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06/03/19: CARD wants commitments over 2019/20 manager, players and sale of club ahead of ST offer



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    Sorry to butt in and happy if I am told to butt out but this has to be an individual decision although guidance from your Trust always helps.

    If, as a fan you are OK with this guy in charge then fine go in, get a ST, buy a pint and a pie etc. If not then you need to do something about it and believe me, starving him of income will soon register on his radar. Not only that, half empty stands get noticed, especially on TV and highlight your worries and actions and gives your plight more publicity.

    All very easy to say when the team is pushing for promotion of course but at the end of the day, if you want change, this is one way of getting it.

    It didn't change anything for Blackpool.
    The court case got rid of Oysten not the fans boycotting.

    NB Don't take my comment the wrong way as I support Charlton, Blackpool and all fans against rogue owners and doing what they believe is right.
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    Sorry to butt in and happy if I am told to butt out but this has to be an individual decision although guidance from your Trust always helps.

    If, as a fan you are OK with this guy in charge then fine go in, get a ST, buy a pint and a pie etc. If not then you need to do something about it and believe me, starving him of income will soon register on his radar. Not only that, half empty stands get noticed, especially on TV and highlight your worries and actions and gives your plight more publicity.

    All very easy to say when the team is pushing for promotion of course but at the end of the day, if you want change, this is one way of getting it.

    Very pleased Blackpool are Oyston-free of course and no, I don't believe anyone is happy that the Rat is still sitting at the top table at Charlton. However, the Roland situation is a different bowl of Mussels from the fedora-wearing Oyston so long endured at Bloomfield Road. Roland is obviously a sarnie short of a picnic, as he so eloquently demonstrated during his car crash interview on Talksport. We are not dealing with a rational individual here, and therein lies the problem. Personally, I don't think boycotting games will solve the problem - maybe if NO-ONE went, but as we saw at Blackpool, that isn't going to happen. I, along with many others I suspect, see no light at the end of a very long tunnel.
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    Modernity and its plague of binary reaction...
    My stating that 'supporters support the team' does not instantly propagate a claim that those who boycott games do not support the team, nor does it make the claim that they are any less of a supporter.
    It's lazy and unimaginative to suggest that it was implied in what I wrote, and despite disabusing this nonsense in another post, it is still rumbling around.
    I haven't spent a penny in the club shop or on what tries to pass itself off as food and drink in the ground for three seasons, and by paying to support the team I am not 'living my life on my knees'.

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    Supporters are not members of a trade union, and should not be expected to act as such.  Unless of course we had elected shop stewards.
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    The usual divergence of views on here and an illustration of why it is going to be difficult for "fan power" to rid us of this idiot owner.
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    From the rambling statements Roland makes I get the feeling he is not really worried about loss of income. He is loosing enough now and that has no effect on him. 
    I attend certain matches and am amazed at the catering facilities being used. I spend nothing. I also feel that those spending in the catering/ bars are not too bothered about the future of Charlton but enjoying their day out with their mates. I am not getting into the what is a true supporter argument, just stating what I believe is the situation.
    protests at the Valley, in any form ( even a boycott) I do not think has an effect on RD. it has got to be personal towards him.

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    Boycotting may work with some owners but it hasn't with RD as he's able to live with the losses. If this was solely about losing money he'd have sold up a long time ago.

    It's a failed experiment for him but he still can't accept that he won't get his money back and he continues to hold out for a ridiculous price.

    His ego is the issue here and he'd rather lose money than have to admit he was wrong. I don't know what will persuade him to sell other than somebody meeting his inflated asking price. The loss of a couple of million pounds in season ticket revenue seems unlikely to shift him.

    Nobody understands him hence why getting shot of him has proved so difficult. If RD was short of cash he would have bailed out by now.
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    Supporters are not members of a trade union, and should not be expected to act as such.  Unless of course we had elected shop stewards.
    Trade Unions are just one example of many who expect their members to follow guidelines. In fact I can’t of one that doesn’t; and I am not sure what shop stewards elected or otherwise has to do with anything?

    Trade Unions would be a good example to follow if you really want to be effective though.   Pickets outside the club, shops, bars, programme sellers, ticket office etc is a very good way to explain to the non members of CARD/ Charlton life what action is being taken and why, and of course, trying to persuade them not to spend money at the club.
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    Redrobo said:
    Supporters are not members of a trade union, and should not be expected to act as such.  Unless of course we had elected shop stewards.
    Trade Unions are just one example of many who expect their members to follow guidelines. In fact I can’t of one that doesn’t; and I am not sure what shop stewards elected or otherwise has to do with anything?

    Trade Unions would be a good example to follow if you really want to be effective though.   Pickets outside the club, shops, bars, programme sellers, ticket office etc is a very good way to explain to the non members of CARD/ Charlton life what action is being taken and why, and of course, trying to persuade them not to spend money at the club.
    Members of a trade union pay their weekly subs, elect their representatives, and vote on taking action after having meetings, at least that's what we did in the CUW.  There is no comparison between that and supporting a football team.
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    Redrobo said:
    Supporters are not members of a trade union, and should not be expected to act as such.  Unless of course we had elected shop stewards.
    Trade Unions are just one example of many who expect their members to follow guidelines. In fact I can’t of one that doesn’t; and I am not sure what shop stewards elected or otherwise has to do with anything?

    Trade Unions would be a good example to follow if you really want to be effective though.   Pickets outside the club, shops, bars, programme sellers, ticket office etc is a very good way to explain to the non members of CARD/ Charlton life what action is being taken and why, and of course, trying to persuade them not to spend money at the club.
    You can explain all you like but ultimately RD can live with the losses and he's continued to do so. Another owner with less money would have bailed out.

    If RD was solely bothered about cash he would have sold a long time ago.

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    CARD said:
    The Coalition Against Roland Duchâtelet (CARD) is calling on Charlton fans to make clear that they will not commit to buying season tickets for the 2019/20 season until there is clarity about what will be left at The Valley to support.

    After a week in which the club’s Belgian owner said on national radio that foreign club owners should be banned; criticised the EFL for allowing him to take Charlton over in 2014; said that he will not sell to a foreign owner; and then provoked national ridicule by “demanding” that the EFL should itself take the club over and operate it in competition with its other members, CARD says it is time for fans to take a stand.

    Charlton currently have around a dozen first-team players out of contract at the end of the season and a further four loanees are set to leave, while manager Lee Bowyer and his assistant Johnnie Jackson’s deals are also up in the summer.

    The club said it planned to discuss ticket prices at a twice-rescheduled fans’ forum meeting on Monday. It has no functioning board of directors and there has been no chief executive or chief financial officer for more than a year. It remains in dispute with its own staff over unpaid bonuses and Bowyer has said publicly that Duchâtelet would not allow him to sign a free agent to replace Karlan Grant, who joined Huddersfield Town in January for a reported £1.5m.

    A CARD spokesperson said: “It must now be apparent to everyone, whatever their position over the last five years, that behind the scenes the club is in chaos and the owner is out of control. There is no commitment to the staff, no commitment to the players, no commitment to the manager and hence no commitment to the fans. Why would any supporter want to make a financial commitment to Duchâtelet in return?

    “CARD believes that the fans’  forum should advise the club not to bring forward any season-ticket plan until it has a credible offer to make, including a commitment to the manager, a commitment to a proper squad of players and a serious effort to sell the club to new owners of whatever nationality at a credible market price.

    “If the club does not heed this advice then we will campaign for fans to reject its season-ticket offer until it does. In effect we are calling for a strike that does not impact on the current team. We give Duchâtelet notice that our response may also include lawful protests against him in Belgium.”
    Too little too late.

    Once Fraeye was appointed, this should have been done then.  A boycott should have been advocated in the relegation season.
    But people had already paid the money up front.
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    I’m going back to bunking over the wall at The Sam Bertram entrance. Did it right through the 70’s, bunked in then threw a £1 in the bucket to buy Ronnie Moore. 
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    masicat said:
    I’m going back to bunking over the wall at The Sam Bertram entrance. Did it right through the 70’s, bunked in then threw a £1 in the bucket to buy Ronnie Moore. 
    Before Killer Hales turned up, most people were climbing over the wall to get out.
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    iainment said:
    "please do not renew until CARD say you may."

    None of us need CARD's permission.

    We are being asked, not told, what to do.

    I welcome and agree with CARD's statement but will make my own decision to again not buy a season ticket or home match tickets.

    Still willing to take freebies though?
    Absolutely and I have no qualms about it whatsoever.
    Which is what makes you special.
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    iainment said:
    iainment said:
    "please do not renew until CARD say you may."

    None of us need CARD's permission.

    We are being asked, not told, what to do.

    I welcome and agree with CARD's statement but will make my own decision to again not buy a season ticket or home match tickets.

    Still willing to take freebies though?
    Absolutely and I have no qualms about it whatsoever.
    Which is what makes you special.
    You were 100% wrong about the staff not being paid and the cult leader, get over it.
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    edited March 2019
    iainment said:
    "please do not renew until CARD say you may."

    None of us need CARD's permission.

    We are being asked, not told, what to do.

    I welcome and agree with CARD's statement but will make my own decision to again not buy a season ticket or home match tickets.

    Still willing to take freebies though?
    Absolutely and I have no qualms about it whatsoever.

    Not intended as a dig, so please don't take it as one. But you seem to be in a very fortunate position to be able to pick up free tickets for what seems like every home game. No idea whether that's through museum involvement, programme writing, employees, friends etc, and that's entirely no one's business but your own.

    But for the vast majority of people that is not an option. If you don't buy a ticket, you don't get to see the team play and you don't get to experience being at The Valley. And in that position it makes it much much harder to make a call to not buy a ST or home tickets as it means 'stop going'.

    Nothing to do with the museum. Let's be clear on that straight away before Leuth et al get a hard on.

    Yes, I'm in a fortunate position but I'm not demanding that others do as I do or criticising others who don't.  All the people I go with and drink with on a regular basis buy their tickets and that's fine with me.

    Not trying to score cheap points either unlike Iainment.

    iainment said:
    "please do not renew until CARD say you may."

    None of us need CARD's permission.

    We are being asked, not told, what to do.

    I welcome and agree with CARD's statement but will make my own decision to again not buy a season ticket or home match tickets.

    Still willing to take freebies though?
    Absolutely and I have no qualms about it whatsoever.
    Which is what makes you special and of course there is nothing cheaper than a free ticket.
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    clb74 said:
    clb74 said:
    2 years too late CARD.
    Ha, it’s been CARDs message 3 years in a row !!
    apologies I meant a all out boycott.

    clb74 said:
    2 years too late CARD
    For the record I don't give a f@ck if we get promoted or not, I will not be renewing the season ticket next season.
    You will still go..................and drink in Crossbars.
    Hark at " My mate bought it for me".
    Elfs it's you who put me off protesting.
    They'd I be dying of thirst and walk round the corner to see you guzzling a pint 
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    clb74 said:
    clb74 said:
    clb74 said:
    2 years too late CARD.
    Ha, it’s been CARDs message 3 years in a row !!
    apologies I meant a all out boycott.

    clb74 said:
    2 years too late CARD
    For the record I don't give a f@ck if we get promoted or not, I will not be renewing the season ticket next season.
    You will still go..................and drink in Crossbars.
    Hark at " My mate bought it for me".
    Elfs it's you who put me off protesting.
    They'd I be dying of thirst and walk round the corner to see you guzzling a pint 
    @ricky_otto insisted on buying me it.
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    edited March 2019
    I’m not telling people what they should or shouldn’t do, it’s a divisive and personal choice.

    I had 3 years without a season ticket, supported the protest fund, Roland’s  still here.

    This season I bought a ticket to take my mind off stuff, Roland’s still here (although thank goodness that rubbish CEO cleared off.

    I haven’t made up my mind about next season, I still very much so want rid of Roland, but don’t feel whether I renew or not renew is going to make any difference.

    I’m pleased CARD have come out and said this , but I have my own mind and will make my own decision.

    I hate what is going on at this club, this crap should have ended years ago, I feel like their is so much wasted potential at this club.

    Other clubs , build new grounds, increase their capacity, whilst we bum around in 3rd division football, reminiscing on faded memories, when we used to be a proper run and envied football club, that seems like a lifetime away.

    Short term what worries me is Bowyer and Jackson walking away, they have done a brilliant job, and any decent owner, would recognise that, and renew their contracts.

    Perhaps they already have signed and agreed a new contract for next season, and the info has been held back, and not yet released until season ticket prices are released.

    Lb & JJ have papered over Roland’s cracks (so too speak) the fella has showed himself not fit for purpose, yet again in another transfer window, the radio rants are just off the scale,and the bloke needs to go, how I don’t know, but preferably sooner rather than later, but I think it’s just wishful thinking on my part.

    Im sick to death of Roland, and his lack of empathy towards this club, surely we deserve better than this?
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    The idea is the right one from CARD but I do feel like we need to be doing more. I just don’t think people staying away hurts Roland anything like people think. He doesn’t care who is at The Valley, that doesn’t bother him. What bothers him is when he’s being hurt and embarrassed in Belgium. I understand getting to Belgium costs money, a lot of money to a lot of people, but we have to continue to outsmart him, which he has shown of late shouldn’t be too difficult.

    I also dislike threads like this because you constantly have people either points scoring, arguing, or making themselves as if they’re far better supporters than anyone else. We are Charlton fans, our strength has always been to stick together, be united and show the world that we are prepared to do anything we can for the future and stability of our club. It’s a shame that this regime has caused so many divides. I think we have a hell of a lot more to rebuild once he’s gone than people think. It’s not just on the pitch or behind the scenes, it’s the togetherness, cohesion and direction that our fan base needs. I do fear we have lost fans that we unfortunately won’t get back because of the damage and feeling caused, but let’s hope we recover well and come back stronger in the end, because we have it in us as proven time and time again before. 
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    I’ve just written to the club to ask if they have any plans to release any of those 5 year season tickets we had knocking around a few years back.  I’ll keep you all posted 
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    TEL said:
    razil said:
    Personally think it's time for another Valley protest. I get the argument for Belgium, but we need a show of numbers and unity by the ground, not sure the best timing or the MO for this however, although something like a march rather than a disruption on the pitch.
    Far too sensible mate, but your comment won’t be appreciated. I totally agree with you though.
    Why won't it be appreciated? (Genuine question).
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    edited March 2019
    Boycotting may work with some owners but it hasn't with RD as he's able to live with the losses. If this was solely about losing money he'd have sold up a long time ago.

    It's a failed experiment for him but he still can't accept that he won't get his money back and he continues to hold out for a ridiculous price.

    His ego is the issue here and he'd rather lose money than have to admit he was wrong. I don't know what will persuade him to sell other than somebody meeting his inflated asking price. The loss of a couple of million pounds in season ticket revenue seems unlikely to shift him.

    Nobody understands him hence why getting shot of him has proved so difficult. If RD was short of cash he would have bailed out by now.
    Make you right, he doesn't really care about the losses financially.

    What gets to him his damaging his reputation in Belgium and, it would appear, scaring him. It's a tricky situation as no one can, publicly at least, call for any unlawful action. As much as I'd like to see him out of our club, it would hypocritical of me to do anything other than discourage fans from breaking the law or threatening a man in his 70s, but if you look at what got him out at Standard and the reaction the graffiti incident brought out in him... you'd can't help but observe that he does seem to get rattled when fans fight dirty.
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    It's a principle though. Give money to Duchatelet?
    No. Absolutely not. My money takes earning and he's not going to benefit, however marginally, from that.
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    Redrobo said:
    Supporters are not members of a trade union, and should not be expected to act as such.  Unless of course we had elected shop stewards.
    Trade Unions are just one example of many who expect their members to follow guidelines. In fact I can’t of one that doesn’t; and I am not sure what shop stewards elected or otherwise has to do with anything?

    Trade Unions would be a good example to follow if you really want to be effective though.   Pickets outside the club, shops, bars, programme sellers, ticket office etc is a very good way to explain to the non members of CARD/ Charlton life what action is being taken and why, and of course, trying to persuade them not to spend money at the club.
    Members of a trade union pay their weekly subs, elect their representatives, and vote on taking action after having meetings, at least that's what we did in the CUW.  There is no comparison between that and supporting a football team.
    No shit Sherlock. I was merely pointing out that it was not just trade unions that expect members to follow decisions and asking what shop stewards had to do with anything.

    The second part was a course of action we could take if we so choose. Picketing is also not a practice exclusive to trade unions either. No weekly subs, meetings, or voting required. 
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Roland Out Forever!