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How do the Tories need to change?



  • Telegraph leading with labour anti-Semitism again. Priorities. Reflects the readership
  • McBobbin said:

    Telegraph leading with labour anti-Semitism again. Priorities. Reflects the readership

    I’m assuming you mean pro Tory rather than Jewish?
  • McBobbin said:

    Telegraph leading with labour anti-Semitism again. Priorities. Reflects the readership

    Is that a surprise to you?

    Did you not see the very moving speeches from the Jewish Labour MPs in the HoP yesterday? A standing ovation from all sides of the House is a very rare thing. Is this not newsworthy?

    The abuse and threats these people and their families have been in receipt of from Momentum members is horrendous. (I wonder if a company that has a £50k unsecured, interest-free, indefinite period loan outstanding to a certain J Corbyn is in any way connected? I'll give you a clue it's called Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd. Is it any wonder Corbyn is dragging his feet on the issue?)
  • McBobbin said:

    Telegraph leading with labour anti-Semitism again. Priorities. Reflects the readership

    So what?
    It's an important issue, or should everyone just simply continue to ignore it so not to tarnish the image of Corbyn?
  • John Mann’s speach yesterday was about as powerful as you get in the HoC on any subject.
  • cafcfan said:

    McBobbin said:

    Telegraph leading with labour anti-Semitism again. Priorities. Reflects the readership

    Is that a surprise to you?

    Did you not see the very moving speeches from the Jewish Labour MPs in the HoP yesterday? A standing ovation from all sides of the House is a very rare thing. Is this not newsworthy?

    The abuse and threats these people and their families have been in receipt of from Momentum members is horrendous. (I wonder if a company that has a £50k unsecured, interest-free, indefinite period loan outstanding to a certain J Corbyn is in any way connected? I'll give you a clue it's called Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd. Is it any wonder Corbyn is dragging his feet on the issue?)
    Why are you not calling for a cross party report on anti-Semitism then? Or do you think it is only a harbour of the left? In fact when was the last report on internal racism within the conservative party even produced?

    Unite gave him a £75000 loan at the same time, both were written off as campaign donations. It is a standard form of contribution and has been around for years. I'm surprised you have brought it up considering the how murky conservative funding is. Not only selling the cheapest peerages but their supporters benefiting the most from tax loop holes for political contributions.
  • The Windrush (and probably wider then that generation) scandal shows the Tories will never change. This tweet thread from Polly MacKenzie who was Nick Clegg advisor, sums up the Tory attitude, that they can never see the good, or the person, just that there must be pain to many to find a mythical immigrant who is supposedly on the take.

  • edited April 2018
    It shames us all. Our people shouldn't be treated like this. I just want to see it put right now.
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  • Windrush issue is a disgrace.

    The anti-Semitism issue is a disgrace.

    Both deserve to be called out.

    Both need a change of leadership for both reasons imo. There’s talk the windrush issue is the tip of the iceberg in terms of deportations etc.

    This could be quite big.
  • Windrush issue is a disgrace.

    The anti-Semitism issue is a disgrace.

    Both deserve to be called out.

    Both need a change of leadership for both reasons imo. There’s talk the windrush issue is the tip of the iceberg in terms of deportations etc.

    This could be quite big.
    Labour is f***ed while Momentum runs the party under the Corbyn cult.

    Theresa May doesn't really have a viable replacement - whoever steps in will be even more tone deaf.

    Amber Rudd and Dianne Abbott occupying such high profile positions shows how desperate politics has become.

    I have never felt so disillusioned about politics.
  • Windrush issue is a disgrace.

    The anti-Semitism issue is a disgrace.

    Both deserve to be called out.

    Both need a change of leadership for both reasons imo. There’s talk the windrush issue is the tip of the iceberg in terms of deportations etc.

    This could be quite big.
    Labour is f***ed while Momentum runs the party under the Corbyn cult.

    Theresa May doesn't really have a viable replacement - whoever steps in will be even more tone deaf.

    Amber Rudd and Dianne Abbott occupying such high profile positions shows how desperate politics has become.

    I have never felt so disillusioned about politics.
    My views exactly.
  • With the disillusionment of politicians the choice is probably about which is the least worse, or voting for a party with some kind of ideology or voting against the party you hate, or voting for the individual MP for your constituency because of their character.
    To my mind however this is not about fine margins, or close calls. There is a substantial difference between Labour and Tory despite the flaws in both parties which makes the current choice easy, despite the influence of media.
  • seth plum said:

    With the disillusionment of politicians the choice is probably about which is the least worse, or voting for a party with some kind of ideology or voting against the party you hate, or voting for the individual MP for your constituency because of their character.
    To my mind however this is not about fine margins, or close calls. There is a substantial difference between Labour and Tory despite the flaws in both parties which makes the current choice easy, despite the influence of media.

    I suspect we may differ no whom is least worse as the country is clearly split but that was exactly what I was saying and did at the last election, for the 1st time since I started voting in the early 90's I'd rather not have voted Red or Blue but the alternative (in my area) was a useless Lib dem candidate (before you even look at them as a party) who achieved 3% of the vote or the BNP at 1.6% (embarrassingly high in my view), the Greens stood aside to help Labour. I very nearly just didn't bother but felt ultimately that was worse.
  • seth plum said:

    With the disillusionment of politicians the choice is probably about which is the least worse, or voting for a party with some kind of ideology or voting against the party you hate, or voting for the individual MP for your constituency because of their character.
    To my mind however this is not about fine margins, or close calls. There is a substantial difference between Labour and Tory despite the flaws in both parties which makes the current choice easy, despite the influence of media.

    I've always voted for the least worst but now the two main parties have plumbed the depths to such an extent I couldn't vote for either of them.

    I despise Corbyn and Momentum - I can't see him as a PM and don't like the way a cult has been built up around him. Labour has never been a party that's demanded blind loyalty to its leadership but that seems to be the way it is heading.

    I would never consider voting Conservative.

    Politics has been dying for me for many years - I have little or no trust or respect for most of our leading politicians. That wasn't always the case for me.
  • Anyone else see Corbyn stumble, wave his leg in the vague direction of the ball and completely fell over when faced with an open goal re the windrush scandal at pmq’s today? Jesus../
  • Anyone else see Corbyn stumble, wave his leg in the vague direction of the ball and completely fell over when faced with an open goal re the windrush scandal at pmq’s today? Jesus../

    He’s poor opposition to a poor government in a poor political landscape, we’re all doomed I tell you. Just reading was that about the papers being destroyed by May..... a decision made by Labour the year before!?
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Anyone else see Corbyn stumble, wave his leg in the vague direction of the ball and completely fell over when faced with an open goal re the windrush scandal at pmq’s today? Jesus../

    He’s poor opposition to a poor government in a poor political landscape, we’re all doomed I tell you. Just reading was that about the papers being destroyed by May..... a decision made by Labour the year before!?
    He walked right into that didn't he? So, it was Labour that ordered the documents shredded about the same time that they removed the "right to remain" if immigrants had been here five years. You couldn't make it up.
  • Ahem!

    This is the How do the Tories need to change thread, could you take any Labour comments to the 'How does Labour need to change' thread.
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  • Oh wait, they can't!
  • cafcfan said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Anyone else see Corbyn stumble, wave his leg in the vague direction of the ball and completely fell over when faced with an open goal re the windrush scandal at pmq’s today? Jesus../

    He’s poor opposition to a poor government in a poor political landscape, we’re all doomed I tell you. Just reading was that about the papers being destroyed by May..... a decision made by Labour the year before!?
    He walked right into that didn't he? So, it was Labour that ordered the documents shredded about the same time that they removed the "right to remain" if immigrants had been here five years. You couldn't make it up.
    He did walk into it, but quite clever wording by May, Labour didn't make the call or order it, but the UK Border Agency made the call, under a Labour Government. Either way, calling out May seems to have been a mistake. I still don't like her particularly, or think she's a great leader, but she has learnt how to deal with Corbyn most of the time. Although before the latest mishaps on both sides she was leading him by quite a margin in the polls for who's the best Pm.
  • edited April 2018


    This is the How do the Tories need to change thread, could you take any Labour comments to the 'How does Labour need to change' thread.

    Been locked and sunk since it got taken over by Corbyn cultists, so would love to but can’t.
  • If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with
  • I mean, I'd pretty much end up with Caroline Lucas obv, but what about you
  • Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    Blair but without being shifty eyed and a warmonger.
  • Ahem!

    This is the How do the Tories need to change thread, could you take any Labour comments to the 'How does Labour need to change' thread.

    If only we could, sadly I even missed the shenanigans that got the thread booted as well. @cabbles do your duty and bring it back.
    Leuth said:

    I mean, I'd pretty much end up with Caroline Lucas obv, but what about you

    I'm with you, the only credible individual currently leader of a Party.
  • cabbles said:

    Leuth said:

    If we were to each construct our ideal PM, with no heed paid to the people who are currently MPs, I wonder what we'd end up with

    I'd have Ken Clarke's torso, Michael Hesseltine's hair, Vince Cable's gait, Chuck thumpawhampa's legs, Rees Mogg's face and Iain Duncan Smith's arms
    Surely Johnsons hair has got to fit on Mogg's face! Someone get photoshopping.
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