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Will Trump become President?



  • edited November 2016
    SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    I avoid this thread like the plague, makes my blood pressure skyrocket, and I don't have as much time as some to compose lengthy responses to opinions I consider flawed. I took a chance and checked it out this time because of recent events that could well change the outcome of the election now that it's become so close. The choice between “The Crude” and “The Crook” is coming down to the wire, and it's a brave person who would bet the family allowance on the outcome.
    I stopped participating in the this thread because my view was that of the minority, and I found that a civilized discussion was impossible, posters were so invested in their points of view that rather than discuss an opposing point of view they would ridicule and be insulting. Fair enough, if the opinions of a former South-East Londoner, who has now lived in the U.S. For 44 years have no value to others of a similar background, I am happy to let things play out and keep my opinions to myself.

    What is not acceptable to me, and I would hope not acceptable to other posters on CL, is any post that singles out a group of people for insult, whether it be an ethnic group, a nationality or whatever else and calls them stupid. Aren't there always objections on the”Jokes” thread if there's a joke that singles out the “Irish” for instance? So having been here as long as I have, my family, my friends, and my work colleagues are all Americans. I will therefore press the abuse button any time I see a group of people insulted the way I did today, isn't that what the button is for?

    Yet presumably you find it acceptable, at least enough to vote for him, that Trump singles out Muslims and Mexicans as reasons for most of America's ills and also holds some pretty distasteful views about Women?
    You are putting words in my mouth, that's not acceptable either. I don't condone a lot of what Trump has said or done, but we can't survive another 4 years of Obama's policies which is what we would get with the corrupt Clinton. Obviously. if either party had nominated a more ordinary candidate the election would be settled by now. We have a 20 trillion dollar deficit, growing (I am told) by 1.4 billion dollars a day. More of the same won't fix that, Clinton will be more of the same. Washington needs a shake-up, that's why Trump was nominated and that's why people who don't particularly like him, or even dislike him, have and will vote for him. The voters see the graft and "pay for play" that goes on in Washington, I see it first hand as I live in the area. When I see Clinton on TV I want to throw a brick through it, she provokes that response in many, including Democrats. We will see how the latest investigation of her by the FBI plays out, it's not just a Republican tactic, and if the DOJ weren't corrupt she'd likely be in jail already. Trying times here.
    For what?

    For a start.
  • limeygent said:

    SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    limeygent said:

    I avoid this thread like the plague, makes my blood pressure skyrocket, and I don't have as much time as some to compose lengthy responses to opinions I consider flawed. I took a chance and checked it out this time because of recent events that could well change the outcome of the election now that it's become so close. The choice between “The Crude” and “The Crook” is coming down to the wire, and it's a brave person who would bet the family allowance on the outcome.
    I stopped participating in the this thread because my view was that of the minority, and I found that a civilized discussion was impossible, posters were so invested in their points of view that rather than discuss an opposing point of view they would ridicule and be insulting. Fair enough, if the opinions of a former South-East Londoner, who has now lived in the U.S. For 44 years have no value to others of a similar background, I am happy to let things play out and keep my opinions to myself.

    What is not acceptable to me, and I would hope not acceptable to other posters on CL, is any post that singles out a group of people for insult, whether it be an ethnic group, a nationality or whatever else and calls them stupid. Aren't there always objections on the”Jokes” thread if there's a joke that singles out the “Irish” for instance? So having been here as long as I have, my family, my friends, and my work colleagues are all Americans. I will therefore press the abuse button any time I see a group of people insulted the way I did today, isn't that what the button is for?

    Yet presumably you find it acceptable, at least enough to vote for him, that Trump singles out Muslims and Mexicans as reasons for most of America's ills and also holds some pretty distasteful views about Women?
    You are putting words in my mouth, that's not acceptable either. I don't condone a lot of what Trump has said or done, but we can't survive another 4 years of Obama's policies which is what we would get with the corrupt Clinton. Obviously. if either party had nominated a more ordinary candidate the election would be settled by now. We have a 20 trillion dollar deficit, growing (I am told) by 1.4 billion dollars a day. More of the same won't fix that, Clinton will be more of the same. Washington needs a shake-up, that's why Trump was nominated and that's why people who don't particularly like him, or even dislike him, have and will vote for him. The voters see the graft and "pay for play" that goes on in Washington, I see it first hand as I live in the area. When I see Clinton on TV I want to throw a brick through it, she provokes that response in many, including Democrats. We will see how the latest investigation of her by the FBI plays out, it's not just a Republican tactic, and if the DOJ weren't corrupt she'd likely be in jail already. Trying times here.
    For what?

    For a start.
    But that's the same old, lame old tripe that Clinton haters have been trying to pin on them for decades without any proof.

    Must do better.
  • The campaigns on either side are probably at the height of interest throughout American history. You can blame allegationsagai a and social media on that.

    The truth is, most people are simply not educated enough. I'm not excluding myself from that suggestion. I myself could do a lot more thorough research on political topics as a whole in general The reason why I don't or have not is because it's a subject that doesn't particularly rock my world, as an individual. I also have quite a fuzzy memory, so if something feels boring, it's not going to stick.
    I wish that was not the case for myself, as everyone needs a heads up on the people they choose to vote for, otherwise you don't know what your even ordering on the menu.

    Instead of

    "sirloin steak....£15.99" it just says

    "Eat this, believe me .....£15.99"

    conflicted with

    "No she's wrong she has terrible judgement eat this instead.....£15.98"

    Donald trump uses the "not so clued up audience" this to his advantage and this is why he has a large loyal following.

    He's telling people what is what. THEY may not have a f*cking clue to begin with.
    It's like a cult.

    I think Hilary and Trump are both as equally impressive, strange and horrible beings, that have made mistakes but have found a way to convince their way to the top.

    Trump has got people talking about him. He has said things that people can relate to - speaking on their level within live audiences. Whether or not what he actually says is correct or believable.
    He has engaged with his audience. A lot of people see through this of course.

    He seems very sure of himself. People love and want power, they want to be able to freely speak their mind. It's an opportunity to mirror a leader. Throwing your personal frustrations against something that may not even be that bad to begin with.
    17 trillion in debt, apparently.

    *I wrote a lot more on this post that would have made a lot more sense of the post as a whole. The draft of that didn't save and I can't remember exactly what I said*
    Bit annoying.

    Just to be clear. If I was American I would vote Clinton!

  • Dave2l said:

    Just to be clear. If I was American I would vote Clinton!

    If I was American, I'd emigrate.
  • Obama's bombing Michigan now, election must be getting close there.
  • Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?
  • JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    Yes, if I was an American I would vote for Trump.
  • Hate to get all Spanish Inquisition, but why?
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  • JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    Except for our very few American-based posters though, it really makes not the tiniest bit of difference what ANYONE thinks on here about either of them. Personally the real issue that worries me is that whilst on our side of the pond condemnation of Trump is practically universal (and totally correctly so as far as I'm concerned) there's something about the political situation in the US that means that not only has Trump just kept going and going and going, mistake after error after scandal after faux pas, all the despicable things he's done and said, he might still win.

    That's not saying all Trump supporters are idiots or wrong or anything of the sort, if for whatever reason they truly think Trump is the right choice it's their right to make that call. But no matter what the result is on the night, the situation will NOT be solved. The issues will not go away. Sooner or later the whole thing is going to blow up and when it does it is going to end badly for just about everyone.
  • It might not make much difference what people think, but I guess it's alarming to know that there are people over here who would vote for him given the opportunity.
  • If I had a gun put to my head and I absolutely had to vote, I would hold my nose and vote Trump. I think he's a total idiot,but Hillary is a crook.
  • JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    I'm not a political animal at mostly bores me intensely.......but given that millions of Americans are in support of him, why would you think that nobody on here would?

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  • limeygent said:

    Obama's bombing Michigan now, election must be getting close there.

    bit of an extreme tactic, couldn't he just campaign there instead?

  • edited November 2016

    JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    I'm not a political animal at mostly bores me intensely.......but given that millions of Americans are in support of him, why would you think that nobody on here would?

    Because there are vast differences between British people and American people. I'm not going to use any particular adjectives to describe those millions of Americans in support of Trump as I gather some people on this thread previously got upset about that, but they're different to us to say the least.
  • I heard the first sensible person talking about this election last night, it was a woman from Texas and she said "Vote? Why vote for the lesser of two evils?"

    Whoever wins I can see it going horribly wrong and their deputy having to take over so you may as well vote for the running mate not the candidate.
  • Croydon said:

    limeygent said:

    Obama's bombing Michigan now, election must be getting close there.

    bit of an extreme tactic, couldn't he just campaign there instead?

    Well, he is the founder of ISIS (according to some dickhead) so bombing is kind of his thing. Apparently...
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Are there people on this forum seriously in support of Trump?

    I'm not a political animal at mostly bores me intensely.......but given that millions of Americans are in support of him, why would you think that nobody on here would?

    Because there are vast differences between British people and American people. I'm not going to use any particular adjectives to describe those millions of Americans in support of Trump as I gather some people on this thread previously got upset about that, but they're different to us to say the least.
    A bit of a generalisation there eh?

    Not having a dig but I would have thought that there would still be plenty of British people supporting Trump over Clinton if (shiver...) we had to make the same decision.

  • Will the election result be legally binding if Trump wins

    That's the only situation in which Trump will accept the result. Which seems strange as he's constantly banging on about the election being rigged.

  • Will the election result be legally binding if Trump wins, or will there be a legal challenge because some people don't like the decision?

    Trump has already said he won't accept the decision if he loses.
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