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European Super League - clubs withdrawing p42 onwards.



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    cafc999 said:
    What an absolute PR disaster for all of the clubs involved!

    Imagine having the stupidity to announce this in the middle of a ******** pandemic? How dumb do you have to be exactly to do that?

    No surprise of course that it's the American billionaire class - psychopaths to a man - that are behind this plan as owners of four of the six English clubs involved, with the other two backed of course by Russian and Emirati oil money.

    It was inevitable in the end that insatiable greed would mean that football would end up eating itself and that is exactly what has happened.

    Who in their right mind could look at the current landscape for big clubs like Man Utd - about to offer Paul Pogba 500K PER WEEK - and say, "You know what, I think these guys actually need more money!"

    What an absolute joke of the highest order and they will get their arses well and truly burned for this.

    Ironically of course they have just severely devalued the Premier League because BT and Sky are going to say at the next rights bidding, "Your top six teams don't even want to be in the league anymore and might leave anytime so you are not worth what you were four years ago."

    For one thing, News Corp. - the biggest proponent and backer of the Premier League - will be incandescent with rage about what these clubs have done because it completely jeopardizes their business model and they will not stand for that.

    Now, there's one place in British life you don't want to be and that's in the firing line of The Sun, The Times etc - these people are absolutely ruthless in defending their interests and they will be digging up every bit of shit they can on these clubs and their owners.

    Remember, of course, that News Corp. owns Boris Johnson lock, stock and barrel and he is going to play the 'Flag of St George' nationalist card on this one and pit the country against 'greedy foreign owners attacking our game' - it's like shooting fish in a barrel for him.

    A complete debacle.
    Are spurs American owned? Thought it was Joe Lewis?
    They are and you are correct - Joe Lewis is the owner and Levy is the face and makes most of the decisions 
    How are spurs American owned, what’s the connection?
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    NOT a serious comment, but here goes anyway:

    If Thomas was to cough up the cash to buy a seventh English team place in the ESL, we could be playing in Europe next season (or whenever the ESL is due to kick off).

    As another Lifer says often, "I'll get my coat!"...
    Same sort of fan that would have been happy for us to have become Red Bull London ffs
  • Options
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
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    Croydon said:
    Laddick01 said:
    Laddick01 said:
    I love International football. World cups and Euros are class with a group of mates.

    In all honesty I’d be gutted if that went and it’d make those summers a hell of a lot less interesting.
    No one is suggesting no Euros or World cups. They still take place, but without the greed league players.

    Like many others I am not reading all of the thread, I skipped from page 27 to here and I realise that not everyone has read what I wrote, or what other people who had similar ideas wrote. But the crucial thing is sticking together, fans can make a difference here, they really can. It is about pressure. Not just on the greed league clubs, but their fans - make sure boycotters places are not filled, ostracise those that do, make sure media outlets are pressurised into not co-operating with them, makes sure advertisers are bombarded with negative reviews, threaten to boycott pubs that show their games. As I said before, petty but effective, just refuse to discuss football with anyone who supports the idea. 

    Something I did not think of before, but has that has been suggested elsewhere, all ties cut with football at all levels with the clubs concerned. Reserve, youth and womens.

    If it does go ahead, let's make sure that the only place they can draw a crowd is actually in fucking China.  

    It can be done, it really can. I have never seen such a backlash from so many quarters over an idea. If you are giving up before the start, just imagine what would have happened in 1985, or under RD if Charlton fans had done the same.            
    The big draw of the World Cup is being seen as the best footballing nation in the world. I support England because I want to see our best 11 beat other countries best 11’s.

    Whilst I don’t think we’d lose international football, it would devalue the tournament massively for me. England B vs France B doesn’t have the same appeal.

    Tbf, our squad without 'big six' players would still be great to watch. More likeable team arguably
    Cash Mings Coady Cresswell
    Rice Phillips
    Sancho Watkins Grealish
  • Options
    cafc999 said:
    What an absolute PR disaster for all of the clubs involved!

    Imagine having the stupidity to announce this in the middle of a ******** pandemic? How dumb do you have to be exactly to do that?

    No surprise of course that it's the American billionaire class - psychopaths to a man - that are behind this plan as owners of four of the six English clubs involved, with the other two backed of course by Russian and Emirati oil money.

    It was inevitable in the end that insatiable greed would mean that football would end up eating itself and that is exactly what has happened.

    Who in their right mind could look at the current landscape for big clubs like Man Utd - about to offer Paul Pogba 500K PER WEEK - and say, "You know what, I think these guys actually need more money!"

    What an absolute joke of the highest order and they will get their arses well and truly burned for this.

    Ironically of course they have just severely devalued the Premier League because BT and Sky are going to say at the next rights bidding, "Your top six teams don't even want to be in the league anymore and might leave anytime so you are not worth what you were four years ago."

    For one thing, News Corp. - the biggest proponent and backer of the Premier League - will be incandescent with rage about what these clubs have done because it completely jeopardizes their business model and they will not stand for that.

    Now, there's one place in British life you don't want to be and that's in the firing line of The Sun, The Times etc - these people are absolutely ruthless in defending their interests and they will be digging up every bit of shit they can on these clubs and their owners.

    Remember, of course, that News Corp. owns Boris Johnson lock, stock and barrel and he is going to play the 'Flag of St George' nationalist card on this one and pit the country against 'greedy foreign owners attacking our game' - it's like shooting fish in a barrel for him.

    A complete debacle.
    Are spurs American owned? Thought it was Joe Lewis?
    They are and you are correct - Joe Lewis is the owner and Levy is the face and makes most of the decisions 
    How are spurs American owned, what’s the connection?

    That's the bit I don't understand, I keep seeing it though. Joe Lewis is from East London isn't he?
  • Options
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
  • Options
    edited April 2021
    cafc999 said:
    What an absolute PR disaster for all of the clubs involved!

    Imagine having the stupidity to announce this in the middle of a ******** pandemic? How dumb do you have to be exactly to do that?

    No surprise of course that it's the American billionaire class - psychopaths to a man - that are behind this plan as owners of four of the six English clubs involved, with the other two backed of course by Russian and Emirati oil money.

    It was inevitable in the end that insatiable greed would mean that football would end up eating itself and that is exactly what has happened.

    Who in their right mind could look at the current landscape for big clubs like Man Utd - about to offer Paul Pogba 500K PER WEEK - and say, "You know what, I think these guys actually need more money!"

    What an absolute joke of the highest order and they will get their arses well and truly burned for this.

    Ironically of course they have just severely devalued the Premier League because BT and Sky are going to say at the next rights bidding, "Your top six teams don't even want to be in the league anymore and might leave anytime so you are not worth what you were four years ago."

    For one thing, News Corp. - the biggest proponent and backer of the Premier League - will be incandescent with rage about what these clubs have done because it completely jeopardizes their business model and they will not stand for that.

    Now, there's one place in British life you don't want to be and that's in the firing line of The Sun, The Times etc - these people are absolutely ruthless in defending their interests and they will be digging up every bit of shit they can on these clubs and their owners.

    Remember, of course, that News Corp. owns Boris Johnson lock, stock and barrel and he is going to play the 'Flag of St George' nationalist card on this one and pit the country against 'greedy foreign owners attacking our game' - it's like shooting fish in a barrel for him.

    A complete debacle.
    Are spurs American owned? Thought it was Joe Lewis?
    They are and you are correct - Joe Lewis is the owner and Levy is the face and makes most of the decisions 
    How are spurs American owned, what’s the connection?
    Let me correct myself - THFC are owned by ENIC, who in turn are owned by the Tavistock Group.

    Here is their portfolio Portfolio - Tavistock Group
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    i think the players are in an impossible position. I wouldnt look at banning them for their countires until such time as their contracts come up for renewal. If they then sign up with an ESL club or extend their contract then ban them from playing in the EPL, EFL or for their country. But while they are contracted to their current club, there's not much they can do, however much they may dislike it.

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    UEFA Congress live stream if anyone can stand sitting through the self congratulation and pomposity to see what they might say about the ESL.
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    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
    I don't think it will officially effect the euros, although some FAs may choose not to select players.  Being honest it won't make much difference if they did.  After the last 18 months some international football with crowds, pubs open etc will be a massive thing across Europe.

    But the next world cup?  Its going to be a hard enough sell in the traditional markets as it is.  If they totally blackball all the players, what's to stop them running a parallel tournament with the star players?

    What about sponsors?  It's normally the same five or six big names, Heineken, Coke, Mcdonalds, Mastercard etc what if they sponsor the ESL or any of the clubs? 
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    edited April 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
    I don't think it will officially effect the euros, although some FAs may choose not to select players.  Being honest it won't make much difference if they did.  After the last 18 months some international football with crowds, pubs open etc will be a massive thing across Europe.

    But the next world cup?  Its going to be a hard enough sell in the traditional markets as it is.  If they totally blackball all the players, what's to stop them running a parallel tournament with the star players?

    What about sponsors?  It's normally the same five or six big names, Heineken, Coke, Mcdonalds, Mastercard etc what if they sponsor the ESL or any of the clubs? 

    Any brand at the moment would be crazy to put there name to the super league. 

    We need all options available to be on the table and if that means players banned from the Euros and World cup so be it. The clubs have gone to far and it is now a time to say no more here is the consequences for all if you support this weather as a player, agent, club or a company. 

  • Options
    Cafc43v3r said:
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
    I don't think it will officially effect the euros, although some FAs may choose not to select players.  Being honest it won't make much difference if they did.  After the last 18 months some international football with crowds, pubs open etc will be a massive thing across Europe.

    But the next world cup?  Its going to be a hard enough sell in the traditional markets as it is.  If they totally blackball all the players, what's to stop them running a parallel tournament with the star players?

    What about sponsors?  It's normally the same five or six big names, Heineken, Coke, Mcdonalds, Mastercard etc what if they sponsor the ESL or any of the clubs? 
    Pretty certain the RFU done that when some England players chose to play in the French Premiership. The FA may not have the legal right to ban player but they can choose not to pick them for squads.
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    Shearer saying this morning that the Premier League should act straight away and kick the clubs out and take on the legal fight. I wonder if this happened how many of their players might have release causes in their contracts, such as relegation or not qualifying for Europe and could walk away on free transfers and sign for real clubs not in the Super Greed League
    What other clubs not in the super league could afford their salaries?

    They can't all sign for PSG and Bayern.
    A few clubs not having to pay a transfer fee could offer decent deals

    If the big 6 were kicked out of the league, the Sky/BT tv deal would collapse and clubs would be struggling to pay their existing wage bill. They'd no longer be getting 100m+ a season, they'd be getting about 10m (i might be exaggerating but a new deal would be much much less).

    The tv deal only exists because of the big 6. People might say 'good riddance, let them go', but without them the premier league is fucked and would be for years until clubs recovered. If people think clubs were financially damaged by no fans because of covid, imagine the fall out if the tv deal collapses.
    And this is part of the dilemma in how to stop this thing happening. The EPL will hope they don't have to kick these teams out of the league because it hurts the income the receive from TV and sponsorship, if these teams aren't there as much as we don't like it the fact is the money is paid because of these teams and the players they have. UEFA won't want to ban the clubs or players from their competitions as it impacts their revenue from TV and sponsorship. FIFA won't want to ban players from the world cup because it impacts their revenue. Noticing a theme?

    What is then left? Governments? Last thing they'll want to do is get involved with lengthy, expensive legal wrangling with these clubs who will also argue that it isn't the place for governments to be getting involved. 

    This is the big issue now, it's all well and good these organisations and individuals giving statements and nice soundbites but who is actually going to step up and do something about it? I'm encouraged by the near universal condemnation from fans of all clubs but these owners have shown they do not care what the real fans think. Football is a mess and even if this does get stopped now are we just kicking the can down the road?
  • Options
    Cafc43v3r said:
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
    I don't think it will officially effect the euros, although some FAs may choose not to select players.  Being honest it won't make much difference if they did.  After the last 18 months some international football with crowds, pubs open etc will be a massive thing across Europe.

    But the next world cup?  Its going to be a hard enough sell in the traditional markets as it is.  If they totally blackball all the players, what's to stop them running a parallel tournament with the star players?

    What about sponsors?  It's normally the same five or six big names, Heineken, Coke, Mcdonalds, Mastercard etc what if they sponsor the ESL or any of the clubs? 

    Any brand at the moment would be crazy to put there name to the super league. 

    We need all options available to be on the table and if that means players banned from the Euros and World cup so be it. The clubs have gone to far and it is now a time to say no more here is the consequences for all if you support this weather as a player, agent, club or a company. 

    If they have got this far with backing from JP Morgan they have got potential sponsorship and broadcast arrangements set.  I would say it's would almost be impossible to but those things in place inside 4 months, which is what they are proposing. 
  • Options
    cafc999 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    iainment said:
    How easy would it be for players and staff to argue their contracts would be void if this happens.
    I think, maybe naively, that for top players a place in the World Cup or euros might outrank being in the ESL. 
    I don't think Fifa would actually stop players playing at the world cup, it would be a farce if they did.

    Just taking a suggested England starting 11:

    Walker, Stones, Maguire, Chilwell
    Mount, Rice, Foden
    Sterling, Kane, Rashford

    It just won't happen imo
    Can someone play in any FA/UEFA/FIFA, et al, tournament without being fully registered as a player?

    Unless the authorities collapse in the face of even more greed than they have shown to date, the ESL has to be an external competition, unrecognised and unregistered, with those involved expelled from the national leagues.

    FIFA cannot afford to not stop ineligible players from playing in its competitions.
    I don't think it will officially effect the euros, although some FAs may choose not to select players.  Being honest it won't make much difference if they did.  After the last 18 months some international football with crowds, pubs open etc will be a massive thing across Europe.

    But the next world cup?  Its going to be a hard enough sell in the traditional markets as it is.  If they totally blackball all the players, what's to stop them running a parallel tournament with the star players?

    What about sponsors?  It's normally the same five or six big names, Heineken, Coke, Mcdonalds, Mastercard etc what if they sponsor the ESL or any of the clubs? 
    Pretty certain the RFU done that when some England players chose to play in the French Premiership. The FA may not have the legal right to ban player but they can choose not to pick them for squads.
    Not just England, the All Black's were/are massively protective of their domestic league. 
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    Rothko said:
    Ollie Holt tweeted that 2 of the English clubs are cracking with the backlash. 
    Guess that’ll be City and Chelsea, not American owned or really need the money 
    The irony is that City actually have the most justifiable reason to want to break away from the current set-up. UEFA have made it abundantly clear over the fast few years that they dislike City and that they're done with upstarts coming in and breaking up the established order. That couldn't have been more obvious when they tried to stitch City up to get them kicked out of the Champions League. I don't think City are angels, and I'm sure they probably did do plenty of dodgy stuff with money, but UEFA fabricated evidence against them because they couldn't prove their argument, and that's why the ban was overturned by CAS. If I were City I would feel that a kicking from UEFA for something is never far away and I'd feel more justified in pursuing this than the other teams, though I'd still be a complete shit if I did. What must be really galling for UEFA is Real Madrid leading the charge on this breakaway, when UEFA has bent over backwards to try and ensure that they are always held at the very top of the game, with FFP essentially brought in just to enshrine the big teams at the top forever.
    It's weird this, it's like one of those episodes of Game of Thrones where everyone is the villain but someone has to win. UEFA are issuing all these football-positive statements when they would drown the game in a puddle for an extra tenner, City and Chelsea are potentially the least worst teams in a story of money gone mad, and Gary Neville is one or two more impassioned Sky rants from being elected Prime Minister for life. What a time for football.
  • Options
    cafc999 said:
    cafc999 said:
    What an absolute PR disaster for all of the clubs involved!

    Imagine having the stupidity to announce this in the middle of a ******** pandemic? How dumb do you have to be exactly to do that?

    No surprise of course that it's the American billionaire class - psychopaths to a man - that are behind this plan as owners of four of the six English clubs involved, with the other two backed of course by Russian and Emirati oil money.

    It was inevitable in the end that insatiable greed would mean that football would end up eating itself and that is exactly what has happened.

    Who in their right mind could look at the current landscape for big clubs like Man Utd - about to offer Paul Pogba 500K PER WEEK - and say, "You know what, I think these guys actually need more money!"

    What an absolute joke of the highest order and they will get their arses well and truly burned for this.

    Ironically of course they have just severely devalued the Premier League because BT and Sky are going to say at the next rights bidding, "Your top six teams don't even want to be in the league anymore and might leave anytime so you are not worth what you were four years ago."

    For one thing, News Corp. - the biggest proponent and backer of the Premier League - will be incandescent with rage about what these clubs have done because it completely jeopardizes their business model and they will not stand for that.

    Now, there's one place in British life you don't want to be and that's in the firing line of The Sun, The Times etc - these people are absolutely ruthless in defending their interests and they will be digging up every bit of shit they can on these clubs and their owners.

    Remember, of course, that News Corp. owns Boris Johnson lock, stock and barrel and he is going to play the 'Flag of St George' nationalist card on this one and pit the country against 'greedy foreign owners attacking our game' - it's like shooting fish in a barrel for him.

    A complete debacle.
    Are spurs American owned? Thought it was Joe Lewis?
    They are and you are correct - Joe Lewis is the owner and Levy is the face and makes most of the decisions 
    How are spurs American owned, what’s the connection?
    Let me correct myself - THFC are owned by ENIC, who in turn are owned by the Tavistock Group.

    Here is their portfolio Portfolio - Tavistock Group
    Ok I see , thanks for that it’s been bugging me 
  • Options
    colthe3rd said:
    Shearer saying this morning that the Premier League should act straight away and kick the clubs out and take on the legal fight. I wonder if this happened how many of their players might have release causes in their contracts, such as relegation or not qualifying for Europe and could walk away on free transfers and sign for real clubs not in the Super Greed League
    What other clubs not in the super league could afford their salaries?

    They can't all sign for PSG and Bayern.
    A few clubs not having to pay a transfer fee could offer decent deals

    If the big 6 were kicked out of the league, the Sky/BT tv deal would collapse and clubs would be struggling to pay their existing wage bill. They'd no longer be getting 100m+ a season, they'd be getting about 10m (i might be exaggerating but a new deal would be much much less).

    The tv deal only exists because of the big 6. People might say 'good riddance, let them go', but without them the premier league is fucked and would be for years until clubs recovered. If people think clubs were financially damaged by no fans because of covid, imagine the fall out if the tv deal collapses.
    And this is part of the dilemma in how to stop this thing happening. The EPL will hope they don't have to kick these teams out of the league because it hurts the income the receive from TV and sponsorship, if these teams aren't there as much as we don't like it the fact is the money is paid because of these teams and the players they have. UEFA won't want to ban the clubs or players from their competitions as it impacts their revenue from TV and sponsorship. FIFA won't want to ban players from the world cup because it impacts their revenue. Noticing a theme?

    What is then left? Governments? Last thing they'll want to do is get involved with lengthy, expensive legal wrangling with these clubs who will also argue that it isn't the place for governments to be getting involved. 

    This is the big issue now, it's all well and good these organisations and individuals giving statements and nice soundbites but who is actually going to step up and do something about it? I'm encouraged by the near universal condemnation from fans of all clubs but these owners have shown they do not care what the real fans think. Football is a mess and even if this does get stopped now are we just kicking the can down the road?
    I think you're right if you look at them individually. Look at all those institutions working together to expel these clubs and then it becomes more of an opportunity to freshen it all up. Yes, there will be a bump in the road, but the 12 will be forced to come back in ultimately. 
    United approach not to take up the remaining 8 slots.
    United approach not to recognise these clubs or their players, or allow them to participate.
    Amnesty for Euro 2021, it's too late for this. 
    Players may see out their existing contracts, as of 18th April 2021. Any player who resigns from their club to be allowed back in as an exception to standard Fifa and UEFA regs (not sure how contract law works here)
    Clubs to only be allowed back in based on 51% fan ownership rules.
    All broadcasters to refuse to acknowledge or show games or highlights (yes, there will be an Amazon Prime type, but leave it isolated).

    It's a short term hit on all parties, but far less of an impact on all of them than pandering to a billionaire driven, club-owned monopoly. 

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    I'm not going to argue that they are not big clubs, but Manchester City and Chelsea were getting beat by us regularly not that long ago. Same with Spurs and Arsenal have not been at the very top for quite a while. The only two sides that have that tradition over a long period are Liverpool and Man Utd. They are the two clubs the Premier League would miss.
  • Options
    Shearer saying this morning that the Premier League should act straight away and kick the clubs out and take on the legal fight. I wonder if this happened how many of their players might have release causes in their contracts, such as relegation or not qualifying for Europe and could walk away on free transfers and sign for real clubs not in the Super Greed League
    What other clubs not in the super league could afford their salaries?

    They can't all sign for PSG and Bayern.
    A few clubs not having to pay a transfer fee could offer decent deals

    If the big 6 were kicked out of the league, the Sky/BT tv deal would collapse and clubs would be struggling to pay their existing wage bill. They'd no longer be getting 100m+ a season, they'd be getting about 10m (i might be exaggerating but a new deal would be much much less).

    The tv deal only exists because of the big 6. People might say 'good riddance, let them go', but without them the premier league is fucked and would be for years until clubs recovered. If people think clubs were financially damaged by no fans because of covid, imagine the fall out if the tv deal collapses.
    I am not convinced that Sky or BT would walk away if the six Clubs were kicked out or collapse the payments. Football is a huge part of their business and without it I do not think the rest of their products would be sufficient to keep them going. I pay for the cricket as well, I would not buy Sky just for that.

    Football is bigger than any Club. Football has always had clubs rise to the top and drop away. Man City were in league 1 not so long ago. Man Utd dropped out of the top league, Arsenal are in 11th.
    The football world will not come to an end if these six get thrown out of the league. 

    It will be very sad, as sad as when Bury went out of business. I would feel for their fans. They will be missed for a while, but the void will be filled. TV will still have a product and I am convinced it will outlast the stale Super League as it will be the better and more exciting product.

    The Premier League should decide to expel them if they do not drop the plan by a set date.

    The door can be left a jar if they wish to return, but they must realise that those that have remained may have changed the rules and they may not be getting the same share of income as they did before, or the same influence.
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