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    I'd be interested to get a poll going on here, just a simple YES or NO to the question of 'Will we get relegated?'. Be interesting to see what the general consensus is.

    I did try to open a new discussion and start one, but don't think I can?

    But what purpose does it serve?

    It'll just polarise those who feel the events of the next 2 weeks will give a better indication of how prepared we are for the rest of the season - compared to those who are already fretting that relegation is likely.

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    I'd be interested to get a poll going on here, just a simple YES or NO to the question of 'Will we get relegated?'. Be interesting to see what the general consensus is.

    I did try to open a new discussion and start one, but don't think I can?

    No, we won’t. 
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    Oggy Red said:

    I'd be interested to get a poll going on here, just a simple YES or NO to the question of 'Will we get relegated?'. Be interesting to see what the general consensus is.

    I did try to open a new discussion and start one, but don't think I can?

    But what purpose does it serve?

    It'll just polarise those who feel the events of the next 2 weeks will give a better indication of how prepared we are for the rest of the season - compared to those who are already fretting that relegation is likely.

    The purpose is quite simple, to gain an understanding of what the general fan consensus is regarding relegation?

    Maybe better suited once the window shuts.

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    It is probably more complex than a yes or no. When the takeover happened I thought there was zero chance of getting relegated. Two weeks into the January window, I think there is a chance. That doesn't mean it will happen. With no new players, we could stay up with the players we have coming back from injury but that pre-supposes quite a lot. We can still get some new players in to strengthen the squad.
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    Oggy Red said:

    I'd be interested to get a poll going on here, just a simple YES or NO to the question of 'Will we get relegated?'. Be interesting to see what the general consensus is.

    I did try to open a new discussion and start one, but don't think I can?

    But what purpose does it serve?

    It'll just polarise those who feel the events of the next 2 weeks will give a better indication of how prepared we are for the rest of the season - compared to those who are already fretting that relegation is likely.

    The purpose is quite simple, to gain an understanding of what the general fan consensus is regarding relegation?

    Maybe better suited once the window shuts.

    I still don't see what good it can bring.

    Every football team knows that fear of relegation often becomes a self-fulfulling prophecy.
    Relegation is a word banned in dressing rooms.

    Even among supporters, it breeds an atmosphere of anxiety and tension at games..... in which players become afraid to make mistakes and their confidence drains away.

    On the other hand, it's not about being 'Happy Clappy' and burying your head in the sand.
    But it is about avoiding a negative atmosphere at games, where anxiety and fear prevails.

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    I am worried we might go down this season as I would be in any other where we sit so close to the bottom three.

    We shouldn’t get swept away by what might be under the new owner. This is a dog fight we can’t ignore. Whoever is brought in this window needs to be completely focussed on this season not what might happen if the purse strings are opened in the summer.

    It’s early days and so far not much seems to have happened really, so my judgement on how good the new regime is is on hold.
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    On Saturday evening I felt that we had enough about us, primarily because of the guts in the squad, to stay out of the bottom 3 just about. However Gallagher was crucial to that as one of our few fit players of quality and has now gone as will Taylor too probably before the window closes. It's what Charlton do in January. Murphy, Reid, Kermorgant, Grant etc etc.

    Will we get in any players of sufficient quality and even if we do how long will it take them to 'bed in?'

    If Bowyer himself and his team actually stay for the rest of the season and pull this one off he (they) will be a miracle worker in my book.

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    It is probably more complex than a yes or no. When the takeover happened I thought there was zero chance of getting relegated. Two weeks into the January window, I think there is a chance. That doesn't mean it will happen. With no new players, we could stay up with the players we have coming back from injury but that pre-supposes quite a lot. We can still get some new players in to strengthen the squad.
    It also depends on what the teams around us do. If they splash the cash and bring in some really good players, then staying up will become harder. Alternatively if they lose players, then the opposite applies, I've no idea what sort of squad Barnsley will have by the end of the window for example.
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    February is make or break as far as I'm concerned. The best case scenario is Bows and Llye are still here, we have at least 4/5 new faces and 3/4 back from injury. If this is the case I think if we can get between 11 to 15 points and we will be on home straight towards survival. The flip side of the coin being we go into the month with still a paper thin squad and loads of kids still in or around the team (not their fault btw) and we lose a lot of 6 pointer matches which could mean by the end of the month we are occupying a bottom three slot, which if we are in my opinion , I think it will be difficult to pull ourselves out.
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    I think today may be the first day I’ve considered this possibility (this season of course)
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    Thought it was very likely at the end of July.

    Thought it very unlikely by mid September 

    Thinking very likely again now.

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    Oggy Red said:
    Well I'm sure last week everyone was thinking that we would have added to the squad by now, not reduced it.

    February is a BIG month. Lose at home to both Barnsley & Luton, as well as not picking up points away to Huddersfield & Stoke & you can say goodbye to playing Millwall again for a couple of years. 
    My one concern is that this season we've tended to be poor against the lower teams; the defeats at Luton and Wigan were poor performances too, when those are the sort of games we need to be raising our level for.
    Again comes back to the players we've had unavailable but has our record really been that poor against the teams around us?

    Against those around us when we werent relying on Steve Avory's daycare service it was:

    Stoke (W) | Barnsley (D) | Wigan (L) | Birmingham (L) | Derby (W)

    With the kids (who arent going to have the experience of playing First Team Football let alone a relegation battle)

    Derby (L) | Middlesbrough (L) | Huddersfield (L) | Luton (L)

    Comes back to needing new players (and current players being available) by the 1st February

    Apart from the Wigan and Luton games none of those have played us off the park either
    But then around the time we were losing to Luton, Boro and Huddersfield, we drew against Cardiff, Hull and QPR, all mid table teams, and all 3 performances were much better too

    Indeed after August we've consistently struggled against the poorer teams, but played well against the better ones
    Just my opinion, but I believe we've played better against the ball playing teams.
    Maybe they allow us to play a bit more?

    It's the physical, direct teams that we've generally struggled against.

    This and it's always been the same with Charlton.
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    On February 1st when we see the players in our squad,then we will have a better idea.
    Who has left and who has joined, and if the only R word in the cafc lexicon is Roland.

    If last season in the championship January window a question was asked ?

    Which club Chairman said: is it worth paying 1k extra a week for a player that has been identified as a target.

    My answer: Rotherham or Bolton. 

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    Derby have been charged by the Football League over spending rules and now face a potential points deduction
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    If found guilty will not affect them until next season, when we are in league 1. The same with Birmingham. 
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    msomerton said:
    If found guilty will not affect them until next season, when we are in league 1. The same with Birmingham. 
    Is that definite?

    Not the Derby or Birmingham guff, but next season when we are in League 1?

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    msomerton said:
    If found guilty will not affect them until next season, when we are in league 1. The same with Birmingham. 
    Surely it would be this season?
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    It is something the league need to get serious about. It feels like some clubs are taking the piss openly which the league needs to challenge or give up any credibility.
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    Getting closer every game 
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    Oh yes only a four point cushion now only 2 weeks it was over double that
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    Thankfully Bristol city scored 
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    Thank god we started the season so well. I’m starting to seriously worry now though
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    Getting closer every game 
    You sound like you can't wait.

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    edited January 2020
    Home form is okay. Need to start getting results on the road. Starting to worry. If we don’t bring some players in this window, I think we will go down.

    100% with Bowyer and the lads.
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    Oggy Red said:
    Getting closer every game 
    You sound like you can't wait.

    No need for that, is there?

    You look at our form and it's no wonder people are getting nervous.

    I think we will be ok, just, but we desperately need to get bodies in/back. If we don't then it isn't looking good.
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    edited January 2020
    The writing has been on the wall since we lost multiple key players through October. Everyone could see it. It doesn't make you a genius or a realist or a historian to see it.

    Some of us have chosen to support the remaining players (largely made up of non-league signings and loanees) whereas others are taking the chance to have a pop at fellow fans for daring to be positive in the face of adversity.

    Honestly, it's starting to piss me off.
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    We will be ok...   Relegation is an impossibility...  We have a full squad coming back...  Bows is on that contract no issues...  Looking forward to the next Southall tweet...
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    Off_it said:
    Oggy Red said:
    Getting closer every game 
    You sound like you can't wait.

    No need for that, is there?

    You look at our form and it's no wonder people are getting nervous.

    I think we will be ok, just, but we desperately need to get bodies in/back. If we don't then it isn't looking good.

    There would be no need if it wasn't the same posters posting the same sh*te after every defeat.
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    Bit more urgency needed for me. 

    We don't have the time to be able to give the new owners time to bed in. We need several players in to save our season and we need them as soon as possible. 

    Pay over the odds, who cares, they'll be losing far more money in league one if they hold off. 
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