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How do the Tories need to change?



  • She has been allowed to resign, instead of being booted out the door. Only fair, considering May knew more than she's been letting on!!
  • TelMc32 said:

    Priti Patel and Bojo have both behaved appallingly and deserve to be sacked.

    Media focusing on Patel, while Johnson should also be getting it with all barrels. He should never have been made Foreign Secretary. I am struggling to think of someone with a worse CV - bar Roy Hodgson & David Moyes maybe - and so inappropriate for such a job!
    I actually feel she is even worse - trying to unilaterally shape foreign policy in favour of Israel is shameless. She is careless, dishonest and dangerous.

    Effectively sacked.
  • Good riddance.
  • edited November 2017
    Prithi Patel appears to have met with the Israeli Prime Minister and some others as well as taking a trip to the Golan Heights whilst on "holiday" without notifying the Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister nor taking the appropriate diplomatic support.

    She then came back and formulated a request for humanitarian aid for the Israeli military hospital on the Golan Heights. Methinks she wanted out?! Strikes me as a classic disruptive play in the style of Steve Bannan!

    I wonder what happens next since we don't see any real give in the UK position with the EU27. So it's unlikely trade talks will start.

    Business is threatening to shift offices if they hear nothing by March 2018. Tick tock!
  • So what about Boris?
    Will he resign?
    Will he buggery.
  • Boris does the exact opposite of his brief: represent British interests abroad.
  • The whole thing looks very dodgy and our PM seems unclear what she knows....
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  • cabbles said:

    I am absolutely astounded by the level of support Patel is getting from the Tory benches. This woman has tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the nation, the Prime Minister and her cabinet colleagues, the house and everyone not included above. We still have no idea to what ends. These Members of Parliament really are crawling in the gutter of self preservation and are beyond contempt.

    She’s too much of a liar and cowboy to be part of the cabinet but don’t worry she’s still a good constituency MP so everything is alright. Give it a few years and she’ll come creeping back onto the front benches. They always need a few liars on there.

    She has proved beyond doubt she’s not fit to sit and vote on the direction this country takes. She should be forced to resign her seat.

    The prick Farage says she’s a good woman and strong brexiteer. That tells you all you need to know about that twunt.

    I’m fuming.

    I agree shooters - and was also amazes me is the likes of Mogg banging on about reducing foreign aid, and this fucking moo is out there dishing it out to Israel....

    This party, this government simply are pond life

    The best thing is knowing her smug face is enduring absolute hell at the moment

    For your Tory basher like me, I love it
    Moggy can't be a real human - he's too ridiculous.
  • cabbles said:

    I am absolutely astounded by the level of support Patel is getting from the Tory benches. This woman has tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the nation, the Prime Minister and her cabinet colleagues, the house and everyone not included above. We still have no idea to what ends. These Members of Parliament really are crawling in the gutter of self preservation and are beyond contempt.

    She’s too much of a liar and cowboy to be part of the cabinet but don’t worry she’s still a good constituency MP so everything is alright. Give it a few years and she’ll come creeping back onto the front benches. They always need a few liars on there.

    She has proved beyond doubt she’s not fit to sit and vote on the direction this country takes. She should be forced to resign her seat.

    The prick Farage says she’s a good woman and strong brexiteer. That tells you all you need to know about that twunt.

    I’m fuming.

    I agree shooters - and was also amazes me is the likes of Mogg banging on about reducing foreign aid, and this fucking moo is out there dishing it out to Israel....

    This party, this government simply are pond life

    The best thing is knowing her smug face is enduring absolute hell at the moment

    For your Tory basher like me, I love it
    Moggy can't be a real human - he's too ridiculous.
    You would think so. Some think he should be next PM?????
  • Let’s just hope that David Davis has kept his dick in his trousers. If he hasn’t then all bets are off.
  • I would be surprised if Davis has been directly involved in any abusive behaviour. I don't get that vibe off him.
  • edited November 2017
    I'm almost beginning to feel a quantum of sympathy for May.*

    * assuming she didn't know all about Patel's antics months ago.
  • Leuth said:

    I would be surprised if Davis has been directly involved in any abusive behaviour. I don't get that vibe off him.

    He's reassuringly asexual to the same degree as he's exasperatingly incompetent
  • Seeing a worrying amount of IDS on TV at the moment.
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  • I am just going to come right out and say it: I think Priti Patel is an absolute sort of the highest order.

    The fact that she also seems to be a narcissistic, preening, nasty cow actually makes me find her even more attractive.

    The good news for me is that she may now have more time for the sort of activities I have in mind for our relationship.

    I’m genuinely considering abusing my power and banning you for this :wink:

    She’s got smug condescending look about her
  • I have to say the current crop of politicians in Parliament is the worst I've ever seen. It's a shambles and in the midst of this the Brexit process is stalling leaving the country in limbo.

    The crop of candidates to replace Theresa should she go includes some corkers - BoJo, Moggy or Leadsom all seem useless and deluded enough to be in with a shout.

    It does seem like the Tory party is intent on imploding.
  • edited November 2017

    I have to say the current crop of politicians in Parliament is the worst I've ever seen. It's a shambles and in the midst of this the Brexit process is stalling leaving the country in limbo.

    The crop of candidates to replace Theresa should she go includes some corkers - BoJo, Moggy or Leadsom all seem useless and deluded enough to be in with a shout.

    It does seem like the Tory party is intent on imploding.

    Jackob Rees Mogg - why would anyone vote for him as their MP? I can't see a Tory party led by him winning a General Election - surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to choose him as their leader? He's about as far away from being a "Man of the people" as it is possible to get. You should check out his religious views, which he makes no secret of:
  • Joking aside, what Tory success stories have there been since 2010?

    Off the top of my head I can only think of gay marriage legislation and apparently it is the case that the tax gap is falling (although experts dispute this as they contest that HMRC does not include the amount they let Amazon/Google/Starbucks get away with in their figures).
  • One would have perhaps the least Mr Johnson could be doing is to be working round the clock, or at least be giving the impression of doing so, to correct his diplomatic snafu that has placed a Briton in serious danger.

    Instead he has been touring news studios this morning kissing Trump's arse.

    No words.
  • I am just going to come right out and say it: I think Priti Patel is an absolute sort of the highest order.

    The fact that she also seems to be a narcissistic, preening, nasty cow actually makes me find her even more attractive.

    The good news for me is that she may now have more time for the sort of activities I have in mind for our relationship.

    I'll agree she's photogenic but she's one of those odd looking sorts resembling two bods grafted together in the middle - pear shaped to be generous. Finding out for certain how cynically nasty and ambitious she is and that she supped with the swivel eyed gonks in Goldsmith's referendum cadre means that I'll never be able to keep down my lunch if she ever has the pleasure of meeting me. I'm sure she's distraught.
    Trouble with the depths to which this odious tory party has sunk, she'll be on the back benches for a couple of reshuffles at most before Mogg or Davis or Bojo or some equally repugnant reptile appoints her to another senior role. She perfectly fits the 21st century tory specification, she's just superficially prettier. And we're stuck with them for another 54 months.
  • seth plum said:

    Leaving aside everything about the man for the moment. The only thing Boris should be doing right now, 24/7, is to get Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe back to the UK. Nothing else.

    That would be actual work Seth. The man doesn’t work. Just walks round trying to blag his way through life off the back of the image he’s created for himself

    I dread to think what working in his department is like

    Also, the other thing I find amazing is the amount of people in the Tory party saying ‘oh priti is so talented, it won’t be long before she’s back’

    Good ethics and morals all round then. I don’t want the smug moo anywhere back near a central role in government ever again. She’s shown her true colours. It’s a bit like Allardyce. She’s a cheat, that puts her own interests above that of the station she’s responsible for.

    Why the hell should she be given another crack in the future. Piss off and get back to representing your Witham constituents. If they keep you at the next election that’s up to them. Don’t want her anywhere near a National role. She should be subject to a ban like you would if you fall foul of the FCA or something as a director
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