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Will Trump become President?



  • colthe3rd said:

    Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    You work in an industry that's booming, you've never been richer. Yet you want revolution. Makes sense.
    So (in effect) it's not all about money & economics for him, maybe? A perfectly coherent view, and though much was made of the economic struggles of the rust belt, there were plenty of other issues which drive the outcome: security/crime/terrorism, fundemental social issues (= who controls the Supreme Court), immigration...
  • colthe3rd said:

    Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    You work in an industry that's booming, you've never been richer. Yet you want revolution. Makes sense.
    So (in effect) it's not all about money & economics for him, maybe? A perfectly coherent view, and though much was made of the economic struggles of the rust belt, there were plenty of other issues which drive the outcome: security/crime/terrorism, fundemental social issues (= who controls the Supreme Court), immigration...
    Ok so if it isn't to do with economics and how they affect you personally. I wonder what do the Tories/UKIP, Trump and Le Pen all have in common? Tough one that.
  • Amazing for a racist, women hater that many on here claim , Trump increased the Latino, African American and get the roughly the same women's vote. They obviously hate their own demographic. Perhaps it's more his message resonated about making America great again mattered more.
  • Amazing for a racist, women hater that many on here claim , Trump increased the Latino, African American and get the roughly the same women's vote. They obviously hate their own demographic. Perhaps it's more his message resonated about making America great again mattered more.

    I've read that but it's not that surprising either. The African American vote could not have been much lower for the Republicans from the last two elections and those of Mexican descent are notoriously Republican in their views. It's still interesting but I don't think that surprising once you've dug a little deeper.
  • Still hasn't been clarified which issues the revolution is concerned with. Do go on, right-leaning vanguard.
  • Let's all point and laugh at America!

    While standing here wearing nothing but clown shoes, a purple spotted kipper tie and a green lamé mankini...
    Is that Portuguese national dress that you have taken to wearing?
    No, it was a satirical comment on the... ah fuck it I give up. Lets Nuke Canada! Yeahhhh...
    So was mine☺
  • I fear that the liberal Jewish lizards in control of all discourse ever have made it so that honest hardworking right-wing folk can't detail their policy dreams on a football forum for fear of being LOL'd or even flagged.
  • Leuth said:

    I fear that the liberal Jewish lizards in control of all discourse ever have made it so that honest hardworking right-wing folk can't detail their policy dreams on a football forum for fear of being LOL'd or even flagged.

    Mate keep it down, they don't call us the "covert Government" for nothing.
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  • I also share his sexual ethics
  • Again Trump is against illegal immigrants not legal migration. He wants to make America safe - That resonates with people especially after 9/11. He wants to create jobs - funny I don't ever remember Clinton saying anything about that in all the press.

    I am not his biggest fan but the out pouring against him is quite laughable really.
  • But yeah. You can't say anything any more! Until now. You can say anything. Honest. When Trump, Le Pen and idk Dominic Raab are leaders of the free world, what policies will be implemented to improve your lives? If you say nothing, I'm going to assume Muslim death camps
  • Again Trump is against illegal immigrants not legal migration. He wants to make America safe - That resonates with people especially after 9/11. He wants to create jobs - funny I don't ever remember Clinton saying anything about that in all the press.

    I am not his biggest fan but the out pouring against him is quite laughable really.

    No he's against both types of immigration. He has talked about banning all Muslims from entering the country, which is unconstitutional as many enter for legal reasons (and many of those reasons not immigration).
  • Clinton won the popular vote by the way.

    He snuck in thanks to the electoral college system, not more votes.
  • Leuth said:

    I also share his sexual ethics

    What, with him?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Clinton won the popular vote by the way.

    He snuck in thanks to the electoral college system, not more votes.

    No, they are still counting some votes, and CNN at least thinks Trump will win (narrowly) on popular vote - I guess because it's mainly rural counties still to declare.
  • This thread has been hijacked by the upset leftists who quite simply want to vent thier spleen.
    Now why does that sound so familiar?
  • He then said it would be any country compromised by Terrorism, so his policy was no longer a blanket ban
  • Just thought.... It's 09/11 to people who say the date the right way round.

    Just an observation

    Carry on
  • Leuth said:

    But yeah. You can't say anything any more! Until now. You can say anything. Honest. When Trump, Le Pen and idk Dominic Raab are leaders of the free world, what policies will be implemented to improve your lives? If you say nothing, I'm going to assume Muslim death camps


    Speaking as a committed leftie socialist type - shut up chum, you're making us look bad
    I'm simply trying to find out what sort of world Trump's fans are angling for. Perhaps my rhetoric is leading, but would you really let GJ off the hook with 'issues important to the working-class right' without having to spell it out? Don't you want it spelt out?
  • Clinton won the popular vote by the way.

    He snuck in thanks to the electoral college system, not more votes.

    No, they are still counting some votes, and CNN at least thinks Trump will win (narrowly) on popular vote - I guess because it's mainly rural counties still to declare.
    If the system was different, then people may have voted differently anyway, or more people may have voted

    For example, if your state is 75% one party, it's fairly pointless voting for someone else, as your vote will make no difference
  • Curb_It said:

    I just see him as a dirty, gropy old rich wanker who's so out of touch with the real world that I cant be anything but disappointed. I wouldn't want him running the country I live in. Thank God he isn't.

    He shouldn't be in the White House, he should be sharing a cell with Rolf Harris.
  • I'm left leaning.

    On one hand, I'm happy with the anti-establishment result. On the other hand, I'm fearful that life is most likely only going to get worse for the majority.

    It should've been Bernie.

    Then you can blame the Democratic Party for actively working against him.
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