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Charlton v Wigan | Sat 18 July, 2020 | Post-match thread



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    well that was a breath of fresh air - not sure how it would have ended up if we were leading at any point but just glad bowyer wasn't given the opportunity to park the bus coz its rarely worked. Doughty was immense and totally dominated down that side - why on earth he hasn't had more game time post lockdown is baffing when kept out of side by oshilaja in particular - anyway.. bonne did well and is there to score and miss them but at least he's there - davison better partner than hemed, caskey a passenger, chuks and williams great second phase of game options - team set up and subs were about right at last - wigan not as good as i was expecting, when will field finish 90 minutes? - doughty clearly wasn't that injured to be taken off against brum - it wasa  bad mistake and hope it doesn't end up costing us - shame luton won but reckon we go into last game now with a probably better than even chance of staying up 
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    When will Bonne try to chip it over the keeper, when one on one? Missed from almost identical positions yesterday and against Reading.
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    Danepak said:
    When will Bonne try to chip it over the keeper, when one on one? Missed from almost identical positions yesterday and against Reading.
     Mendonca had his own style when in thosee situations......he tried to go round the keeper and usually got tripped & won a penalty. Whether it was a confidence thing or something he'd been taught I dont know, but I dont remember too many times Super Clive scoring from 1 on 1's........apart from his 2nd at Wembley !!
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    Just noticed Liverpool are playing Chelsea on Wednesday evening, might give it a watch, be a lot less stressful! :neutral:
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    Danepak said:
    When will Bonne try to chip it over the keeper, when one on one? Missed from almost identical positions yesterday and against Reading.
    Yet scored his toughest opportunity
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    I do wish that people would stop counting on points reductions. We have to stay above three teams with no points reductions taken into account. 

    Otherwise we will be in the bottom three throughout August waiting for the EFL to take the points off. Apart from the stress that would cause us all, how are the management supposed to prepare for next season not knowing what league we are in?
    We wouldn't even know if we have a league to play in as League One might not even start but the Championship will.

    As has been said a number of times now as soon as final whistle goes wednesday night -12 points will be deducted from wigan!!

    so no waiting throughout august there 

    Iwould like them to deduct the 12 points now, just so everyone is 100% with it. They can no longer go down automatically so the 12 points can now be deducted.
    But they can still avoid relegation WITH the deduction, so they won’t. 
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    I think Bonne very much knows he has to work hard and learn a lot more. Recognising he isn’t there yet is I think his major strength at present. He’s come a long way very quickly and I’m not sure if he’s ever going to be a Championship striker but I do know that it won’t be because of a lack of application. I like the lad a lot. 
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    bobmunro said:
    1968CAFC said:
    bobmunro said:
    1968CAFC said:
    1968CAFC said:
    Sadly Luton score in the 85th 
    our task has become ever more a nightmare 👎
    Our task hasnt changed

    Equal the results of all three teams below us and we stay up, equal the results of two teams and we stay up

    If we lose and Luton get a better result then we stay up

    If we lose and Luton draw and Wigan win, then we go down
       How does that make sense ?
       If we lose at Leeds and Luton get a better result 
      We stay will they, they would have more points?
      We are only better than them now on goal difference.........please explain what you mean ?

    Wigan !!
    wake up they could win the appeal 😂😂😂😂
    I’m wide awake, and I am also very familiar with EFL rules. This one is black and white.
    Appeals are only ever successful if there are one or more valid grounds - in this case, and in every case where administration occurs, there is none.

    A successful appeal would set a precedent and open the EFL up to legal challenges going forward. They have to change the rules to prevent this from happening in the same way they need to make changes to ensure clubs can't be bought by potless wide boys who want to steal whatever they can before doing a runner. 
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    Danepak said:
    When will Bonne try to chip it over the keeper, when one on one? Missed from almost identical positions yesterday and against Reading.
     Mendonca had his own style when in thosee situations......he tried to go round the keeper and usually got tripped & won a penalty. Whether it was a confidence thing or something he'd been taught I dont know, but I dont remember too many times Super Clive scoring from 1 on 1's........apart from his 2nd at Wembley !!
    Agree but Clive had very good close control of the ball without much pace it has to be said. He also had that rare top striker quality of being supremely confident in his own ability to score. Don’t think he ever went through a crisis of confidence. 
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    MattF said:
    For some weird reason I got a bit choked up as the teams came out today and welled up (what a fucking weirdo)I think it was my view that relegation was coming and all the hard work of last season was about to evaporate due to the patheticness of Roland and the crooks/chancers/Charlatans who may or may not own our club. This can still all happen .

    I thought we looked dangerous first half ....but in a weird way I think Cullen and Lockyer have gotten really poor by their own standards in recent games and Moyes won’t be tripping over himself to put Cullen in his Prem squad next season.

    Bonne is like all good modern today’s game he knew when to throw in a good slower ball , first one didn’t cause any problems and was easily dispatched by the wigan keeper but he wasn’t perturbed by that and the second trundler nestled in the bottom corner to send my household in to a body popping frenzy .

    Its still in our hands but I think we’ll drop it so best to have someone else take that chance and Fulham have a better set of hands than us .....

    65% we stay up ....... 35% heart break 

    Feel Cullen if that is the case because I believe his recent performances are due to playing every minute of every match and he needs a bit of a rest.

    He might get it as well if his knock is serious enough, but he won't then have the opportunity to find better form for us again.
    Agree Cullen looked shattered today. Hammers would be mad to sell him or loan him out again though. Ive watched a bit of them the last month and they aint great in midfield. Noble is getting on,Rice will be gone in 12 months so they cant plan around him, Cullen and Bowen could be a good base for their future.
    Hemed didn't touch the ball on Wednesday night. That's why he was dropped today.
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    Re: Bonne - every striker misses chances. The first part of their job is to be in the right place, the second part is to convert the chance. All strikers will have missed chances as well as goals to their name. Watching the old Charlton v Hull highlights (Hales hat trick game) the other week, I noticed that Hales had three or four other chances that game that he missed.
    Bonne's not allowed to miss.
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    Danepak said:
    When will Bonne try to chip it over the keeper, when one on one? Missed from almost identical positions yesterday and against Reading.
    I thought Marshall did well by staying up as long as possible and making himself as big a target as possible

    He's probably another reason why Bonne dithers as if Marshall goes down to early then Bonne can just chip him

    From the replays it looks like he tries to slot it through Marshall's legs rather than put it round him
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    We deserved at least a point yesterday in my opinion, Play to win the game and you’ll get something out of it, try and baton down the hatches and play for a draw and you’ll probably lose the game, our boldness got us something out of the game, which could be a telling point come the end of the season.

    Id rather be going into the Leeds game where we are , rather than where the teams below us are.

    However I do feel we need to take this new found boldness into the Leeds game, run at them , rather than trying to soak up pressure / knock silly passes around the defence, shows some balls and confidence lads and we’ll be all right.

    So pleased Hemed was dropped, made sense, and I could understand Naby in the team passing balls over the top for the strikers to run onto, so was very happy with the starting 11 yesterday.

    I just hope Field is fit enough to start v Leeds, otherwise it leaves us with a hole in midfield, we can’t afford to play injured players, there’s too much at stake if they break down and give a goal away.

    Pleased we’ve given ourselves a chance to stay up going into the last game,anything could happen, with Wigan and Luton both playing at home on the last game, I don’t want us to rest on our laurels and think that it’s job done already, it’s far from it.
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    Re: Bonne - every striker misses chances. The first part of their job is to be in the right place, the second part is to convert the chance. All strikers will have missed chances as well as goals to their name. Watching the old Charlton v Hull highlights (Hales hat trick game) the other week, I noticed that Hales had three or four other chances that game that he missed.
    Bonne's not allowed to miss.
    It is not particularly his misses that disturb me but his all round play has not been good enough and in a team that is greater than the sum of its parts I feel we have often been playing with 10 men. Davidson came on and the ball stuck to him, he won free kicks, blocked them, ran behind them and harried. I was always taught that when you are playing shit you work your nuts off (see Cullen) and I don't get that from Bonne.

    I am with @Sillybilly and @oohaahmortimer and really thought he should be taken off as he was not contributing (again). My thoughts were that 2 goals in 8 games were not enough to carry a player but then he pops up with a really good goal (far, far harder than many he has missed) and proves me wrong. 3 goals in 8 is acceptable, particularly as he didn't play 90 minutes in all those games, but he needs to contribute more like he did in the Autumn, when I thought he was excellent.

    Don't get me wrong, he is the kind of player I love to see, one from non-league working their way back up the levels. I have wondered if after the goals he scored last year, before he got injured, if it hadn't gone to his head. There was talk that his agent wanted more money and that he was worth £x and team Y wanted to  sign him making him think he had made it but giving up the hard work that had helped him to make it.

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    edited July 2020
    Without Pratley and Field, expect to see Osh in CM.

    Actually with Pearce possibly out too, we could be quite severely weakened for the Leeds game. 
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    mendonca said:
    Without Pratley and Field, expect to see Osh in CM.

    Actually with Pearce possibly out too, we could be quite severely weakened for the Leeds game. 
    Matthews | Lockyer | Sarr | Doughty
    Morgan | Cullen | Williams | McGeady
    Bonne | Aneke

    Would be the worst case scenario for us starting

    Or we could go:

    Lockyer | Oshilaja | Sarr
    Matthews | Cullen | Lapslie | Doughty
    Bonne | Aneke
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    I'd prefer Purrington in there and Doughty to be our attacking threat in the final third. He is quite lethal. 

    Field was ran into clumsily so hoping just a knock to the hip that couldn't be run off.
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    He was really keen to show Byrne that he was faster and sharper than him! 

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    edited July 2020
    mendonca said:
    He was really keen to show Byrne that he was faster and sharper than him! 

    Still like Byrne, sort of player I'd happily see us re-sign if ever we could - Be good competition between him and Matthews
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    No, if Bonne had finished it would have put us ahead I think.
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    Byrne was decent. But as if we would be in a position to ever have 2 x 1st choice players fighting it out for 1 spot.
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    Surprised its not been mentioned already but what with the position we're in, it was still nice to see Doughty | Morgan | Davison all on the pitch at the same time

    I know Davison isnt from the Academy but has been nurtured in our U23s, all had decent games for us
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