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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Collectively I am sure the Aussie mob have more capital than Poison Poirot, If the deal is he retains part of anything until we are better off then no probs with me. I just want him and his toxic shit out as much as poss.
  • If there's a scintilla of truth in the rumour that 'the new guys' will be leasing the premises from the toxic old then this deal can wither and die so far as I'm concerned. Deferred payment based on whatever cock-eyed scheme, that's all fine. But for tooshitsalot to have his cancerous digits left in any part of Charlton's pie will be ruinous. All or nothing. Anybody getting into business with roly is at best a moron, to have that rancid dementor lingering around the place defies sense and will deny any respect whatsoever. I hope it ain't true. I'd sooner have Uncle Ron Noades as landlord, for eternity, than have anymore time in the toxic pantomime.


    Pass on the Noades bit.

    NAPM @ The Valley all the whist Dushitelet taking money.
  • So long as that odious shit retains even the slightest interest in anything connected to our club, I will not set foot in The Valley.

    Are you reading this Southend?
  • Scoham said:
    This isn't NOT as bad as it sounds in my opinion, for two reasons.

    First, it is essentially just collateral against the remainder of the purchase price being paid, which will be paid if/when we are creating higher turnover or promoted, most likely. This is not at all unreasonable, for it means that RD would have sold it all if the full price was paid up front.

    Second, it shows Muir is not financially stupid. And despite having hundreds of millions in cash available, was unwilling to overpay up front. It shows he has financial smarts, which his CV proved already.

    I always though RD might keep the ground if he did not get full price and said so many times, here. But this feels more like he wants to hold it until he is paid in full, which is VERY different and does not worry me nearly as much. For now.

    Not ideal. But not a disaster. I seriously doubt it will interfere in Muir's plans.
    Until such time as we get promoted but then the c*** has moved us to wherever.
  • If there's a scintilla of truth in the rumour that 'the new guys' will be leasing the premises from the toxic old then this deal can wither and die so far as I'm concerned. Deferred payment based on whatever cock-eyed scheme, that's all fine. But for tooshitsalot to have his cancerous digits left in any part of Charlton's pie will be ruinous. All or nothing. Anybody getting into business with roly is at best a moron, to have that rancid dementor lingering around the place defies sense and will deny any respect whatsoever. I hope it ain't true. I'd sooner have Uncle Ron Noades as landlord, for eternity, than have anymore time in the toxic pantomime.


    Pass on the Noades bit.

    NAPM @ The Valley all the whist Dushitelet taking money.
    Wouldn't that be dangerous? Besides where could we get some?

    Oh - not a penny ...
  • Roland will lease us The Valley car park potholes
  • If RD’s going to lease us the training facilities, hadn’t he better build them first?

    Maybe he'll lease to the Aussies at £ x but when they develop the facilities he thinks he can then up the price to £ xxxx as they've built on his land ?
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  • Roland will lease us The Valley car park potholes

    Yes and on a full repairing lease no doubt, the c*nt.
  • The Aussies must be mad if they are agreeing to pay 40M for Charlton , Roland has wrecked the club. We are in a lower division , crowds are down 50% , the Aussies should offer 20M take it or leave it with no strings. If Roland was to getting 10% of player sales that would be the end of Valley Gold for most fans

    I could win valley gold every other week then
  • DPFC said:

    The worrying thing about the valley freehold being owned by someone other than the club brings back memories of us having to move to sellout park

    Who on earth has said that The Valley freehold being held by Duchatelet ? No suggestion of that whatsoever.
  • DPFC said:

    The worrying thing about the valley freehold being owned by someone other than the club brings back memories of us having to move to sellout park

    There is enough to worry about without you making it up as you go.
  • If the club is leasing the valley they don't own the freehold Roland does
  • DPFC said:

    If the club is leasing the valley they don't own the freehold Roland does

    And who anywhere has said that Rolly will be leasing the Valley to the club.
  • I heard from what I consider to be a credible source today, the deal may well entail the club leasing the Valley from Duchâtelet, Duchâtelet being paid all existing add-ons from previous player sales, and a percentage of ALL future player sales.

    Was it DPFC?
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  • All rather quiet regarding the possible involvement of the German horse.
    Does it remain an interested party? :confused:
  • All rather quiet regarding the possible involvement of the German horse.
    Does it remain an interested party? :confused:

    Goodbye horse, goodbye horse, say goodbye to the horse.
  • And as he was saying goodbye to his horse....

    You know the rest
  • Hopefully after breaking cover Thursday night this lot don't prove to be our Michael Knighton.
  • Uboat said:

    Based on what I'm reading all I can think is that these various arrangements mean the next takeover thread will make this one look like a picnic. It is going to be the stuff of nightmares.

    There will be multiple if this and if that.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!