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European Super League - clubs withdrawing p42 onwards.



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    Hats off to Milner. Need many more and bigger stars at the clubs to come out now. 
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    Hats off to Milner. Need many more and bigger stars at the clubs to come out now. 
    What did he say?
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    Hats off to Milner. Need many more and bigger stars at the clubs to come out now. 
    What did he say?
    Come out and said he don’t like it and hopes it don’t happen 
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    Redrobo said:
    The Premier League will drop their trousers and bend over to get the six clubs back on board because their profits could take a dip if they leave. A great pity as the six leaving could be a good thing. 
    If the big 6 stay and then only play there under 23 teams then surely profits will still take a dip. 
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    This is a real shame and it's awful but things always move forward and alter.

    Say goodbye to the club's that only win stuff because they are loaded beyond belief.

    Newcastle, west ham, villa, leicester, Leeds, Everton can rise to the occasion.

    Still provide great entertainment. 

    It might even provide Charlton with a gentle nudge!

    Just f*CK those 6 clubs.

    They are now dead. ££££££ is all they care about.

    We all now don't care about them and they are not needed.

    I just feel sorry for their fans. It's awful.

    Manu, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man city, Arsenal

    The fans absolutely adore their clubs. So much history.

    Arsenal owners do not have a bollocks and they've killed their club. 
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    Carragher and Neville - best in the business. 
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    JamesSeed said:
    “Eventually there will be a soccer League of Nations with clubs flying off to South America in little more time than it would take Newcastle to travel to Plymouth by train. These days may not be realised in my time, but they are coming.” 

    Jimmy Seed in 1957. 
    Which is completely unsustainable in a world suffering from a climate disaster and a global pandemic.

    But he wasn’t to know that tbf.
    He was predicting, rather than advocating tbf. 
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    When Sky started doing the big promotion of Nev and Carra tonight I kind of thought it was going to be cringe, over produced stuff but in fairness it has, and they have been pretty great. 
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    edited April 2021
    Now let’s head over to the States to see what the pundits reckon...
    Even normal Americans find Lalas to be a joke.

    Speaking to a very close American friend who lives in Philly (he calls Charlton ‘us’ when talking about our games but did follow arsenal originally before we met) and he hates the idea. The appeal of English football with our pyramid system and promotion/ relegation is there as it offers something different to their closed shop format in sports. These 12 clubs have got this massively wrong.
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    Now let’s head over to the States to see what the pundits reckon...
    Even normal Americans find Lalas to be a joke.

    Speaking to a very close American friend who lives in Philly (he calls Charlton ‘us’ when talking about our games but did follow arsenal originally before we met) and he hates the idea. The appeal of English football with our pyramid system and promotion/ relegation is there as it offers something different to their closed shop format in sports. These 12 clubs have got this massively wrong.
    I can't help but feel they would've known what the reaction would be like and the whole thing is just a bargaining chip for some kind've European Project Big Picture which will arguably be more shit because I'd probably rather the 'big 6' run off and let us get on with it.
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    Klopp’s taken this a bit personally isn’t he?
    Not sure why he’s picking on Gary Neville for what he said last night 🤔

    Thinking he’s just frustrated because he can’t say what he really wants to?
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    Carragher and Neville - best in the business. 
    I don't like Carragher but speaking a lot of sense. Neville has been amazing 
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    Gary Neville on Sky Sports, best reaction I've seen. Hats off to him, says it's "a criminal act".
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    Klopp’s taken this a bit personally isn’t he?
    Not sure why he’s picking on Gary Neville for what he said last night 🤔

    Thinking he’s just frustrated because he can’t say what he really wants to?
    People were hoping Klopp would speak out, disappointed by his reaction. He's been very bitter and angry for quite a while this season 
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    Gary Neville... the possible saviour of English football?
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    Wonder what TS views are on this, and whether it affects his long terms goals with us?
    I’m desperate to know what he thinks tbh.
    If I were TS I'd keep my head down and wait for it to all blow over. 
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    Gary Neville... the possible saviour of English football?
    Has talked so much sense with so much passion. He’s just about holding it back though, looks like he’s on the cusp of losing it.
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    Wonder what TS views are on this, and whether it affects his long terms goals with us?
    I’m desperate to know what he thinks tbh.
    If I were TS I'd keep my head down and wait for it to all blow over. 

    Yeah he doesn't need to comment in my opinion.

    Only way I can see it affecting his long term plans is if this league both goes ahead and the teams involved are still allowed to compete domestically as that will render the league pointless.

    These clubs either have to completely leave or shut up and get on with competing to win titles and cups along with 99.99% of the other clubs in the world.
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    Klopp has always acted like a prick when his side don’t win. Completely got the wrong end of the stick and G Nev’s reply was spot on.
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    edited April 2021
    24 Red said:
    bobmunro said:
    24 Red said:
    Sorry if this is covered elsewhere in the thread, but can someone clarify why this proposal is so terrible?

    I mean, I get that it is all about income generation rather than sporting principles but that’s been the way of things for a long time now.

    The way I read it this is an attack on UEFA. These clubs want to replace the existing European competitions with one that gives them greater income and greater certainty over that income. In return they promise to redistribute more income into domestic leagues and will still participate in those leagues with the (admittedly very hypothetical) threat of relegation.

    I suppose they may subsequently call for a reduction in the size of the premiership to accommodate fixtures but that’s a battle for the future.

     I’m not saying it’s a brilliant day for the game, but I can’t get worked up about a bunch of clubs deciding to screw UEFA.
    Yep - you've convinced me.

    "Don't worry Daniel - Spurs will make 50 zillion a year even if you finish bottom - and the same every year because you can't be relegated, unlike the whipping boys we'll get in every season to produce goals, goals, goals and therefore games you may, in exceptional circumstances, have a chance of winning". 

    "We also need to rework the old Corinthian spirit - something like 'Sport is not about taking part or even winning - it's about money', Daniel"
    I’m not trying to convince anyone that it’s a good thing, I just don’t see why everyone other than UEFA is so antagonised by it. The 20 teams will still compete (with each other) and it will likely be a more competitive league/cup. 

    I totally understand the ‘closed shop’ criticism, but Charlton have never been in European completion, ever, apart from that odd one they used to have in the 90’s. Speaking as a Charlton fan, if I invested my hopes in the prospect of one day reaching those heights I would probably have given up by now. So although I don’t think it is a good thing in principle I just can’t get very exercised by it in practice.
    That’s unnecessarily downbeat. Charlton would have been in European competitions following their second, fourth and third places in the top flight in the late thirties, early forties. And back in those days they might even been in with a shout of winning it. 

    Btw, JS was always subject to the maximum wage. 
    It’s probably time it returned, although legally tricky I expect. 
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    I do think this has been coming for a long time.  Amazon with their all or nothing behind the scenes documentaries, clubs engaging in tours of the Far East for pre season friendlies, Mickey Mouse trophies between some of the super league clubs next to some shopping mall in the Middle East.  It’s like gentrification on heat and the clubs that have signed up have over dosed on oat milk lattes and avocado on toast sprinkled with chai seeds and honey from a bee that only pollinates once a century, or some such bollocks.

    Football is a business, but no business has the right to break away from its regulators and governing bodies and decide to form an institution solely for the existence of greed and self interest.  

    Corona has caused massive problems, but there are other ways around it.  Start with the salaries you pay players.  Grossly obscene for years now, it’s taken a pandemic for these clubs to realise this.  If the clubs at the top end of the game genuinely cared for the sustainability of the game, then this is the first thing they should’ve addressed. Instead, it’s been the desire and thirst to build a global brand, often at the expense at results on the pitch (Man Utd a prime example).  Well, now they have their global brand and their fans ready to fill up the shopping malls in the Middle East, taken in by the prospect of seeing 12 ‘elite’ teams play each other every week. 

    Whoever this league appeals to will soon get bored when they realise the very thing that makes football great won’t exist in that format.  

    I also find it a tad superficial seeing all these current players come out condemning it.  Yes, it’s not right, but they’re all still happy to play in a sport that gives them 6 figure salaries every week.  It’s not all, and they can’t help what they’re paid, but they must see they’re part of the problem as well in the grander scheme of things.  Pundits too.  They’ve benefitted from more and more games being on TV and so much money in the game.  The greed is everywhere 
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    Clause 6.1.1 of a standard Premier League contract relates to employer obligations and dictates the club should not do anything that stops a player featuring for his country

    It also states that clubs shall observe the rules, which are defined as “the statutes and regulations of FIFA and UEFA and the FA Rules and League Rules”, meaning in theory any club leaving those competitions would be in breach of contract. 

    A number of intermediaries raised this aspect. One said: “So if the club proactively does something that stops them being an international footballer, does that invalidate the contract? Do the club then potentially have no assets on the books?”

    ... surely that alone stops the 6 in their tracks as players could just walk.

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    JohnBoyUK said:

    Clause 6.1.1 of a standard Premier League contract relates to employer obligations and dictates the club should not do anything that stops a player featuring for his country

    It also states that clubs shall observe the rules, which are defined as “the statutes and regulations of FIFA and UEFA and the FA Rules and League Rules”, meaning in theory any club leaving those competitions would be in breach of contract. 

    A number of intermediaries raised this aspect. One said: “So if the club proactively does something that stops them being an international footballer, does that invalidate the contract? Do the club then potentially have no assets on the books?”

    ... surely that alone stops the 6 in their tracks as players could just walk.

    That's certainly an interesting one. The other one from the premier league handbook also seems to suggest this idea cannot possibly go ahead without the clubs involved breaking away completely, which surely is their only option.

    Other Competitions
    L.9. Except with the prior written approval of the Board, during the Season a Club shall
    not enter or play its senior men’s first team in any competition other than:
    L.9.1. the UEFA Champions League;
    L.9.2. the UEFA Europa League;
    L.9.3. the F.A. Cup;
    L.9.4. the F.A. Community Shield;
    L.9.5. the Football League Cup; or
    L.9.6. competitions sanctioned by the County Association of which it is a member.
    L.10. Each Club shall enter the F.A. Cup.
    L.11. Qualification for UEFA Club Competitions shall be on sporting merit through
    domestic competitions controlled or sanctioned by The Football Association. Clubs
    qualifying for a UEFA Club Competition must apply for a UEFA Club Licence in
    accordance with the Licensing Manual.
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    Klopp’s taken this a bit personally isn’t he?
    Not sure why he’s picking on Gary Neville for what he said last night 🤔

    Thinking he’s just frustrated because he can’t say what he really wants to?
    I think the Liverpool team coach got a bit of a rough reception on the way in to Elland Road tonight, so him feeling that it was unfair to take it out on the players and coaching staff for something they have no control over may have had something to do with it.
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    Perez has been doing an interview on the Super League, some surprising details coming out of it, like PSG never being invited and German teams not spoken to yet
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