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How do the Tories need to change?



  • We need some sort of reform of our political system, not sure what annoys me most, the fact you can call a non binding vote, the fact you can simply not turn up or all the heckling that goes on. Do other countries have all this ridiculous goings on?
  • Can't lose a vote if no one turns up

  • Could the Tory train be derailing? Michael Fallon has just resigned due to these sexual harassment allegations.
  • If he goes after Hartley-Brewer said it was nothing, what chance have the other sleaze balls got? Mass exodus coming soon...
  • bellz2002 said:

    Could the Tory train be derailing? Michael Fallon has just resigned due to these sexual harassment allegations.

    I think it's more to do with what's on the other list. Any Defence Secretary should be absolutely squeaky clean...
  • TelMc32 said:

    If he goes after Hartley-Brewer said it was nothing, what chance have the other sleaze balls got? Mass exodus coming soon...

    Well exactly. Has he really resigned over what Hartley-Brewer said was absolutely nothing or is he resigning because there is more to come concerning him ?

    I doubt he’s going to be the last from all sides of the house.

  • FFS will you give it a rest, there's a game on

  • Can we now expect the resignation of Boris Johnson on the basis that his "behaviour has fallen short", every single day of his political career, including as London Mayor?
    Could be quite an empty house of commons if everyone who may have fallen short quits!
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  • Just had a look at that list of Tory names that came out the other day. Definitely a few "penchants" to be revealed & comment on his drinking habits is backed up tonight by one exchange that suggested 3 of the Commons bars could close if he goes!
  • May is screwed. She'll have to replace Fallon, but who with when she can't be sure if they'll have to go in a day or two.
  • So, Boris eh?
  • How two of the most senior people within the diplomatic corps of the FCO can be these two idiots is just beyond parody. Gormless, self-serving idiots, the senior (alledgedly) of whom could still have caused serious repercussions for a U.K. citizen.

    Johnson is now apparently going to Iran to "sort this out". I wouldn't let the twat out of the country again and certainly not without two responsible adults and a load of gaffer tape for his mouth.

    Both of them should be sacked.
  • Boris should resign, but instead he's probably going to be our next Prime Minister. :neutral:
  • There will be open rebellion and massive interventions if there's any risk of Boris as PM
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  • Leuth said:

    Can't wait for the Russian bot-generated pro-Tory social media swarm just in time for the next election. I swear to god if you vote these cunts back in. Even the Tories among you should vote Lib Dem to punish them. Five years of Corbyn should be enough time for your party to take stock and rid itself of these awful fucking morons. Rebirth. Try that One Nation stuff again, and try it better.

    It would have to exist first before it could be improved.

    As it was, it was just the unctuous coward Cameron blowing hot air. It only ever existed as a vacuous soundbite, the political language perfected by the master bullshitter Blair
    Well exactly. They'd have to follow through with it for it to gain traction, one hopes.
  • Leuth said:

    There will be open rebellion and massive interventions if there's any risk of Boris as PM

    Problem is, there will be open rebellion if there’s any chance of Theresa May trying to shut out boris. Catch 22. Once again, internal tory divisions are fucking up the country. The only party not suffering from infighting is *shudder* Corbyn’s Labour.
  • TelMc32 said:

    How two of the most senior people within the diplomatic corps of the FCO can be these two idiots is just beyond parody. Gormless, self-serving idiots, the senior (alledgedly) of whom could still have caused serious repercussions for a U.K. citizen.

    Johnson is now apparently going to Iran to "sort this out". I wouldn't let the twat out of the country again and certainly not without two responsible adults and a load of gaffer tape for his mouth.

    Both of them should be sacked.

    Can't Iran just imprison him. Job done, everyone is happy and we move on with our lives
  • Leuth said:

    Can't wait for the Russian bot-generated pro-Tory social media swarm just in time for the next election. I swear to god if you vote these cunts back in. Even the Tories among you should vote Lib Dem to punish them. Five years of Corbyn should be enough time for your party to take stock and rid itself of these awful fucking morons. Rebirth. Try that One Nation stuff again, and try it better.

    It would have to exist first before it could be improved.

    As it was, it was just the unctuous coward Cameron blowing hot air. It only ever existed as a vacuous soundbite, the political language perfected by the master bullshitter Blair
    Cameron wasn't a One Nation Tory he just had a very slick machine which convinced enough people that he was 'all things to everyone'. You would have to go back to Ted Heath (oh f**k!) for a One Nation party and John Major for a One Nation leader.
  • What would Boris actually need to do to get sacked? Go to a state banquet dressed as Colonel Klink? Lock the Chinese ambassador in a toilet with a staffie? Enter Wimbledon under the pseudonym Baron von Fingerbang?
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