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We’ve only gone and bloody done it again!!!! (2019 Playoff Final).



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    GET INNNNNNNNNNNNN (creds to The Guardian and Lee Smith/Action Images)

    Brilliant photo of a great moment.  Just love the way it has caught the fans reaction.
    Would make a nice poster.
    Be nice to have a high resolution copy of that...
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    Just a side note , I thought the ref was excellent 
    Thought he was crap. Should've started booking there's a lot earlier. Ultimately though, their primary tactic of kicking us out of the game cost them. 
    Gave a few free kicks against Paddy, that I didn't think were, in the second half.
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    So I've slept on it, feel a little bit more human after that emotional rollar coaster yesterday afternoon so here goes

    First things first it was a great day all round from the travel up there to the atmosphere at the Green Man

    As for the game (seeing that this is the Post Match Comments thread) I felt we started really well, had a few attacking forays into their half with a handful of half chances created, Sunderland equally had the same but dont think either team really had the edge by this point - Of course we then come to the Sunderland goal, for me both players have to take responsibility for this error; Dillon has been so consistent at times this calendar year and was mortified for him (Shouldn't have taken his eye off the ball), as an outfield player though you NEVER pass back with the ball on target and thought that moment was equally criminal from Naby

    As per Lyle's post match comment on Quest I thought that was it for us, honestly didnt expect to see us recovering from that mistake and thought it would finish 1-0... We certainly took a while to recover and looked as though we were playing the occasion rather than the game - We did regroup though and Lyle (despite having a quiet game) could have scored one of the best ever Play-Off Final goals, felt at the time though that he could easily have brought it down before shooting and that it was a wasted effort..

    Up until the goal I felt we huffing and puffing without anything to seriously show for it (almost going through the motions) and my mate said to me that we needed half-time, I disagreed without a seconds thought as despite making token attacks I felt we were beginning to impose ourselves (Already Sunderland were being forced further and further back) and of course a few minutes later we saw Purrington pop up with his first ever goal

    Rest of the game I thought was extremely even... Neither team seriously created anything - As already mentioned I thought that Darren Pratley was one of our best players with the way he was all over the pitch stopping their attacks, felt that his substitution could have been the wrong one (Was slightly surprised that Parker didnt come off despite having a good game) and for the last ten minutes it looked as though it would be a mistake as for me that was Sunderland's best period of the entire game, we looked tired and it seemed as though we were suffering after Extra Time and Penalties from last Friday night.

    We all know what happened next, always said that Bauer would score before the end of the season and will be one of the best goals I've ever celebrated

    Did we deserve to win in normal time? - I'd say Yes

    When you look back its a surprise that a team like Sunderland so high in the League struggled to create anything today (Reason for so many draws?) but apart from a really good Phillips save just after it went 1-0 that was it from them, we cant talk ourselves as we didnt create much either but we scored when it mattered so is the sole thing that counts

    Credit to their fans though, am delighted we won but really wish it hadnt been against Sunderland in a way - The decent side of me wouldn't have begrudged a Sunderland win today after their endless heart break @ Wembley, and with how the majority of their fans behave (all clubs have their own share of twats) they fully deserve to have some luck at the National Stadium, just not against us.. huh!

    Final note... Was a pleasure to briefly meet @Sage after the game - Kinda ambushed the poor bloke standing in his seat, I think your voice had gone mate so apologies for that!!
    Great to meet you too @ForeverAddickted - sorry for not speaking much but you were right, my voice had gone and is not in the best condition this morning. I also couldn’t describe the happiness or pride I felt at the time. My write up on here will come later. All the best.
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    Cab picked us up at 10am...on the drive to Hastings station we went passed some Charlton fans....I said to the cabbie, I hope they have a good day....his do I as I support Charlton...I knew then we were going up.
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    Just a side note , I thought the ref was excellent 
    Thought he was crap. Should've started booking there's a lot earlier. Ultimately though, their primary tactic of kicking us out of the game cost them. 
    Yep, was dog shite 
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    hawksmoor said:
    I was in 552 a block away from the Mackems and an old boy in a flat cap and two hearing aids was offering them out for most of the game.
    Can you hear the Sunderland sing? I can’t hear a fucking thing!

    No, seriously, I can’t hear you. I think I forgot to charge my hearing aids. 
    I was in block 143 and thought that at times they were louder than us.
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    Just unbelievable scenes at the end to score in such a dramatic way summed our season up 

    we just keep going and going until the end 

    I honestly thought we would win 3-0 I certainly didn’t fear Sunderland other than for the revenge or repeat element to the game and i always believe in repeat , 

    Their fans 
    It must be me because walking up Olympic way I had numerous ones giving it billy big bollox and saying remind me of a famous charlton player and your just a shit tin pot club from London 

    one saying where’s your valley gone ??? 

    Then on the way out one saying any charlton fan here is an embarrassment well that worked with me and I challenged him on his comment and asked him to explain it 

    he said if Sunderland has won he would still be inside singing 

    I told him that I had seen the players on the pitch doing their bit and they had now gone off the pitch so why would I be in there 

    when I want to go and celebrate with friends and family in London now

    and that you can’t get no more embarrassing than a fat northern bird shitting in the fountain at trafalgar sq 

    i am putting mackams on the list of muggy fans 


    nobby fans 

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    Reading that it’s about 50:50. Some fuming saying our winner should have been free kick to them and Pratley should have had red card earlier. The other half admitting they didn’t actually put Phillips under any pressure and didn’t manage to even score themselves. 
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    Well, typical Charlton really , wasn't it? Never make it easy do we ? Brilliant day out and great result , just think some people will go their entire lives without seeing their team score a last minute winner at Wembley! Right up there for me , along with the birth of my 2 boys ! Happy days.
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    A day like that demands drama. We will all have known that, despite hoping for an easy win. Those seconds of concern making way for elation. Have we really scored? Is it going to be given? Yes it is, we have bloody won it!!!!!!! Can you beat that? No you can't. 
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    A great day for anyone connected to our club.
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    Not read the whole thread - and I am sure someone must have mentioned it, but big-up Lyle for his post match interview. Firmly nailed his colours to the mast!  
    Not seen it mate, what did he say?
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