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How do the Tories need to change?



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    Seems that the big star at the fringe meetings attracting numbers that the main audatorium struggled with was none other than the Moggster.

    It couldn't happen could it ?
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    Leuth said:

    I said this on the GE thread:

    I'm no Tory but I have a fairly clear sense of what I want in a Tory - fusty, rural, eccentric, jovial and above all sincere. They should have the demeanour of gentry (or at least, military folk) and use their cruel, hard-nosed commitment to self-interest in the service of personal liberty. They should oppose the nanny-state at every turn - ditto authoritarianism - and they should pay their servants well (and encourage everyone else down the rotary to do the same). They should put aside generous alms for the needy and they should love nature and its conservation. They should have an encyclopedic knowledge of their constituency and how old all of its churches are. Did Tories of this kind ever exist? It is perhaps a pipe-dream, but I can well imagine Tories of yore cleaving somewhat to this portrayal. We are faced with a very different sort of Tory as the default. A sort of rapacious soulless bastard who thrives on hatred and positively relishes authoritarianism. Who disdains whimsy or even intellect; who frames everything as a fight and who never, ever chills out. Who embraces the alt-right, for fuck's sake. Labour now have some principled politicians with good social-democratic aims and approachable demeanours. Not many, but a few. One is leader. It's almost enough. Can the Tories please put forward some proper Tory politicians too? It's getting boring.

    1979 onwards put paid to the idea of any form of benevolence in that party.

    Since then it has been a scoping exercise to see what they could get away with.

    Only sho
    bobmunro said:

    Was this Teresa May's bacon sandwich moment or fell into the surf ?

    More like falling into the surf whilst attempting to eat a bacon sandwich.
    She'd eat the surf and fall into the sandwich
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    Teresa May will face a leadership challenge from Boris cos he is struggling to get by on £147k per annum.
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    Poor old Theresa..... will watch the debacle later, but how on earth did Lee Nelson get in and be able to get right to the stage, someone in security is going to feel some wrath later, suspect they'll find a charge to stick on him also.
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    Rob7Lee said:

    Poor old Theresa..... will watch the debacle later, but how on earth did Lee Nelson get in and be able to get right to the stage, someone in security is going to feel some wrath later, suspect they'll find a charge to stick on him also.

    Why was he arrested? Then released without charge, should he have been dearrested?
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    Rob7Lee said:

    Poor old Theresa..... will watch the debacle later, but how on earth did Lee Nelson get in and be able to get right to the stage, someone in security is going to feel some wrath later, suspect they'll find a charge to stick on him also.

    Why was he arrested? Then released without charge, should he have been dearrested?
    I'm not sure if he was, just googled it and the 1m clip showed him being escorted outside by police, looked like me at Walsall last year :smile:

    I can't readily think of what they'd charge him with, maybe breach of the peace? Clearly security needs looking at though.
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    Rob7Lee said:

    Poor old Theresa..... will watch the debacle later, but how on earth did Lee Nelson get in and be able to get right to the stage, someone in security is going to feel some wrath later, suspect they'll find a charge to stick on him also.

    He was an official delegate with all the correct authorisations to be there. That's why he was not detained. He plans these things meticulously apparently.

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    Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Poor old Theresa..... will watch the debacle later, but how on earth did Lee Nelson get in and be able to get right to the stage, someone in security is going to feel some wrath later, suspect they'll find a charge to stick on him also.

    Why was he arrested? Then released without charge, should he have been dearrested?
    I'm not sure if he was, just googled it and the 1m clip showed him being escorted outside by police, looked like me at Walsall last year :smile:

    I can't readily think of what they'd charge him with, maybe breach of the peace? Clearly security needs looking at though.

    Uber still working in Manchester
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    I just read that Isis have claimed responsibility for may's speech

    Nicking that
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    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    An income tax cut for over 30 million people.
    Four million taken out of paying it at all.
    Employment up to a record high.
    Unemployment down to a historic low.
    Income inequality at its lowest for thirty years.
    More women in work than ever before.
    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds doubled.
    1.8 million more children in good or outstanding schools.
    3 million more apprenticeships.
    Crime down by more than a third.
    More young people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university than at any time in the history of our country.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

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    Rob7Lee said:

    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    An income tax cut for over 30 million people.
    Four million taken out of paying it at all.
    Employment up to a record high.
    Unemployment down to a historic low.
    Income inequality at its lowest for thirty years.
    More women in work than ever before.
    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds doubled.
    1.8 million more children in good or outstanding schools.
    3 million more apprenticeships.
    Crime down by more than a third.
    More young people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university than at any time in the history of our country.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

    Doesn't all that look a bit left wing ?

    She's toast. The rabid part of her party. (The big bit) was looking for something they could cheer.

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    Rob7Lee said:

    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    An income tax cut for over 30 million people.
    Four million taken out of paying it at all.
    Employment up to a record high.
    Unemployment down to a historic low.
    Income inequality at its lowest for thirty years.
    More women in work than ever before.
    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds doubled.
    1.8 million more children in good or outstanding schools.
    3 million more apprenticeships.
    Crime down by more than a third.
    More young people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university than at any time in the history of our country.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

    Doesn't all that look a bit left wing ?

    She's toast. The rabid part of her party. (The big bit) was looking for something they could cheer.

    It was to an extent tongue in cheek,

    I think Aunty Theresa has a while yet..........
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    Rob7Lee said:

    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

    Compared to when exactly? And they may call it a "living wage" but it isn't, it's just an enhanced minimum wage.
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    after today's fiasco, May should be toast .. but I wouldn't put much money on her being replaced any time soon .. there is no leadership candidate who can appeal to all wings of the disunited party ..

    Johnson, the American born Albino Turk is a two faced hyena .. ironically he'll probably be the next leader of the opposition when another conniving lying wonk, Corbyn is voted in to 10 Downing Street ..

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    Prime Ministers shouldn't be pitied, and that's all that's left now
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    after today's fiasco, May should be toast .. but I wouldn't put much money on her being replaced any time soon .. there is no leadership candidate who can appeal to all wings of the disunited party ..

    Johnson, the American born Albino Turk is a two faced hyena .. ironically he'll probably be the next leader of the opposition when another conniving lying wonk, Corbyn is voted in to 10 Downing Street ..

    Oh she's definitely toast but I agree there doesn't seem to be an optimum time to replace her what with the ongoing Brexit negotiations. I think they will stick with her as long as possible and let her accumulate all the crap she can before ditching her in favour of ( your answer here) in the hope they can gain some dead cat bounce before an election defeat. Alternatively if they feel that the election is already lost they might let her hang around and get shot after.

    All in all the Conservative party are desperately looking for a paddle.

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    Strange bracelet she was wearing.
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    aliwibble said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

    Compared to when exactly? And they may call it a "living wage" but it isn't, it's just an enhanced minimum wage.
    a quick google says since 2010, agreed on the living wage, assume it was mentioned as it's a fav of JC's. I'm not sure of the effect of having a £10 minimum wage, can only see it leading to quite a lot of job losses.
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    Strange bracelet she was wearing.

    Clearly a Trotskyist.

    Can you think of anybody less like Theresa May than Frida Kahlo?
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    Rob7Lee said:

    I wouldn't discount Boris although I don't personally think he'd make a good PM.

    No. I agree. I would want to see someone who was a bit les of a wanker. Just my opinion obvs.
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    Rob7Lee said:

    after reading the posts i thought the speech was going to be a complete cluster fcuk, outside of the coughing etc I didnt think the content was that bad, typical party conference stuff but ........ I did't realise the conservatives had achieved so much; :

    An income tax cut for over 30 million people.
    Four million taken out of paying it at all.
    Employment up to a record high.
    Unemployment down to a historic low.
    Income inequality at its lowest for thirty years.
    More women in work than ever before.
    Over 11,000 more doctors in our NHS.
    Over 11,000 more nurses on our hospital wards.
    Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds doubled.
    1.8 million more children in good or outstanding schools.
    3 million more apprenticeships.
    Crime down by more than a third.
    More young people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university than at any time in the history of our country.
    A national living wage, apparently brought in by them not Labour......

    It's the stuff of dreams I tell you...... :wink:

    Good left wing policies I see
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    I bet David Cameron is laughing his bollocks off - May thought she was being clever by running dead during the Brexit Referendum but now she has been exposed as a complete, bumbling amateur of the highest order - if it wasn't so serious it would be funny.
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    I bet David Cameron is laughing his bollocks off - May thought she was being clever by running dead during the Brexit Referendum but now she has been exposed as a complete, bumbling amateur of the highest order - if it wasn't so serious it would be funny.

    Cameron created all the mess and then bailed out - he can't criticise anyone....
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    edited October 2017
    Not only nicking other people’s Ideas, nicking other people’s lines.

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    The Tories are trying to challenge the popularity of Corbyn by moving to the left. Another example of his influence on them. I said earlier this week, they are mentioning him too much. May showed how this bloke terrifies them by providing the ad lib that she would like to give the P45 to him after the stunt. The fact of the election was May called it because she thought Corbyn was weak. She found out he was strong and she had let out a monster (from the Tory perspective). I have been on a similar journey of discovery myself. Let us not forget that the Tory vote held up, it was the way Corbyn galvanised new voters that has freaked them out.

    It isn't May's fault that she was ill, it isn't her fault that a prankster did his stunt and it isn't her fault the letters fell off! It isn't her fault that she was under pressure to do too many interviews because of a disloyal bastard in her ranks. However, It does provide a physical metaphor for a party that is bewildered and lost. That two of the most innapropriate candidates, Johnson and Rees-Mogg are being touted as favourites for leadership of the party speaks volumes.

    The Tories now are following the policies Milliband stood behind in 2015 - so Corbyn was perfectly right in his speech how the centre has moved. The issue is that will not sit well with a number of Tories and they have absolutely no credibility at one of the most important times in the this country's history due to Brexit. We don't need a 2 year adjustment period after Brexit but a 4 or 5 year one to sort ourselves out! It isn't funny havingsuch a rudderless ship as it is our futures and our children's futures at stake.
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    Strange bracelet she was wearing.

    Clearly a Trotskyist.

    Can you think of anybody less like Theresa May than Frida Kahlo?
    I've not got the slightest idea who that person is so a comparison is tricky to make.
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