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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • HarryLime said:

    Please forgive me if it's been mentioned before but if so, I have missed it.

    In the News Shopper article re JJ's retirement, it states " The Addicks' captain will hang up his boots at the end of the season to take up a full time, first team coaching role at The Valley".

    My question is, who would authorise this deal with JJ from the current regime IF RD is expected to have slung his hook before the start of next season ?

    JJ sounds very upbeat & confident in the interview - almost as though he's 100% certain that this agreement will be secure regardless of who's "in charge".

    So, reflecting on this, should we be asking ourselves whether JJ has met with the man/woman riding the white charger that's champing at the bit just outside the main gates in SE7 ?

    And if so, is it likely to be someone that he ( and we) already know , with more than a financial interest in our club ?

    Oh Fanny, don't get my hopes up, I'd just about resigned myself to another year or so of this fiasco, now you've gone and given me hope again. Curse you :smile:
    My pleasure, HL.
  • cafc-west said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    Yet RM said they had both agreed on the price and it was down to the lawyers to finalise.
    Suspect its all about the sell-on agreements - Gomez, Gudmunsson, Pope have all exceeded career expectations and will almost certainly complicate the negotiations as to what happens to any sell on amounts.
    Sorry to be picky but they have exceeded Duchatelet and Meire’s I’ll informed and idiotic expectations.
  • Perhaps the buyers' are playing with Duchatelet, after all they are in a very strong position. They may have agreed the price and then backed off.
  • edited March 2018

    Dazzler21 said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    Yet RM said they had both agreed on the price and it was down to the lawyers to finalise.
    A bit of a whopper it would appear.
    We don't know.

    It may have been said it good faith as that was what Murray had been told by Duchalelet.

    It may even have been true at the time Murray was told it but subsequently Duchatelet changed his mind again.

    Or it could have all been a lie and the club has never been up for sale or the sale had not been agreed.

    Personally I think Duchatelet version of reality isn't the same as anyone else's so what he says often isn't true or it is so twisted and confused that it doesn't match how the buyers see it.

    WIOTOS doesn't mean the OS is the only truth or that no one else knows anything.

    What WIOTOS is that that will be the final and definitive confirmation that the takeover has been 100% completed.
    Companies House will be that.
  • Redhenry said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    If you’re right, Redhenry, then that is not a reasonable interpretation of Murray’s Feb 28th statement. Quite apart from the fact that nobody would think two parties agreeing a price and terms would be agreeing that is what the seller wants but not to pay it, Murray said all that remained was the contract.

    Whatever people think of Murray, he is not a mug. He knows the difference.
    Spot on
  • This takeover saga is more convoluted and annoying than a day dress shopping with the wife.
  • cfgs said:

    This takeover saga is more convoluted and annoying than a day dress shopping with the wife.

    Buy your own dresses then
    I find mine online from specialist website, until I found it I had no idea there was so much latex in the world.
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  • Anyone who thought of believed that we were ever close or remotely close to being sold must surely now accept that they have been misslead and probably deliberately lied too
  • The fact that anyone on here believes anything that comes out of the valley is absolutely amazing to me, the whole culture over the past 4/5 years has been to trot out half truths and lies.

    Arguably that is only half true
  • Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    If the "buyers" are still hanging about then presumably they have done DD, before undertaking DD would they not have had some idea of the sale price before spending thousands on DD ?
  • Anyone who thought of believed that we were ever close or remotely close to being sold must surely now accept that they have been misslead and probably deliberately lied too

    I don't think that's the case, to be honest, except in the sense that no one ever knows what the mad bastard in Belgium is going to do next. A huge amount of time and money has been spent on professional services towards a sale - that isn't where we were this time last year.

    Meire has gone and not been replaced, which relates directly to a sale.

    Murray would not have gone on the record in the way he has unless he believed it was likely to happen. Even if you buy the argument that he was desperate to avoid protests, that level of public deception would be the end of him at Charlton. If he didn't want protests on January 20th, what are likely to be the consequences for his reputation of his story unwinding now?

    But I do think - and have always thought - that the sole reason for the December 28th announcement about Duchatelet selling was to cover his humiliation that Meire had walked out on him - the omnipotent one had to show he was in control of events, even though he wasn't.
    And do we yet know why done deal is not yet done deal? What might you know as to the actual hold up or is it all speculation at this moment?

    I ask because I really can’t see why RD would wish to prevaricate unless it’s purely because there is a real possibility for him of securing a better price and that seems unlikely to me (based on no knowledge).

    Is it more the case the prospective buyers are renegotiating or becoming uncomfortable with something?
  • Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    If the "buyers" are still hanging about then presumably they have done DD, before undertaking DD would they not have had some idea of the sale price before spending thousands on DD ?
    Yes definitely - but normally DD would show up things that would support a re-negotiation of the provisional asking price - assuming, of course; that the seller is of rational, sane, mind...
  • Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    If the "buyers" are still hanging about then presumably they have done DD, before undertaking DD would they not have had some idea of the sale price before spending thousands on DD ?
    A few weeks ago, we thought their might be one or two consortia who were interested in buying the club and who might agree a price.

    Now we know there are - or were - two, but they have not agreed a price. That tells me we are a bit further away.
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  • Chizz said:

    Quick summary, to check I know what the current status is...

    1. RD knows the price he wants to achieve to sell the club; and he's told two parties what that price is.

    2. Both of those parties have "agreed" that they understand what the asking price is.

    3. Neither party has agreed to pay that price.

    4. A Scottish consortium - who may or may not be one of the two parties - knows what the price is and has dropped out because it's too much.

    6. RM has explained part 1. and been (deliberately or accidentally) economic with the actualities with regards to part 2.

    7. RM's statement has been understood to mean that two parties have agreed to pay RD's price. This is not true.

    8. No-one who knows the price has agreed to pay it.

    9. We are nowhere nearer selling the club than we were several weeks ago. In fact, now that two consortia have found out the price, we may be a lot further away.

    10. We've lost another million quid in the last month.

    11. All players under contract are one month closer to running out and no-one is dealing with renewing them or selling the players.

    12. We still have a head of recruitment - hurrah! - but he's not doing anything, because he hasn't got a boss, or instructions, or money, or guidance.

    13. And finally, JJ thinks he can get away with hanging his boots up this Summer and doing some coaching. Sorry, pal, not only are you *in* the team next season, it's looking like you *are* the team.

    Is that about it?

    This looks like the most plausible summary. What confuses me - not about the summary, but what we have been told by Murray in terms of a price being agreed with two parties - is say you are buying a house - if you don't want to pay the price the seller is asking, you don't agree that price. Of course you can agree that you understand what the price is, as per this summary, which doesn't work for a house but could for a club with lots of contracts and clauses to wade through! but that sounds a bit weird. Not in itself, but in the fact we were given to believe the deal was imminent!

    I suppose the possibility is that the detail is so complex, the buyer/s are being ultra thorough! If one buyer has dropped out or is not seen as credible by the other, it could be possible they don't feel any pressure to rush and may see the opportunity to get the price down a little.

    Not based on any insider knowledge, just trying to add it all up. There has to be a reason!
  • cabbles said:

    Although I’m a bit more relaxed about the eventual sale (ie, as others have said, it will happen just be patient), what I do worry about is the state of the squad come next season if we don’t get a chance to have some sort of transfer window in the summer

    This noise KR is making about planning forward etc is a valid (albeit I think he used it as a smokescreen for how shite Tuesday was). If we don’t get players to sign new contracts and draw up targets, we’re gonna have the majority of the u23s potentially playing next season

    Our squad as it is is just about hanging onto top 10. Lose a Fosu or Aribo in the summer without getting a buyer in, and we’re in a relegation battle next season

    I just don't see this at all. We are not yet in April - contracts don't run out until the end of June & players can't be bought until the start of June. No-one is going anywhere as of yet & can't do until June 1st (and that only applies to those out of contract at July 1st). As for the 2 players you named - they're contracts don't run out at that point in any case so they certainly won't be leaving anytime soon. Most clubs wont be drawing up players to sign until May anyway so I think we have a few months before things start looking dodgy. I'm confident that the takeover will be done before the end of May.
  • Please forgive me if it's been mentioned before but if so, I have missed it.

    In the News Shopper article re JJ's retirement, it states " The Addicks' captain will hang up his boots at the end of the season to take up a full time, first team coaching role at The Valley".

    My question is, who would authorise this deal with JJ from the current regime IF RD is expected to have slung his hook before the start of next season ?

    JJ sounds very upbeat & confident in the interview - almost as though he's 100% certain that this agreement will be secure regardless of who's "in charge".

    So, reflecting on this, should we be asking ourselves whether JJ has met with the man/woman riding the white charger that's champing at the bit just outside the main gates in SE7 ?

    And if so, is it likely to be someone that he ( and we) already know , with more than a financial interest in our club ?

    It could be that JJ signed a contract last year with the assumption he would be player/coach this year after which he would revert to coach. So he is probably hoping that the contract is honoured and he will continue in a coaching capacity, but it may be new owners might prefer to pay him off.

  • Redhenry said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    If you’re right, Redhenry, then that is not a reasonable interpretation of Murray’s Feb 28th statement. Quite apart from the fact that nobody would think two parties agreeing a price and terms would be agreeing that is what the seller wants but not to pay it, Murray said all that remained was the contract.

    Whatever people think of Murray, he is not a mug. He knows the difference.
    This all day long. Two parties knowing the asking price is a million miles from saying a price is agreed with both and the paperwork for finalising the deal is with lawyers.

    I’ve said it before but if Murray is being lied to and he knows it then he should tell us. If things have fundamentally changed then he should tell us.

    Ball is in your court Richard.

    Agree 100%. I still think it is odd that supposedly a price was agreed with two parties and that everything was now with the two buyer's lawyers and RD's lawyers. Nevertheless, clarity was requested and Olly Groome confirmed two parties were still in the race. Some (not me) felt that could make sense as it gave an incentive to the buyers to have their lawyers work quickly to agree the Sale and Purchase Agreement.

    If the story is now that the two parties agreed they understood the price RD wanted, but they had not in fact agreed to pay that price, then that is completely different to how RM portrayed it and he was either knowingly or unknowingly spinning us a line.

    It would be very simple for RM to provide a statement providing clarity.
  • Redhenry said:

    Has anyone ITK been able to confirm that it has stalled because of the excessive price RD is demanding for the club?

    well Redhenry said that the two parties know what price RD wants but they are not willing to match it yet. so I guess its a waiting game to see if a compromise can be made. RD by the sounds of it has already pissed one previous party off (Scottish lot) as they couldn't bring RD down to a realistic figure.
    If you’re right, Redhenry, then that is not a reasonable interpretation of Murray’s Feb 28th statement. Quite apart from the fact that nobody would think two parties agreeing a price and terms would be agreeing that is what the seller wants but not to pay it, Murray said all that remained was the contract.

    Whatever people think of Murray, he is not a mug. He knows the difference.
    This all day long. Two parties knowing the asking price is a million miles from saying a price is agreed with both and the paperwork for finalising the deal is with lawyers.

    I’ve said it before but if Murray is being lied to and he knows it then he should tell us. If things have fundamentally changed then he should tell us.

    Ball is in your court Richard.

    Agree 100%. I still think it is odd that supposedly a price was agreed with two parties and that everything was now with the two buyer's lawyers and RD's lawyers. Nevertheless, clarity was requested and Olly Groome confirmed two parties were still in the race. Some (not me) felt that could make sense as it gave an incentive to the buyers to have their lawyers work quickly to agree the Sale and Purchase Agreement.

    If the story is now that the two parties agreed they understood the price RD wanted, but they had not in fact agreed to pay that price, then that is completely different to how RM portrayed it and he was either knowingly or unknowingly spinning us a line.

    It would be very simple for RM to provide a statement providing clarity.
    Indeed it would be. He won’t though.
  • Third (or second depending on who you believe) party which appears to be RedHenry’s lot are waiting in the wings to match any bid made for the club. Problem is no bid has been made for the club yet.

    There you go. That’s all I know.
  • cabbles said:

    Although I’m a bit more relaxed about the eventual sale (ie, as others have said, it will happen just be patient), what I do worry about is the state of the squad come next season if we don’t get a chance to have some sort of transfer window in the summer

    This noise KR is making about planning forward etc is a valid (albeit I think he used it as a smokescreen for how shite Tuesday was). If we don’t get players to sign new contracts and draw up targets, we’re gonna have the majority of the u23s potentially playing next season

    Our squad as it is is just about hanging onto top 10. Lose a Fosu or Aribo in the summer without getting a buyer in, and we’re in a relegation battle next season

    I just don't see this at all. We are not yet in April - contracts don't run out until the end of June & players can't be bought until the start of June. No-one is going anywhere as of yet & can't do until June 1st (and that only applies to those out of contract at July 1st). As for the 2 players you named - they're contracts don't run out at that point in any case so they certainly won't be leaving anytime soon. Most clubs wont be drawing up players to sign until May anyway so I think we have a few months before things start looking dodgy. I'm confident that the takeover will be done before the end of May.
    yes that’s if it happens by May. I would hope so, and I would hope RD realises that the longer he’s attached to us, the more money he loses and the potential interest wanes maybe.

    The problem is Roland. The guy’s a twat. You can never second guess a twat
  • edited March 2018
    cabbles said:

    cabbles said:

    Although I’m a bit more relaxed about the eventual sale (ie, as others have said, it will happen just be patient), what I do worry about is the state of the squad come next season if we don’t get a chance to have some sort of transfer window in the summer

    This noise KR is making about planning forward etc is a valid (albeit I think he used it as a smokescreen for how shite Tuesday was). If we don’t get players to sign new contracts and draw up targets, we’re gonna have the majority of the u23s potentially playing next season

    Our squad as it is is just about hanging onto top 10. Lose a Fosu or Aribo in the summer without getting a buyer in, and we’re in a relegation battle next season

    I just don't see this at all. We are not yet in April - contracts don't run out until the end of June & players can't be bought until the start of June. No-one is going anywhere as of yet & can't do until June 1st (and that only applies to those out of contract at July 1st). As for the 2 players you named - they're contracts don't run out at that point in any case so they certainly won't be leaving anytime soon. Most clubs wont be drawing up players to sign until May anyway so I think we have a few months before things start looking dodgy. I'm confident that the takeover will be done before the end of May.
    yes that’s if it happens by May. I would hope so, and I would hope RD realises that the longer he’s attached to us, the more money he loses and the potential interest wanes maybe.

    The problem is Roland. The guy’s a twat. You can never second guess a twat
    He may be a twat but he’s a very wealthy one meaning he must have got something right somewhere along the line.
  • Anyone who thought of believed that we were ever close or remotely close to being sold must surely now accept that they have been misslead and probably deliberately lied too

    I don't think that's the case, to be honest, except in the sense that no one ever knows what the mad bastard in Belgium is going to do next. A huge amount of time and money has been spent on professional services towards a sale - that isn't where we were this time last year.

    Meire has gone and not been replaced, which relates directly to a sale.

    Murray would not have gone on the record in the way he has unless he believed it was likely to happen. Even if you buy the argument that he was desperate to avoid protests, that level of public deception would be the end of him at Charlton. If he didn't want protests on January 20th, what are likely to be the consequences for his reputation of his story unwinding now?

    But I do think - and have always thought - that the sole reason for the December 28th announcement about Duchatelet selling was to cover his humiliation that Meire had walked out on him - the omnipotent one had to show he was in control of events, even though he wasn't.
    Sorry bud. You've been played big time.

    Duchatelet enemy No 1
  • Anyone who thought of believed that we were ever close or remotely close to being sold must surely now accept that they have been misslead and probably deliberately lied too

    I don't think that's the case, to be honest, except in the sense that no one ever knows what the mad bastard in Belgium is going to do next. A huge amount of time and money has been spent on professional services towards a sale - that isn't where we were this time last year.

    Meire has gone and not been replaced, which relates directly to a sale.

    Murray would not have gone on the record in the way he has unless he believed it was likely to happen. Even if you buy the argument that he was desperate to avoid protests, that level of public deception would be the end of him at Charlton. If he didn't want protests on January 20th, what are likely to be the consequences for his reputation of his story unwinding now?

    But I do think - and have always thought - that the sole reason for the December 28th announcement about Duchatelet selling was to cover his humiliation that Meire had walked out on him - the omnipotent one had to show he was in control of events, even though he wasn't.
    Sorry bud. You've been played big time.

    Duchatelet enemy No 1
    Totally agree it was done with malice and intent to damage the reputation
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!