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Will Trump become President?



  • Trudeau is pushing through legislation to make it easier to emigrate there.
  • Bet a lot of serious money men will make a whole load of money on currency exchanges in the next 24 hours. Wish I knew what I was doing on that front.
  • Trump the first Republican to win Pennsylvania since 1988
  • People using the #prayfortheusa find that quite bad taste as its usually used in terms of death and world disaster

  • I wanted Clinton as think this was a vanity project for Trump that has surprised even him, but the hand wringing and bet wetting on here is making me laugh.

    How we can judge another countries political choices when Corbyn has been elected leader of the opposition (twice) is astounding to me.
  • One thing i've deduced from this election is that not many Trump supporters use twitter. If the comments posted on there were representative of the vote then Hilary would've won with about 85%
  • People using the #prayfortheusa find that quite bad taste as its usually used in terms of death and world disaster

    What a sensitive soul you are. A great day for the world - can't wait for Trump to make America great again.
    What could possibly go wrong with this intellectual giant in charge and his fantastic policies.
    Build a wall, lock her up, deport 11m etc.
  • MrOneLung said:

    I wanted Clinton as think this was a vanity project for Trump that has surprised even him, but the hand wringing and bet wetting on here is making me laugh.

    How we can judge another countries political choices when Corbyn has been elected leader of the opposition (twice) is astounding to me.

    Brexit, Trump, Corbyn could be the next PM at this rate
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  • clb74 said:

    Said to the wife last night
    Will be like brexit a lot of people who are going to vote trump won't be telling anyone

    Silent majority.
  • One thing i've deduced from this election is that not many Trump supporters use twitter. If the comments posted on there were representative of the vote then Hilary would've won with about 85%

    Surprised a few of them can use a crayon.
  • Bet a colleague lunch for the rest of the week that Clinton wins. What could possibly go wrong...

    Say no more....
  • @TelMc32 no bother about the grammar it's early and no coffee yet, no issue with people having an opinion but why are they labelled idiots the same as brexit voters.

    Because the left are shitting themselves the realisation that us regular hard working, working class folk want and will get change is frightening to them and what do they do when they shit themselves and don't know what to say? They call names
    The Labour movement that gave a meaningful voice to left wing politics was all about working class folk fighting for change in their favour. Why would I, as a person whose political stance is generally left of centre, be scared of working class folk? I am one myself, as is my wife and all our family.

    What I'm scared of is a world where people think that foreigners and ethnic minorities are all to blame for their problems and then vote for millionaires who've never done a hard days work in their life because they've swallowed the hate filled lies, and over simplistic solutions that have been spat at them with barely disguised disdain by yet another bunch of self serving politicians who are using the people to get what serves them best, not what serves the people best.
    This is just it though, labour is not for the working class. Not even close. They scream racist every time you bring up a genuine immigration related concern. I'm not silly enough to think that immigration is the cause of all problems, but it is a problem, I see it first hand quite often people being undercut for ridiculous prices from cheap Romanian work forces etc. Doesn't mean I want them sent home, just want things tightened up.

    The left claim to be for the little people but when we've stood up to be counted and voted for change (brexit) labour cronies and other leftie, are trying to block it.

    On my site, I don't know a single person whose voted for Labour, all ukip or Tory. Labour and the left don't represent the working class people one bit as far as i see it.
  • clb74 said:

    Said to the wife last night
    Will be like brexit a lot of people who are going to vote trump won't be telling anyone

    Silent majority.
    Silent Tory theory in action again.
  • The Mexican Wall might or might not actually happen but, whatever, it stands as a metaphor for all that Trump represents.

    One can only hope that the businessman in him takes over and that he does see the need for compromise.

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  • Le pen to win French elections next year
  • The Mexican Wall might or might not actually happen but, whatever, it stands as a metaphor for all that Trump represents.

    One can only hope that the businessman in him takes over and that he does see the need for compromise.

    Trump is a failed businessman given all his bankruptcies - he is a terrifying character.
  • There are, and will continue to be I'm sure, a lot of comparisons to Brexit. I think they are valid up to a point--a desire for change--but I also suspect that when we look at the numbers tomorrow what we'll find is that Trump won roughly the equivalent of Republicans and Independents.
  • One thing i've deduced from this election is that not many Trump supporters use twitter. If the comments posted on there were representative of the vote then Hilary would've won with about 85%

    One thing i've deduced from this election is that not many Trump supporters use twitter. If the comments posted on there were representative of the vote then Hilary would've won with about 85%

    Just like Brexit. The left get their knickers in a twist much quicker and easier and have to bleat to the world and scream and shout. The other side just go out and vote!!
  • Perhaps people will realise its not just the uneducated whites that vote for trump! I think below explains it so much better

    Barbara Garcia, 37, who owns property and mortgage brokers, says her main reason for supporting Mr Trump is that he understands business. "What Obama did to us in terms of healthcare and the minimum wage was ridiculous," she said. "He forced us to get rid of employees. "You can't order me to pay for my workers' healthcare without knowing how much I make. I agree with everyone having healthcare - but just not penalizing those who employ them." Her parents came to the US from Cuba, and this also influenced her vote, she said. "My parents came here for freedom. And that's what is most important to me. "People say I should support a woman for president - well, sure, but just not that woman. "And I know Trump has said some bad things - at times, I was like: 'Put a sock in it.' But I can deal with that. As long as he fixes this country."
  • MrOneLung said:

    How we can judge another countries political choices when Corbyn has been elected leader of the opposition (twice) is astounding to me.

    Because a) Corbyn has not been elected the leader of the whole country and b) he hasn't tried to justify sexual assault, or called an entire nationality rapists, or threatened to ban an entire religious group from the country.

    I don't care that America has elected a right wing president, the swing from left to right is cycle in most countries anyway. I do care that he's been allowed to win the election despite presenting himself as a racist misogynist and even making thinly veiled calls for his opponent to be assinated. Maybe I'm just out of touch with society in 2016, but his behaviour during the campaign has been disgusting. He's not fit for office and I'm appalled so many people have seen fit to hold their nose and vote for someone so utterly inappropriate for such a significant post out of some pointless protest that will make nothing better for them. The shit he's come out with was barely ok 50 years ago, its flat out not acceptable now.

    I'm not judging anyone's political choice, I'm questioning the social values of any who voted for him.
    Agreed - he is a disgusting man. What will his support do when he doesn't deliver?
  • MrOneLung said:

    How we can judge another countries political choices when Corbyn has been elected leader of the opposition (twice) is astounding to me.

    Because a) Corbyn has not been elected the leader of the whole country and b) he hasn't tried to justify sexual assault, or called an entire nationality rapists, or threatened to ban an entire religious group from the country.

    I don't care that America has elected a right wing president, the swing from left to right is cycle in most countries anyway. I do care that he's been allowed to win the election despite presenting himself as a racist misogynist and even making thinly veiled calls for his opponent to be assinated. Maybe I'm just out of touch with society in 2016, but his behaviour during the campaign has been disgusting. He's not fit for office and I'm appalled so many people have seen fit to hold their nose and vote for someone so utterly inappropriate for such a significant post out of some pointless protest that will make nothing better for them. The shit he's come out with was barely ok 50 years ago, its flat out not acceptable now.

    I'm not judging anyone's political choice, I'm questioning the social values of any who voted for him.
    This 100%
  • edited November 2016
    Looks like Hilary not accepting the results. She's sent her supporters home till tomorrow.
    Campaign Manager reckons they'll bring it home tomorrow
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