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Didn't take long - Marseille ain't changed.



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    Spoke to a few people out there and they said the French police seem well on top of it all now. Keeping all English/Welsh together and not letting the Russians coming back from the games into those areas. Hopefully tonight is calm and tomorrow should be fine.
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    WSS said:

    With a Lille bit of luck, they can make it through the night

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    Fiiish said:

    Scratch what I said, look at this footage of a French copper and an England fan caught whizzing in the street:


    Typical English fans... Pissed as always!!... Am so outraged am going to write a Letter!!
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    Think this fixture was destined for a fair bit of Eng v Wales and inter-club aggro regardless of the Russians involvement. Can see it being a long night.

    We leave at midnight tonight, 44hrs no sleep then back in work Fri morning. Do question our sanity sometimes.

    Need an England win desperately for selfish reasons!!
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    Wow, that is some day TO.
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    Chunes said:

    Ogilvy & Mather came up with a novel solution to stop football violence for what was normally the most violent match in Brazil.

    Imagine shipping the Russian version over to France!

    Desperate times desperate measures but very thought provoking at the same time. Thanks for posting.
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    Fiiish said:

    Scratch what I said, look at this footage of a French copper and an England fan caught whizzing in the street:


    Or is that the Mountain (the actor is Icelandic) esponding to Ronaldo's comment?
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    England and Wales love in is officially over!
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    England and Wales love in is officially over!

    Are that couple that got engaged arguing already?
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    edited June 2016

    England and Wales love in is officially over!

    Oh fuck, the Kinnocks ain't turned up have they?

    Thought they were busy gourging on Foie Gras in Brussels...
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    Maybe I've missed something and I know my chess strategy is rubbish. I'm playing Russia tonight having lost the toss.

    Game 1: it's against England and it's in France, I'll set up a decent number of hard core guerilla groups who will nip in, kick a load of English numpties sitting in their full colours and get out before we get nicked by cluseau's mob.

    Main objectives are to have something to crow about at home, and to nick some costumes for game 2.

    Game 2: happily now many of our ultras have England colours so we can wander around causing trouble and make it look like its england. Hopefully get them banned so we can progress out of stages.
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    Oggy Red said:

    Here's a radical idea - accepting that we have had the wrong end of the policing and administering, why don't our fans try not getting totally pissed and being offensive! It isn't that hard really - you'd think asking them to adapt a bit to the conditions was like taking away their human rights to be ars**oles.

    Do you think the Russians would have cared if the English were sober or not?

    @Hastingsaddick We were just in Cassis for a couple of nights but thought it was a lovely wee place. Stayed in a local B&B -the French host went out of his way for us, driving us to the station for train to Marseille and saying we were to phone him if there were any problems.

    Fortunately we got away ok after the match and got a taxi back thanks to a couple if English guys (or perhaps they were Welsh from accents) who took it upon themselves to marshall the taxi queue at the main station. Once again, total absence of anyone 'in authority' doing so - Glasgow is better organised on any run of the mill Fri/Sat night.
    Hi Weegie, my girlfriend was born and bred in Marseille, and working back there at the moment. Cassis is where she'd spend her summer holidays as a kid.
    Whenever it's my turn to visit, we always try to manage a couple of afternoons/evenings at Cassis - family friendly, and very pretty with it's colourful boats and little cafe-lined harbour, exactly what you'd expect from a seaside town in Provence.

    I've been going there frequently during the past 6 years and really got to know the place.
    It's a breath of fresh air compared to most of Marseille.

    You made the right choice with Cassis.
    Glad you stayed safe.
    Great little pizza place on one of the small back streets.
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    Maybe I've missed something and I know my chess strategy is rubbish. I'm playing Russia tonight having lost the toss.

    Game 1: it's against England and it's in France, I'll set up a decent number of hard core guerilla groups who will nip in, kick a load of English numpties sitting in their full colours and get out before we get nicked by cluseau's mob.

    Main objectives are to have something to crow about at home, and to nick some costumes for game 2.

    Game 2: happily now many of our ultras have England colours so we can wander around causing trouble and make it look like its england. Hopefully get them banned so we can progress out of stages.

    I was thinking this when they were nicking flags and shirts...
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    Just watching the coverage on Sky news as the reporter followed the riot police towards a bar full of England fans.

    Although the reporter tried to make more of it it looked to me and as the reporter admitted the fans although a bit loud were not actually causing any trouble.

    As the riot police advanced the England supporters faced up to them, the police charged forward the fans ran off and the police stood outside the bar.

    I didn't see anything being thrown or any actual violence but it was still being described as "violent clashes".

    I'm not saying nothing at all is happening but it does seem, on this particular occasion, that it's getting blown out of all proportion.
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    edited June 2016
    I just watched some footage on Sky News and, minority or not, it didn't look good. A large group of England fans goading and fighting with what looked like a much smaller group of French fans.

    At what point should we be concerned about the potential of being thrown out?
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    HandG said:

    I just watched some footage on Sky News and, minority or not, it didn't look good. A large group of England fans goading and fighting with what looked like a much smaller group of French fans.

    At what point should we be concerned about the potential of being thrown out?

    When we're doing it in the ground
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    WSS said:

    With a Lille bit of luck, they can make it through the night

    Personally lm not sure if it was a Ronnie Barker type gag or Barry Manilow type song. ;)
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    Or when we refuse to take out whoever is subbing in for Platini out to dinner and leave them a helpful bank account number written on a napkin
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    Or when we refuse to take out whoever is subbing in for Platini out to dinner and leave them a helpful bank account number written on a napkin

    I played tennis against a napkin yesterday.
    He was too quick for me so I said, ' Don't serviette'
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    T.C.E said:

    WSS said:

    With a Lille bit of luck, they can make it through the night

    Personally lm not sure if it was a Ronnie Barker type gag or Barry Manilow type song. ;)
    Dj Luck and Mc Neat

    Now do come on Teeece
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    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    How comes when I've commented on my "limited contact" with people of a certain creed or religion I've been lynched and called a racist!!
    Don't think anyone actually hanged you from a tree without a trial so no, you weren't lynched but maybe it was because people thought what you said was racist?

    Not that two wrongs make a right.

    You are correct that some the same sweeping generalisations made about all Russians would be picked as a racist and discriminatory if made about other groups. They are just as wrong and just as worthy of people being pulled up on them.

    Never had you down as one of liberal PC gone mad, offended on other people's behalf brigade but well done for calling out the discriminatory remarks in this thread. They are not needed and undermine the many valid statements made.
    You were right not to have me down as one of the liberal PC gone mad brigade, but we can't have one rule for one and one rule for another now can we. Besides my Russian mate at work is a top fella, very blunt as all the Russians I've met are, but sound.
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    On the road!!

    Enjoy mate
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    I hope you can find some booze! Supermarkets may be your friend!
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    Have a nice one chaps.
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