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Will Trump become President?



  • Many people like Leuth can't see the grey between mass immigration 300k+ and no immigration whatsoever.

    Anyway Brexit and Trump's election are quite materially different so the comparison between them is tangible at best - Our removal from the EU is a good thing and Trump's election is...well not so clear.
  • image

    A quick google shows the chap deleted that tweet earlier on today...
  • Leuth said:

    I'm quite certain it's the views of people like Leuth, as opposed to say SDAddick, that swung the results in favour of Brexit and Donald Trump.

    I was 50/50 ish on Brexit, but it was definitely Leuth type comments that swung it for me. (I was against Trump).

    We had 13 years (1997-2010) of being unable to voice legitimate concerns over LEVELS of immigration, without being shouted down and labelled as racist or bigots, that's a very long time. It wasn't just immigration, it was other matters like people on benefits living in 5 or more bedroom houses, whilst some working first time buyers, couldn't even afford a one bed flat. Labour disregarded their core voters and UKIP rose from nothing.

    The tactic of allowing unfair policies and not being allowed to have an opinion has spectacularly backfired.

    10 years ago this post would have been labelled racist, even 5 years ago.

    Today many people now appreciate that it's better to talk, but not everyone.

    F**k your legitimate concerns. How's that for having an opinion? Note that I'm not shutting down your opinion, nor am I prohibiting you from having an opinion, but I am telling you that your opinion is in my own opinion a load of s**t. You are free to reciprocate, and I'm sure you will. The current of the time is with you, and if I seem a little profane it's because I'm having to fight against it.

    Immigration is constantly shown to be a benefit to the economy and to society. If immigrant labour ever undercuts 'native' labour it's due to unscrupulous employment practices. Ever noticed that populist anti-immigrant politicians tend to also be business owners? They are deflecting the blame from their own exploitation. The right-wing media depends on a culture of fear to retain its sales figures, and is complicit in this lie. I don't care how many Slavic accents you've heard at your workplace - they're there because there's a demand for them. And really, who are we to claim our rights are more important because we were born here? Our nation is built upon the acceptance of immigration. Many of us have ancestors who settled here or are immigrants ourselves. What's changed? Country's full? No. That is a lie spread to keep people from questioning where industry and social integrity has gone. A sickening lie. I challenge you to find hard, non-anecdotal evidence that immigration is ruining British workers' chances. Daily Express editorials don't count.

    Note that I'm not calling you a bigot or a racist; nor am I shouting you down. This is an open forum where views can be freely exchanged. I am merely pointing out the terrible flaws in your position - flaws which dominate the current discourse in Britain and America.

    Your other example of a social ill that demonstrated Labour's contempt for the working person is that hackneyed strawman (usually strawwoman) of the Scouse sponger in Benefits Mansion. Once more, besides much-ballyhooed and almost certainly distorted tabloid anecdotes, this just isn't the reality for the vast majority of people on benefits, who are by and large desperate and starved of opportunity. Raising a family on handouts is not a life many would willingly choose, and yet these people are demonised as having it cushy by those same business owners and media c**ts who hate being taxed and HATE the idea that their taxes are being spent on the needy.

    It certainly is better to talk, yes, especially if one is confronted with poisonous bulls**t masquerading as a working person's revolution that only serves to further entrench the power of the demagogues. It's extremely important to call this s**t out before it becomes accepted as common wisdom, which sadly seems to have happened here. Now, of course you're allowed your opinions about how the Marxists of Blair's regime handed the keys to the country to the greedy rapacious Slavs who came here to make YOU unemployable and the fat 9-kid slobs watching Corrie in their country estates. I'm just allowed a right of reply, which I'm exercising. And if you think I should be more reasonable - well, who's censoring now?

    If my comments swayed you towards Brexit then it's a shame one internet nerd could have driven you to constitutional upheaval, but I refuse to capitulate to the idea I should just put up with what I regard as a far deeper, nationwide sickness.
    Maybe reply like that a bit often, rather than short, sharpe ( I know more and better than you) put downs.
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
    Still Americans. I underestimated the stupidity of a nation, as did many.
    See the difference between what Leuth has written (this time), compared with this. It's these reactions that boil people's blood.
  • Isn't it funny how the Tories/UKIP and the Republicans now represent the working class whereas Labour and the Democrats represent the wealthy middle classes?

    it's been that way for a long, long time now, at least over here re the tories.
  • Oh and Leuth pour yourself a large one and go to bed ,the world will still be here tomorrow
  • edited November 2016
    not all bad news though....

    Voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada have voted to legalise the growth and use of marijuana for anyone over the age of 21.

    and in other news...

    A lot of US porn is filmed in California's San Fernando valley.
    But voters rejected a proposal, called Proposition 60, which would have forced all actors to wear condoms in films.
    There are already rules in place which require this to happen but it doesn't always happen.
    Critics of the proposition were worried that if the measure was approved, the porn industry would move production to a different state.
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  • Oh and Leuth pour yourself a large one and go to bed ,the world will still be here tomorrow

    Yes it will. I reckon you've got until January 20th or thereabouts.
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
    Still Americans. I underestimated the stupidity of a nation, as did many.
    See the difference between what Leuth has written (this time), compared with this. It's these reactions that boil people's blood.
  • Daddy_Pig said:

    9/11 never forget
    11/9 always regret

    being banded round twitter atm again something i feel in very bad taste - its happened - we move on the world isnt going to stop spinning tommorow.

    9th November was also the day the Berlin wall fell. Probably a way you can soon that in there too...
    Also the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
  • edited November 2016
    And anyway the US election was a contest between pure populist lies and rampant capitalist self interest.
  • And anyway the US election was a contest between pure populist lies and rampant capitalist self interest.

    Vrs Trump
  • cabbles said:

    Leuth, I understand your rage. When you feel like you're backed into a corner on here. Everyone's rounding on you and laying into you. You'll want to lash out, defend your stance, your dignity and hold true to your values. It will be hard, because you'll be hurt. You come on here often, it's a big part of your life. You enjoy your time on here, you're a regular poster and you enjoy the community.

    I felt exactly like this the first time I saw a b had been dropped from my username. And then it began. Posters I liked, trusted and respected. Posters I thought respected me, Ibborg, Irving, Eaststandmike, rounding on me. Attacking me, misappropriating my name with not a care in the world. Ganging up on me. I know what you're going through.

    You'll wake up tomorrow morning feeling different, and I'm here to offer any support, you can always PM me. I know what these bastards can be like.

    You're a good man ca
  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
    Still Americans. I underestimated the stupidity of a nation, as did many.
    See the difference between what Leuth has written (this time), compared with this. It's these reactions that boil people's blood.
    You calling (not even implying) people stupid and therefore implying that you're more intelligent than them and that your opinion is correct and the only legitimate view, because they have dared to vote in a different way to you.

    I assume you've been saying that in the lead up to? That kind of dismissive, patronising attitude is what stops some people saying what they really think, pushes thier views and concerns underground and results in you then being surprised that X million vote in a way you can't contemplate.
    All of that is true for many, many opinions, political and otherwise. It's not for this though. Believe me I'm not saying you have to be highly intelligent to know that Trump is an idiot and should not be president. You just have to have a few brain cells.
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  • JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    JaShea99 said:

    Wow. Just when you think Americans can't get any more stupid...

    Well you called the election wrong so who's the stupid one?
    Still Americans. I underestimated the stupidity of a nation, as did many.
    See the difference between what Leuth has written (this time), compared with this. It's these reactions that boil people's blood.
    You calling (not even implying) people stupid and therefore implying that you're more intelligent than them and that your opinion is correct and the only legitimate view, because they have dared to vote in a different way to you.

    I assume you've been saying that in the lead up to? That kind of dismissive, patronising attitude is what stops some people saying what they really think, pushes thier views and concerns underground and results in you then being surprised that X million vote in a way you can't contemplate.
    All of that is true for many, many opinions, political and otherwise. It's not for this though. Believe me I'm not saying you have to be highly intelligent to know that Trump is an idiot and should not be president. You just have to have a few brain cells.
    You only need a few more to know Clinton ain't no better
  • She is. Anyone is.
  • thenewbie said:

    Probably the best piece I've actually found on the result today:

    Can't imagine everyone agreeing with every point but I highly recommend that you give it a read. All the hand-wringing and point scoring and posturing from both sides is so very pointless and petty when the real questions shouldn't be asked about what just happened - but what will happen next? (With actual proper thought not knee-jerk reactions.)

    Brilliant link - many thanks. As per Brexit vote nothing changes the next day and yet everything does.

    As for Clinton? She couldn't even win her own demographic of white female - pathetic!

    Way too soon to process any of this but Trump the primary contestant was different from Trump the candidate. And Trump the President will be a different animal altogether.

    I'm not going to make any comment about the US electorate but clearly Trump is an experienced communicator with a powerful style who is used to communicating via the media and reality TV.

    But that's over now.

    We live in interesting times.
  • thenewbie said:

    Probably the best piece I've actually found on the result today:

    Can't imagine everyone agreeing with every point but I highly recommend that you give it a read. All the hand-wringing and point scoring and posturing from both sides is so very pointless and petty when the real questions shouldn't be asked about what just happened - but what will happen next? (With actual proper thought not knee-jerk reactions.)

    Brilliant link - many thanks. As per Brexit vote nothing changes the next day and yet everything does.

    As for Clinton? She couldn't even win her own demographic of white female - pathetic!

    Way too soon to process any of this but Trump the primary contestant was different from Trump the candidate. And Trump the President will be a different animal altogether.

    I'm not going to make any comment about the US electorate but clearly Trump is an experienced communicator with a powerful style who is used to communicating via the media and reality TV.

    But that's over now.

    We live in interesting times.
    Trump on the campaign trail was in charge, he called the shots, he made promises and decisions. Trump now he's actually been elected is no doubt going to find that all those decisions he makes are going to be questioned and challenged and even just flat blocked.

    He might have been the ''Republican'' candidate but I use those quotes because he's not really all that Republican in the persona he displayed in election campaigns. Perhaps our American friends can elaborate/correct me here but I suspect that he's going to have as many enemies as friends in the Congress from his own party let alone the Democrats. Obama was a far savvier and more experienced politician and yet even he struggled to get policies past a hostile Congress. Unless Trump is far, far smarter and craftier than he's EVER seemed to be, he's not actually going to be able to achieve much for better or worse.
  • .imageimage

    I'd smash the backdoor out of his wife and daughter from his first marriage though, oh no wait, that's not acceptable way to talk about women......
  • cabbles said:


    I'd smash the backdoor out of his wife and daughter from his first marriage though, oh no wait, that's not acceptable way to talk about women......
    Isn't that a direct quote from Donald?
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