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Charlton v Wigan | Sat 18 July, 2020 | Post-match thread



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    edited July 2020
    JamesSeed said:
    I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but ...

    I'm with Leuth in the Sarr Appreciation Society.
    I’m with Briston Addick and Leuth in the Sarr Appreciation Society.

    Two massive highlights this season for me were late equalisers. Up at Loftus Road, and today’s at The Valley. What a massive buzz, and today’s was so well earned, and yet in the last 20 minutes I couldn’t see it coming at all. I thought Wigan were given us a lesson in how to ‘finish games off’, and was resigning myself to the prospect of a massively depressing few days. Yet another hopeful ball punted from our own half, a lovely flicked on header from Aneke (great when he’s got the ball, rubbish when he hasn’t!), and the miracle of Bonne somehow finding himself in acres of space, with time to finish with aplomb. Ecstasy! ‘We’ve done it Tel!‘
    An one of the best performances I’ve seen from a Charlton player in years from Doughty in the first half at least. What a career he could have in front of him. And one our goals of the season started and finished in style, just when you thought their opener might snuff out our bright start. 
    And Davison too. So much energy, and he unsettled their normally implacable defence, linking well with Bonne, who battled back after criticism from Bowyer put in a huge shift. 
    Wigan started that match with all the confidence you’d expect from an in form side that had won 8 nil a few days earlier, so to see our midfield gradually gain control after fifteen minutes or so was a thing of great beauty. Particularly impressed by the number of times we caught them in possession playing out from the back. And seeing them switch to an unfamiliar formation (for them) was the icing in the cake. 
    Sarr, much missed by those of us who bemoan the regular relegation of one of our most creative players to the bench (when goals are so desperately needed), showed what we’ve been missing. He makes things happen!
    So although it wasn’t perfect, I rate this as one of our gutsiest performance for some time, and if the point earned today keeps us up, then it’ll be a match that will live long in my memory. 
    Agreed. Sadly though that career will almost certainly not be for us.

    Only a year left on his contract. The chancers running the club desperate for a few bob to keep the club ticking over so it's only to easy to see them biting the hands off a buyer for an offer of about £200k. After all, if he doesn't sign a new contract - and why on earth would he given the mess we are in and the fact he can no doubt earn much more elsewhere - he goes on a free next year.

    Enjoy watching the lad play on Wednesday. I reckon it will be the last time you see him in a red shirt (or at least a Charlton red shirt). Likewise, Dillon Phillips. Could well be his last appearance for us as well on Wednesday.

    Long since accepted we are a selling club but the way we can only keep our young stars for a year now is immensely dispiriting.
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    Dansk_Red said:
    The cross field ball by Naddy Sarr to Bonne for the one to one on the keeper was pure class.

    Naby Sarr can play accurate passes over 30 to 40 yards that other CB can only dream about. (including some In Premier)
    He hasn't been used enough in the 9 game mini season. He is not a striker, and other than the QPR away game it's a total waste of time putting him up front for the latter part of matches.
    Naby needs the ball at his feet with good moment up front. 

    His Charlton career is coming to an end, and he must be worth a punt for several Championship clubs. Sarr does have errors in him as a defender, but the Nabster game is the good, bad and Millwall away, ugly.
    Yesterday was a typical Sarr match with sublime skill but basic poor defending when he tried to stop the cross for first goal with his right not left foot.
    he's been part of our history for 5 years and I wish him well.

    One game shoot out which he may play a part in.

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    Could turn out to be a huge point. Boys gave everything again. One more to go. Fight until the end
    macauleybonne17 & alfiedoughty_
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    LouisMend said:
    I guess we'll go with Hemed on Wednesday against Leeds if he doesnt feel so tired unless Davison has truly given Bowyer something to think about

    Aneke used as an impact player for the last 40-30mins is a good approach but he needs to be more clever when the opposition start buying fouls

    Says a lot though that we needed a goal towards the end and we didnt see an appearance from Andre Green
    Davison looked far more likely to create something than Hemed has ever done. Unless he plays on Wednesday, Hemed will go the WHOLE season without moving. 

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    edited July 2020
    I agree with @oohaahmortimer, I didn’t think Bonne had a particularly good game up until the goal. Certainly nothing like his showing vs Bristol City for example. You can’t fault his work rate though and he never ever hides. He took his goal very well (notably he had no thinking time for that chance) and Bowyer is clearly trying to build him back up again. Correctly so imo. 

    Overall Bonne has had a very good first season in the Championship. With Taylor first injured and then AWOL he’s the only one who’s come close to stepping up. Without him we’d be sunk already and he might be at 15 goals plus by now had he not got injured himself when in good form. Yes he’s been frustrating at times but he’s done plenty to deserve patience from him us fans and Bowyer. 

    He needs to work hard on certain things though. Needs to start taking his first chance in a match more often - goals change games and teams that score first lose much less often. Most of his game holds its own at this level, but his first touch is non league - that was the main reason he missed the first chance, a crisper first touch onto his strong foot that opened the angle rather than closed it and he scores. His touch hampers his hold up play too. I’m sure it’s being worked on though. 

    Comparison to Vardy are a bit silly as Bonne lacks the pace to play higher than this level, imo, but if he works hard on his hold play and winning more flick ons  he can be a very decent Championship centre forward. He certainly has a strikers instinct for getting chances, he just needs to find that self belief to stay consistently calm in front of goal. Yesterday’s effort certainly won’t do him any harm. Probably better for his confidence that he missed the first chance but rescued a point with his last effort than the other way around. 
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    Doughty growing in stature every game - and what a glorious goal. Set himself up nicely for the shot and gave keeper no chance.
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    The only comparison with Vardy, is Jamie's first season in the Championship.
    No one surely meant Bonne could emulate Vardy's career in the Premier.

    Raw pace and control is given to very few.
    It's why I always predicted that Karlan Grant had a chance of making a decent Championship striker even when he was a reserve Charlton player in League 1.
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    SE7toSG3 said:
    As people have mentioned including @bobmunro the EFL points deduction for administration rule was voted for by its members, including Wigan Athletic. 

    They cannot appeal the unappealable. 

    The points can't be taken off now as the punishment is double edged in that it could have been carried over to next season, depending where they finish and in which league.

    The 12 points will be deducted close of play Wednesday for that reason. 

    We have more chance of us going into administration and also being docked 12 points before Wednesday than their punishment being overturned. 

    Agreed but the reason for not deducting it already was that they could have been relegated without it. That’s not the case any more.
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    Re: Bonne - every striker misses chances. The first part of their job is to be in the right place, the second part is to convert the chance. All strikers will have missed chances as well as goals to their name. Watching the old Charlton v Hull highlights (Hales hat trick game) the other week, I noticed that Hales had three or four other chances that game that he missed.
    His head never went down though did it? He always backed himself to score
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    SE7toSG3 said:
    As people have mentioned including @bobmunro the EFL points deduction for administration rule was voted for by its members, including Wigan Athletic. 

    They cannot appeal the unappealable. 

    The points can't be taken off now as the punishment is double edged in that it could have been carried over to next season, depending where they finish and in which league.

    The 12 points will be deducted close of play Wednesday for that reason. 

    We have more chance of us going into administration and also being docked 12 points before Wednesday than their punishment being overturned. 

    Agreed but the reason for not deducting it already was that they could have been relegated without it. That’s not the case any more.
    That's not it though is it?  They could still stay up by more than 12 pts in which case the deduction would be carried over to next season 
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    Not as I believe it but happy to stand corrected. If you stay up by 13 pts then a 12pt deduction means jack shit and is no punishment whatsoever 
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    Blucher said:
    Coming to this very late and I'm sure it will all already have been said. A thrilling end to the match and a lifeline for our season. 

    I thought that, other than the first 10 minutes when we were extremely shaky and, of course, the lapse leading to their second goal, we played some really good football in the first half. What a goal from Alfie Doughty - a Shaun Bartlett-style volley, after a couple a great passes from the Nabster and Mathews. It was hugely discouraging to perform that well and yet go in behind. The difference is that they were clinical, whereas Macauley’s poor first touch when he was clean through contributed to a bad miss.

    Playing a back 5 seems to suit us, as it enables two of our very best players, Mathews and Doughty to get forward and attack the opposition on the flanks. Josh Davison was a bit of a revelation up front, with his movement, energy, pace and physicality. He certainly represents a more difficult proposition for central defenders than Hemed and it enabled Bonne to drift out to the left and see a fair bit of the ball. A brave selection from Lee Bowyer and one which was amply rewarded, recognising that he’s hardly spoilt for choice in the striker department.

    It was unfortunate that Field and Forster-Caskey had to go off at half-time, especially as Jonny Williams is much less effective in central midfield. We have to hope that Field, who I thought was our best midfielder, is ok for Wednesday, especially in the absence of Pratley. Our level dropped off as a result of those changes, although Wigan were content to sit deeper to try and see the game out, save for a few attacking forays, notably, Morsy’s shot from the edge of the box which drew a fine save from Dillon.

    Aneke did pretty well when he was introduced, other than his irritating habit of giving away persistent fouls, which broke the game up and suited Wigan. Happily, his flick on set up Macauley Bonne for a sublime finish that the great Clive Mendonca would have been proud of. A draw was the very least we deserved and we now need to try and carve out a result at Leeds. The two potential get out of jail cards are if Blackburn can do the business at Luton and if Wigan fail to beat Fulham. At least the weekend defeats for WBA and Brentford will encourage Parker to put his best side out on Wednesday; if Fulham were completely out of the running for automatic promotion, he’d have certainly rested people like Mitrovic and Crainey.

    I was hoping that Barnsley would be relegated this afternoon to leave just the one slot to fill but, to their credit, they’ve managed to take it to the final game. At least they’re at Brentford, where winning is a big ask - and even that won't be enough to take them above us if we can get a point.

    Let's hope that the lads are fit and ready for Wednesday and that they can produce a top performance to take something from the game. A few beers to calm the nerves will most certainly be required.

    Insightful report as always, Blucher - though I disagree about Davison, who did nowt to impress me. 
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    Like Briston Addick,  Leuth, James Seed & probably many others I'm a member of the ' Nabster appreciation society.'

    Chance's are I think we won't see him in a Charlton shirt next season, so another reason to hope  Bows picks him on Wednesday.
    We desperately need creativity  and the Nabster provides it. Witness another delicious crossfield pass for Matthews to assist Doughty's  volley.

    I've wondered for a long time if Naby could play defensive mid, wonderful range of passing, no problem with that. 
    Can he stop his marker running past him though. Bit slow on the turn?

    If Field has not recovered by Wednesday, Naby has to to come into contention for that DM slot.
    JFC, Lapslie and Oshi also contenders.

    Anyway I trust whatever decision Bow's makes will be the right one.

    Thought the team played well on Saturday, Hemed doesn't influence games enough so needed dropping.
    Not sure yet how good Davison is going to be, but his muscular approach to the game kept the CB's busy at the very least, Bonne has a precious talent of spotting space/goal opportunity and he doesn't hide in plain site if he misses a chance; which many professionals do.

    Alfie Doughty, I'm sure the complements have been many and rightly so.
    We have to get Aneke on the pitch as much as possible, Bow's will make the call as to whether he starts.

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    We deserved to have won that game, decision making in the final third is still average at best and letting us down but crucially none of the players gave up and that's all any of us can ask or expect from a Charlton team 

    Doughtys goal was brilliant, its incredibly difficult to connect well with volleys at the best of times, to do it as well as he did is a skill I'm glad he chose to use then instead of having a hearty swing and miss 

    Bonne kept working, the chance in the first half was a decent save from the goalkeeper rather than a poor finish 

    Aneke caused lots of problems but is so frustrating with giving little Mickey mouse fouls away. Wigan were very cynical and were timewasting from the start of the second half and any side including us doing that pisses me off, it isn't game management at that stage of the game and a sensible referee will pull players and give out cards. This one didnt, he was shit and piss weak. We should have had a penalty in the first half and he let some very cynical stuff go which leads to players doing some of the nastier elements of the dark arts and I'm happy we didnt lose anyone through impact injuries

    We have some good footballers in Morgan and Doughty, both have excellent ball striking technique and Morgan especially is going to only get better hitting dead balls 

    Matthew's again solid and underappreciated, Sarr had one of his less hair raising games and licked the ball around beautifully at times. Lockyer is Lockyer, absolute warrior but prone to lapses however I bet is the first name on the team sheet.

    William's was trying to buy fouls a but too much and lost us possession cheaply once or twice. Cullen quality and has set himself such a high standard 

    The goal felt like a winner but so frustrating that we dodnt get the win 
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    Dansk_Red said:
    The cross field ball by Naddy Sarr to Bonne for the one to one on the keeper was pure class.

    Naby Sarr can play accurate passes over 30 to 40 yards that other CB can only dream about. (including some In Premier)
    He hasn't been used enough in the 9 game mini season. He is not a striker, and other than the QPR away game it's a total waste of time putting him up front for the latter part of matches.
    Naby needs the ball at his feet with good moment up front. 

    His Charlton career is coming to an end, and he must be worth a punt for several Championship clubs. Sarr does have errors in him as a defender, but the Nabster game is the good, bad and Millwall away, ugly.
    Yesterday was a typical Sarr match with sublime skill but basic poor defending when he tried to stop the cross for first goal with his right not left foot.
    he's been part of our history for 5 years and I wish him well.

    One game shoot out which he may play a part in.

    Almost every time a goal is scored, no matter what team or division you're looking at,  there's a defender who didn't cut out a cross, or missed a tackle, failed to block a shot, or got out jumped or out muscled. It's just when Sarr is involved it gets far more attention than it would if any other defender was involved. I think he's as good defensively as anyone else, but far, far better at passing and setting up chances than the rest of them put together.
    The idea of not playing him is nonsensical.
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    Taxi_Lad said:
    Not as I believe it but happy to stand corrected. If you stay up by 13 pts then a 12pt deduction means jack shit and is no punishment whatsoever 
    That’s not true; they will simply have overcome it as they would have the opportunity to do in L1 next season had they gone down regardless.

    The only way the punishment is negated is if it applied to team already relegated.
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    Surely Wigan were (without the deduction)  mathematically safe from relegation a while back so they should have taken away the 12 points at that point 
    or do the league leave it till the end of the season just in case appeals overturn the points negation
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    edited July 2020
    Surely Wigan were (without the deduction)  mathematically safe from relegation a while back so they should have taken away the 12 points at that point 
    or do the league leave it till the end of the season just in case appeals overturn the points negation
    It's -12 only if it will relegate them. If it won't, they get -12 at the start of next season

    If they avoid relegation they could still finish 12-13th because no points will be deducted
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    This is a good point and I think the only reason this did not happen is that the League announced what would happen when Wigan could go down without the deduction.
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