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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    Ask yourselves what is the rush,
    *and as long as this doesn't drag on until July/August then there is still plenty of time to sort out squad.
    This is so short sighted.

    The longer we are stuck with Robinson the less time a decent manager has to look at:

    - What they have in the squad

    - Analyse player potential

    - Decide on what deadwood needs releasing/selling

    - Finding what player options there are to replace/improve upon current players

    - Building a management, coaching and scouting team.

    - Working out the best formations (plural) to get the best out of the players

    Quite a lot of work that needs to be done long before the transfer window opens, then on getting into a position we are ready for the new season...
    Agree totally. Getting the off-field stuff right will also take time. If we don't get new owners by the end of the season then next season's campaign can be virtually written-off. That may seem overly dramatic but it is indicative of the amount of planning required for a club to be successful on and off the filed.
  • Good post 3blokes but as far as I am concerned KR was a crap manager, is a crap manager and always will be a crap manager.
  • Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
  • Assurances mean nothing in Duchatelet’s world
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    Ask yourselves what is the rush,
    *and as long as this doesn't drag on until July/August then there is still plenty of time to sort out squad.
    This is so short sighted.

    The longer we are stuck with Robinson the less time a decent manager has to look at:

    - What they have in the squad

    - Analyse player potential

    - Decide on what deadwood needs releasing/selling

    - Finding what player options there are to replace/improve upon current players

    - Building a management, coaching and scouting team.

    - Working out the best formations (plural) to get the best out of the players

    Quite a lot of work that needs to be done long before the transfer window opens, then on getting into a position we are ready for the new season...

    We were told it [the takeover] was going to be happening in January and we couldn’t do anything because no one knew what was going on. We can’t afford a summer like that.

    See - Just what I said... Roland/Katrien/David/Richard/Tea Lady I'm available and unlike Curbs I am willing to take a job in league 1.
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  • Yes, you can agree on a price but not the detail I suppose e.g. what's included. Two potential buyers strengthened Duchatelet's hand but I presume it is now weakened and it could even be the buyer moving the goalposts. I personally hope he gets as little as he deserves for the club.
  • If it gets the deal done finally then I could not care less if he somehow walked away with a healthy profit, as at this stage I just want a fresh start under a more regular owner, so I can get back to just being a fan & enjoying the football for better or worse.
  • Reading the above and the more I think about it, it sounds like Murray and Robbo have been spun a yarn.

    It all read odd at the time but it's seeming more and more like lies from the Belgium side, which in fairness Murray should have spotted and questioned. Trouble is we all want good news so are looking for it, whether it is there or not.
  • Reading the above and the more I think about it, it sounds like Murray and Robbo have been spun a yarn.

    It all read odd at the time but it's seeming more and more like lies from the Belgium side, which in fairness Murray should have spotted and questioned. Trouble is we all want good news so are looking for it, whether it is there or not.

    If Murray is being spun a line then he’s a proud enough and independent enough man to tell us and spill the beans. As Airman says above. Murray is not a mug. What has he got to lose. At present any reputation he has is diminishing at a rate of knots. Step up to the plate Mr. Murray.

  • Please forgive me if it's been mentioned before but if so, I have missed it.

    In the News Shopper article re JJ's retirement, it states " The Addicks' captain will hang up his boots at the end of the season to take up a full time, first team coaching role at The Valley".

    My question is, who would authorise this deal with JJ from the current regime IF RD is expected to have slung his hook before the start of next season ?

    JJ sounds very upbeat & confident in the interview - almost as though he's 100% certain that this agreement will be secure regardless of who's "in charge".

    So, reflecting on this, should we be asking ourselves whether JJ has met with the man/woman riding the white charger that's champing at the bit just outside the main gates in SE7 ?

    And if so, is it likely to be someone that he ( and we) already know , with more than a financial interest in our club ?
  • edited March 2018
    He's not a mug, but at the time we all thought it was odd that two parties have agreed a price and its in the hands of their respective lawyers, and that we were just waiting for them to finish the paperwork. Who in their right mind spends money on legal fees for a contract only to get beaten to the finishing post by their quicker competitor. Did Murray challenge this line and its implausibility?

    I think that how the conversations have gone are RD has given a price, both parties have said "yeah right will get back to you".

    RD has either interpreted that as in the hands of their lawyers or has misled Murray that its closer.
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  • Please forgive me if it's been mentioned before but if so, I have missed it.

    In the News Shopper article re JJ's retirement, it states " The Addicks' captain will hang up his boots at the end of the season to take up a full time, first team coaching role at The Valley".

    My question is, who would authorise this deal with JJ from the current regime IF RD is expected to have slung his hook before the start of next season ?

    JJ sounds very upbeat & confident in the interview - almost as though he's 100% certain that this agreement will be secure regardless of who's "in charge".

    So, reflecting on this, should we be asking ourselves whether JJ has met with the man/woman riding the white charger that's champing at the bit just outside the main gates in SE7 ?

    And if so, is it likely to be someone that he ( and we) already know , with more than a financial interest in our club ?

    I thought the coaching role had already been agreed by those at the club either past or present?

    This being the case I would assume JJ will hope any new owner honours the deal, if they don't fancy him in that role it will be pay off time.

    Sorry if I have de-tingled your humbug :wink:
  • Please forgive me if it's been mentioned before but if so, I have missed it.

    In the News Shopper article re JJ's retirement, it states " The Addicks' captain will hang up his boots at the end of the season to take up a full time, first team coaching role at The Valley".

    My question is, who would authorise this deal with JJ from the current regime IF RD is expected to have slung his hook before the start of next season ?

    JJ sounds very upbeat & confident in the interview - almost as though he's 100% certain that this agreement will be secure regardless of who's "in charge".

    So, reflecting on this, should we be asking ourselves whether JJ has met with the man/woman riding the white charger that's champing at the bit just outside the main gates in SE7 ?

    And if so, is it likely to be someone that he ( and we) already know , with more than a financial interest in our club ?

    Oh Fanny, don't get my hopes up, I'd just about resigned myself to another year or so of this fiasco, now you've gone and given me hope again. Curse you :smile:
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    Yet RM said they had both agreed on the price and it was down to the lawyers to finalise.
    A bit of a whopper it would appear.
  • Reading the above and the more I think about it, it sounds like Murray and Robbo have been spun a yarn.

    It all read odd at the time but it's seeming more and more like lies from the Belgium side, which in fairness Murray should have spotted and questioned. Trouble is we all want good news so are looking for it, whether it is there or not.

    If Murray is being spun a line then he’s a proud enough and independent enough man to tell us and spill the beans. As Airman says above. Murray is not a mug. What has he got to lose. At present any reputation he has is diminishing at a rate of knots. Step up to the plate Mr. Murray.

    Murray has sat beside Roland and Katrien, smiling, supporting and endorsing them. He's just Roland's mouthpiece. He'll say what he's told to say - even if it's swearing black is white.
    Then it comes down to either Richsrd is lying to us or Duchatelet is lying to him. If it’s the former which I personally doubt then he is completely finished as far as Charlton are concerned. If it is the second then why would Richard feel any allegiance to Duchatelet.
  • Reading the above and the more I think about it, it sounds like Murray and Robbo have been spun a yarn.

    It all read odd at the time but it's seeming more and more like lies from the Belgium side, which in fairness Murray should have spotted and questioned. Trouble is we all want good news so are looking for it, whether it is there or not.

    If Murray is being spun a line then he’s a proud enough and independent enough man to tell us and spill the beans. As Airman says above. Murray is not a mug. What has he got to lose. At present any reputation he has is diminishing at a rate of knots. Step up to the plate Mr. Murray.

    Murray has sat beside Roland and Katrien, smiling, supporting and endorsing them. He's just Roland's mouthpiece. He'll say what he's told to say - even if it's swearing black is white.
    Then it comes down to either Richsrd is lying to us or Duchatelet is lying to him. If it’s the former which I personally doubt then he is completely finished as far as Charlton are concerned. If it is the second then why would Richard feel any allegiance to Duchatelet.
    Maybe he believes him?
  • Reading the above and the more I think about it, it sounds like Murray and Robbo have been spun a yarn.

    It all read odd at the time but it's seeming more and more like lies from the Belgium side, which in fairness Murray should have spotted and questioned. Trouble is we all want good news so are looking for it, whether it is there or not.

    If Murray is being spun a line then he’s a proud enough and independent enough man to tell us and spill the beans. As Airman says above. Murray is not a mug. What has he got to lose. At present any reputation he has is diminishing at a rate of knots. Step up to the plate Mr. Murray.

    Murray has sat beside Roland and Katrien, smiling, supporting and endorsing them. He's just Roland's mouthpiece. He'll say what he's told to say - even if it's swearing black is white.
    Then it comes down to either Richsrd is lying to us or Duchatelet is lying to him. If it’s the former which I personally doubt then he is completely finished as far as Charlton are concerned. If it is the second then why would Richard feel any allegiance to Duchatelet.
    Maybe he believes him?
    Murray is not stupid.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    Ask yourselves what is the rush,
    *and as long as this doesn't drag on until July/August then there is still plenty of time to sort out squad.
    This is so short sighted.

    The longer we are stuck with Robinson the less time a decent manager has to look at:

    - What they have in the squad

    - Analyse player potential

    - Decide on what deadwood needs releasing/selling

    - Finding what player options there are to replace/improve upon current players

    - Building a management, coaching and scouting team.

    - Working out the best formations (plural) to get the best out of the players

    Quite a lot of work that needs to be done long before the transfer window opens, then on getting into a position we are ready for the new season...
    If deal done when League we are in is known,which could be a month or at most 2, then with right cash pot there is plenty of time.
    You are also assuming that the buyers don't have a scouting team and contacts all ready to go, they will have watched us play multiple times ,so will know who to keep and who to get rid of.
    Why pay £5mn or more over the top when you can use that money for squad when you arrive.
    That is assuming Roland gets realistic about price otherwise there will be no deal.
    Duchatelet needs to sell more badly than the prospective buyer wanting to take us over.

    Hopefully a waiting game will mean Duchatelet folding and selling up this summer.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    Yet RM said they had both agreed on the price and it was down to the lawyers to finalise.
    A bit of a whopper it would appear.
    We don't know.

    It may have been said it good faith as that was what Murray had been told by Duchalelet.

    It may even have been true at the time Murray was told it but subsequently Duchatelet changed his mind again.

    Or it could have all been a lie and the club has never been up for sale or the sale had not been agreed.

    Personally I think Duchatelet version of reality isn't the same as anyone else's so what he says often isn't true or it is so twisted and confused that it doesn't match how the buyers see it.

    WIOTOS doesn't mean the OS is the only truth or that no one else knows anything.

    What WIOTOS is that that will be the final and definitive confirmation that the takeover has been 100% completed.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!