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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



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    cabbles said:

    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but who, when and where did he meet with the fans????

    Mais ici, d'accord

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    Roland is truly mad. What on earth did he think this would achieve.
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    For some reason I have the Fun Boy Three/Bananarama "T'aint what you do, it's the way that you do it" running through my head.

    It's as if RD's football management style has been inspired by the works of Jacques Tati (trying desperately to make myself appear cultured).

    Fun Boy Three, – The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum).
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    340 posts in an hour and a half. Strange times that we're living through.
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    This is mental. Have I fell alsleep watching tv in bed or is this actually happening!

    Sunday really was amazing!

    Perhaps now is the time to go public with some of the golden bullets we have :)
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    They will try and say they have been hacked to deflect all this , it just shows the complete shambles that is CAFC
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    edited March 2016
    Roly, you really are a c*nt.
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    All this just says to me, lets ramp up the pressure. Lets redouble our efforts, it cant be long now surely!
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    Will they edit the statement when dear Katrien sobers up and regrets her words?
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    Sadly I've just been told I won't be going on 5Live because of the penalties in the PSV game. Curses.
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    Blimey, thats a statement and a half. I'm shocked that its real and its not a spoof. WTF!
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    The end game cometh
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    dabos said:

    Sadly I've just been told I won't be going on 5Live because of the penalties in the PSV game. Curses.

    Turned on to hear you. Turned off again. They can do one.

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