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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Chizz said:
    Just a quick reminder: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  So, if there are no reports tomorrow of the deal going through, that doesn't mean the deal hasn't gone through.  It just means there are no reports of it going through.  And that will be down to the NDAs still being in place.  

    In fact, if there are no reports of the deal going through tomorrow, we should probably take it as confirmation that the deal has gone through.  

    Unless it's officially denied.  In which case we can probably safely assume it's gone through, but the denial is just a smoke screen.  
    So we could have actually been taken over weeks ago and just not know it?
  • Would it just be our luck, and Ironic, after all we have been through with Roland - if all 3 parties in the bidding process were named Not Fit and Proper by the E.F.L.
  • edited July 2019
    There is NO TAKEOVER this week. Everyone is picking up on rumours of 1st July and believing it. I am pissed off with the whole thing, Roland. No takeover. Shit rumours.  Season finished ages ago. If we were being taken over we would have heard about it by now. It doesn't take this long for it to go through. When was the Aussies at Wembley. May 26th? We are now 1st July FFS. It appears that the wanker is here to stay. If we are SOLD then I will run round Woolwich with my arse in the air. I am resigned to him being here forever. He wants too much money and keeps playing one of the other. FFS pissed off.  Now back to the fish puns 
  • Dates shouldn’t be given as they seldom are right

  • Rudders22 said:
    There is NO TAKEOVER this week. Everyone is picking up on rumours of 1st July and believing it. I am pissed off with the whole thing, Roland. No takeover. Shit rumours. 
    There was also Prague’s post about the deadline he heard about of 2nd July.
  • Please correct me if I’m wrong:

    1st July deadline - some kid on Facebook 
    2nd July deadline - @PragueAddick not for completion but to cough up basically.
  • I doubt that the Tuesday deadline is actually a deadline. More like if it’s not done by then, Duchatelet will open the door to the new bidders to have a run at it. I think it highly unlikely we will hear anything this week.
    I think that's a deadline mate
    True but not in the sense that if Dalman (?) doesn’t complete then he’s out.
    Look, if you want to change the meaning of words, that's dandy, but, don't include the rest of us in your depraved way of thinking
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  • Please correct me if I’m wrong:

    1st July deadline - some kid on Facebook 
    2nd July deadline - @PragueAddick not for completion but to cough up basically.

    and I am not doubting Prague either. He said it himself. He was only putting out there as he was told by a source.

    I have a season ticket for next year that I have paid good money for and I don't even know what half the team is going to be. 
  • Rudders22 said:
    Please correct me if I’m wrong:

    1st July deadline - some kid on Facebook 
    2nd July deadline - @PragueAddick not for completion but to cough up basically.

    and I am not doubting Prague either. He said it himself. He was only putting out there as he was told by a source.

    I have a season ticket for next year that I have paid good money for and I don't even know what half the team is going to be. 
    to be fair the fans of 2/3 of the sides in the country could say the same thing at the moment
  • Worthy of at least consideration for a promote in my opinion!
  • edited July 2019
    Summary 1 July 2019 (And if this isn't worth a promote @AFKABartram I don't know what is)

    De Turck said at the Fans Forum before last that the then three interested parties (British - Dalman perhaps, Aussie/Indian/US and "international - perhaps Chinese) were all "eager" to get the deal done by the end of June, which is the end of the financial year for CAFC and nearly all clubs.

    We are still waiting on the full minutes, which should include De Turck's responses to the questions about the takeover, from the FF meeting last week.  Some previous attendees have issued their own notes, just saying.

    30 June is also the end point of most player contracts and close to when players return to training.

    From this SOME people started saying that the deal would be done on 1 July or that it was done and would be announced on 1 July but none of those rumours came from the club or the potential buyers.

    There was speculation that Mehmet Dalman (investment banker, car salesman and Cardiff Chairman) was close to a deal, mainly from the Welsh media but he was none committal. He didn't deny he was interested in Charlton either.

    Prague Addick said that he heard that a new (ie 4th party) had expressed interest since Wembley and was from "his neck of the woods" ie middle Europe but country unspecified.

    Prague Addick also said that this 4th middle European party had been told that other buyer/s (not named) had been given until 2 July to agree a takeover otherwise the new party would be allowed a make a quick run at it.

    So if we accept this to be correct (and I'm not doubting Prague but Duchatelet is a proven liar and irrational) then it is POSSIBLE that a deal could be done today or tomorrow although there is no guarantee that it would be announced officially. 

    It is also POSSIBLE that no deal is reached with an existing party by 2 July and so the 4th Middle European buyer will have a chance to make a quick purchase in which case we are unlikely to hear anything for a few weeks.

    At various points Dalman has been reported to have "walked" although the sources haven't been very reliable.

    The Aussies have also been said to have walked at various points but again sources have been unreliable. Jimmy Seed says the Aussies have not walked presumably as this is what his contact Gerald Murphy (broker for the Aussie/Indian/US group) is telling him.

    I heard that at the time of the Bowyer will he/won't he stay fiasco the club checked with at least one potential owner that they were happy to take on the liability of Bowyer's new deal, which they were.

    We don't know who, other than Andrew Muir, is backing the Aussie/Indian/US group.

    We don't know who the British group is although there is an assumption that it is Dalman. We don't know who else would be financing the deal with him.

    The museum did say they were showing some Aussies around the ground on 2 July which is a fact but completely unrelated to the takeover.  We're open 11.00 to 2.30 and it's free entry. 
    I would question whether Dalman is “the British group” as that entity has been around for a long while - he may head up the so-called fifth (now third) party. His funding is likely to be international. 

    Dalman IS the party reported by the Evening Standard in March to have offered RD £30m on a take it or leave it basis. His issue now MAY be about transparency rather than price, that is he may want more assurance about potentially hidden liabilities than RD/LDT have been willing or able to provide.
  • 1839, Sussex County Cricket Club are formed. They are the oldest English county club.
  • Rudders22 said:
    There is NO TAKEOVER this week. Everyone is picking up on rumours of 1st July and believing it. I am pissed off with the whole thing, Roland. No takeover. Shit rumours.  Season finished ages ago. If we were being taken over we would have heard about it by now. It doesn't take this long for it to go through. When was the Aussies at Wembley. May 26th? We are now 1st July FFS. It appears that the wanker is here to stay. If we are SOLD then I will run round Woolwich with my arse in the air. I am resigned to him being here forever. He wants too much money and keeps playing one of the other. FFS pissed off.  Now back to the fish puns 
    Ok I'll take the bait.

  • 1839, Sussex County Cricket Club are formed. They are the oldest English county club.


    Not doing so well today against Northants' unfortunately....

  • edited July 2019
    Summary 1 July 2019 (And if this isn't worth a promote @AFKABartram I don't know what is)

    De Turck said at the Fans Forum before last that the then three interested parties (British - Dalman perhaps, Aussie/Indian/US and "international - perhaps Chinese) were all "eager" to get the deal done by the end of June, which is the end of the financial year for CAFC and nearly all clubs.

    We are still waiting on the full minutes, which should include De Turck's responses to the questions about the takeover, from the FF meeting last week.  Some previous attendees have issued their own notes, just saying.

    30 June is also the end point of most player contracts and close to when players return to training.

    From this SOME people started saying that the deal would be done on 1 July or that it was done and would be announced on 1 July but none of those rumours came from the club or the potential buyers.

    There was speculation that Mehmet Dalman (investment banker, car salesman and Cardiff Chairman) was close to a deal, mainly from the Welsh media but he was none committal. He didn't deny he was interested in Charlton either.

    Prague Addick said that he heard that a new (ie 4th party) had expressed interest since Wembley and was from "his neck of the woods" ie middle Europe but country unspecified.

    Prague Addick also said that this 4th middle European party had been told that other buyer/s (not named) had been given until 2 July to agree a takeover otherwise the new party would be allowed a make a quick run at it.

    So if we accept this to be correct (and I'm not doubting Prague but Duchatelet is a proven liar and irrational) then it is POSSIBLE that a deal could be done today or tomorrow although there is no guarantee that it would be announced officially. 

    It is also POSSIBLE that no deal is reached with an existing party by 2 July and so the 4th Middle European buyer will have a chance to make a quick purchase in which case we are unlikely to hear anything for a few weeks.

    At various points Dalman has been reported to have "walked" although the sources haven't been very reliable.

    The Aussies have also been said to have walked at various points but again sources have been unreliable. Jimmy Seed says the Aussies have not walked presumably as this is what his contact Gerald Murphy (broker for the Aussie/Indian/US group) is telling him.

    I heard that at the time of the Bowyer will he/won't he stay fiasco the club checked with at least one potential owner that they were happy to take on the liability of Bowyer's new deal, which they were.

    We don't know who, other than Andrew Muir, is backing the Aussie/Indian/US group.

    We don't know who the British group is although there is an assumption that it is Dalman. We don't know who else would be financing the deal with him.

    The museum did say they were showing some Aussies around the ground on 2 July which is a fact but completely unrelated to the takeover.  We're open 11.00 to 2.30 and it's free entry. 
    I would question whether Dalman is “the British group” as that entity has been around for a long while - he may head up the so-called fifth (now third) party. His funding is likely to be international. 

    Dalman IS the party reported by the Evening Standard in March to have offered RD £30m on a take it or leave it basis. His issue now MAY be about transparency rather than price, that is he may want more assurance about potentially hidden liabilities than RD/LDT have been willing or able to provide.
    Thanks, edited to reflect this.
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  • Sole'd down the river is all what's happening today...

  • the website is down, it don't mean anything back its better than shit fish puns. 
  • 1839, Sussex County Cricket Club are formed. They are the oldest English county club.
    Did they play amongst themselves for a few years?
  • 1839, Sussex County Cricket Club are formed. They are the oldest English county club.
    Did they play amongst themselves for a few years?
    County Champions for six years until 1845, when Surrey formed.
  • Dates shouldn’t be given as they seldom are right
    never right
  • Summary 1 July 2019 (And if this isn't worth a promote @AFKABartram I don't know what is)

    De Turck said at the Fans Forum before last that the then three interested parties (British - Dalman perhaps, Aussie/Indian/US and "international - perhaps Chinese) were all "eager" to get the deal done by the end of June, which is the end of the financial year for CAFC and nearly all clubs.

    We are still waiting on the full minutes, which should include De Turck's responses to the questions about the takeover, from the FF meeting last week.  Some previous attendees have issued their own notes, just saying.

    30 June is also the end point of most player contracts and close to when players return to training.

    From this SOME people started saying that the deal would be done on 1 July or that it was done and would be announced on 1 July but none of those rumours came from the club or the potential buyers.

    There was speculation that Mehmet Dalman (investment banker, car salesman and Cardiff Chairman) was close to a deal, mainly from the Welsh media but he was none committal. He didn't deny he was interested in Charlton either.

    Prague Addick said that he heard that a new (ie 4th party) had expressed interest since Wembley and was from "his neck of the woods" ie middle Europe but country unspecified.

    Prague Addick also said that this 4th middle European party had been told that other buyer/s (not named) had been given until 2 July to agree a takeover otherwise the new party would be allowed a make a quick run at it.

    So if we accept this to be correct (and I'm not doubting Prague but Duchatelet is a proven liar and irrational) then it is POSSIBLE that a deal could be done today or tomorrow although there is no guarantee that it would be announced officially. 

    It is also POSSIBLE that no deal is reached with an existing party by 2 July and so the 4th Middle European buyer will have a chance to make a quick purchase in which case we are unlikely to hear anything for a few weeks.

    At various points Dalman has been reported to have "walked" although the sources haven't been very reliable.

    The Aussies have also been said to have walked at various points but again sources have been unreliable. Jimmy Seed says the Aussies have not walked presumably as this is what his contact Gerald Murphy (broker for the Aussie/Indian/US group) is telling him.

    I heard that at the time of the Bowyer will he/won't he stay fiasco the club checked with at least one potential owner that they were happy to take on the liability of Bowyer's new deal, which they were.

    We don't know who, other than Andrew Muir, is backing the Aussie/Indian/US group.

    We don't know who the British group is although there is an assumption that it is Dalman. We don't know who else would be financing the deal with him.

    The museum did say they were showing some Aussies around the ground on 2 July which is a fact but completely unrelated to the takeover.  We're open 11.00 to 2.30 and it's free entry. 
    I would question whether Dalman is “the British group” as that entity has been around for a long while - he may head up the so-called fifth (now third) party. His funding is likely to be international. 

    Dalman IS the party reported by the Evening Standard in March to have offered RD £30m on a take it or leave it basis. His issue now MAY be about transparency rather than price, that is he may want more assurance about potentially hidden liabilities than RD/LDT have been willing or able to provide.
    Thanks, edited to reflect this.
    I thought the “British bid” was rumoured to be Mike Ashley 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!