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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



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    Astonishing stuff. Let's just take this statement: "in recent weeks Roland Duchatelet has met the fans".

    Simple question: who were they then?

    Surely you're not one of the certain individuals who say it doesn't happen @Airman Brown
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    I honestly think at this point I could crush his head in my hands. He's actually trolling. He's using a public statement to wave his dick at us. It's absolutely, totally unbelievable. What the hell is going on at this club?
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    I mean really, who could be angry with this face?

    A face only a football fan could punch
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    edited March 2016
    What a clown in that photo, he's made 2 key errors:

    1) Roland is spelt wrong.

    2) That's clearly Rizzo the Rat, not Roland the Rat.

    Bet he can't even format a London phone number correctly...

    < /partridge>
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    Rob62 said:

    Dear Roland,

    Last Sunday, Charlton fans expressed their clear dissatisfaction with your ownership of this club. There is nothing ‘alleged’ about our desire for you to leave and never darken our door again. The simple fact is that you will only ever be a stain on the bedsheets of our clubs history. We will celebrate your departure as more strongly as than any promotion. As Than any escape from relegation.

    We were informed you don’t do failure. Well you do. The simple fact that you felt the need to release such a hair brained statement shows that much.

    We don’t care how long a sale takes. We’re counting the days.

    I've made a couple of amendments.

    A bit disappointed that you didn't finish with an encouragement to go forth and multiply...
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    Working away from home, sitting in a pub Billy no mates, just giggling to myself, my text has gone wild and I cant stop giggling. If this is not a hack then someone has totally lost it along with a 6 figure salary and possible career going forward. Up the Addicks.
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    @SantaClaus You're up fella!!! He may not be running in this election but I think you're about to get a lot of life out of that GIF
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    cabbles said:

    And I thought I was running out of material to discuss with Katrien in my daily emails

    Surely not with Wikipedia's fact of the day updated every day?
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    Wow! Fake or no fake, this really ramps it up. Brilliant!!!
    I know I said this a couple of pages back, but I just can't believe the sheer stupidity of the regime regurgitating the fans as customers thing again and making it headline news. That ITV link sums it up. Just brilliant.
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    Is this actually legit ? The errors are a joke hahaha we have you rattled now Roland your losing the plot you old f*cker!!!! This is only the beginning
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    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but who, when and where did he meet with the fans????
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    Charlton's IT Security Team provided by this man:

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    "League one rather than championship"

    Classic Meire.
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    edited March 2016

    Ha, and to think there are people who still support this lot

    Unbelievable isn't it? Wonder what the Roly Sympathisers make of all this.
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    A member of card has asked me to post on here that they are looking to get a trend on Twitter of #haveyoumetroly in relation to this.

    I will be doing this shortly but the more the better.
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    cabbles said:

    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but who, when and where did he meet with the fans????

    Him and Katrien are going to dinner with some customer who emailed in next week or something.
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    He's finally cracking, not long now before he takes a running jump.
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Roland Out Forever!