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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • He's done 10 frigging summaries, move over.
    Clearly a tactic to get this adjourned as there won't be enough time for the defense to argue its case............. 
  • This will be adjourned to another day when he finishes. 
  • Jints said:
    se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
    He won't be getting paid by the hour. Will be a fixed fee (known as a brief fee). 
    Well if he got a brief fee why is he taking so long.  
  • We’ve bottled it
  • Jints said:
    se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
    He won't be getting paid by the hour. Will be a fixed fee (known as a brief fee). 
    QCs get paid by the word.
  • I hope this twat doesn't start butting in when our girl starts
  • Yes press on 
  • I'm going with the logic that for all his waffling must mean he ain't got a lot in his armoury and he's playing for time. Just need a couple of bobby dazzlers from our LK 
  • edited September 2020

    From 20 mins ago, just for the record-

    Chaisty: There is no evidence that this injunction will cause the club harm or deny it any benefits

    Chaisty: We have two different sales of 1 pound. The sale to ESI and the sale to my client. #cafc #SaveCAFC

    Chaisty: Elliott has made the point that Nimer has "washed his hands of the club"
  • Phew... Judge wants to press on!!

    Neither Judge or Chaisty can do tomorrow morning, no time pressure
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  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Jints said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Can LK use the football club, fans ... the season on a whole as part of a defence?

    EG its not just between Elliot and Nimer, the whole club is at stake?
    It's legally nothing to do with football ffs. 
    Disagree. ESI 1 can argue that delay diminishes the asset because of the imminent start of the season and potentially removes the chance of a sale. Therefore an interim injunction should not be awarded.
    But that could be settle with damages at a later point.  

    My point was it doesn't matter legally, if its a football club, a house or a sweet shop.  It's either been sold, has a contract of exclusiveity or it hasn't. 
    QC arguing that damages are no good because Panorama is a shell company based in Abu Dhabi and have no assets to pay any damages.
  • Chaisty has finished. Lauren Kreamer has asked whether she may be cut off tonight. She proposes to take about an hour. "My learned friend has had 90 minutes and will doubtless want a right of reply." Judge and Chaisty can't make tomorrow morning...
  • smiffyboy said:
    My god this fella goes on and on repeating the same stuff and contradicting himself
    That’s also a good description of Farnell. 
  • He's done 10 frigging summaries, move over.
    Clearly a tactic to get this adjourned as there won't be enough time for the defense to argue its case............. 
    This could work in our favour. It gives Lk time to dissect their statements. 
  • Only If it continues tomorrow. 
  • Decision might not be today, the hearing will be heard 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Jints said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Can LK use the football club, fans ... the season on a whole as part of a defence?

    EG its not just between Elliot and Nimer, the whole club is at stake?
    It's legally nothing to do with football ffs. 
    Disagree. ESI 1 can argue that delay diminishes the asset because of the imminent start of the season and potentially removes the chance of a sale. Therefore an interim injunction should not be awarded.
    But that could be settle with damages at a later point.  

    My point was it doesn't matter legally, if its a football club, a house or a sweet shop.  It's either been sold, has a contract of exclusiveity or it hasn't. 
    QC arguing that damages are no good because Panorama is a shell company based in Abu Dhabi and have no assets to pay any damages.
    They will when TS gives them 6 large. 
  • Go on Laura...
  • "Scant, brief and incoherent"

    LK's description of Chaisty's use of his own client's evidence
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  • I can't see how any of the arguments would be a surprise. Maybe to us, but not to LK.
  • ozaddick said:
    RedChaser said:
    ozaddick said:
    How long is this bloke allowed to chat for while effectively making the same three or four points repeatedly? Bloody hell...
    if he is doing that then he knows he hasn't got anything of substance to go on.

    If PE had a cast iron, watertight contract, with no conditions on it then Chaisty would have said that straight away & then sat down. Case closed. He didnt & has been waffling on because he knows PE hasnt a case.
    Hope you're right.

    Anxious to hear LK's argument now.
    I don’t this boring bloke is ever going to stop talking to allow her 
    Can’t the judge tell him to wind it up? 
    No but you could mate and l'd button it straight away 😉

    I think you mean ‘wind it in’ mate! 😂
    hope you and yours are doing well red. 😊
    All good in Blighty mate you too 👍.
  • Has that gobshite QC shut up yet?
  • IdleHans said:
    "Scant, brief and incoherent"

    LK's description of Chaisty's use of his own client's evidence
    Not Chaisty ... Elliott’s ‘evidence’
  • Has that gobshite QC shut up yet?
    Yes. And Laura's started well.
This discussion has been closed.

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