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Women’s World Cup



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    Is it me, or was every single US throw in a foul throw? They could have thrown it onto their own toes and got away with it. 
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    Just read that the USA have only lost 1 of their last 43 matches!

    Our semi final is as tough as they come.
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    The pace of this game is on a different level.
    It caused too many errors and the USA were sloppy with their passing or wastage of the ball when they just bashed it forward. The French should have made more of that and too often it was the tenacity of the American left back that saved the day. The passing by the English team so far has been quality on the whole, almost Man Cityish at times. That will be the deciding factor in the semi final match because the American players all look a bit heavy to me which although should give them the extra strength in tackles won’t be a lot of use if they are chasing shadows. They also didn’t look like a team that were playing for each other. The English girls have that in spades. An early England goal could be interesting.
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    Excellent... I find it irritating in a way that we have these issues with Qualification for the Olympic Football

    i.e. Mens Qualification is through the U21 tournament, if England had reached the Semi-Finals this year then the best two not to reach that stage would have had a play-off to determine who went to the Olympics in our place - I dont understand why we dont just have an agreement with the other Home Nations where if Scotland reached those Semi-Finals then its them that represent the GB flag at the Olympic games etc.
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    Neville is going to have to come up with the goods tactically, but England have a decent chance on Tuesday.
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    Does Jonathan Pearce still not understand VAR.

    VAR is always looking at things, he keeps saying things like why is that not being looked at by VAR or good job that wasnt looked at by VAR.

    The refa in the VAR room are watching everything it only takes longer if they need a few extra looks at it, however that handball it was clear from 1 look it was not handball
    I'm not really sure there was any difference between that handball and the one given against Japan to knock them out. 
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    The pace of this game is on a different level.
    It caused too many errors and the USA were sloppy with their passing or wastage of the ball when they just bashed it forward. The French should have made more of that and too often it was the tenacity of the American left back that saved the day. The passing by the English team so far has been quality on the whole, almost Man Cityish at times. That will be the deciding factor in the semi final match because the American players all look a bit heavy to me which although should give them the extra strength in tackles won’t be a lot of use if they are chasing shadows. They also didn’t look like a team that were playing for each other. The English girls have that in spades. An early England goal could be interesting.
    The only way France were going to beat the USA was by playing at a fast pace BUT they lost their accuracy and the Americans knew that if Dunne kept tight to Diani, the fast winger then France's attacking options are limited. Renard and Sommer both looked as this was a tournament too much, when your CB is better in the opposition's box than your own then you have problems.

    Despite some good moves by England leading to chances and goals if Mistakes are made similar to the numerous by Bright, the Greenwood back pass and Walsh who is a fantastic young player but does get caught on the ball too often, we will pay a heavy price which is going home (after the 3rd /4th match)

    With 4 days to go i think the USA will exploit our mistakes. They are the 3 times WC winners for a reason. We can beat them but that would mean the Fran Kirby of two seasons ago turns up ?

    Let's hope so, one Friendly defeat (against France) in 43 matches tells you the USA are the strongest, toughest and have the nous to beat anyone.  

    Neville's job is to pick a team to beat the opposition not be loyal to an out of form player. 

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    There is no doubt USA will enter this match as favourites. However the last time we met them (I think) in the "She Believes Cup" we drew with them and won the trophy. If we rise to the occasion we are in with a decent chance. 
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    edited June 2019
    The things that give me hope is that I think USA have their share of weaker players. Not poor ones, but they are all not at the same level. France struggled against Norway I thought, and their strength was playing at home.

    Bright is powerful and I think you can sort her issues out to a degree by setting her rules - things that she can't do unless she absolutely has to - not through choice. I do get your point about Walsh but I would play her, and I would add Kirby to that who I would drop for Tuesday. I think Stanway ought to start. I think she has the right game for USA. 

    I fully agree - Neville has to work out how best to beat the USA. But they are not unbeatable. It will be interesting to see how the Bronze/Parris combo functions against the US who seem decent there defensively. They were extremely poor for the France goal. Ridiculously so. I mean which player do you make sure you mark/put pressure on in that circumstance? We shouldn't big them up to more than they actually are.
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    Rothko said:
    A number of moaning Welsh and Scottish on Twitter wanting nothing to do with a Team GB...
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    Rothko said:
    A number of moaning Welsh and Scottish on Twitter wanting nothing to do with a Team GB...
    It's not compulsory.  There's no point moaning about it.  If you don't want to play, just turn down the selection request if you get one. 
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    How many welsh would start anyway, could say the same with scottish.

    Not sure if their are age rules like the men, but if not u have to say Weir and maybe Beattie start and Cuthbert to come off the bench but other than that it would be mainly english anyway
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    The things that give me hope is that I think USA have their share of weaker players. Not poor ones, but they are all not at the same level. France struggled against Norway I thought, and their strength was playing at home.

    Bright is powerful and I think you can sort her issues out to a degree by setting her rules - things that she can't do unless she absolutely has to - not through choice. I do get your point about Walsh but I would play her, and I would add Kirby to that who I would drop for Tuesday. I think Stanway ought to start. I think she has the right game for USA. 

    I fully agree - Neville has to work out how best to beat the USA. But they are not unbeatable. It will be interesting to see how the Bronze/Parris combo functions against the US who seem decent there defensively. They were extremely poor for the France goal. Ridiculously so. I mean which player do you make sure you mark/put pressure on in that circumstance? We shouldn't big them up to more than they actually are.
    When you won that cup with your lad in goal I don't know how many teams entered but I had 32 teams in the cup my team won and we were never favourites in any Round. 
    The semi final we beat a team that was a division higher and had won every match in that season where we were a mid table team.
    Fortunately I found out they had two good goal scorings wingers  so we doubled up on them and despite only having two shots on goal ourselves we knew their weakest player was their keeper and my lad knocked in the rebound.

    Happy days, but the moral to this story is it's Neville's job to find the weakest in the Opposition and nullify their strengths.

    When this team walks out "She believes" every girl in the squad must believe they can win this game. Anything less than A* and we won't.
    As a fan my job is too point out the facts, and the facts state that not only are the USA the 3 time holders and number 1team, but they punish teams who make mistakes at the back.

    We have a 40% chance of winning this. Check out the bookies.

    The USA are beatable BUT...
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    The Dutch beat Italy 2-0 and are into the semi's, where they will surely face Germany.
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    I think England have a decent chance. Rapinoe is up against Bronze so can’t see her having the influence in this game that she usually has, Morgan looked poor against France and get the feeling she’s a bit of a fair weather playing meaning she doesn’t like it when the game gets a bit tougher I think Solo said something along those lines too. Just got to cut out some of the mistakes. I’d leave Bright out and bring in Daly for Duggan.
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    A German player just kicked the ball through a Swedish players legs and the commentator said it was a nutmeg, but surely thats not right in the womens game so what would it be called.

    @kellycafc said Flapmeg haha
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    The Dutch beat Italy 2-0 and are into the semi's, where they will surely face Germany.

    Watched the Dutch game on +2 speed ! As been on long hot walk today.
    How do players play in 34 degree heat ?
    A game too far for the Italians but they have progressed in this WC 
    The Dutch aren't in the form of two years ago but have still reached a semi final WC for the first time.

    The wise money was on the Dutch and Germany to be the semi finalist from this half of the draw.

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    Game on.
    Great finish by the Swede.
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    I think the defending in this tournament has been terrible. So many mistakes.
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    This German backline is not good
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    Absorbing so far. Sweden making a game of it.

    Is it just me or does anyone else think it wrong for the German coach to be wearing a white tee shirt in her technical area when the team wear white?
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    I think the defending in this tournament has been terrible. So many mistakes.
    Yes and no ?

    Agree there's been some rank bad defending,fortunately two poor mistakes by Bright led to Houghton showing what great defending is all about.

    The paradox is the defending has been mediocre even by the top teams like Holland, France and England but they have been getting away it.
    Well the French got away with it until they meet USA. The Dutch were lucky because the Japanese were superb till they needed to score but they undid the Dutch defence on numerous occasions.
    England haven't been punished by several lapses by various defenders over all 5 matches they had won.
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    Upset on the cards here. 

    2-1 to Sweden after 49 mins.
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    I like that blond Swedish player !
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    Sweden through to face Holland. 
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    Well done Sweden!
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    A week where England go through to the semis and both France and Germany go out. Can't ask for much more than that
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    The Dutch beat Italy 2-0 and are into the semi's, where they will surely face Germany.
    Just what I thought.  Shows what we know.  The Swedes looked so physically imposing (they all seemed bigger than their equivalent in the German side) and had no little skill.

    That seventeen year old, Oberdorf, has got quite a future ahead of her.
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