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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • Marian's mistake had LK on the ropes a bit there but she's back in the game.
  • Sanctions facing #cafc are of the most serious nature, says Kreamer. Judge interjects that Mihail is the only one giving evidence on this and he is not sure what weight to give his evidence, given he was wrong in his evidence about appeal.
    Just because you got 1 thing wrong should mean the rest of what you say is wrong. 
    Do you mean to say "shouldnt mean the rest of what you say is wrong"?
  • Mihail slips in the area, allowing Chaisty to pull one back but Kreamer still ahead

  • Kreamer argues it's wrong to question the rest of Mihail's evidence just due to the already aforementioned error #cafc #SaveCAFC

    Judge is questioning what weight to give Mihail's evidence considering he made an error in his testimony that Kreamer has apologized for on his behalf
  • The judge has stepped in to raise the concern of what "weight" he can place on Mihail's evidence. Kreamer had already said MM apologised for "an error" on his views on how the OADT system works. Says it has been corrected and rest of his evidence should be taken "at face value".
    Don't like the sound of this. If harm can't be proven then surely the easy option is to grant the injunction and leave somebody else to sort out the mess later?
  • Chaisty not looking overly confident now?
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  • EFL sanctions are clearly of a serious nature. You don't need any evidence from MM on that, we are currently under EFL sanctions and they are preventing us from creating a competitive squad for the upcoming season. Unless sanctions are lifted there is a risk (I'll leave it to others to quantify) of relegation. It is also clear with need for MM evidence that should it be found that Elliott owns or is in any way involved with us having failed the OADT then we will be subject to further sanctions which are more severe than the current sanctions we are under. What MM has to say on the matter is immaterial to ongoing events.
  • Chizz said:
    The fact that the pound was never "paid" is not relevant.  The pound represents a consideration.  Not paying the pound doesn't void the contract, it merely opens up a separate action in debt.  In other words, Elliot not paying the pound simply means he owes a pound. 


    What if there's a contractual condition that it has to be paid within say 14 days?
  • Come on judge throw this out so we can get Thomas in asap.
  • Sanctions facing #cafc are of the most serious nature, says Kreamer. Judge interjects that Mihail is the only one giving evidence on this and he is not sure what weight to give his evidence, given he was wrong in his evidence about appeal.
    Just because you got 1 thing wrong should mean the rest of what you say is wrong. 
    Do you mean to say "shouldnt mean the rest of what you say is wrong"?

    Oops....yes now edited.
  • edited September 2020
    Chaisty is getting on my tits
  • Sanctions facing #cafc are of the most serious nature, says Kreamer. Judge interjects that Mihail is the only one giving evidence on this and he is not sure what weight to give his evidence, given he was wrong in his evidence about appeal.
    Just because you got 1 thing wrong should mean the rest of what you say is wrong. 
    Do you mean to say "shouldnt mean the rest of what you say is wrong"?
    Just because Golfie got that one thing wrong... 

    ...oh, never mind
  • Phew cheers Golfie, got a bit worried there
  • edited September 2020

    Seems to me that, notwithstanding the hours of argument (and waffle) and the £££,£££s of legal costs incurred, the verdict is likely to be precisely that predicted by many here weeks ago.
    Namely that: 
    1. the sale by Panorama to Lex Dom is indeed contingent on the buyer (i.e. owner of LD - currently PE) passing the EFL's OADT
    2. the buyer has the right, under that contract, for its appeal against the EFL's initial rejection to be seen through to the completion.
    Thus the injunction preventing Panorama from selling CAFC to a third party will be granted and take effect until such time as the appeal process is completed. 
    If the appeal is successful then ownership of CAFC will vest with Lex Dom. If it isn't, it stays with Panorama.

    Ball in EFL's court.

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  • edited September 2020
    I wonder if Elliott will get a call from TS tonight asking if he still wants that £550k pay off...

    (If the judge hasnt made his decision)
  • edited September 2020
    Yes, there has to be a doubt about what the EFL would do. They possibly really have screwed us again here. MM hasn't helped either. 
  • Farnell also referred on July 13th to parties “seeking” to buy shares and that uncertainty could damage club. Cannot now say that his evidence then was made in a different context. Therefore no serious issue to be tried.
  • IdleHans said:
    Lauren hanging Farnell with his own rope now
    Let’s hope she continues to tighten it. 
  • I wonder if Elliott will get a call from TS tonight asking if he still wants that £550k pay off...

    (If the judge hasnt made his decision)
    Hopefully he won’t need to bother and wait for his letter kindly asking for his money back that was clearly gifted and no need to reteurn.
This discussion has been closed.

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