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Will Trump become President?



  • This thread has turned nasty, no surprises there.
  • But similar to our elections? I.e. UKIP got circa 4m votes from memory, but only 1 seat!?!

    Completely fair point.

    Didn't we vote on that side of the things back in 2011? People chose to keep it as it is?

    Probably another debate there!
  • But similar to our elections? I.e. UKIP got circa 4m votes from memory, but only 1 seat!?!

    And Jimmy kranky from Scotland got hardly any votes and got dozens of mp's.
    Democracy ha
  • Chizz said:

    Events of the past 5 months have confirmed what I have long thought, and that is that many people in Politics and the Media, and almost every person with left wing sympathies are totally out of touch with with the feelings of the common working class person.

    America just like Britain have voted with their heart. Clearly the policies of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump appealed to an awful lot of working class people who all feel badly let down by the mainstream politicians.

    Charlton Life is dominated by these same people that think they know best and dismiss anyone who dares to question their opinions.
    I predicted before Brexit that Essex man would vote on mass to Leave and was proved right. I also said on this site last week that if I was American I would have voted Trump.

    For both comments and I was ridiculed by some of left wing "luvvies" on this site who once again have been proved wrong.

    I will make a third prediction and that is that over the next couple of years the working class people of Germany, France, Holland will all want to follow Britain and get out of the EU.

    This is just the start!

    2016 Presidential vote split
    Income under $30,000 Clinton 53%, Trump 41%
    Income $30,000 - $49,999 Clinton 51%, Trump 42%

    Income $250,000 or more Clinton 46%, Trump 48%

    Please tell us all again how Trump's victory was all about the "feelings of the common working class person".
    Don't let facts get in the way of a good bit of positive reinforcement!
  • I'll be heading for "The Swamp" today. There'll be some long faces down there, especially in the BMW and Mercedes dealerships.
  • edited November 2016

    But similar to our elections? I.e. UKIP got circa 4m votes from memory, but only 1 seat!?!

    And Jimmy kranky from Scotland got hardly any votes and got dozens of mp's.
    Democracy ha
    In her defence, I am unaware of the SNP having fielded candidates across the country as did UKIP; you can hardly blame them for winning seats in constituencies where they stood a chance.

    I'd hazard a guess that UKIP would themselves admit that they made a tactical mistake, in that they did not channel all their resources into targeted constituencies - mostly in Labour heartlands (sadly, for me, a liberal lefty).

    I'm very disappointed with the US Presidential result and would just caution that, just because someone is democratically elected does not mean that he/she is a democrat (I could mention a certain Austrian, but might, just to be contemporary, refer instead to Erdogan, Putin and Duterte).

    If Trump can be as the President what he was not as the candidate, I will be very surprised and impressed. My concern is that there are far too many of his policy positions which would cause me to shudder. If he spoke the truth as a candidate, NATO's days will be numbered, women's and minority rights will be under threat, and the Statue of Liberty will become one of the most ironic iconic sites in the world....
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  • I would suggest that Trump will have to be a lot more moderate than he would like. He will struggle to get his crazy ideas through congress because he is disliked by both Democrats and people in his own Republican party.
  • Let's all point and laugh at America!

    While standing here wearing nothing but clown shoes, a purple spotted kipper tie and a green lamé mankini...
    Is that Portuguese national dress that you have taken to wearing?
  • It wasn't just the old voting for Trump. A lot of young people did too, because the internet acted as a mobilising post for a lot of alienated, cultureless, profoundly bored alt-right types
  • But similar to our elections? I.e. UKIP got circa 4m votes from memory, but only 1 seat!?!

    I think the overall point is that there are actually different kinds of democracy. The EU is a different kind of democracy to the UK parliament, which is different to the EU referendum which is different to the US presidential election. It seems to depend on whether you are happy with the result as to which type of "democracy" you prefer, all the stuff about a minority voting for the winning candidate, the majority voting against winning candidate or even the PM being "unelected" is the same stuff trotted out by right wingers when they are on the losing side...

    As WSS said, there was a referendum in 2011 to re-examine the voting system, only 42% even bothered to express an opinion. It was as badly fought as this years referendum.

    In my opinion, only proportional representation (not an option in 2011), would give us true democracy, it is the only way I can think of where every vote counts? It would also give us coalition governments all the time, on the (possible) downside.
  • He is only one man the republican party is huge he will be kept on a short leash i am sure
  • Let's all point and laugh at America!

    While standing here wearing nothing but clown shoes, a purple spotted kipper tie and a green lamé mankini...
    Is that Portuguese national dress that you have taken to wearing?
    No, it was a satirical comment on the... ah fuck it I give up. Lets Nuke Canada! Yeahhhh...
  • Chizz said:

    Events of the past 5 months have confirmed what I have long thought, and that is that many people in Politics and the Media, and almost every person with left wing sympathies are totally out of touch with with the feelings of the common working class person.

    America just like Britain have voted with their heart. Clearly the policies of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump appealed to an awful lot of working class people who all feel badly let down by the mainstream politicians.

    Charlton Life is dominated by these same people that think they know best and dismiss anyone who dares to question their opinions.
    I predicted before Brexit that Essex man would vote on mass to Leave and was proved right. I also said on this site last week that if I was American I would have voted Trump.

    For both comments and I was ridiculed by some of left wing "luvvies" on this site who once again have been proved wrong.

    I will make a third prediction and that is that over the next couple of years the working class people of Germany, France, Holland will all want to follow Britain and get out of the EU.

    This is just the start!

    2016 Presidential vote split
    Income under $30,000 Clinton 53%, Trump 41%
    Income $30,000 - $49,999 Clinton 51%, Trump 42%

    Income $250,000 or more Clinton 46%, Trump 48%

    Please tell us all again how Trump's victory was all about the "feelings of the common working class person".
    I bet that split is different from previous electoral splits though. I'd be surprised if the Republicans in 2012 got near 41% of the under $30k vote.
  • edited November 2016
    Chizz said:

    Events of the past 5 months have confirmed what I have long thought, and that is that many people in Politics and the Media, and almost every person with left wing sympathies are totally out of touch with with the feelings of the common working class person.

    America just like Britain have voted with their heart. Clearly the policies of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump appealed to an awful lot of working class people who all feel badly let down by the mainstream politicians.

    Charlton Life is dominated by these same people that think they know best and dismiss anyone who dares to question their opinions.
    I predicted before Brexit that Essex man would vote on mass to Leave and was proved right. I also said on this site last week that if I was American I would have voted Trump.

    For both comments and I was ridiculed by some of left wing "luvvies" on this site who once again have been proved wrong.

    I will make a third prediction and that is that over the next couple of years the working class people of Germany, France, Holland will all want to follow Britain and get out of the EU.

    This is just the start!

    2016 Presidential vote split
    Income under $30,000 Clinton 53%, Trump 41%
    Income $30,000 - $49,999 Clinton 51%, Trump 42%

    Income $250,000 or more Clinton 46%, Trump 48%

    Please tell us all again how Trump's victory was all about the "feelings of the common white working class person".
    There you go.
  • I would suggest that Trump will have to be a lot more moderate than he would like. He will struggle to get his crazy ideas through congress because he is disliked by both Democrats and people in his own Republican party.

    Can't presidents use executive orders to push through legislation if it's blocked in congress ?
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  • edited November 2016
    the voting system they use has the same flaws as ours
  • I would suggest that Trump will have to be a lot more moderate than he would like. He will struggle to get his crazy ideas through congress because he is disliked by both Democrats and people in his own Republican party.

    I'm sure he will be. I think he said a lot of what he said in the campaign simply to win and get elected, i'm sure he'll be a lot calmer once he's in office. He'll have to be. And no way will that wall even have 1 brick laid.
  • the voting system they use has the same flaws as ours

    Difference is we elect MPs who then decide who the PM is. As they are electing a President, I'm not sure why it isn't just a straight count?
  • the voting system they use has the same flaws as ours

    Difference is we elect MPs who then decide who the PM is. As they are electing a President, I'm not sure why it isn't just a straight count?
    I suppose if you equate each state to a constituency, which then puts its votes forward it makes a bit more sense.

    Looking at the absolute numbers, 6m people voted for neither of the candidates which is a massive number
  • edited November 2016

    the voting system they use has the same flaws as ours

    with our voting system some one like trump would get nowhere near the office of prime minister. This and brexit has actually made me thankful we dont have a proportional system.

  • 2016 Presidential vote split
    Income under $30,000 Clinton 53%, Trump 41%
    Income $30,000 - $49,999 Clinton 51%, Trump 42%

    Income $250,000 or more Clinton 46%, Trump 48%

    Please tell us all again how Trump's victory was all about the "feelings of the common working class person".

    The data here is from Edison Research for the 'national election pool', whose sample size is just over 24.5k voters, just under 5k are from early and absentee voters. This pool contains the big 6 media outlets in the US. It's a drop in the ocean and largely irrelevant if you try to consider all the demographics.

    This is why polling is dead, as we have seen in the UK election, the referendum and the US election.
  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
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