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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited May 2018

    Keith Harris, once rumoured to be brokering our takeover, has joined the Everton board.

    So we will end up with Orville then?
  • Addickted said:

    Which players do need work permits?

    Footballers from outside the EU must still obtain a work permit if they wish to play for English football clubs. Every non-EU footballer must successfully apply for a Governing Body Endorsement (GBE) with the FA before the Home Office will consider issuing a work permit.

    The system has recently been tightened and now only non-EEA players who are internationally established at the highest level, and whose employment will make a significant contribution to the development of their sport at the highest level, are allowed to play in the UK. One of the reasons for the rule change was that only 58% of football players who were given work visas played any top-flight football in their second season.

    What are the criteria which will be used?

    Until 2015, football players needed to have played in at least 75% of their country’s senior international matches over the previous two years to play in the UK. Eligibility for a GBE now depends on a national team’s FIFA ranking, as follows:

    Official FIFA Ranking / Required % of international matches in past 2 yrs
    FIFA 1-10 / 30% and above
    FIFA 11-20 / 45% and above
    FIFA 21-30 / 60% and above
    FIFA 31-50 / 75% and above

    In the case of players aged 21 or under at the time of application, the period is reduced to one year. The aim is to make it easier for young, outstanding talent to grow their game in the UK.

    If a club’s application is rejected, there is an appeals process. The Exceptions Panel is the appeals body which will consider, on a points based system, the player’s experience and value before deciding whether the player can join the club, regardless of their failed application. A stricter assessment of relevant objective criteria will now be applied in an appeal.

    I heard a rumour that we might be leaving the EU (although the person who told me was a bit vague on how and what would replace it).
    Precisely - and I would think one of the reasons why the Aussies are so interested.

    As from next April, we are able to form our own immigration policy outside of the EU Legislation and allow in as many ex Commonwealth immigrants - whether permanent or temporary - as we wish. I cannot see too many complaints over a small number of fit young English speaking high earning white makes being allowed in.

    Pretty sure this will be seen as a back door entry into the EU by quite a few countries.
    Nothing like a back door entry.
  • This is beyond ridiculous.

    How long does it take to put a club up for sale, get potential buyers through the door, receive offers, iron out the finer details, agree a price and then get EFL approval ffs.

    I can only liken it to buying a house.......
  • Are you aware how many leases & sub leases, along with how much contaminated land is on the Peninsular?

    There's also issues with the environmental, wildlife and transport impact statements - rumours that the requirement is for an extension of the DLR before it will even be considered.
  • Keith Harris, once rumoured to be brokering our takeover, has joined the Everton board.

    In 2016...
    But he Harris was rumoured this year with the Aussies Murray, Murphy and Muir.
  • Addickted said:

    Are you aware how many leases & sub leases, along with how much contaminated land is on the Peninsular?

    There's also issues with the environmental, wildlife and transport impact statements - rumours that the requirement is for an extension of the DLR before it will even be considered.

    And there was me, thinking any delays were because Roland's a dick....
  • edited May 2018
    WTF is going on?

    Rudderless. Surely a statement updating fans should be made if they want to sell some season tickets.
  • Valley11 said:

    WTF is going on?

    Rudderless. Surely a statement updating fans should be made if they want to sell some season tickets.

    Season Tickets aren't on sale.
  • imminent February -----seems a long long time ago
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  • How many milestones have we hung hope round? This or that close season, this or that transfer window, being prepared for times when planning and strategy is needed, waiting to know which division we're in, this or that snippet of leaked information, this or that arrival or departure of playing or non playing staff.
    And still Duchatelet is the owner.
    And still I wait to buy my beloved season tickets.
    When Pandoras box was opened all the bad stuff was released into the world, but shining at the bottom of the box was hope.
    Duchatelet has crushed hope because eventually time trumps hope, and we are left with nothing but the bad stuff.
  • Davo55 said:

    Valley11 said:

    WTF is going on?

    Rudderless. Surely a statement updating fans should be made if they want to sell some season tickets.

    Only one thing they can say that would make most fans buy a season ticket.
    Free pies?
  • Where is nla to tell us to all calm the.......... down!?
  • Davo55 said:

    Valley11 said:

    WTF is going on?

    Rudderless. Surely a statement updating fans should be made if they want to sell some season tickets.

    Only one thing they can say that would make most fans buy a season ticket.
    Signing Harry Lennon for another year?
  • edited May 2018
    So here we are, transfer window opens tomorrow, we have no CEO, no CFO, no Manager, 4 loan players have left, JJ has retired and still we wait for RD to sell!! We have no idea who is buying us really, we just hope that people seen at the last two games are. Well if they are then why are they not trying to get the deal done this week? What has happened to RM giving updates, just like he did when the club were hoping to attract supporters to turn up in Feb/March. I smell a large dollop of bullshit and raising of false hopes. I really hope I'm wrong, but I fear this summer break will be no different from the previous ones under RD, and come August we will once again be left wanting. I wonder if we've all be sold a dummy?
  • I smell it too mate..

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  • The one phrase that has been said to me all the way through

    “ The aussies don’t have the money “

    That to me is why there’s a delay
  • So here we are, transfer window opens tomorrow, we have no CEO, no CFO, no Manager, 4 loan players have left, JJ has retired and still we wait for RD to sell!! We have no idea who is buying us really, we just hope that people seen at the last two games are. Well if they are then why are they not trying to get the deal done this week? What has happened to RM giving updates, just like he did when the club were hoping to attract supporters to turn up in Feb/March. I smell a large dollop of bullshit and raising of false hopes. I really hope I'm wrong, but I fear this summer break will be no different from the previous ones under RD, and come August we will once again be left wanting. I wonder if we've all be sold a dummy?

    I have put information on another thread, but the transfer window is open

    Don't panic, but it's already open!

    EFL clubs have been able to sign players since May 7, when the window officially opened for domestic registrations.

    If a club wants to register someone from abroad though, this will open on June 9, which is determined by FIFA
  • ross1 said:

    So here we are, transfer window opens tomorrow, we have no CEO, no CFO, no Manager, 4 loan players have left, JJ has retired and still we wait for RD to sell!! We have no idea who is buying us really, we just hope that people seen at the last two games are. Well if they are then why are they not trying to get the deal done this week? What has happened to RM giving updates, just like he did when the club were hoping to attract supporters to turn up in Feb/March. I smell a large dollop of bullshit and raising of false hopes. I really hope I'm wrong, but I fear this summer break will be no different from the previous ones under RD, and come August we will once again be left wanting. I wonder if we've all be sold a dummy?

    I have put information on another thread, but the transfer window is open

    Don't panic, but it's already open!

    EFL clubs have been able to sign players since May 7, when the window officially opened for domestic registrations.

    If a club wants to register someone from abroad though, this will open on June 9, which is determined by FIFA
    We're waiting for the World Cup to snap up a few of the stars.
  • ross1 said:

    So here we are, transfer window opens tomorrow, we have no CEO, no CFO, no Manager, 4 loan players have left, JJ has retired and still we wait for RD to sell!! We have no idea who is buying us really, we just hope that people seen at the last two games are. Well if they are then why are they not trying to get the deal done this week? What has happened to RM giving updates, just like he did when the club were hoping to attract supporters to turn up in Feb/March. I smell a large dollop of bullshit and raising of false hopes. I really hope I'm wrong, but I fear this summer break will be no different from the previous ones under RD, and come August we will once again be left wanting. I wonder if we've all be sold a dummy?

    I have put information on another thread, but the transfer window is open

    Don't panic, but it's already open!

    EFL clubs have been able to sign players since May 7, when the window officially opened for domestic registrations.

    If a club wants to register someone from abroad though, this will open on June 9, which is determined by FIFA
    Thanks for the update @ross1 but that makes us 10 days behind transfers tomorrow!!! Once again we are behind others then.
  • I was told a couple of weeks ago the the aussies were highly ambitious, massively unrealistic and needed backers.

    Subsequent tweets about hoping a proper backer turns up would seem to echo this sentiment
  • edited May 2018
    Stig said:

    Macronate said:

    This is beyond ridiculous.

    How long does it take to put a club up for sale, get potential buyers through the door, receive offers, iron out the finer details, agree a price and then get EFL approval ffs.

    I can only liken it to buying a house.......

    Estimated Time For Normal Club Sale

    Make the decision to sell............................................................Instant
    Prepare sales offer and supporting documentation.....................2 weeks
    Let it be publicly known that you want to sell.............................2 weeks
    Preliminary discussions with interested buyers...........................2 weeks
    Due diligence.............................................................................1 month
    Negotiation of exact terms.........................................................2 weeks
    Sort out any remaining financials................................................1 week
    Seek EFL permissions..................................................................1 week
    Exchange contracts.....................................................................1 week
    Finalise sale and bugger off.........................................................1 week

    TOTAL.........................................................................................16 weeks

    Estimated Time For Duchatelet Club Sale

    Repeat mantra 'The club is not for sale'.......................................2 years
    Think about it a bit......................................................................6 months
    Think about it a bit more.............................................................6 months
    Get your CEO to tell some lies about it.........................................(ongoing)
    Do something just to piss someone off........................................1 week
    Imagine you are a mathematical genius.......................................1 week
    Engage some top London lawyers................................................1 month
    Visit The Valley to check that everything's OK..............................20 minutes
    Celebrate your birthday with some boys from the Belgium 20......1 day
    Speak with some guy in Australia.................................................2 weeks
    Decide you like their anthem, because it's about waltzing............1 week
    Discover that their anthem is Advance Australia Fair....................2 weeks
    Refuse further contact as their anthem isn't about waltzing.........2 weeks
    Consult Napa about sale price - £70m (mmm nice).....................1 month
    Imagine all the duck tape you could buy for £70m.......................2 weeks
    Get anxious about rumours published about the sale...................1 week
    Embark on a disinformation programme to flush out the source...3 months
    Drive Miss Daisy to job interview in Owlerton................................2 days
    Get hopelessly lost on way home...................................................2 days
    Read your classic collection of 1970's Hergé comic books.............3 weeks
    Practice the foxtrot........................................................................4 days
    Talk to all interested buyers..........................................................1 month
    Think of a price double it and then add in some extras.................1 month
    Make a list of reasons not to sell...................................................1 week
    Sack the team manager.................................................................2 weeks
    See what happens with some new people in charge.......................2 months
    Play-offs! the ideal opportunity to get greedy. Double that price....3 weeks
    Tell everyone that it's on hold........................................................1 month
    Bugger, no promotion, put club on sale again................................1 week
    Imagine a scheme to cream-off 10% of all future chip sales...........1 week
    Watch the Mythbusters duck tape special on repeating loop...........4 days
    Fill in forms so that you can enter next year's Strictly.....................1 week
    Imagine your ideal dance partner - Rolanda Duchatelet..................1 week
    Have a little cry about how much you miss Daisy............................3 months
    Decide you can't be bothered selling the club.................................2 weeks
    Give it to some former business associate to do for you.................6 months

    TOTAL..............................................................................................262 weeks (if at all)

  • All rather concerning IMO.

    Says it all when NLA decides to hide his big balls under a bushel.....
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!