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    Stephen Lawrence death was horrendous, the police follow up disgusting, what has that got to do with Charlton
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    You still havent answered :-1:
    1/ Ultras
    2/ Cheerleaders
    3/ Goalmusic
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    How's the FA investigation into your Nazi goalkeeper going?
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    Hows the X Factor hunt for plastics to fill the Holmesdale End with singing supporters - Shows how desperate your lot are for an "atmosphere" that'll never exist

    Not to mention your lot berate Newcastle Jets for "copying" your red and blue stripes yet you've done the same from Barcelona and other clubs for your away kit

    You talk about us fans being plastic supporters yet your handle of supporters would destroy the oceans - Never known such a pathetic bunch who can only sob over their non existent trophy cabinet
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    Matt Himself:
    If that’s true, that we glorify people's deaths and hit out at innocent creatures, then maybe your best course… would be to tread lightly.

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    Shat himself seems to have gone quiet now
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    Shat himself seems to have gone quiet now
    His in bed , got school tomorrow.
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    He really is a sad little man, if his main enjoyment is trolling.
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    Funny how his turned up the day after they've virtually confirmed survival.
    At least  the millwal lot are on here quite a bit.
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    Oh Matt did you find out the bird you was shagging was your sister, something has clearly eaten you up tonight
    No no. He's a 48 year old accountant who's just been told by his wife Linda that he is no longer allowed to wear his black hoody and cover his face when he goes to the football as it isn't scary and is actually just embarrassing.
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    Oh Matt did you find out the bird you was shagging was your sister, something has clearly eaten you up tonight
    No no. He's a 48 year old accountant who's just been told by his wife Linda that he is no longer allowed to wear his black hoody and cover his face when he goes to the football as it isn't scary and is actually just embarrassing.
    Wrong, 100% virgin。
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    Did i miss old Shatt?
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    Did i miss old Shatt?
    Unfortunately yes. Big day at school today,got some colouring in to do so he had to go to bed early. Those ultras are proper hardcore you know, bless him.
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    When I was about 19 or so and stuck in boring office jobs, I would occasionally sign up to a Palace forum and wind them up. It was funny to me, no matter what they said as long as they replied. The more they attempted to come up with one-liners disparaging me, the more I giggled to myself. It was pretty pathetic to be honest, but hey, maturity has never been my strong suit. 

    What I am trying to say is, there isn't anything you can say to this kid to put him down, he's enjoying the attention. The worst feeling he can get is to come back to this thread and discover nobody has replied to him. 
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    Palace scoring a penalty. Well thats unusual.
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    Palace with their millionth pen this season.
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    The title of this thread needs changing to 'Palace have scored yet another f***ing penalty'
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    They'll be screwed when VAR comes into operation next season

    Look forward to hearing the pundits being unable to understand why they're getting less penalties
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    Stripy cockwomble Shitweasel Croydon inbred wankers 
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    Stripy cockwomble Shitweasel Croydon inbred wankers 
    Cant stand it when people beat around the bush and dont say what they really mean :wink:
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    Another pratfall by Zaha!!!
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    Their penalties have all been crucial as well as they're a low scoring side, it's not as if they're winning 4-0 and the penalty is the icing on the cake

    It's the difference between mid table and the relegation spots
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    When Zaha leaves them to actually play for a team with some ambition the penalties will dry up.

    They'll need to find some other cheating diver to fall over at the slightest breeze.
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    Palace have scored 39 goals this season and 10 of them have been penalties. Quite remarkable really that over a quarter of their goals have been pens.

    They're fucked if Zaha leaves.
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    Even more remarkable is we've had more penalties than them!!

    Has that EVER happened in history!!
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    When you look at it.. it is definitely a pen.. but when I have watched it back.. Zaha as EVERY intention in going down.. Look at the way he moved the ball with his right? foot. He knew he was about to lost it.. He was playing the ball away with him on the right and going down on the left.. so he had NO intention in going round the player WITH the bal. He kicked it slightly away from him. 
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    When Zaha leaves them to actually play for a team with some ambition the penalties will dry up.

    They'll need to find some other cheating diver to fall over at the slightest breeze.

    Oh they will find someone.. they have previous.. Gayle, Andy Johnson. 

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