modern history, John Travolta, once comparing a vote in the US election to being asked which eye he wants to have poked out.

    But this year it's different. This is a choice between have one eye poked out, or having your other eye not only removed, but for someone to do something very nasty to the eye socket after.

    South Park said it best, when they said every election is between a giant douche or a turd sandwich
    But that's exactly SD's/ my point - it's not the standard choice that South Park parodied so well in that episode. It's a douche, or a shit sandwich laced with arsenic.
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  • I take some comfort that we have a PM who uses phrases such as "...they jolly well ought to..."

    Like being scolded by your mum.

    Can't imagine either of the US candidates talking like that.
  • IdleHans said:

    I take some comfort that we have a PM who uses phrases such as "...they jolly well ought to..."

    Like being scolded by your mum.

    Can't imagine either of the US candidates talking like that.

    I can't imagine Teresa may suggesting she would punch a particular guy in the face.

  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    Yes, if I was an American I would vote for Trump.
    I know right, it really knocks you for six when someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't it. Get a grip.
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    Yes, if I was an American I would vote for Trump.
    I know right, it really knocks you for six when someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't it. Get a grip.
    An opinion isn't automatically validated just because it's an opinion. For instance, my opinion might be that the earth is flat and if you argue with me, I can have a go at you for daring to question my opinion. It wouldn't change the fact that my opinion is ludicrous.
  • It is flat though isn't it. What else would it be?
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    Yes, if I was an American I would vote for Trump.
    I know right, it really knocks you for six when someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't it. Get a grip.
    Get a grip?! You've publicly admitted to supporting Donald Trump!
  • hes 11/4 now, HRC 1/4.
    Scarily short.
  • He's coming... for all of you Pinkos!!

  • It is flat though isn't it. What else would it be?

    Never seen a hill? The Earth is clearly wobbly.
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    The company that owns the National Enquirer, a backer of Donald Trump, agreed to pay $150,000 to a former Playboy centerfold model for her story of an affair a decade ago with the Republican presidential nominee, but then didn’t publish it, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal and people familiar with the matter.

    The tabloid-newspaper publisher reached an agreement in early August with Karen McDougal, the 1998 Playmate of the Year. American Media Inc., which owns the Enquirer, hasn’t published.
  • Two belligerent fools in office with Putin / Trump with an unstable Middle East & poor economic situation world wide. This is what the preconditions of a major world war looks like.
  • @soapy_jones @BR7_addick @Billericay Dickie genuine question, which policies of his appeal to you? @limeygent you're welcome to jump in and explain which of his policies are better than Hillary's as well.
  • edited November 2016
    vff said:

    The world is still living with the ramifications of the Bush Invasion of Iraq & post invasion dismantling of the Iraqi state. The disenfranchisement of the Sunni population sponsored by Rumfield & Cheney so that Haliburton could make some money created the preconditions for DAESH / ISIS.

    The consequent massive loss of life of Iraqi's and US soldiers were directly caused by mismanaged Republican foreign policy.

    The invented media Republican fury over Clinton's emails over an IT mistake is a massive disgrace and distortion.

    The world is in serious, serious trouble if that idiot capricious man child, Trump gets in.

    That kind of cause and effect mentality will get you nowhere. This is another in the long line of "you hate 'pay for play' when your team is losing." We have had almost no foreign policy discussion in this election, and what we've had has been about how Obama and Hillary were literally the founders of Isis which, as you so articulately point out, misses out massively on the dynamics of the region (Syria, Iraq, Iran) and America's influence in it.

    It's worth noting that the current Republican party is almost unrecognizable from the one that invaded Iraq in 2003.
  • vffvff
    edited November 2016
    SDAddick said:

    vff said:

    The world is still living with the ramifications of the Bush Invasion of Iraq & post invasion dismantling of the Iraqi state. The disenfranchisement of the Sunni population sponsored by Rumfield & Cheney so that Haliburton could make some money created the preconditions for DAESH / ISIS.

    The consequent massive loss of life of Iraqi's and US soldiers were directly caused by mismanaged Republican foreign policy.

    The invented media Republican fury over Clinton's emails over an IT mistake is a massive disgrace and distortion.

    The world is in serious, serious trouble if that idiot capricious man child, Trump gets in.

    That kind of cause and effect mentality will get you nowhere. This is another in the long line of "you hate 'pay for play' when your team is losing." We have had almost no foreign policy discussion in this election, and what we've had has been about how Obama and Hillary were literally the founders of Isis which, as you so articulately point out, misses out massively on the dynamics of the region (Syria, Iraq, Iran) and America's influence in it.

    It's worth noting that the current Republican party is almost unrecognizable from the one that invaded Iraq in 2003.
    American foreign policy can be very single minded on what they want to get out of it and can be very unthinking about how things can look from the other side. The motivation for Rumsfield was for Haliburton to make money.

    The Debaathification process which disallowed any Sunni's from being in any official position of control, left a massive vacuum of power, and led to looting of hospitals and a break down of law and order. It was completely unnecessary and has led directly to the present day chaos.

    The present day Republicans are not any better at foreign policy though. Given that the campaign has been based on hatred, lies and negativity backed up by a compliant Republican media is not going to help that.

    With belligerent idiot Trump at the helm, it is going to conceivably get much, much worse and the situation could easily and quickly get out of hand in a very unstable world.

    It is hard to compare the current day American foreign policy with the memory that they helped tipped the balance against Fascism in the second world war. Not sure Trump would support any intervention in Europe if Russia rolled through the Baltic states and part way through Europe again.
  • As long as politicians can gain power for starting / perpetuating wars and wealth is seen as an indicator of superiority and capabilty we are consigned to a murderous Groundhog day.
  • Voted yesterday. Clinton is going strong in most of the polls and is currently leading in Florida. If she takes Florida, it will be a mountain to climb for Trump
  • Rossman92 said:

    Voted yesterday. Clinton is going strong in most of the polls and is currently leading in Florida. If she takes Florida, it will be a mountain to climb for Trump

    I so hope you are right.
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