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European Super League - clubs withdrawing p42 onwards.



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    edited April 2021
    sam3110 said:
    Perez has been doing an interview on the Super League, some surprising details coming out of it, like PSG never being invited and German teams not spoken to yet
    No one likes the French.

    Joke :smile:
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    sam3110 said:
    Perez has been doing an interview on the Super League, some surprising details coming out of it, like PSG never being invited and German teams not spoken to yet
    No one likes the French.

    Joke :smile:
    Too late................vous cochon. 
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    PSB are a bit of a "nouveau riche" club anyway, with an average history before the Qataris bought it and killed the league as an interesting competition. Since then they've won Ligue 1 7 times in 8 year

    Indeed the French league regularly has long period of dominance by one side, who've then fallen away. Nice in the 50s, Saint-Etienne from the 60s to the mid 70s, Marseille in the late 80s and Lyon in the 2000s

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    As much as i hate the idea of this, as I did the start of the premier league for almost the same reasons, i really do think this will go ahead and will all blow over in a couple of years. Hope i am wrong and all football clubs and fans stick together and don't fall for sickly sweeteners that may come their way.
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    Now let’s head over to the States to see what the pundits reckon...
    Alexi Lalas is the biggest wanker going...nobody takes any notice of him over here. Can't get a job as a pundit anymore and last I saw was doing the womens world cup coverage
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    Perez did an interview on Spanish tv last night. 2 comments stuck out that confirmed early suspicions that this is all just some huge power grab and won't actually happen.

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    His point is that UEFA are not reforming the Champions league until 2024. But clubs (especially his and Barcelona) are skint now and need the extra money asap, they can't wait until 2024.

    So all this nonsense appears to just be a ploy to get UEFA to introduce their reforms immediately.
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    Bielsa: "Even if there are owners, the real owners of football are the ones who love the badge and without them football will disappear."
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    cabbles said:
    I do think this has been coming for a long time.  Amazon with their all or nothing behind the scenes documentaries, clubs engaging in tours of the Far East for pre season friendlies, Mickey Mouse trophies between some of the super league clubs next to some shopping mall in the Middle East.  It’s like gentrification on heat and the clubs that have signed up have over dosed on oat milk lattes and avocado on toast sprinkled with chai seeds and honey from a bee that only pollinates once a century, or some such bollocks.

    The teams will be playing each other so often, it would not surprise me in the least if there are a few games on neutral North America, Asia and the Middle East, especially when you take into account the nationality of the owners and/or major sponsors of some of these clubs.

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    edited April 2021
    Everyone fawning over Neville - his current employers wanted to charge £15 a game for “fans” to watch during the covid crisis - also if sky were to cover the games he wouldn’t work on them - think he would. 

    Football is gone - the premier league was a breakaway league once - players salaries need a reset but won’t happen as will always be someone willing to pay more, the fans can’t do anything as a pal who is an arsenal st - he gives up his st there’s 30k waiting to take over it 
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    Perez did an interview on Spanish tv last night. 2 comments stuck out that confirmed early suspicions that this is all just some huge power grab and won't actually happen.

    Tell them to get lost and don’t give into them. 
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    edited April 2021
    If and it’s a big if .. it goes ahead All media outlets , SKY , BT etc etc complete media blackout ... no matches , no
    highlights , no goals .. just no news of interviews with these clubs ... 
    100 percent this. 

    Make these companies aware that you will cancel subscription, stop listening if they acknowledge it.

     Same with any company who sponsor or has a association with the league or clubs in it. 
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    NOT a serious comment, but here goes anyway:

    If Thomas was to cough up the cash to buy a seventh English team place in the ESL, we could be playing in Europe next season (or whenever the ESL is due to kick off).

    As another Lifer says often, "I'll get my coat!"...
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    If and it’s a big if .. it goes ahead All media outlets , SKY , BT etc etc complete media blackout ... no matches , no
    highlights , no goals .. just no news of interviews with these clubs ... 
    Will never happen though because the big clubs are where the interest is.

    Obviously their fans do, but generally people don't buy sky subscriptions because they're interested in Burnley and Brighton. It's because they want to watch games involving the big 6 teams. 'Super Sunday' isn't hyped up for Palace v Southampton, it's when there's a Manchester or North London derby. 

    Sky know that, so they'd never stop covering the big teams because they know that's where the money is.
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    What an absolute PR disaster for all of the clubs involved!

    Imagine having the stupidity to announce this in the middle of a ******** pandemic? How dumb do you have to be exactly to do that?

    I think this has been announced now because there are no fans in the grounds 

    imagine the reaction Liverpool would have gotten last night with 30 thousand Leeds fans waiting to greet them. 
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    Everyone fawning over Neville - his current employers wanted to charge £15 a game for “fans” to watch during the covid crisis - also if sky were to cover the games he wouldn’t work on them - think he would. 

    Football is gone - the premier league was a breakaway league once - players salaries need a reset but won’t happen as will always be someone willing to pay more, the fans can’t do anything as a pal who is an arsenal st - he gives up his st there’s 30k waiting to take over it 
    Football was finished years ago.
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    edited April 2021
    I hope these clubs are kicked out as soon as possible and not just from EUFA competition but from the Premier league. Interesting the level of debt accrued by all of those clubs, all have sat the debt back into the club and are now looking at this to rid the clubs of debt and probably sell on for a huge fee. I don't think this is good for English football but it just might be the thing that unites us all to finally sort out the mess that football finds itself in. 
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    edited April 2021
    Everyone fawning over Neville - his current employers wanted to charge £15 a game for “fans” to watch during the covid crisis - also if sky were to cover the games he wouldn’t work on them - think he would. 
    So you either have to sacrifice your life like William Wallace and cry 'FREEEEDOooOOoOM' as they pull your insides out, or you should keep your mouth shut? 
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    cabbles said:
    I do think this has been coming for a long time.  Amazon with their all or nothing behind the scenes documentaries, clubs engaging in tours of the Far East for pre season friendlies, Mickey Mouse trophies between some of the super league clubs next to some shopping mall in the Middle East.  It’s like gentrification on heat and the clubs that have signed up have over dosed on oat milk lattes and avocado on toast sprinkled with chai seeds and honey from a bee that only pollinates once a century, or some such bollocks.

    The teams will be playing each other so often, it would not surprise me in the least if there are a few games on neutral North America, Asia and the Middle East, especially when you take into account the nationality of the owners and/or major sponsors of some of these clubs.

    This is what’s for imo.  To tap into those markets.  Games to be streamed on Disney plus or Apple TV.  The whole thing is just a shambles and it’s an insult to the real fans of those clubs.  
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    The consequence of this ESL league on domestic leagues in Europe and here will be as bad as the effect of the formation of the Premier league in 1993 was on the rest of English football.
    It will also badly effect the other pan European cup competitions, though not a badly so as the domestic. The current pan European cup competitions will become de facto the 2nd and 3rd divisions of the ESL. 
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    If and it’s a big if .. it goes ahead All media outlets , SKY , BT etc etc complete media blackout ... no matches , no
    highlights , no goals .. just no news of interviews with these clubs ... 
    Will never happen though because the big clubs are where the interest is.

    Obviously their fans do, but generally people don't buy sky subscriptions because they're interested in Burnley and Brighton. It's because they want to watch games involving the big 6 teams. 'Super Sunday' isn't hyped up for Palace v Southampton, it's when there's a Manchester or North London derby. 

    Sky know that, so they'd never stop covering the big teams because they know that's where the money is.
    Sadly true. 

    It’ll be Super Sunday with Man Utd vs Man City, live from Los Angeles. 
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    Chunes said:
    Everyone fawning over Neville - his current employers wanted to charge £15 a game for “fans” to watch during the covid crisis - also if sky were to cover the games he wouldn’t work on them - think he would. 
    So you either have to sacrifice your life like William Wallace and cry 'FREEEEDOooOOoOM' as they pull your insides out, or you should keep your mouth shut? 
    It’s when morally wrong starts getting chucked about I have an issue. 
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    Ollie Holt tweeted that 2 of the English clubs are cracking with the backlash. 
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    Ollie Holt tweeted that 2 of the English clubs are cracking with the backlash. 
    Did he go on to explain what he meant?
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    edited April 2021

    Everyone fawning over Neville - his current employers wanted to charge £15 a game for “fans” to watch during the covid crisis - also if sky were to cover the games he wouldn’t work on them - think he would. 

    Football is gone - the premier league was a breakaway league once - players salaries need a reset but won’t happen as will always be someone willing to pay more, the fans can’t do anything as a pal who is an arsenal st - he gives up his st there’s 30k waiting to take over it 

    Charlton Charge a tenner a game
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