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Will Trump become President?



  • ....

    Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Do indigenous (aboriginal) citizens get jobs before immigrants in Australia out of interest?
    That question is wrong on so many levels Rodders
  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    And you wonder why people vote the way they do
  • Theres loads of people in my office who dont believe in global warming.
  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    Fuckin disgraceful comment that
  • Theres loads of people in my office who dont believe in global warming.

    Members of the flat earth society?

    There is no question whatsoever that the earth is warming. The only debate is the extent to which it is man-made and the extent to which we can slow/stop it.
  • Trump is constantly lying. Why are so many people willing to listen to what he says? Hillary is branded as a liar - fair enough, I don't like her - but isn't Trump a much much bigger liar? Why do so many people fail to see that? I guess what Trump is really good at (and perhaps better than many politicians including his Republican opponents in the primary) is brainwashing. Some people so easily get hypnotised by his rambling.

    I just saw a piece on Washington Post and there's a link in there to a list of his false statements

    If you're not interested in those two articles, just take a look at what he once said about global warming (I'm sure some of you have seen it before and it may have already been posted on this thread in the earlier pages) It's just one of his countless ridiculous comments.

    Well, first of all, I’m not a believer in global warming. And I’m not a believer in man-made global warming. It could be warming, and it’s going to start to cool at some point. And you know, in the early, in the 1920s, people talked about global cooling. I don’t know if you know that or not. They thought the Earth was cooling. Now, it’s global warming. And actually, we’ve had times where the weather wasn’t working out, so they changed it to extreme weather, and they have all different names, you know, so that it fits the bill. But the problem we have, and if you look at our energy costs, and all of the things that we’re doing to solve a problem that I don’t think in any major fashion exists. I mean, Obama thinks it’s the number one problem of the world today. And I think it’s very low on the list. So I am not a believer, and I will, unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather. I believe there’s change, and I believe it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up again. And it changes depending on years and centuries, but I am not a believer, and we have much bigger problems.

    You know, I talk about global warming. You know, to me, the worst global warming, and I mentioned this to you once before, is nuclear warming. That’s our global warming. That’s what I see, because we have incompetent people, and we have these rogue nations, and not even rogue nations anymore. You know, we had a case where Vladimir Putin about three months ago threw out the nuke word. And I never thought I’d hear that from a Russia. But he said they’d better, essentially, they’d better be careful, because you know, we are a nuclear nation. That was a hell of a statement for him to make. And that’s a statement that’s made because of a lack of respect.

    The man is so full of s**t, so unbelievably ignorant, how can you take him seriously? If he was saying those things on a talk show I would just laugh at him and turn it off within a few minutes. But now he is going to be the president of the USA. It's not even funny anymore. No wonder some Americans are feeling scared. They should be.

    Everything you say hits the spot. But read this, if you're wondering how & why Trump won:

    And a key conclusion "you can't fight feelings with facts". That is the lesson that all progressives will have to learn if they want to connect better with white-van man (& they/we also need to stop sneering when they use that term).

    For the folks on here who are happy about Trump's win, I get that... Let's see what develops.

    Healthcare is going to be one big tricky issue. Obamacare was horribly compromised (& hence flawed), as there are so many American desperate to avoid anything 'socialized' despite the fact that the US system over decades has demonstrably delivered poor value. (so much for 'facts' again). Trump actually does have real plans y'know, including "allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers" (I'd like him to be there when a drug plant in the US closes due to this -- though actually it is the right policy in this instance). Mostly, though, it's about tax breaks etc to make up the Obamacare void - well who wouldn't want that, & Mr T has never worried too much about piling up the debt.

  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    Fuckin disgraceful comment that
    I thought it was a pretty funny response to a paragraph full of right wing buzz words.
  • Yes and with comments like SHG there will be some who if le pen gets in currently 2/1 Will thinks that's funny.
    I will be holding SHG responsible if le pen gets in
  • Sponsored links:

  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    Sums up Lefties !
    Frankly your answer deserves it. Explain to me exactly what you mean with your sound bite answer. What social engineering ? Were you not offended by my response ? What does secure borders mean. We have them now. We don't have enough indigenous people either capable or wanting to do all the jobs we have. A fair and balanced media ????? Wtf. So it's ok to teach conservatism. Indoctrination .... Just really ? Safety for our families. That's the preogative of the right is it ? Tell me where aspiration is discouraged. It's there now isn't it ? Work hard at school. Get qualified. Get decent job and earn decent money. As for discouraging a welfare culture then that's where we agree as long as it's fair.
    You lost, it's over, socialism is finished in our lifetimes, too much damage! France next, then Germany. Get used to it.

    And you want change from what ? You can't answer. From the capitalist world we live in to what ? I'm not anti capitalist. It's the only system that works. I do believe that capitalism can go hand in hand with social justice. For me it's that which we have lost.

  • Three things he said he would do.
    Build a wall on the Southern Border.
    Blanket ban on Muslims.
    Stick Clinton in jail.
  • edited November 2016
    pettgra said:

    Three things he said he would do.
    Build a wall on the Southern Border.
    Blanket ban on Muslims.
    Stick Clinton in jail.

    He'll fit in well with the last one then -

    They're all full of shit.
  • edited November 2016

    Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    Sums up Lefties !
    Frankly your answer deserves it. Explain to me exactly what you mean with your sound bite answer. What social engineering ? Were you not offended by my response ? What does secure borders mean. We have them now. We don't have enough indigenous people either capable or wanting to do all the jobs we have. A fair and balanced media ????? Wtf. So it's ok to teach conservatism. Indoctrination .... Just really ? Safety for our families. That's the preogative of the right is it ? Tell me where aspiration is discouraged. It's there now isn't it ? Work hard at school. Get qualified. Get decent job and earn decent money. As for discouraging a welfare culture then that's where we agree as long as it's fair.
    You lost, it's over, socialism is finished in our lifetimes, too much damage! France next, then Germany. Get used to it.

    And you want change from what ? You can't answer. From the capitalist world we live in to what ? I'm not anti capitalist. It's the only system that works. I do believe that capitalism can go hand in hand with social justice. For me it's that which we have lost.

    Massive question you raise there.

    In general terms people feel disenfranchised because the Establishment does not or they perceive the Establishment does not, which when it comes to voting intention is one and the same, represent them and their interests. It's all about minorities rather than the majority.

    @palarsehater (I think it was) mentions his grandfather's experience on the burglary thread: A 76 year old man is confronted by a burglar in his own home so puts gripper rod on his gate to prevent a repetition. The police tell him to take it down. Law abiding people are thus put in 'the wrong' to protect the safety of thieving scumbags. Is it any wonder people feel disenfranchised in such a situation?

    Ordinary people don't want to change the system necessarily but do want the political class to address their concerns rather than the concerns that the political class thinks they should have.
  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    Yes Mein Fuhrer.

    Sums up Lefties !
    Frankly your answer deserves it. Explain to me exactly what you mean with your sound bite answer. What social engineering ? Were you not offended by my response ? What does secure borders mean. We have them now. We don't have enough indigenous people either capable or wanting to do all the jobs we have. A fair and balanced media ????? Wtf. So it's ok to teach conservatism. Indoctrination .... Just really ? Safety for our families. That's the preogative of the right is it ? Tell me where aspiration is discouraged. It's there now isn't it ? Work hard at school. Get qualified. Get decent job and earn decent money. As for discouraging a welfare culture then that's where we agree as long as it's fair.
    You lost, it's over, socialism is finished in our lifetimes, too much damage! France next, then Germany. Get used to it.

    And you want change from what ? You can't answer. From the capitalist world we live in to what ? I'm not anti capitalist. It's the only system that works. I do believe that capitalism can go hand in hand with social justice. For me it's that which we have lost.

    Less government/interference, back to 'traditional' values (& all that encompasses), control of borders, look after our own not the rest of the world, more like the bible-belt and less like Shoreditch, etc etc. It's far from all about the economy & economic systems --> it's also open/progressive/social/civic vs closed/traditional/conservative/personal-freedom. Hence big business largely backing the wrong side in Brexit and not exactly thrilled Trump (Clinton a socialist... @queensland_addick you're not seriously suggesting that?!).

    In terms of open-minded vs closed-minded (prejudiced, is the word, actually), it's palpably the case that we live in a more prejudiced world and country (& that this prejudice is not limited to the right). Think that Corbyn & co are truly open-minded types?

    Many here & generally feel the pendulum has swung too far. I may not and you may not but you have to face up to that. If compassion for the world and an open society means btw your own neighbourhood will be transformed and more crowded, plenty are saying "er, hang on...". (as they often have).

    I get that some sort of correction was needed, and am dismayed that more progressive politicians haven't (e.g. Gordon Brown & the Rochdale lady, let alone the Corbyn crew). It means it's baby & bathwater time..but we soldier on & challenge where we can
  • WSS said:

    pettgra said:

    Three things he said he would do.
    Build a wall on the Southern Border.
    Blanket ban on Muslims.
    Stick Clinton in jail.

    He'll fit in well with the last one then -

    They're all full of shit.
    Unfortunately for Obama the way the congress was whilst he was in power he was never going to be able to achieve what he wanted. A lot of the time things were blocked out of spite just because he was a Democrat. That's how it seemed from the outside anyway. Petty twats.
    How he was able to achieve something as major as Obamacare?
  • pettgra said:

    Three things he said he would do.
    Build a wall on the Southern Border.
    Blanket ban on Muslims.
    Stick Clinton in jail.

    Will they still be allowed quilts and duvets?
    I did not see that coming. Doh!
  • He got one through, and you should hear how the far-right piss and whine!
  • Sponsored links:

  • WSS said:

    pettgra said:

    Three things he said he would do.
    Build a wall on the Southern Border.
    Blanket ban on Muslims.
    Stick Clinton in jail.

    He'll fit in well with the last one then -

    They're all full of shit.
    Unfortunately for Obama the way the congress was whilst he was in power he was never going to be able to achieve what he wanted. A lot of the time things were blocked out of spite just because he was a Democrat. That's how it seemed from the outside anyway. Petty twats.
    How he was able to achieve something as major as Obamacare?
    I don't think Republicans got control of the house until 2011 so it was all in place and ready to go. As soon as they got control they tried to repeal it but think that's harder than blocking it. @SDAddick is probably better placed than me to answer though mate.
  • Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    I like you.

    Imagine the knicker twisting that will go on, on here if Le Pen gets in over in France hahaha.

    The revolution has started people, change is a coming
    Here's my question to you both. What change do you actually want ?

    I'm off to start a nine hour shift soon. By the time I get home I'm certain this question won't be answered.
    The end of social engineering, the end of political correctness and the "I'm offended" culture, secure borders, law and order, jobs for indigenous citizens, justice, honesty, a fair and balanced media, an education system that teaches conservatism rather than indoctrinating every single student with only socialist views, safety for our families, encourage aspiration and hard work by lowering taxes, discouraging welfare dependancy.
    There, you won't agree with any of it, but that's my answer.
    There it is. Do all the CL Trump-rump concur?
  • Some questions:

    1. What is 'the end of social engineering'?

    2. How can you constitutionally end political correctness? Wouldn't that be like ending politeness, or slang? I suppose you can term certain phrases hate-crimes. Is that what you'd do?

    3. How secure will the borders be? And how to enforce it?

    4. What law and what order?

    5. Indigenous has a few grey areas. How do you define it?

    6. Given our media is already largely right-wing, do you mean that fair and balanced means greater left-wing presence? Don't answer this one.

    7. How do you 'teach conservatism'? And how are schools currently 'teaching socialism'?
  • colthe3rd said:

    Were the media really biased against Trump?

    Interesting you left out the newspapers that did back Trump.
    You're free to inform us of all the papers that backed Trump.
    Google is your friend. I'm not going to bother doing it, you've made your mind up that all media is against anything you believe in, I'm sure me posting the names of some US publications that backed Trump is not going to make you change that.
  • shine166 said:

    shine166 said:

    People in this country ARE being affected by immigration - my husband has experience of this working in the kitchen of a pub/restaurant.

    Before Romanians were allowed free access, my husband was paid well above the minimum wage, as it was difficult to get people to do the job. By paying above the minimum wage they were able to recruit British workers.

    When Romanians were allowed free access to the labour market my husband's wages did not increase until it was forced on his employer with this year's increase.

    For 4 years he had no wage increase. The Romanians were happy to work for minimum wage and whenever anyone left, one of their friends or family was waiting for a job and it wasn't necessary to advertise. Consequently a British worker had no chance of being employed.

    All the other employees doing the same work as my husband speak very little English and when they work together, speak their own language and my husband feels like a foreigner in his own country.

    At the age of 62 it is not easy for him to find alternative employment so he is stuck with it for now.

    With the greatest respect, it's not a Romanians fault that your old man is doing kP work in his 60s. There's part of a generation that presumed they had jobs for life so didn't bother learning skills or trades. My stepdad is that Same and finds himself scanning bags at a airport or doing delivery work.

    At least he's getting off his arse and trying to make a crust, rather than going on welfare or studying for useless degree's that he'll never get to use.
    Well yer, obviously ... but that wasn't the point was it ? I'm responding to a direct complaint that unskilled non English speaking Romanian are coming here and stealing jobs. I'm sorry, but if at 62 you are only qualified to wash dishes, then it's isn't a immigrants fault
    I bet you'd be the first to say we need immigration because our own people are not willing to do those jobs? That's the line I always hear.

    And here we have someone (born and bred here who has no doubt paid taxes etc. and contributed to the Country all his life) who is willing to do those very jobs, and is now struggling to do so because of immigration.
  • I don't know why I'm feeding the troll. The reason most press didn't back trump has nothing to do with left vs right (Clinton is not left wing by any stretch of the imagination, fiscally they are both right wing). Maybe newspapers didn't back Trump because he lied every time he made a public announcement or appearance, sometimes contradicting himself in the same sentence!

    Newspapers, magazines, and other media

    Yisrael Hayom, Israel's largest circulation newspaper.
    The Crusader, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan
    Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, Florida
    New York Observer, New York City
    Las Vegas Review-Journal, Las Vegas, Nevada
    Long Island Jewish World, Long Island, New York
    The National Enquirer
    Santa Barbara News-Press, Santa Barbara, California
    St. Joseph News-Press , St Joseph Missouri
    The Times-Gazette, Hillsboro, Ohio

  • shine166 said:

    shine166 said:

    People in this country ARE being affected by immigration - my husband has experience of this working in the kitchen of a pub/restaurant.

    Before Romanians were allowed free access, my husband was paid well above the minimum wage, as it was difficult to get people to do the job. By paying above the minimum wage they were able to recruit British workers.

    When Romanians were allowed free access to the labour market my husband's wages did not increase until it was forced on his employer with this year's increase.

    For 4 years he had no wage increase. The Romanians were happy to work for minimum wage and whenever anyone left, one of their friends or family was waiting for a job and it wasn't necessary to advertise. Consequently a British worker had no chance of being employed.

    All the other employees doing the same work as my husband speak very little English and when they work together, speak their own language and my husband feels like a foreigner in his own country.

    At the age of 62 it is not easy for him to find alternative employment so he is stuck with it for now.

    With the greatest respect, it's not a Romanians fault that your old man is doing kP work in his 60s. There's part of a generation that presumed they had jobs for life so didn't bother learning skills or trades. My stepdad is that Same and finds himself scanning bags at a airport or doing delivery work.

    At least he's getting off his arse and trying to make a crust, rather than going on welfare or studying for useless degree's that he'll never get to use.
    Well yer, obviously ... but that wasn't the point was it ? I'm responding to a direct complaint that unskilled non English speaking Romanian are coming here and stealing jobs. I'm sorry, but if at 62 you are only qualified to wash dishes, then it's isn't a immigrants fault
    I bet you'd be the first to say we need immigration because our own people are not willing to do those jobs? That's the line I always hear.

    And here we have someone (born and bred here who has no doubt paid taxes etc. and contributed to the Country all his life) who is willing to do those very jobs, and is now struggling to do so because of immigration.

    Great minds and all that

    shine166 said:

    People in this country ARE being affected by immigration - my husband has experience of this working in the kitchen of a pub/restaurant.

    Before Romanians were allowed free access, my husband was paid well above the minimum wage, as it was difficult to get people to do the job. By paying above the minimum wage they were able to recruit British workers.

    When Romanians were allowed free access to the labour market my husband's wages did not increase until it was forced on his employer with this year's increase.

    For 4 years he had no wage increase. The Romanians were happy to work for minimum wage and whenever anyone left, one of their friends or family was waiting for a job and it wasn't necessary to advertise. Consequently a British worker had no chance of being employed.

    All the other employees doing the same work as my husband speak very little English and when they work together, speak their own language and my husband feels like a foreigner in his own country.

    At the age of 62 it is not easy for him to find alternative employment so he is stuck with it for now.

    With the greatest respect, it's not a Romanians fault that your old man is doing kP work in his 60s. There's part of a generation that presumed they had jobs for life so didn't bother learning skills or trades. My stepdad is that Same and finds himself scanning bags at a airport or doing delivery work.
    Bad form that @shine166 pal imo.

    But it's a classic display of "because my industry ain't affected by it, the problem doesn't exist and you must get your information from the Daily Mail".

    Then you hear "British people are too lazy to get off their arses to do unskilled jobs", yet when we hear that they do and their wages are pushed down, it's "well you shoulda got yourself educated or a trade" and even that don't work in some trades does it ref. the Uber thread!

    What can be done? Points based system where only skilled people from ALL OVER THE WORLD are free to apply imo (and yes, even if that meant I would need to apply to live in France).

  • There are loads of factors in why that person is struggling for work. While shine's initial comment was unbelievably crass (sorry, but it was), to place this at the Romanians' door alone is mad and wrong. Why not examine the way that work is set up for society as a whole - the way that mechanisation, bad employment practice and the selling off of industry has made it harder for everyone? Why demonise the working-class Romanian rather than the robber baron? Our world is interconnected, and exploitation is everywhere.

    Try not blaming foreigners. Try looking for someone or something else to blame. It'll surprise you.
  • The Crusader, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan

    You mean some of them can read?

    Feck me, who'd have thunk it.

  • Most of the KKK can read and many have degrees - they get a lot of aspie* malcontents who've read too much European history. The alt-right is a similar story.

    *I can say this coz I have it mildly, before you accuse me of being a non-PC hypocrite lol
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