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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • boggzy said:

    Addickted said:

    Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    Good summary. However one key point has been left out.

    Murray's 28th Feb statement said we were just waiting for the lawyers to finalise the sale and purchase agreements. That would suggest a price has been agreed.

    Getting the feeling that Duchatalet is playing games with a lot of people with false information and half truths being leaked out under his full control, whilst he sits back in his castle having a chuckle to himself.

    Belgium humour eh?
    Have you heard (or read) what this supposed master of manipulation has to say about Charlton? Not exactly someone who is consistent or has a keen grasp of the detail.
    I agree, which proves he also doesn't care about us / spend half as much time thinking about us as some think.

    Which is precisely why Murray can get away with meddling with who he thinks is right for the club (i.e. someone who will let him be involved rather than wanting the best for Charlton). Who else realistically is there to speak to over here? He's the point of contact. Obviously RD won't care if he's involved or not as long as he gets his money.

    Murray is the guy doing the talking over here, and the amount of bullshit, half-truths and downright lies that have come from this man in the last eleven years is incredible (not to mention his decisions)

    Why people still hang on anything he says is astonishing.
    You don’t have to believe what the bloke says for what he is saying to be of use. You just have to think about why he is saying it and what benefit there is to him as well.

    The idea he is giving false statements solely to stall protests is not tenable.

    It has been suggested elsewhere that Duchâtelet might well be using Murray to manipulate fans and keep a lid on dissent, which is very different form saying Murray is doing the manipulating
    So Murray is damaging himself just to benefit Duchatelet or Murray is so stupid he just believes and repeats everything he is told?
  • I usually think that cock up is more probable than conspiracy in life, politics and Charlton.

    Meeting the top man, Tony Keohane, today so will share any juicy inside info I get later.


    Tone says all the interested parties have told him they want an input to the Sparrows Lane scheme. So he’ll be able to tell you everything.
  • edited March 2018

    boggzy said:

    Addickted said:

    Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    Good summary. However one key point has been left out.

    Murray's 28th Feb statement said we were just waiting for the lawyers to finalise the sale and purchase agreements. That would suggest a price has been agreed.

    Getting the feeling that Duchatalet is playing games with a lot of people with false information and half truths being leaked out under his full control, whilst he sits back in his castle having a chuckle to himself.

    Belgium humour eh?
    Have you heard (or read) what this supposed master of manipulation has to say about Charlton? Not exactly someone who is consistent or has a keen grasp of the detail.
    I agree, which proves he also doesn't care about us / spend half as much time thinking about us as some think.

    Which is precisely why Murray can get away with meddling with who he thinks is right for the club (i.e. someone who will let him be involved rather than wanting the best for Charlton). Who else realistically is there to speak to over here? He's the point of contact. Obviously RD won't care if he's involved or not as long as he gets his money.

    Murray is the guy doing the talking over here, and the amount of bullshit, half-truths and downright lies that have come from this man in the last eleven years is incredible (not to mention his decisions)

    Why people still hang on anything he says is astonishing.
    You don’t have to believe what the bloke says for what he is saying to be of use. You just have to think about why he is saying it and what benefit there is to him as well.

    The idea he is giving false statements solely to stall protests is not tenable.

    It has been suggested elsewhere that Duchâtelet might well be using Murray to manipulate fans and keep a lid on dissent, which is very different form saying Murray is doing the manipulating
    So Murray is damaging himself just to benefit Duchatelet or Murray is so stupid he just believes and repeats everything he is told?
    Murray is well aware that, for a large proportion of fans, his reputation is damaged beyond repair. He could have helped himself by denouncing the bollox that RD and KM were coing out with. But no, instead he stuck by them throughout. That's pretty bloody stupid in my book. Perhaps he thought they would come up trumps at some point? I imagine he knows it's way too late for him to admit he/they were wrong so he has to keep on trotting out the emperor's clothes line.
    But he doesn't have to, does he? He only has to shut up. Instead of which he is ringing round people who he thinks will put out his message, which is how he has always worked.
  • I usually think that cock up is more probable than conspiracy in life, politics and Charlton.

    Meeting the top man, Tony Keohane, today so will share any juicy inside info I get later.


    Give him our regards ...

    ... and tell him to piss off

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  • Addickted said:

    All those people saying we would have no chance in the playoffs seem to have forgotten how football works

    Might help if we were actually in a play off position.
  • DA9 said:

    I would happily run round the Valley pitch, bollock naked, with a tattoo of KM on my arse, whilst whistling “glad all over” if someone can prove to me RM lied, lied to, possibly.

    Thought I'd quote this.

    Just in case :smile:

  • I can’t see it being for any other reason
  • The lawyers involved in this deal will be 100% solely working on the deal. The fact that they've been unable to wrap it up in three weeks (or even longer if you accept Murray's January statement) is inconceivable if the price and terms have been agreed as per Murrays 28th Feb statement.

    It's unlike a conveyancing lawyer who would be working on several sales at once.
  • There is no agreed fee
  • @AFKABartram what’s the most posts ever on a CL thread? This must be top?
  • It's all quite simple ....roland just does nt give a jot
  • edited March 2018
    If the club is losing £1m a month - delaying purchase by 2 months saves you £2m. If that £2m was given to the new manager next season, it could fund a promotion push. Wait 3 months and you save £3m!!!! You can still spend the time lining a new manager up etc...
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  • I blame it all on chaos theory. Bloody scientists!
  • This is 2nd hand so please don't shoot the messenger, but it's a rumour and worth sharing.

    My friend *(not a Charlton fan but knows a lot of the squad) has been told that Murray's statement was evasive of a few facts.

    A price had been agreed, so that Statement in itself wasn't false (although there is some debate about whether it was actually ever 2 parties). RD, however, has moved the goalposts as to how the deal would be structured.

    This caught the party(ies) off guard as they thought agreeing the price had been enough for it to be 'done', but the reality is we're no further forward than we were three months ago.
  • cabbles said:

    cabbles said:

    Although I’m a bit more relaxed about the eventual sale (ie, as others have said, it will happen just be patient), what I do worry about is the state of the squad come next season if we don’t get a chance to have some sort of transfer window in the summer

    This noise KR is making about planning forward etc is a valid (albeit I think he used it as a smokescreen for how shite Tuesday was). If we don’t get players to sign new contracts and draw up targets, we’re gonna have the majority of the u23s potentially playing next season

    Our squad as it is is just about hanging onto top 10. Lose a Fosu or Aribo in the summer without getting a buyer in, and we’re in a relegation battle next season

    I just don't see this at all. We are not yet in April - contracts don't run out until the end of June & players can't be bought until the start of June. No-one is going anywhere as of yet & can't do until June 1st (and that only applies to those out of contract at July 1st). As for the 2 players you named - they're contracts don't run out at that point in any case so they certainly won't be leaving anytime soon. Most clubs wont be drawing up players to sign until May anyway so I think we have a few months before things start looking dodgy. I'm confident that the takeover will be done before the end of May.
    You can never second guess a twat
    Someone contact Athena and get this on a poster.
  • This is 2nd hand so please don't shoot the messenger, but it's a rumour and worth sharing.

    My friend *(not a Charlton fan but knows a lot of the squad) has been told that Murray's statement was evasive of a few facts.

    A price had been agreed, so that Statement in itself wasn't false (although there is some debate about whether it was actually ever 2 parties). RD, however, has moved the goalposts as to how the deal would be structured.

    This caught the party(ies) off guard as they thought agreeing the price had been enough for it to be 'done', but the reality is we're no further forward than we were three months ago.

    Can quite believe this to be true unfortunately :neutral:
  • This is 2nd hand so please don't shoot the messenger, but it's a rumour and worth sharing.

    My friend *(not a Charlton fan but knows a lot of the squad) has been told that Murray's statement was evasive of a few facts.

    A price had been agreed, so that Statement in itself wasn't false (although there is some debate about whether it was actually ever 2 parties). RD, however, has moved the goalposts as to how the deal would be structured.

    This caught the party(ies) off guard as they thought agreeing the price had been enough for it to be 'done', but the reality is we're no further forward than we were three months ago.

    See my post above, RM being played, not RM lying, the sale will be completely at RD’s pace and terms, why anyone thinks otherwise is beyond me, RM has no say or influence.
  • Stig said:

    He has played every single person involved in the club he is as addicted has said a master manipulator and one that has enjoyed the last 4 months than any of his previous

    When he has finished playing he will toss us aside for a fee he is happy with and it won’t be anywhere near the numbers mentioned

    He has deliberately played Rick ,CARD, Murray

    I can see how it could look like that the way the cards have fallen, but it doesn't ring true to me. Sure he's a manipulator, but I honestly don't think he has either the emotional intelligence or the personal interest to do that. This is a man who bought a football club and then couldn't be arsed to see them play, do you honestly believe he's sitting in his Merksem lair playing silly games with the aim of tricking a fanzine editor into publishing an over-optimistic story about the time scale of his departure? This is a man who thinks he's Alan Turing, not a man who thinks he's Ernst Blofeld.

    I genuinely believe that RD wants to sell but is in turmoil over the money he'll lose. Rather than being some all-powerful player the silly old git has got himself caught between a rock and a hard place: He wants more money for the club than it is worth, so his solution is to play hardball with potential buyers hoping that he can wring more out of the deal by being patient and playing one off against another. In a normal situation with a profitable or (at least) break even business, that might make sense. The trouble for RD is that he is losing £1m a month - and personally contributing to these huge deficits by his very own presence. The longer he holds out, the more it costs him.

    As for the buyers, why would they want to bid more than their initial valuations simply because some mad old git holds the deeds? This may come as a painful revelation to some, but Charlton are probably not the most attractive purchase in the football league. Although there is potential, it is no greater than for many other mid-ranking league clubs. There are a dozen or so similarly sized clubs in the middle reaches of the football league who could potentially reach the land of milk and honey if only given the right investment. Clubs in the Championship and League One frequently come up for sale. With the possible exception of Muir, who was understood to be a genuine Charlton man, potential investors could easily take their money elsewhere. And of course, the longer Duchatelet hangs on the more debt he incurs. So we're in a Mexican stand-off at the moment, there's nothing more sinister than that; different parties all holding out to see what the others do. Some potential investors (the analogy demands use of the world cowboys, but that is maybe unfair on some) may come or go, but ultimately they are all waiting for someone to surrender or blink. The unfortunate truth for Roly, but the happy fact for us, is that increasing debt means he will have to sell at some point. He is Tuco Ramírez, the ugly one, those million a month costs effectively mean that he's the one in a gunfight with an unloaded gun.

    If he wanted to silence CARD and VoTV he could do it at a stroke. All he'd have to do is sell. It would be far easier and in the long run will cause him less trouble. He's got a bigger fight on his hands at the moment though.
    Disagree about the potential. We are close to one of the financial centers of the world. I have flown into City airport a couple of times on business from Switzerland and often thought what a great location the ground is in especially with all the development in the area as well. Any businessman buying the club could stick their logo on the roof of the valley and have great brand awareness. I would see us as more attractive than a Blackburn or Wigan for a savvy investor.
  • Perhaps the buyers' are playing with Duchatelet, after all they are in a very strong position. They may have agreed the price and then backed off.

    Last I heard the price hasn't been agreed.
  • This is 2nd hand so please don't shoot the messenger, but it's a rumour and worth sharing.

    My friend *(not a Charlton fan but knows a lot of the squad) has been told that Murray's statement was evasive of a few facts.

    A price had been agreed, so that Statement in itself wasn't false (although there is some debate about whether it was actually ever 2 parties). RD, however, has moved the goalposts as to how the deal would be structured.

    This caught the party(ies) off guard as they thought agreeing the price had been enough for it to be 'done', but the reality is we're no further forward than we were three months ago.

    Not true
  • Redhenry said:

    Perhaps the buyers' are playing with Duchatelet, after all they are in a very strong position. They may have agreed the price and then backed off.

    Last I heard the price hasn't been agreed.
    It’s not been agreed 100%
  • ct_addick said:

    Stig said:

    He has played every single person involved in the club he is as addicted has said a master manipulator and one that has enjoyed the last 4 months than any of his previous

    When he has finished playing he will toss us aside for a fee he is happy with and it won’t be anywhere near the numbers mentioned

    He has deliberately played Rick ,CARD, Murray

    I can see how it could look like that the way the cards have fallen, but it doesn't ring true to me. Sure he's a manipulator, but I honestly don't think he has either the emotional intelligence or the personal interest to do that. This is a man who bought a football club and then couldn't be arsed to see them play, do you honestly believe he's sitting in his Merksem lair playing silly games with the aim of tricking a fanzine editor into publishing an over-optimistic story about the time scale of his departure? This is a man who thinks he's Alan Turing, not a man who thinks he's Ernst Blofeld.

    I genuinely believe that RD wants to sell but is in turmoil over the money he'll lose. Rather than being some all-powerful player the silly old git has got himself caught between a rock and a hard place: He wants more money for the club than it is worth, so his solution is to play hardball with potential buyers hoping that he can wring more out of the deal by being patient and playing one off against another. In a normal situation with a profitable or (at least) break even business, that might make sense. The trouble for RD is that he is losing £1m a month - and personally contributing to these huge deficits by his very own presence. The longer he holds out, the more it costs him.

    As for the buyers, why would they want to bid more than their initial valuations simply because some mad old git holds the deeds? This may come as a painful revelation to some, but Charlton are probably not the most attractive purchase in the football league. Although there is potential, it is no greater than for many other mid-ranking league clubs. There are a dozen or so similarly sized clubs in the middle reaches of the football league who could potentially reach the land of milk and honey if only given the right investment. Clubs in the Championship and League One frequently come up for sale. With the possible exception of Muir, who was understood to be a genuine Charlton man, potential investors could easily take their money elsewhere. And of course, the longer Duchatelet hangs on the more debt he incurs. So we're in a Mexican stand-off at the moment, there's nothing more sinister than that; different parties all holding out to see what the others do. Some potential investors (the analogy demands use of the world cowboys, but that is maybe unfair on some) may come or go, but ultimately they are all waiting for someone to surrender or blink. The unfortunate truth for Roly, but the happy fact for us, is that increasing debt means he will have to sell at some point. He is Tuco Ramírez, the ugly one, those million a month costs effectively mean that he's the one in a gunfight with an unloaded gun.

    If he wanted to silence CARD and VoTV he could do it at a stroke. All he'd have to do is sell. It would be far easier and in the long run will cause him less trouble. He's got a bigger fight on his hands at the moment though.
    Disagree about the potential. We are close to one of the financial centers of the world. I have flown into City airport a couple of times on business from Switzerland and often thought what a great location the ground is in especially with all the development in the area as well. Any businessman buying the club could stick their logo on the roof of the valley and have great brand awareness. I would see us as more attractive than a Blackburn or Wigan for a savvy investor.
    Always been my outlook as well
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!