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Will Trump become President?



  • JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
    Still Americans. I underestimated the stupidity of a nation, as did many.
  • USA v Mexico on Friday, will be in interesting, what will happen if the yanks get a free kick just outside the penalty box?

    just look for chinks (no racial slur intended) in the Mexican wall ((:>) .. the USA wall will be 'beautiful'
  • Leuth said:

    I'm quite certain it's the views of people like Leuth, as opposed to say SDAddick, that swung the results in favour of Brexit and Donald Trump.

    I was 50/50 ish on Brexit, but it was definitely Leuth type comments that swung it for me. (I was against Trump).

    We had 13 years (1997-2010) of being unable to voice legitimate concerns over LEVELS of immigration, without being shouted down and labelled as racist or bigots, that's a very long time. It wasn't just immigration, it was other matters like people on benefits living in 5 or more bedroom houses, whilst some working first time buyers, couldn't even afford a one bed flat. Labour disregarded their core voters and UKIP rose from nothing.

    The tactic of allowing unfair policies and not being allowed to have an opinion has spectacularly backfired.

    10 years ago this post would have been labelled racist, even 5 years ago.

    Today many people now appreciate that it's better to talk, but not everyone.

    It certainly is better to talk, yes, especially if one is confronted with poisonous bulls**t masquerading as a working person's revolution that only serves to further entrench the power of the demagogues. It's extremely important to call this s**t out before it becomes accepted as common wisdom, which sadly seems to have happened here. Now, of course you're allowed your opinions about how the Marxists of Blair's regime handed the keys to the country to the greedy rapacious Slavs who came here to make YOU unemployable and the fat 9-kid slobs watching Corrie in their country estates. I'm just allowed a right of reply, which I'm exercising. And if you think I should be more reasonable - well, who's censoring now?
    You genuinely can't help it can you?
  • Address my points, not my rhetorical window-dressing
  • There are plenty of polemicists on the other side of the debate. I'd try a softly-softly approach but I fear it'd be swallowed by all the MIGRANT CHAOS headlines. (Oh yes, I'm sorry your taxi fares are down. Have you considered working for another firm, or reporting yours to a union? I think you should reconsider your stupid racist bile, if that's OK!) This is no longer the time to debate quietly. I'm still debating, you see, but with considerably more force. It tends to get attention, negative or otherwise.
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  • And if you think Trump was brought about by the debating style of the left...pffft.
  • @Leuth I love you, and I agree with you on a lot of things, but just walk away for a while. You'll be happier I promise.
  • I'm done for now. Ball's in the other court. Still haven't heard exactly what's wanted from our brave new right-wing society. Rather than suppressing opinion, I want to hear it, all of it, unedited. That's all.
  • Isn't it funny how the Tories/UKIP and the Republicans now represent the working class whereas Labour and the Democrats represent the wealthy middle classes?

    very perceptive ((:>)
  • Isn't it funny how the Tories/UKIP and the Republicans now represent the working class whereas Labour and the Democrats represent the wealthy middle classes?

    very perceptive ((:>)
    I know, you can tell I have a Masters can't you.
  • Isn't it funny how the Tories/UKIP and the Republicans now represent the working class whereas Labour and the Democrats represent the wealthy middle classes?

    Wouldn't personally say the 'Republicans' represented the working class, as the party itself was the most opposed to Trump.

    The party got hijacked by an alt-right movement a bit like the Labour party with its momentum wing of the party.
  • Leuth said:

    And if you think Trump was brought about by the debating style of the left...pffft.

    Admit it Leuth, you love Owen Jones, don't you?
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  • Le pens odds for French elections from 5/1 this morning to 11/4 and 2/1 in places
  • edited November 2016

    Isn't it funny how the Tories/UKIP and the Republicans now represent the working class whereas Labour and the Democrats represent the wealthy middle classes?

    very perceptive ((:>)
    I know, you can tell I have a Masters can't you.
    Just one???

    Pah, amateurs!!!!!
  • hahahahahahahahahaahaha .. f f s
  • Leuth said:

    And if you think Trump was brought about by the debating style of the left...pffft.

    did you just trump?
  • What the hell did I just watch?
  • Leuth said:

    And if you think Trump was brought about by the debating style of the left...pffft.

    Admit it Leuth, you love Owen Jones, don't you?
    I have read a couple of his interesting books .. many of his ideas and conclusions (to my way of thinking) are as much Ukip as they are extreme or even moderate labour .. he writes eloquently and compassionately about the 'working and so called under classes' ... now compare and contrast with Emily Thornbury, Jeremy's latest squeeze
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