I was in a meeting with someone today who kept repeating the phrase 'the art of the possible'. I've no idea what it means and don't want to know either, but she said it five times after I'd started counting so I guess she thinks she's said something important.
Sorry Stig I had to google that (for me) ... you can look away now
The original phrase is "Politics is the art of the possible", which means, "It's not about what's right or what's best. It's about what you can actually get done". It's associated with Realpolitik, a political philosophy of setting pragmatism over your ideological goals.
"Ahhhh, do they bite" of course they feckin bite, they are dogs all fecking dogs bite. Will they bite, possibly not unless you bite them or take the pi55 out of what I'm wearing and then they will obey my commands!!
@T_C_E can you do me a favour and edit the last word of your post. If you could shorten it a bit to, say, 'cmnds', the alignment on my phone would make the smiley winky thing look like the head of the dog walker.
"Ahhhh, do they bite" of course they feckin bite, they are dogs all fecking dogs bite. Will they bite, possibly not unless you bite them or take the pi55 out of what I'm wearing and then they will obey my commands!!
@T_C_E can you do me a favour and edit the last word of your post. If you could shorten it a bit to, say, 'cmnds', the alignment on my phone would make the smiley winky thing look like the head of the dog walker.
24/7 Touch base Blue Sky Thinking We're On a Journey Thought Shower Run It Up The Flagpole If You Don't Like It Get Off The Bus Pick It Up And Run With It Let's Get Our Ducks In A Row
Business speak for business morons.
I reckon I use at least one of these every day at work!
Me too. Used the ducks one a month or so back and then mentioned it on here that I'd used it and how I'd felt a tosser for doing so and thought would be the end of it. However no, it's obviously just created some kind of mental tic in my brain meaning now I can barely get through a day without having to stop myself from using it and scrambling around for another phrase like a gibbering moron in front of colleagues. FFS.
That one has never made sense to me in the context that it is used.
Perhaps that's because it should be "Cheap at twice the price"? I think the version you refer to is meant to be an ironic reference to something being crap but you're right, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
"Enjoy the rest of your day/afternoon/evening". Spoken usually by check-out people. It always seems like a 'company thing' rather than heart-felt by the employee. It's not easy to reply to. Can't say "And you" - they're bloody working!
The correct reply is "What the fuck's it got to do with you what type of day / afternoon / evening I have?".
"Ahhhh, do they bite" of course they feckin bite, they are dogs all fecking dogs bite. Will they bite, possibly not unless you bite them or take the pi55 out of what I'm wearing and then they will obey my commands!!
@T_C_E can you do me a favour and edit the last word of your post. If you could shorten it a bit to, say, 'cmnds', the alignment on my phone would make the smiley winky thing look like the head of the dog walker.
"Ahhhh, do they bite" of course they feckin bite, they are dogs all fecking dogs bite. Will they bite, possibly not unless you bite them or take the pi55 out of what I'm wearing and then they will obey my commands!!
The original phrase is "Politics is the art of the possible", which means, "It's not about what's right or what's best. It's about what you can actually get done". It's associated with Realpolitik, a political philosophy of setting pragmatism over your ideological goals.
Parked the bus
The number ten role
A term of abuse used exclusively by cunts.
You mean you aren't going to just close down the club? Of course you're going to go again. FFS.
Thanks. That is pretty dire.
The correct reply is "What the fuck's it got to do with you what type of day / afternoon / evening I have?".
could of
would of