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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • We've gotta be well into Fergie Time
  • Is this guy just trying to get through to 5pm and force the whole thing to be extended?
  • He's been in waffle mode for 10 mins now. Now summarising.
  • Lauren pulled a face boring bloke casting doubt on mm as Romanian lawyer
    Spotted that too, looks like she disagreed with his reason for doubt, you would need serious patience to be able to sit through this and having to wait your turn to speak
  • Also it seems like the main points were made early. Nothing much has been added since.
  • He's been in waffle mode for 90 mins now. Now summarising.

  • He said he's going to summarise!! That's another half an hour then.
  • He's done 10 frigging summaries, move over.
  • EFL board found that Elliott had been owner since June 8th.
    That can't be true. Since that date the EFL have told TS that ESI1 are the owners, and Farnell has stood up in front of this very judge and said that Elliott isn't the owner.
    I do hope Lauren has fun pointing that bit out
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  • se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
     Good point. Bitter sweet should Elliott lose
  • Chaisty is really stringing out his hourly rate here.  References to how many are on line, what a bore.  Just give the facts in short, sharp, summary.  He doth protest too much me thinks.
    Exactly this
  • PE has put money into the club Nimer did not.Say PE wins then sells too TS everyone hapoy?.
    Ultimately yes, but it would be hard to accept that Elliott and Farnell get paid for their shenanigans.
    Rather than Southall getting paid for his? 
  • Chunes said:
    We've gotta be well into Fergie Time
    Definitely this the old judge will be checking his watch because it must be sherry time 🍷 😏
  • RedChaser said:
    ozaddick said:
    How long is this bloke allowed to chat for while effectively making the same three or four points repeatedly? Bloody hell...
    if he is doing that then he knows he hasn't got anything of substance to go on.

    If PE had a cast iron, watertight contract, with no conditions on it then Chaisty would have said that straight away & then sat down. Case closed. He didnt & has been waffling on because he knows PE hasnt a case.
    Hope you're right.

    Anxious to hear LK's argument now.
    I don’t this boring bloke is ever going to stop talking to allow her 
    Can’t the judge tell him to wind it up? 
    No but you could mate and l'd button it straight away 😉

    I think you mean ‘wind it in’ mate! 😂
    hope you and yours are doing well red. 😊
  • se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
    He won't be getting paid by the hour. Will be a fixed fee (known as a brief fee). 
  • RedChaser said:
    Chunes said:
    We've gotta be well into Fergie Time
    Definitely this the old judge will be checking his watch because it must be sherry time 🍷 😏
    It's no coincidence that you can't see the judge's mouth!
  • Jimmy Hart !!!
  • edited September 2020
    I sounds like a case of Filibustering so it can't be concluded today. 
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  • edited September 2020
    Oh FFS put a sock in it mate.

    I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell: 

  • Someone just unmuted and yawned 

    (I don't think it was the judge)
  • Who just yawned?
    Fair play
  • Haha did someone just yawn 🤣🤣
  • Jints said:
    se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
    He won't be getting paid by the hour. Will be a fixed fee (known as a brief fee). 
    Yeah I know, it wasn’t a precise breakdown of his remuneration - it was a joke. 
  • Jints said:
    se9addick said:
    Note to self
    When a lawyer says they will get through these last bits very quickly that is by no means true
    Neither would you if you were getting paid £5,000 an hour! 
    He won't be getting paid by the hour. Will be a fixed fee (known as a brief fee). 
    I reckon he's being paid by the word
  • He's been waffling for a fair while now, a lot aimed at MM. The occasional smirk on LK's face would suggest that she may have a strong case against many of these points when she (eventually) gets to speak. 
This discussion has been closed.

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