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ParkRun / Running Thread



  • kigelia said:
    Some fairly serious runners in this thread :)  I’m 48 and hadn’t run for ages, built up to 5k through running 10k home very slowly. Thought I was doing ok with 5’30 km and then my son who is 12 and was similarly unfit, got fit and went out for a run with him…..

    Little shit thinks nothing if chucking in a 5’05km in the middle and asking why I can’t keep up. As a result have pulled calf muscle and can’t seem to get it fit again. Every time I leave it longer and longer after it feels fine before I run again and after 2.5k it twinges then feels shot for a week.

    any suggestions (please don’t say to give up and get on a bike)
    Calf injuries are a hassle for me. I had some physio on mine a while back and was given a series of strengthening exercises that I do on. On-running days.

    the key I have found is never running on consecutive days along with the exercises. Doing other training (cycling, some strength training) helps as well. 

    Get some advice and some help and hopefully you can reduce the risk of recurrence. 
    Too tip I was given by a bloody great physio, backed up by my PT when I was training properly.

    I used to stretch my calves by using the curb in the road. Toes on the edge then lower your heel.  That worked to a point but the physio then told me to turn my foot in (so if right foot, turn to 10 o clock) stretch, back to 12 stretch, then turn out to 2 o clock.  Then you stretch the whole calf, not just the back.

    When I started stretching like that, all my calve issues cleared up and never had another pull.
  • We are in Devon for Mrs Hex's family reunion so 13 of us did the Torbay Velopark parkrun, a flat mix of tarmac and grass.  We all ran good times with grandsons (9 and 11) knocking 5 minutes off their PBs.  My time was much better than recently but I'm a touch disappointed I didn't do better.
  • A few friends did Ipswich parkrun before yesterday's match - I was meant to join them but I've been laid up with a stomach bug. Their results were far more impressive than Charlton's...

    My own running's been atrocious of late, even by my standards, which I'm blaming on grief from some rotten shoes which are getting binned soon. So I'm basically starting from scratch again. Been to some interesting parkruns recently, though - Crosby (on the beach, just north of Liverpool), Jesmond Dene (in Newcastle, incredibly steep and even features a small flight of steps) and did Ally Pally a few weeks back.  
  • Fumbluff said:
    I fancied a change today so went to Fulham instead.I’ve tried here once before as I’d googled it as being one of the park runs that does the New Years Day extra run so I turned up on 1-1-20 and it was cancelled. 
    Imagine my surprise when I got there today and it was cancelled as well, this time because the council was digging a small corner of the park up. 
    Made up my own course, got a disappointing time and pedalled home. Arseholes
    It's been off since February because of the works in the park. Looks like it should have been back by now but the council are dragging their feet.

    The extra New Year's Day parkruns have been stopped now - think it caused too many issues with people haring around between venues for volunteer-run events to deal with. 
  • Did 5 when the lad was playing football yesterday, 33 mins, so that’s a lovely point to chip away at to going sub 30 again soon
  • Red_Raver said:
    Anyone run on a treadmill at home? I've recently acquired one and am enjoying using it.
    Yes, do all my running on a treadmill. Month of April ran 70 miles, like to mix it up with the bike and rowing machine also in our garage.
    You can obviously control the speed and gradient and mix those up, I have heard it said a gradient of 2 on a treadmill is equivalent to road running?
    The ability to run at any time and in any weather and also as a women to feel safe when running means it suits me, I know not everyone has the space for a machine or enjoys it but I love it.
  • shine166 said:

    Back in May I couldn't run 1km without stopping  multiple times, just managed a sub 5k for the first time. Next up a sub 1hr, 10k and the London marathon in 2022
    So, are you doing the London Marathon 2022?
  • Just to add that I have just signed up, interested in how many on here are doing it?

    If anyone wants to help me raise money for Diabetes UK it would be much appreciated.

    I've never run that distance before so questioning my sanity at this point - along with dodgy knee and being a type 2 myelf. I've found a training plan through Run Keeper although I understand there are others which might be free of charge (doh!), and am currently half way through week 2. Doing a 10mile river run in Maidstone on Sunday morning.


  • My first for over two months. A depressing affair that led to me stopping twice. No real positives to take from it.

    Congrats to @WSS who smashed out a very impressive PB 
    I genuinely didn't realise this, a bit over my non-ParkRun PB but having the pacers was helpful last week.

    You did good mate despite being out of the habit for a couple of months.
  • razil said:
    Just to add that I have just signed up, interested in how many on here are doing it?

    If anyone wants to help me raise money for Diabetes UK it would be much appreciated.

    I've never run that distance before so questioning my sanity at this point - along with dodgy knee and being a type 2 myelf. I've found a training plan through Run Keeper although I understand there are others which might be free of charge (doh!), and am currently half way through week 2. Doing a 10mile river run in Maidstone on Sunday morning.


    Nice one! Slipped some money your way. Think I'd like to do a marathon just because it's there, but maybe not this year!

    A half, for sure. Might look for a local one, any time will do. 

    Went for a run today and got a 58 min 10k which I'm very happy with, hadn't gone under an hour for a long time. Will mix it up now with long and slow, parkrun and a few circuits near my house with an annoying hill.
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  • McBobbin said:
    razil said:
    Just to add that I have just signed up, interested in how many on here are doing it?

    If anyone wants to help me raise money for Diabetes UK it would be much appreciated.

    I've never run that distance before so questioning my sanity at this point - along with dodgy knee and being a type 2 myelf. I've found a training plan through Run Keeper although I understand there are others which might be free of charge (doh!), and am currently half way through week 2. Doing a 10mile river run in Maidstone on Sunday morning.


    Nice one! Slipped some money your way. Think I'd like to do a marathon just because it's there, but maybe not this year!

    A half, for sure. Might look for a local one, any time will do. 

    Went for a run today and got a 58 min 10k which I'm very happy with, hadn't gone under an hour for a long time. Will mix it up now with long and slow, parkrun and a few circuits near my house with an annoying hill.
    very kind of you, its a daunting task and thats just the fundraising..
  • Another 28 minuter today, went out too quickly! Was fun, but so humid I was a sweaty heap at the end of it
  • I’ve just about given up. My back seems to seize up after a few minutes running. Might need to get that looked at. 🙁
  • edited May 2022
    razil said:
    shine166 said:

    Back in May I couldn't run 1km without stopping  multiple times, just managed a sub 5k for the first time. Next up a sub 1hr, 10k and the London marathon in 2022
    So, are you doing the London Marathon 2022?
    I am ! I'm running it for whizzkids, first time I've applied although I do need to raise 2 grand. Would love to run it for upbeats next time. 

    I've done a half once, got another booked for August near me at shuttleworth.
  • Just booked the Chelmsford half marathon in October. Didn't fancy the full one! Maybe next year once I'm more used to ling distances
  • McBobbin said:
    Completed my first half marathon today! 2 hrs and 24 mins... Fair to say I practically crawled across the line. My legs aren't happy with me. Psychologically I'm dead chuffed though. I wasn't running fast enough to get out of breath, but my legs were dead by the end
    Nice one! Strange day for a race though where was it?
  • Wasn't a race today, that's in October. I was just doing a training run and fancied giving the whole distance a go. Just had to crawl up the stairs! 
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  • RedPanda said:
    I ran 1h46 at the Victoria Park half marathon, didn't quite have the legs for 1h44 but it's still a PB by 5 minutes. I think they have half and 10ks every couple of months, it's wide & flat but 6.5 laps gets a tad tiresome.

    Will focus on slower, hillier stuff now as North Downs will come around fast.
    Was that one of the Runthrough events? They've got them going on most weekends at various locations. Usually have various distances at each event as you say. As they're mostly done within a park setting it's usually multiple laps. I'm doing their Battersea Park half tomorrow but that's also 8.5 laps. Hopefully will get a decent time as a flat course but can't say I'm feeling motivated for it!
  • razil said:
    Just to add that I have just signed up, interested in how many on here are doing it?

    If anyone wants to help me raise money for Diabetes UK it would be much appreciated.

    I've never run that distance before so questioning my sanity at this point - along with dodgy knee and being a type 2 myelf. I've found a training plan through Run Keeper although I understand there are others which might be free of charge (doh!), and am currently half way through week 2. Doing a 10mile river run in Maidstone on Sunday morning.


    Also signed up and running on behalf of Diabetes UK! Was supposed to do it last year but I pinged an adductor and that was that.

    Training going ok so far. Did the Gatwick Half last Sunday, which was fine until 18K when I realised I had nothing left... Walk/ran the remainder, so just happy to get to the finish.

    Good luck with the fundraising and may see you at one of the pre-race events. I've pinged you some dosh.
  • razil said:
    Just to add that I have just signed up, interested in how many on here are doing it?

    If anyone wants to help me raise money for Diabetes UK it would be much appreciated.

    I've never run that distance before so questioning my sanity at this point - along with dodgy knee and being a type 2 myelf. I've found a training plan through Run Keeper although I understand there are others which might be free of charge (doh!), and am currently half way through week 2. Doing a 10mile river run in Maidstone on Sunday morning.


    Also signed up and running on behalf of Diabetes UK! Was supposed to do it last year but I pinged an adductor and that was that.

    Training going ok so far. Did the Gatwick Half last Sunday, which was fine until 18K when I realised I had nothing left... Walk/ran the remainder, so just happy to get to the finish.

    Good luck with the fundraising and may see you at one of the pre-race events. I've pinged you some dosh.
    Wow very kind of you, it’s a tough time for many right now so I’m expecting fundraising will be hard going.

    on the training side my knee is holding up ok so far, calf muscle complaining tho so have backed off the training a little. Am thinking perhaps my training plan is a bit too aggressive. It’s also tricky running when you go through a bad patch with your levels which can result in bad sleep - hence the early morning post.. still am fairly pleased and hoping I will settle into a regime and of course it’s only the start of a fairly long journey.

  • Not looking forward to Parkrun this morning, have barely moved further than the kitchen in the last fortnight. Target is to get round without stopping as stopped twice on my last one 
  • A pleasant parkrun at Dartford Heath this morning.  I started nearer the rear of the pack and found it a bit disconcerting as runners sped past me.  I was even more worried when my first half km was faster than I would have liked.  Still, I managed to make some progress and posted a reasonable time, passing a Charlton supporter doing a selfie on the way. 
  • Charlton Parkrun had pacers for the first time this morning, wearing vests with the target minutes in large numbers on the back.
    The 26-minuter did a perfect pacing job and I kept her in sight to finish four seconds under that time.

    Next stop for me is the Hackney Half next Sunday, when I will be praying for cloudier skies than today.
    Interesting. Must be quite a difficult job. Where do they find these people, I wonder.
  • Love the pacer races, tend to get my best times then
  • Struggling currently. Just recovering from some kind of viral infection (not the covid one) and whilst not feeling too bad generally running has been tough.

    have basically lost two weeks of training. Just focusing on time on my feet for runs at the moment. 

    That said running this afternoon wasn’t the most sensible thing I guess but shift work dictates when I am able to get out.
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