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The rise of the vegans.



  • Eat what you want to, but don`t force your lifestyle choice on others, that is my view on this.
  • I think it's sad that the chap had to lose his job. It's sad where we live in a time where even in private discussions people are currently trying to trip you up and expose you.

    I saw someone say "what if this had been said about any other group of people" which is such an assanine comment. Various other groups of people have been persecuted throughout history, the worst thing that's been said to a vegan is to please stop boring me about bean curds.

    Funnily enough, I have been compared to a vegan for the holier than though attitude and constant droning on, as a cyclist. Cyclists have also had various things said about them, that can actually wind up the car drivers they share a road with. A car driver that dislikes cyclists because they get in the way on the road and read some idiotic article in a paper or on the radio is more dangerous than someone reading a comment (which would never have been read as it wasn't meant to be published) about vegans.

    And do I think people should be hunted down and sacked for saying mean things about cyclists? No.

    It just promotes the snowflake stereotype of these people. Get a grip, these witch hunts ruins people's lives, and only go to promote the careers of the people who start it. They're not doing it out if some genuine moral crusade, they're doing it to increase clicks to their shitty blogs.

    @hoof_it_up_to_benty watch this and tell me that sentient beings aren’t being treated as a commodity, a raw product of trade or commerce. These are living, breathing beings, not car parts on a production line.

    Lots of schools run programs of egg hatching for kids to see how they develop. After they've reached about 9 weeks they get rid of them to rescues. Whilst the hens are usually rehomed it's very difficult to rehome the cockerels.

    So kids only see the good bits. Every child should watch this video so they can decide.
  • seth plum said:

    I can't resist responding to the comment about Vegan hypocrisy above.
    Millions upon millions of Christians eat meat and fish, yet one of their 10 Commandments is 'Thou shalt not kill'.
    In terms of raw numbers it dwarves Vegan hypocrisy.
    (This information is useful for dealing with pesky Jehovah Witnesses when they come knocking).

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    I can't resist responding to the comment about Vegan hypocrisy above.
    Millions upon millions of Christians eat meat and fish, yet one of their 10 Commandments is 'Thou shalt not kill'.
    In terms of raw numbers it dwarves Vegan hypocrisy.
    (This information is useful for dealing with pesky Jehovah Witnesses when they come knocking).

    I think it refers to killing humans Seth. I can understand people having the position somebody like Morrissey has. It is because he sees no difference to an animal which has emotions and feeling to a human. I don't view it in quite the same way. Although I love my dog as if he was a human! I think we are simply animals obeying natures laws- we are meat eaters as are dogs, lions, etc... But if you saw it his way, it would be natural to have strong emotions and reactions.
    I agree there is a difference between animals and humans.
    The Commandment doesn't make that distinction explicitly.
    No but there is reference to killing animals throughout the bible. Even Jesus helped catch fish!
    I suppose Jesus gets a free pass for his personal fish catching because his dad created them. Maybe thou shalt not kill was an instruction from dad for everybody that wasn't his son.
    Therefore he created them himself. Bend your head around that one.
    Not my job, that's down to the Jehovah Witnesses who call round.
    What gets rid of them quickly is to politely tell them 'Very sorry, we worship the Lord Lucifer Satan in this house'. They love it when you get into a philosophical discussion with them.
    Telling them that you are a Roman Catholic works equally well. I’m not sure what that’s says.

  • I'm usually polite to Jehovah Witness's when they come round, as I am to any stranger who knocks on my front door. The stories of people slamming the front door in there face or telling em to fuck off do make me chuckle.
  • edited November 2018

    I'm usually polite to Jehovah Witness's when they come round, as I am to any stranger who knocks on my front door. The stories of people slamming the front door in there face or telling em to fuck off do make me chuckle.

    My mate moonied at a couple of nuns once.
  • Get many witnesses in Framce?

    I’ll always listen to the intro but mostly will say then sorry not interested, unless really bored
  • Get many witnesses in Framce?

    I’ll always listen to the intro but mostly will say then sorry not interested, unless really bored

    Same bloke walks up our drive about twice a year roughly. I had a good chat with him about the fact that I'd had a new kidney and that he probably wouldn't agree with and he then explained that it weren't organ transplantation they were opposed to, it's blood transfusion. So just talking to the bloke, I learnt summin.

    Anyone is made welcome at my door, Jehovah's, vegans, anyone except @cafcdave123
  • edited November 2018
    Did he explain why? I sort of understand veganism without agreeing with all of it. Don’t really understand why donor organs ok, donor blood not ok.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Did he explain why? I sort of understand veganism without agreeing with all of it. Don’t really understand why donor organs ok, donor blood not ok.

    Summin to do with blood being the soul of a person I think, from memory
  • Did he explain why? I sort of understand veganism without agreeing with all of it. Don’t really understand why donor organs ok, donor blood not ok.

    Summin to do with blood being the soul of a person I think, from memory
    I used to work with a girl who believed that having her photo taken took away part of her soul. Daft bint.
  • Did he explain why? I sort of understand veganism without agreeing with all of it. Don’t really understand why donor organs ok, donor blood not ok.

    Summin to do with blood being the soul of a person I think, from memory
    I used to work with a girl who believed that having her photo taken took away part of her soul. Daft bint.
    Did she have nice tits?
    No mate. She was a f*****g nightmare. Whenever there was something going on, other staff birthdays etc, she would never join in. Didn't drink, wouldn't eat chocolate or cake, had to take a week off after the 7/7 bombings because she was traumatised (even though she had her scrawny arse on her chair in the office way before they went off).

    When she left she couldn't have flowers as she was allergic to them.

    Oh, and her breath stank too.
  • @i_b_b_o_r_g @DaveMehmet - keep it to tofu talk thanks chaps
  • @i_b_b_o_r_g @DaveMehmet - keep it to tofu talk thanks chaps

    Tofu? She sounds like a game bird an all
  • Ooh, I’d never eat a game bird.
  • Get many witnesses in Framce?

    I’ll always listen to the intro but mostly will say then sorry not interested, unless really bored

    Same bloke walks up our drive about twice a year roughly. I had a good chat with him about the fact that I'd had a new kidney and that he probably wouldn't agree with and he then explained that it weren't organ transplantation they were opposed to, it's blood transfusion. So just talking to the bloke, I learnt summin.

    Anyone is made welcome at my door, Jehovah's, vegans, anyone except @cafcdave123
  • Sponsored links:

  • Get many witnesses in Framce?

    I’ll always listen to the intro but mostly will say then sorry not interested, unless really bored

    Same bloke walks up our drive about twice a year roughly. I had a good chat with him about the fact that I'd had a new kidney and that he probably wouldn't agree with and he then explained that it weren't organ transplantation they were opposed to, it's blood transfusion. So just talking to the bloke, I learnt summin.

    Anyone is made welcome at my door, Jehovah's, vegans, anyone except @cafcdave123
    You're due a visit cupcake
  • edited November 2018
    Talking about it on LBC now and the upcoming 'action' that's apparently going to be taking place at butchers, restaurants and the like. Maajid Nawaz doing a great job (as usual) of managing the discussion.

    From a totally biased perspective, some real 'interesting' views and ideas coming in from the vegan fraternity.

    Woman on now saying that it's okay to show a 4 year old child images and scenes of murders, rapes, beheadings etc for educational purposes as it's akin to animal slaughter and butchery etc. He's ripping her apart. She's saying a 4 year old should be able to watch what they want for education purposes and is comparing animal slaughter to the murder of a human being! PS: She doesn't have children - phew!
  • Talking about it on LBC now and the upcoming 'action' that's apparently going to be taking place at butchers, restaurants and the like. Maajid Nawaz doing a great job (as usual) of managing the discussion.

    From a totally biased perspective, some real 'interesting' views and ideas coming in from the vegan fraternity.

    Woman on now saying that it's okay to show a 4 year old child images and scenes of murders, rapes, beheadings etc for educational purposes as it's akin to animal slaughter and butchery etc. He's ripping her apart. She's saying a 4 year old should be able to watch what they want for education purposes and is comparing animal slaughter to the murder of a human being! PS: She doesn't have children - phew!

    There's been some real "direct action" going on here at butchers and the like by militant vegans, the old French like a protest. Best way to defend one's self against an angry vegan appears to be, throw meat at em lol
  • An industry increasingly rejected by both consumer and worker.
    The times, they are a-changing.

    The Guardian 19 Nov 2018

    There’s a Christmas crisis going on: no one wants to kill your dinner

    Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat. But this year, there might not be anyone to kill her. As British families start to plan their festive dinners of turkey and pigs in blankets, there is a crisis in the meat industry.

    A report in the trade magazine Farmers Weekly has revealed that staff shortages at slaughterhouses are threatening Christmas sales. Some 10,000 positions are unfilled at major abattoirs, meaning supermarkets will “seriously struggle” to fulfil their seasonal orders. Of course some of that shortfall is because of Brexit; crucially, however, the report explains that for most potential applicants, the industry’s low pay is not the problem but that “people simply do not want to do this work any more”.

  • An industry increasingly rejected by both consumer and worker.
    The times, they are a-changing.

    The Guardian 19 Nov 2018

    There’s a Christmas crisis going on: no one wants to kill your dinner

    Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat. But this year, there might not be anyone to kill her. As British families start to plan their festive dinners of turkey and pigs in blankets, there is a crisis in the meat industry.

    A report in the trade magazine Farmers Weekly has revealed that staff shortages at slaughterhouses are threatening Christmas sales. Some 10,000 positions are unfilled at major abattoirs, meaning supermarkets will “seriously struggle” to fulfil their seasonal orders. Of course some of that shortfall is because of Brexit; crucially, however, the report explains that for most potential applicants, the industry’s low pay is not the problem but that “people simply do not want to do this work any more”.

    Yeah I’m sure the low pay has nothing to do with it.

  • edited November 2018
    Sodium is an important mineral, but too much of it in one's diet can be damaging, @charltonJ
    Sodium can be found in Artichokes, Celeriac, Turnips, Celery, Chard, Sweet potatoes and Spinach.
  • Sodium is an important mineral, but too much of it in one's diet can be damaging, @charltonJ
    Sodium can be found in Artichokes, Celeriac, Turnips, Celery, Chard, Sweet potatoes and Spinach.

    Bacon sandwiches too chaps. Lovely amount in those.
  • I am somebody who loves my meat, but if I had to kill my food, I'd be a vegetarian. I think Vegetarians and Vegans have a stronger moral position than me.
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