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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • Seems to me that, notwithstanding the hours of argument (and waffle) and the £££,£££s of legal costs incurred, the verdict is likely to be precisely that predicted by many here weeks ago.
    Namely that: 
    1. the sale by Panorama to Lex Dom is indeed contingent on the buyer (i.e. owner of LD - currently PE) passing the EFL's OADT
    2. the buyer has the right, under that contract, for its appeal against the EFL's initial rejection to be seen through to the completion.
    Thus the injunction preventing Panorama from selling CAFC to a third party will be granted and take effect until such time as the appeal process is completed. 
    If the appeal is successful then ownership of CAFC will vest with Lex Dom. If it isn't, it stays with Panorama.

    Ball in EFL's court.

    That's my reading of it too. Problem is, who is chairing the appeal & when will it be heard. If it's an independent tribunal  (who seem to take ages just to convene) then we could be fucked.
  • Should we be concerned that now Farnell has sold Lex Dominus, that all evidence against him today will just be dismissed by judge?
    Surely not he acted for multiple parties. A clear conflict of interest. 
  • Obviously we had the late start and then probably two-and-a-half hours of legal representation.
  • Sorry been busy with a sick child today, can anyone enlighten me on what clanger MM dropped?
  • Didn't hear Chaisty bring up any legal precedent?
  • Cor, hurry up Lauren ffs

  • Should we be concerned that now Farnell has sold Lex Dominus, that all evidence against him today will just be dismissed by judge?
    Surely the link is there and it must mean something?
    I agree. It was just a negative thought that popped in to my head. Hopefully the judge will deem it relevant. 
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  • ross1 said:
    Obviously we had the late start and then probably two-and-a-half hours of legal representation.
    Time wasting coming back to bite us again.
  • Now describing the EFL's relevance, albeit currently hypothetical

  • Judge is not sure at all if we'll reach a conclusion today. Kreamer concerned that we'll struggle to get everybody back on at a different time. Chaisty/Judge already confirmed they are not free tomorrow morn. #cafc #SaveCAFC

    We're going to plow on for now. Kreamer says she has 15-20 minutes of further argument.
  • Looks like Chaisty is desperate for a shit 
  • Looks like Chaisty is desperate for a shit 
    That's just his face...
  • edited September 2020
    Looks like Chaisty is desperate for a shit 
    Has Elfs used his spoon yet?
  • Stating very unlikely that Elliottttt could be approved by the EFL given the wording of their response alongside their rules

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  • Dazzler21 said:
    Sorry been busy with a sick child today, can anyone enlighten me on what clanger MM dropped?
    Technical errors re the Owners and Directors Test in essence.
  • Someone let me know if cahones appears at farnells with a tray of tea a biscuits. 
  • Looks like Chaisty is desperate for a shit 
    Elfs can offer him some suggestions 😉.
  • Kreamer says Mihael asserts there is a "very real risk" of serious sanctions - including expulsion - being imposed on the club. Mentions Bury. "It is not pie in the sky to state a football club - as a matter of fact - be expelled and cease to exist."

  • Judge is not sure at all if we'll reach a conclusion today. Kreamer concerned that we'll struggle to get everybody back on at a different time. Chaisty/Judge already confirmed they are not free tomorrow morn. #cafc #SaveCAFC

    We're going to plow on for now. Kreamer says she has 15-20 minutes of further argument.
    Can't the judge just make up his mind later/overnight & give his decision tomorrow. Does anyone actually have to be there ??
  • edited September 2020
    It may be telling that ESI2 have not explained why they expect to win the EFL appeal. Surely if it was on a technicality that was easy to remedy, they would refer directly to what that was. The EFL have had loads of time to have heard this. They are a disgrace to the game.
  • We need the wisdom of Solomon. Give them £0.50p
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Roland Out Forever!