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Will Trump become President?



  • Former Rep Senator Larry Pressler has some quite concerning views on just how far right the Republican party has gone. Seems quite sad, hearing the years he served (and was accepted) in the party, and how he is no longer welcome in many meetings as he's too moderate. Very regressive.
  • This isn't looking good. :anguished:
  • With 99% reporting in Florida, Clinton trails Trump by 135,296 votes. Gary Johnson + Jill Stein = 266,208

    Somehow the New York Times are putting it at a 80% likelihood of a Trump victory.
  • Not looking good for the democrats. I think Trump is going to do it.
  • I can't believe this is actually happening.
  • Why didn't Biden just run? He'd have won this election by a landslide.

    Everyone knew Clinton was an unfavourable candidate, especially after the Sanders battle.
  • I hate election nights. I hate politicians and don't believe in reality it really makes any difference who's voted for. But I can never switch off and go to sleep.
  • I think this is really showing that a lot of America just do not like Hillary Clinton. Her numbers are so much down from Obama's numbers in 2012, even from States that she is winning.
  • DRAddick said:

    I hate election nights. I hate politicians and don't believe in reality it really makes any difference who's voted for. But I can never switch off and go to sleep.

    Ditto the not being able to switch off. Currently laying on the sofa sipping a Gin and Tonic, whilst thinking "I'd rather be asleep now.".. A bit weird really, as all I'm doing is listen to people talk with the occasional number change. It will be exactly the same tomorrow, regardless of whether I sleep.
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  • Interesting apparent American financial fact.......Historically after every Republican election victory the Dow Jones drops, after every Democrat victory it goes up. Financial markets are just reactionary idiots.

  • Just got up. I'm genuinely in disbelief. What on earth is happening here.
  • Everyone is occifer dibble
  • Blue collar America is winning.
  • LuckyReds said:

    With 99% reporting in Florida, Clinton trails Trump by 135,296 votes. Gary Johnson + Jill Stein = 266,208

    Somehow the New York Times are putting it at a 80% likelihood of a Trump victory.
    Ignore that silly graph it's not accurate. 538 has this 60/40 Trump. But yeah, I think Trump is going to carry at least one of Michigan or Wisconsin and be President.
  • edited November 2016
    According to Some CNN pundits their Democrat contacts are telling them there are still a lot dem votes to come in Michigan and Wisconsin.
  • Gut feeling : Clinton scrapes home by a whisper.
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  • edited November 2016
    SDAddick said:

    LuckyReds said:

    With 99% reporting in Florida, Clinton trails Trump by 135,296 votes. Gary Johnson + Jill Stein = 266,208

    Somehow the New York Times are putting it at a 80% likelihood of a Trump victory.
    Ignore that silly graph it's not accurate. 538 has this 60/40 Trump. But yeah, I think Trump is going to carry at least one of Michigan or Wisconsin and be President.
    Cheers for that! I was confused how the likelihood could've been so high, but was pretty much regurgitating Sky when they said "NYT claims that...".

    Just come back from washing up, brushing my teeth and getting ready to attempt some kip on the sofa (0430, maybe not.) but it's looking healthier for Hillary now 209/194... although I haven't seen which states have declared/been called. Just seen which states, and Sky are calling Florida now too.
  • I think I'll go back to sleep, this waking nightmare is worse than anything I've ever conjured up in my sleep.

    I can't begin to imagine the sort of America a Trump presidency and Republican Congress would create.
  • According to Some CNN pundits their Democrat contacts are telling them they are still a lot dem votes to come in Michigan and Wisconsin.

    James Carville of the scary bald head and longtime pollster/campaign head for Bill Clinton has said that about Michigan in the Detroit and Flint areas, but it's Wisconsin that's the really scary one. Ron Johnson's Senate race was called really quickly, and he was running against a solid Democrat. I think he takes Wisconsin and unless something really strange happens in Arizona (and I think we'd have heard something about it by now) he is the next president.
  • It's not over yet!
  • Florida called Trump.
  • Huskaris said:

    limeygent said:

    I avoid this thread like the plague, makes my blood pressure skyrocket, and I don't have as much time as some to compose lengthy responses to opinions I consider flawed. I took a chance and checked it out this time because of recent events that could well change the outcome of the election now that it's become so close. The choice between “The Crude” and “The Crook” is coming down to the wire, and it's a brave person who would bet the family allowance on the outcome.
    I stopped participating in the this thread because my view was that of the minority, and I found that a civilized discussion was impossible, posters were so invested in their points of view that rather than discuss an opposing point of view they would ridicule and be insulting. Fair enough, if the opinions of a former South-East Londoner, who has now lived in the U.S. For 44 years have no value to others of a similar background, I am happy to let things play out and keep my opinions to myself.

    What is not acceptable to me, and I would hope not acceptable to other posters on CL, is any post that singles out a group of people for insult, whether it be an ethnic group, a nationality or whatever else and calls them stupid. Aren't there always objections on the”Jokes” thread if there's a joke that singles out the “Irish” for instance? So having been here as long as I have, my family, my friends, and my work colleagues are all Americans. I will therefore press the abuse button any time I see a group of people insulted the way I did today, isn't that what the button is for?

    Thats sad. But you are 100% correct.

    The problem with a lot of the political discussions on here, is that those that are putting forward the merits of a non left wing scenario (even from a balanced neutral standpoint sometimes) will get mobbed by people on here who *know* they are right. It's like trying to convince Ned Flanders that god is a bit shit, but that person isn't necessarily as nice as good old Neddy :-(

    A couple of the posters on here when a viewpoint they don't agree with comes up turn into complete arseholes, effectively belittling people for believing the *wrong* thing rather than discussing it. Oh, and refusing to accept any of your points, at all.

    For me, it's the "I know better than you" attitude that had a lot to do with Brexit being successful, and if trump wins, that will have a lot to do with it too, there's probably more people that dislike being told they are wrong constantly and made to feel like idiots because of it, than there are racists and xenophobes.

    It makes people a) less likely to admit who they will vote for when polled and b) more determined to go and vote on the day. Both increase turnout for the party portrayed as "the lessers" which for me sums Brexit up and *might* affect the USA (I'm no expert on American politics, unlike some of the people here who might have read a Guardian article or two, and can then tell you about how all your experiences of living there are completely wrong)

    Then when the cause is lost, it's because of brainwashing and racism. Anything to avoid the horrors of democracy, but then some of them probably haven't ever won an argument other than in front of a computer screen, flanked on each side by a few others.

    Don't let it get you down, I often have to talk to people outside of here to remind me I'm sane.
    I don't really know what to say other than that.
  • Michigan and Wisconsin are crucial.
  • Apparently screaming the election is rigged for a week before the vote is the new tactic. He's copied Brexit's success.
  • Why can't I get Omen III out of my head ?
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