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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • Chaisty: We are looking for a short-term remedy in order to solve the matter with a trial
  • Is this guy just trying to get through to 5pm and force the whole thing to be extended?
    I just said the same thing to a mate. 
  • An early goal for the defence in the 2nd half,great start.....
  • EFL board found that Elliott had been owner since June 8th.

    Yet even Sandgaard said that the EFL had told him that it was Nimer who was the owner?
    Does anyone remember if the question of 'Who actually owns the football club?' was discussed or confirmed  during the ESI/Farnell/Southall hearing on July 17th? 
  • If Nimer was coerced into unknowingly selling the club to a company owned by the lawyer (Farnell) who was supposed to be representing his interests, then I cannot see how that contract can be legally binding.
    If Elliott is out of pocket, he should seek damages from Farnell.
    Contrary to what their Barrister is saying, I think Farnell s role in this is extremely relevant.
    Reckon Lozza gonna pull something like this out the bag mate
  • Surrey Chaisty 161-4

    Kreamer batting now
  • "not black and white"...…..the trouble with that comment (Laura) is that all Chaisty needs is 'grey' to win an injunction and go to court!
  • I hope Lauren comes up with something concrete very quickly.
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  • Well done Diego
  • Diego has got better things to do that us sad fuckers watching this 
  • Kreamer outlining the structure of ESI and says Mihail is "clearly authorised" to give evidence on behalf of Panorama.
  • Kreamer says Mihail a director of Panorama and ESI. Says he has "relevant expertise" and that he is liaising with EFL and is involved day-to-day running of the club.
  • Imagine Chaisty as your complaining neighbour. He looks a right one!
  • Chaisty looks a really arrogant bastard.

    Seems he can't really be arsed to be there.

  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Jints said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Can LK use the football club, fans ... the season on a whole as part of a defence?

    EG its not just between Elliot and Nimer, the whole club is at stake?
    It's legally nothing to do with football ffs. 
    Disagree. ESI 1 can argue that delay diminishes the asset because of the imminent start of the season and potentially removes the chance of a sale. Therefore an interim injunction should not be awarded.
    But that could be settle with damages at a later point.  

    My point was it doesn't matter legally, if its a football club, a house or a sweet shop.  It's either been sold, has a contract of exclusiveity or it hasn't. 
    QC arguing that damages are no good because Panorama is a shell company based in Abu Dhabi and have no assets to pay any damages.
    Tough. PE should have thought about that before trying to buy us then. 
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  • Kreamer defends Mihail’s “expertise” on this matter as director of CAFC and the person dealing with the EFL after Chaisty pointed out that he was not a director of Panorama. Nimer’s English not good enough, hence Mihail bearing witness for him.
  • Maybe Chaisty was a bit hasty and got a bit complacent.

    Fingers crossed
  • Seems to have slowed down?
  • Kreamer explains that Mihail speaks for Nimer as Nimer is not a fluent english speaker #cafc #SaveCAFC
  • She's bringing up Farnell...
  • LK brings up Farnell via Lex Dominus. This should get good.
  • Indeed (cos someone had to provide it!!!);

    Kreamer says Mihail is the best-placed person to give evidence as he has been advising and running things on the ground

This discussion has been closed.

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