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Women’s World Cup



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    Houghton, Bronze, Bardsley and Scott were superb from start to finish.

    I hope Neville makes the big decisions. Pick Mead over Duggan and McManus over Bright.  This is the WC, no loyalty be ruthless. 
    I wanted that to happen before KO. I was proved correct. No passengers in semi final.
    Duggan worked hard but most of her passes go backwards.

    Millie is a great player for Chelsea and England. In this tournament she has been poor and Houghton had to rescue her on 2 occasions tonight. After doing the same in the last game.

     5 out of 5 games won. If Norway were sharper tonight they should've scored 3.
    Great achievement to reach semi but can we improve again to beat France or USA ?

    Should be fun finding out.

    Daley is a really good player and can replace Duggan if he only wants Mead to play 30 minutes.

    Good summary Sam. Also thought Parris played well first half but faded and difficult to criticise White. Walsh and Stokes were steady. Agree with your 2 changes. I must admit the other player I think is really overrated (or perhaps just having a bad tournament) is Kirby. She just doesn't seem deliver.  
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    edited June 2019
    Kirby has turned into a worker in this tournament instead of the explosive exciting X factor player from recent years.
    Nev and the coaching team sit down and have all the stats and the fact she is in the starting line up shows he must be happy with her. I tend to agree with Kelly Smith the legend of days gone by who felt she isn't on the top of her game yet but is putting in a shift.  She always got in goal scoring positions before for England and Chelsea, but I wonder is that because White is now staying more central where she was more Lyle Tayloresque and would spend half her time on the wing.
    Hard to imagine Kirby going through a  tournament without a goal but at the moment she is more of a water carrier than the star. It's seems like she will start before Stanways in semi so hope she finds her form around the box. 
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    Don't think Demi Stokes did herself many favours last night. She was put in because she's a better defender positionally than Greenwood but she got caught out a few times and read a number of high balls wrong. She offered much less going forward and she didn't exactly shore up a side where Bright was also struggling so I don't know that she's really the defensively stable choice she's meant to be. It's a risk though as Greenwood does get caught up the pitch often. Duggan is a good option on the left as she's brilliant at picking out an in-swinging right foot ball where we can use our numbers of the box. I think it's still the best choice to start her and bring Mead on later. Duggan rarely gives the ball away unless she's trying to force a through ball or a cross which is how it should be. 

    Other than that we should be fine with USA or France just as long as we cut out the silly errors at the back and keep forcing chances. I think we would be better off facing USA as so much of their dominance is about physical power and fitness and we can match them on that. France have a bit more about them and we might struggle with some of their build up play
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    Disagree about Stokes. She was in the side because that is where they are strongest and Greenwood is not as strong defensively and physically, which was important. I thought she justified he selection fully. Greenwood may be more suitable if we get Germany in the final, but I would play Stokes against USA if we are up against them.
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    My point is that for a defensive choice she wasn't as defensively solid as she should have been. She wasn't bad by any stretch - she had a decent enough game - but she spotted danger very late last night and didn't read passes over her well at all. We're quite lucky that little was offered from that side. I would also start her over Greenwood as Greenwood's tendency to get caught up the pitch could be punished badly by USA or France, but I was disappointed in her defensive level yesterday considering she doesn't offer the same attacking thrust. She may have justified her selection over Greenwood but she will need to improve against a better side if we're going to avoid getting caught out next match. I'm sure she will, she's a decent player, but it wasn't her best performance.
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     Daly to play in the semi, she is ready and Stanway is too. If Neville was clever he would start them and give them a wake up
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    Greenwood is weaker physically too and you have to look at who they are up against and decide from there. They both have different strengths and weaknesses as you say. 
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    edited June 2019
     Daly to play in the semi, she is ready and Stanway is too. If Neville was clever he would start them and give them a wake up
    Totally agree with you. Neville is too loyal to certain players at times.
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    Not sure who I want to win this game, and face England!
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    Not sure who I want to win this game, and face England!
    Same. France in France wont be easy. USA well they look hard to beat to me. I think if i had a choice i would rather France go out tonight and USA underestimate us
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    Not sure who I want to win this game, and face England!
    5-5 after extra time & twice round the penalty takers. 
    Then who cares ;-)
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    I want ET.
    England v France will be a great match
    England v USA will be awesome.

    Too close too call. 
    Kick lumps out of each other and a red card for the winners would be handy.

    I hope it's a classic.
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    Should be a cracking game.
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    Keeper has to do better for that goal
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    Rapinoe looks awesome 
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    Keeper has to do better for that goal
    I don't think she could see it !

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    Cracking game so far. 
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    The pace of this game is on a different level.
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    This is really enjoyable to watch - great quality and looks pretty evenly matched.
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    Is there a different word for "nutmeg" in women's football?
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    French coach looks like Mick Jagger's sister.
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    England will beat either of these 
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    England will beat either of these 
    Think England would struggle.
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    Cant see France coming back from that
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    Today has exposed a truth, which is that Wendie Renard isn't actually a brilliant defender, she's just very big. As soon as she's come up against a team who can nullify her size advantage she's looked like a bit of a lummox
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    Game on
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    Don't understand how you can leave the only 19ft tall person in the box unmarked like that
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    Does Jonathan Pearce still not understand VAR.

    VAR is always looking at things, he keeps saying things like why is that not being looked at by VAR or good job that wasnt looked at by VAR.

    The refa in the VAR room are watching everything it only takes longer if they need a few extra looks at it, however that handball it was clear from 1 look it was not handball
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