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KM lands new job with English football club (ed. Chef Wendy)



  • If she's joined the old boy's gravy train then let's just forget about her.
    She was never in the mould of CEO to polish Peter Varney's boots and never will be.

  • She has to work somewhere as long as it’s absolutely nothing to do with us and not to our detriment that’s fine with me. Hopefully it will be one of the teams above us in this division, that way there’ll be one more place for us to aim for.
    I actually think this story is just a slow news day at the Newshopper, probably more like she wants another job at an English club. Seriously what owner wants their club ruined? She couldn’t even arrange car park pot holes to be filled let alone run a multi million pound business. She won’t have an uncle to help her at another English club,hopefully.

    Neither could the last management team... or the ones before them.
  • SDAddick said:

    This is yet another in the long line of reasons that 2017 has made me think I should start taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off.

    Are you sure that it's not yet another in the long line of news items that confirms that you must have been taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off throughout 2017?
  • I am actually speechless

    I feel the same. I won't to make a comment, but can't think what to say. Amazing, just amazing.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    @Airman Brown what do you make of that? (KM going to another English club)

    If that's true, it is more insane than Trump in the White House. But I suppose even the Shopper has some minimal journalistic standards that would demand some diligence was carried out on such a preposterous story?

    Apart from anything else I'd be staggered if she wanted to stay in the UK, surely she'd want to scuttle back to Belgium where her "talent" would be more appreciated? And didn't she invest in a house over there?

    And if true, when did she start looking for a new job, and when did she open talks with a new employer.

    Sorry, in the real world, this doesn't add up. But, Trump...

    My employer, friends and family had no idea I was job hunting when I landed my last job.

    Sometimes people keep it to themselves to reduce pressure on themselves in interviews etc.

    Meire has likely strolled straight into a job based solely on her FA position.
    Of course, a normal employee wants to keep a job search confidential, and is entitled to do so.

    But that would mean she had given up on Roland several months ago.

    The Belgium 20 tweeted that RD had demanded of all buyers that they keep her on, and all refused. However I can no longer find that tweet, deleted?

    Oh well, time will tell who is telling porkies...
    I'm not sure how anyone in the B20 would know that.
  • Uboat said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    @Airman Brown what do you make of that? (KM going to another English club)

    If that's true, it is more insane than Trump in the White House. But I suppose even the Shopper has some minimal journalistic standards that would demand some diligence was carried out on such a preposterous story?

    Apart from anything else I'd be staggered if she wanted to stay in the UK, surely she'd want to scuttle back to Belgium where her "talent" would be more appreciated? And didn't she invest in a house over there?

    And if true, when did she start looking for a new job, and when did she open talks with a new employer.

    Sorry, in the real world, this doesn't add up. But, Trump...

    My employer, friends and family had no idea I was job hunting when I landed my last job.

    Sometimes people keep it to themselves to reduce pressure on themselves in interviews etc.

    Meire has likely strolled straight into a job based solely on her FA position.
    Of course, a normal employee wants to keep a job search confidential, and is entitled to do so.

    But that would mean she had given up on Roland several months ago.

    The Belgium 20 tweeted that RD had demanded of all buyers that they keep her on, and all refused. However I can no longer find that tweet, deleted?

    Oh well, time will tell who is telling porkies...
    I'm not sure how anyone in the B20 would know that.
    Which I think shows who was telling porkies.
  • This is very very bad news for some club somewhere...... if true, Duchatelet must have taken them over because beyond his network she's completely unemployable.
  • SDAddick said:

    This is yet another in the long line of reasons that 2017 has made me think I should start taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off.

    Are you sure that it's not yet another in the long line of news items that confirms that you must have been taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off throughout 2017?
  • Stig said:

    It just beggars belief that anyone in football would even consider her. What must the interview have bee like.

    Interviewer: What experience do you have in football?

    Meire: I am CEO at Charlton Athletic.

    Interviewer: Ah yes, so I see. Can you tell me about your achievements there?

    Meire: I put a sofa by the pitch, we had a house DJ in one of the lounges and I was responsible for engaging a prestigious PR company to enhance our reputation.

    Interviewer: And what happened with those things?

    Meire: The sofa got ripped up by fans who didn't appreciate our forward thinking. The house DJ was perhaps a little too progressive for Charlton, but it could work for your club. And the club was consistently in the press. The reach of those articles was magnificent. I once had a Spurs supporting cabbie who told me that he wished his club was as well run as Charlton.

    Interviewer: What about your involvement on the playing side?

    Meire: I was responsible for all the transfers. I didn't need no help. I did it all on my own like a little Wonder Woman.

    Interviewer: How many players did you sign?

    Meire: 2,763

    Interviewer: And were any of them any good?

    Meire: Oh yes, one of them went on to be the highest scoring player for Charlton Athletic in the 2015-16 season. He got three goals you know. Not bad, eh? Then there was one that I sold the Standard Leige, that was a tricky one but I somehow pulled it off. Oh yes, and Blackburn Rovers. They once took one of our players on loan. I took him up there by myself by train. We met the Venkys. Awfully nice people and they've got some great ideas about football. Would you like me to introduce you?

    Interviewer: Err, let's move on shall we. With all those new players, how did the team do?

    Meire: Oh brilliantly. I got them into League One at only the second attempt. That's the best league isn't it. And we're seventh now. The fans love that because it's the most exciting place in the league, all the will we won't we. They love it, it's all good.

    Interviewer: So, what were the financials like?

    Meire: I'm very good with money. Under me the business had a terrific turnover. I reckon that on average I was getting through a turnover of £10m a year.

    Interviewer: With that turnover you must have made a healthy profit.

    Meire: Oh no, we didn't make no profit. Actually, when I said turnover what I actually meant was loss. Bit unique me saying that really.

    Interviewer: You lost £10m a year. That doesn't sound encouraging.

    Meire: It's alright. I spoke to uncle Roly. He told me that he could offset some of it against tax. Anything that didn't just went into a big black hole to be taken on by the next 'mug punter' as he liked to call them.

    Interviewer: I see. Tell me about relations with fans, or perhaps customers we might like to call them?

    Meire: Well it's weird. But everyone loved me. I can't believe just how well they took to me. They used to gather at the back of the stand and chant my name. It's like I was a goddess and they were worshiping me.

    Interviewer: I've seen attendance figures and they suggest that people stopped going to Charlton.

    Meire: I know, I think it was all a bit too much for some of them. Seeing me there and knowing how brilliant I am. And then at the end of the match they'd all have to trudge back to their wretched little supporter lives knowing that I'd be in the directors lounge sharing vol-au-vents with the beautiful people. I don't think they could take it.

    Interviewer: Miss Meire, I don't want to sound to harsh but reading between the lines, it seems that you were a stooge for your... errrr... 'uncle'. The only ideas you had were hopelessly out of touch with the needs of the business. You hired a string of useless players who got relegated. You lost millions of pounds and the fans all hated you. Is there anything you'd like to say to convince me that you're are the right person for this vacancy?

    Meire: Well, I am a woman.

    Interviewer: That's it! A woman. Do you know, you can't put a price on token feminine appointments you know. The press will love this. We can get free publicity in Femail and get Jenni Murray to interview you on the radio. Miss Meire, if you'd like to job, it's yours. Tell me when can you start? We've a lot of work to do, so the sooner the better.

    Meire: Well, thank you very much. Let me see now. I'm going home to Belgium for New Year. Then I've got an extended holiday in Dubai. Then in March I'm off to LA to see the Oscars, I'm hoping to get a place standing next to the red carpet, I think people should be able to see me on the t.v. I should be free about the 12th March. I'll see you bright an early in the morning, shall we say 11.30am?

    Interviewer: Welcome to South Norwood Under 7s, Miss Meire.

    i doff my red and white bobble hat to you ..brilliant
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  • It will be to a big club in a token role or a club with hated owners to draw the flak from them or MKDons who have no history so she can’t go wrong.
  • To be fair, at least we can look forward to 2018, knowing she’s not at our club.
    If some other club is soppy enough to employ her, then good luck to them, your getting what you deserve, it is baffling to think that she has done a great job here, and someone else in this country wants to employ her, close the thread, and let’s forget about her and move quickly on, she was the past, not our future.
  • Bonser at Walsall was rather sympathetic to her plight wasn’t he? Getting Roland out flags covered a couple of seasons ago.
  • If true I'd imagine it would be in the role of lawyer rather than having anything to do with running a club. Could see this happening, still sickening.
  • How does a women with very little ability get a top job? It's a complete mystery.
  • limeygent said:

    If true I'd imagine it would be in the role of lawyer rather than having anything to do with running a club. Could see this happening, still sickening.

    Let's drop lawyer and replace it with associate assistant to a lawyer
  • Get your point, but she's had plenty of time to "fix" her credentials while working at Charlton. Employing a female in-house lawyer could tick a couple of boxes at a big club.
  • The worrying thing is that the FA are seeking to address their gender imbalance and improve their governance. With her stepping down from CAFC it would be just the level of total incompetence that they have shown in all other recent decisions to decide that they needed a Belgian competition lawyer who had "football experience".

    You can hear her advising the new streamlined FA board " That Gareth SOuthgate is a little to macho for the style of play we want to engender, I know of a manager who has had significant Wembley experience and will become available shortly - his name is Tony......"
  • Redrobo said:

    How does a women with very little ability get a top job? It's a complete mystery.

    at the moment we don't know what the job is, it just says a job at another Club. Could be match day lottery ticket seller for all we know.

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  • It's official....

    The day of the 29th December 2017, katrien Meire has learned from all of her mistakes but charlton athletic was just the innocent victim in which she needed to gain experience and flush her enourmous unpleasant mistake load down our very unfortunate toilet.

    She's got it all out of her system.

    She will now be a great CEO

    because according to some people that know absolutely nothing.

    She works hard. Yay
  • SDAddick said:

    This is yet another in the long line of reasons that 2017 has made me think I should start taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off.

    Are you sure that it's not yet another in the long line of news items that confirms that you must have been taking psychedelic drugs to take the edge off throughout 2017?
    I had taken it as read that you were on some pretty major class As.
  • So do we know where she ended up?

    The new English Club must have been blown away by her PowerPoint presentation skills.
  • So long as she's gone I'm happy.
  • Stig said:

    It just beggars belief that anyone in football would even consider her. What must the interview have bee like.

    Interviewer: What experience do you have in football?

    Meire: I am CEO at Charlton Athletic.

    Interviewer: Ah yes, so I see. Can you tell me about your achievements there?

    Meire: I put a sofa by the pitch, we had a house DJ in one of the lounges and I was responsible for engaging a prestigious PR company to enhance our reputation.

    Interviewer: And what happened with those things?

    Meire: The sofa got ripped up by fans who didn't appreciate our forward thinking. The house DJ was perhaps a little too progressive for Charlton, but it could work for your club. And the club was consistently in the press. The reach of those articles was magnificent. I once had a Spurs supporting cabbie who told me that he wished his club was as well run as Charlton.

    Interviewer: What about your involvement on the playing side?

    Meire: I was responsible for all the transfers. I didn't need no help. I did it all on my own like a little Wonder Woman.

    Interviewer: How many players did you sign?

    Meire: 2,763

    Interviewer: And were any of them any good?

    Meire: Oh yes, one of them went on to be the highest scoring player for Charlton Athletic in the 2015-16 season. He got three goals you know. Not bad, eh? Then there was one that I sold the Standard Leige, that was a tricky one but I somehow pulled it off. Oh yes, and Blackburn Rovers. They once took one of our players on loan. I took him up there by myself by train. We met the Venkys. Awfully nice people and they've got some great ideas about football. Would you like me to introduce you?

    Interviewer: Err, let's move on shall we. With all those new players, how did the team do?

    Meire: Oh brilliantly. I got them into League One at only the second attempt. That's the best league isn't it. And we're seventh now. The fans love that because it's the most exciting place in the league, all the will we won't we. They love it, it's all good.

    Interviewer: So, what were the financials like?

    Meire: I'm very good with money. Under me the business had a terrific turnover. I reckon that on average I was getting through a turnover of £10m a year.

    Interviewer: With that turnover you must have made a healthy profit.

    Meire: Oh no, we didn't make no profit. Actually, when I said turnover what I actually meant was loss. Bit unique me saying that really.

    Interviewer: You lost £10m a year. That doesn't sound encouraging.

    Meire: It's alright. I spoke to uncle Roly. He told me that he could offset some of it against tax. Anything that didn't just went into a big black hole to be taken on by the next 'mug punter' as he liked to call them.

    Interviewer: I see. Tell me about relations with fans, or perhaps customers we might like to call them?

    Meire: Well it's weird. But everyone loved me. I can't believe just how well they took to me. They used to gather at the back of the stand and chant my name. It's like I was a goddess and they were worshiping me.

    Interviewer: I've seen attendance figures and they suggest that people stopped going to Charlton.

    Meire: I know, I think it was all a bit too much for some of them. Seeing me there and knowing how brilliant I am. And then at the end of the match they'd all have to trudge back to their wretched little supporter lives knowing that I'd be in the directors lounge sharing vol-au-vents with the beautiful people. I don't think they could take it.

    Interviewer: Miss Meire, I don't want to sound to harsh but reading between the lines, it seems that you were a stooge for your... errrr... 'uncle'. The only ideas you had were hopelessly out of touch with the needs of the business. You hired a string of useless players who got relegated. You lost millions of pounds and the fans all hated you. Is there anything you'd like to say to convince me that you're are the right person for this vacancy?

    Meire: Well, I am a woman.

    Interviewer: That's it! A woman. Do you know, you can't put a price on token feminine appointments you know. The press will love this. We can get free publicity in Femail and get Jenni Murray to interview you on the radio. Miss Meire, if you'd like to job, it's yours. Tell me when can you start? We've a lot of work to do, so the sooner the better.

    Meire: Well, thank you very much. Let me see now. I'm going home to Belgium for New Year. Then I've got an extended holiday in Dubai. Then in March I'm off to LA to see the Oscars, I'm hoping to get a place standing next to the red carpet, I think people should be able to see me on the t.v. I should be free about the 12th March. I'll see you bright an early in the morning, shall we say 11.30am?

    Interviewer: Welcome to South Norwood Under 7s, Miss Meire.

    Ha ha that is fantastic :smiley:
  • I am guessing Bournemouth.
  • Neil Blake, the son in law of Eddie Mitchell has been there a few years now.

    Let's be honest, their rise has mirrored our decline.

    Would have thought it unlikely.
  • Would love it to be Millwall, she thought we were bad. She wouldn't last a week down there.
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