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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Croydon said:

    I feel like more could be made in the media about the fact that we're currently functioning without a CEO and CFO.

    Less articles about Wet Spam and more about clubs in actual dire straits

    This. It all went downhill when Meire and Joyes left.
  • Are we sold yet :neutral:
  • I fully understand why NLA and others are saying that there won't be progress in this tedious takeover saga until we know what division we'll be playing in next year.

    But what seems strange to me is that RD hasn't moved to sack Robinson. Surely it would be in his best interests to try a new manager in a last-ditch push for the Championship? It's blatantly obvious that we're going nowhere with Robinson in charge.

    Roland is flying by the seat of his pants, as usual
  • Are we Arsold yet :neutral:

  • I hope that the interested parties don't include Russians!
  • I fully understand why NLA and others are saying that there won't be progress in this tedious takeover saga until we know what division we'll be playing in next year.

    But what seems strange to me is that RD hasn't moved to sack Robinson. Surely it would be in his best interests to try a new manager in a last-ditch push for the Championship? It's blatantly obvious that we're going nowhere with Robinson in charge.

    Pray tell me what manager in his right mind would want to take a job under Duchelet?
  • .

    People are fed up with CARD and more and more are backing the club.

    All protests are left wing conspiracies to get Powell in and their old jobs back.

    M. Duchatelet has made mistakes but he has learnt from them.

    Stop going on about past mistakes and get behind the team.

    M. Duchatelet saved the club and there are no other buyers out there. All lies to sell fanzines.

    We have a good CEO who gets abuse because she is a woman.

    Robinson has passion and who else would do a better job?

    Let's see where we are after the next transfer window.

    Kev, put Henry back on...
  • I fully understand why NLA and others are saying that there won't be progress in this tedious takeover saga until we know what division we'll be playing in next year.

    But what seems strange to me is that RD hasn't moved to sack Robinson. Surely it would be in his best interests to try a new manager in a last-ditch push for the Championship? It's blatantly obvious that we're going nowhere with Robinson in charge.

    Pray tell me what manager in his right mind would want to take a job under Duchelet?
    Riga (twice), Peters, Luzon, Fraeye. Slade, Robinson....the fact of the matter is - it’s an easy pay off.....well apart from Poor old Karl, who is trying his best to get sacked, but Uncle Roly isn’t having it. Don’t forget Katrien had 20 applicants at one point.....she might have made that bit up... she was known for being economical with the truth.
    It was only 19 as she interviewed herself. She was the best candidate in her eyes until Uncle Roland hired Luzon
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  • edited March 2018

    Looked for an update on the takeover on, thinking there must be something official after last night’s Robinson rant. They haven’t bothered of course. There’s nothing but media watch sections on which the OS says: “In the News Shopper, Karl Robinson has provided a takeover update.” So last night’s Robinson interview becomes the club update.

    WIOTOS? It is. We are officially are a shambolic basket-case club that’s sending people’s careers ‘down the pan’.

    I remember watching the post-Burnley protest and being so saddened at what our great club had been reduced to. Surely it cant get worse? Of course it did because at Charlton, failure is policy. It seeps from every part of the club, from the ticket office to travel, from under-pitch heating to the performance on it, from the mouth of Robinson to the silence of Duchatalet. Everything is contaminated.

    Like so many others i’ve read this thread, - the poetry, the pot noodles and the infighting, everything - because somewhere hidden within it was the tender shard of a new dream.

    Right now we can’t even have that. We are a club with a proud past and no future.

    I wish I had a takeover rumour, I really do.

    If only there was a wizard involved.....image
  • I fully understand why NLA and others are saying that there won't be progress in this tedious takeover saga until we know what division we'll be playing in next year.

    But what seems strange to me is that RD hasn't moved to sack Robinson. Surely it would be in his best interests to try a new manager in a last-ditch push for the Championship? It's blatantly obvious that we're going nowhere with Robinson in charge.

    Pray tell me what manager in his right mind would want to take a job under Duchelet?

    Look, I'm not advocating it, just expressing surprise that he hasn't done it!
  • edited March 2018

    I fully understand why NLA and others are saying that there won't be progress in this tedious takeover saga until we know what division we'll be playing in next year.

    But what seems strange to me is that RD hasn't moved to sack Robinson. Surely it would be in his best interests to try a new manager in a last-ditch push for the Championship? It's blatantly obvious that we're going nowhere with Robinson in charge.

    Pray tell me what manager in his right mind would want to take a job under Duchelet?

    Look, I'm not advocating it, just expressing surprise that he hasn't done it!
    Duchatelet wants to sell and couldn’t give two fucks about us. He hasn’t the football brains to see that shelving Robinson for a last throw of the dice at promotion might get him more money. Sacking Robinson would cost RD a lot of money. Money he doesn’t want to spend. If he’s still owner close season we’re well screwed. He’ll not commit any realistic budget for the team. That’s why I still think he’ll be gone May latest.

  • Put Bernie in charge for the rest of the season !
  • Roly really doesn't give a toss about us, especially after all the protests both home and abroad, why should he? Surely no-one believes he is going to do us (the fans that is) any favours... he isn't going to change into the Good Fairy overnight.
    I daresay he spends a nanosecond a day thinking about Charlton. He is leaving it up to the lawyers and let's be fair, the longer they can drag it out the more money they (and probably he) can earn so why should he be in a hurry to sell the club?
    If he was that desperate about saving dosh he would have signed on the dotted line weeks' ago. The way things stand at the moment, if I was a prospective buyer, what's the incentive to complete the deal before the close of the season...or at least until the end of April?
    Every day just more and more depressing, endless suffering both on and off the pitch.
  • Fumbluff said:

    Blimey, if you change your predictions from “it’s not happening” to “it’ll happen as soon as the division we’re in next season is clear” to “anytime in the next two years” then I concede with pretty much all bases now covered you must be really really ITK and really really cool

    Righo fluffer
  • Does anyone else read the edited thread title and think it says "it's completed" for a split second?
  • Does anyone else read the edited thread title and think it says "it's completed" for a split second?

  • I still wish we'd had appointed the Ujpest dude after Fraeye. That really would have been something else to see.

    Nobby vinegar for all us vinegar pissers.

    I actually think Roland floated that idea as a joke and Katrien flipped about it.
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  • Does anyone else read the edited thread title and think it says "it's completed" for a split second?

    Was expecting that, but not as quick as 3 minutes. Well done Blacko
  • I still wish we'd had appointed the Ujpest dude after Fraeye. That really would have been something else to see.

    Nobby vinegar for all us vinegar pissers.

    I actually think Roland floated that idea as a joke and Katrien flipped about it.
    Does Duchatelet joke?
  • Can't we just apply to the Football league to have all our remaining fixtures postponed until the sale is complete ?

    I can't take many more match days while the club is disintegrating before our eyes and I don't even go anymore.

  • Grumpy said:

    I am now aware of who is favourite to be the new owner, and I cannot wait for it to happen. I will now continue to refuse any more of my money to the Belgian idiot, and I would support some return to making our anger obvious to him.
    Good days should follow, but with him in control who knows where his greed might take us. Making money is something he excels at, running a football club he will never understand, I feel privileged not to have to know him !

    You tease... go on, leak us some info.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!