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European Super League - clubs withdrawing p42 onwards.



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    Croydon said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    It would just be like having Swansea and Cardiff in the English leagues.............

    Cooking up leagues isn't the problem, all the previous leagues have been cooked up.  It's cooking it up then locking the door so no one else can get in. 
    Those Welsh teams have been in the English leagues since they were founded, it's not comparable.
    Cardiff haven't they were formed in 1899 and didn't join the English leagues until 1910, but never mind.

    I am not suggesting that Rangers, Celtic, TNS or Bangor join our league. 

    I am saying all the leagues were cooked up, at some stage.  Including the champions league, the Premier league, the football league.  Its locking the door behind you that's the issue here. 
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    edited April 2021
    NIcked from the Guardian:

     The Premier League rule that would give the “Other 14” the greatest chance to prevent the ESL breakaway would appear to be Rule L9. Here it is: “

    Except with the prior written approval of the board, during the season a club shall not enter or play its senior men’s first team in any competition other than: L.9.1 - The UEFA Champions League L.9.2 - The UEFA Europa League L.9.3 - The FA Cup L.9.4 - The FA Community Shield L.9.5 - The Football League Cup or L.9.6 - Competitions sanctioned by the County Association of which it is a member.”
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Redrobo said:
    Shearer saying this morning that the Premier League should act straight away and kick the clubs out and take on the legal fight. I wonder if this happened how many of their players might have release causes in their contracts, such as relegation or not qualifying for Europe and could walk away on free transfers and sign for real clubs not in the Super Greed League
    What other clubs not in the super league could afford their salaries?

    They can't all sign for PSG and Bayern.
    A few clubs not having to pay a transfer fee could offer decent deals

    If the big 6 were kicked out of the league, the Sky/BT tv deal would collapse and clubs would be struggling to pay their existing wage bill. They'd no longer be getting 100m+ a season, they'd be getting about 10m (i might be exaggerating but a new deal would be much much less).

    The tv deal only exists because of the big 6. People might say 'good riddance, let them go', but without them the premier league is fucked and would be for years until clubs recovered. If people think clubs were financially damaged by no fans because of covid, imagine the fall out if the tv deal collapses.
    I am not convinced that Sky or BT would walk away if the six Clubs were kicked out or collapse the payments. Football is a huge part of their business and without it I do not think the rest of their products would be sufficient to keep them going. I pay for the cricket as well, I would not buy Sky just for that.

    Football is bigger than any Club. Football has always had clubs rise to the top and drop away. Man City were in league 1 not so long ago. Man Utd dropped out of the top league, Arsenal are in 11th.
    The football world will not come to an end if these six get thrown out of the league. 

    It will be very sad, as sad as when Bury went out of business. I would feel for their fans. They will be missed for a while, but the void will be filled. TV will still have a product and I am convinced it will outlast the stale Super League as it will be the better and more exciting product.

    The Premier League should decide to expel them if they do not drop the plan by a set date.

    The door can be left a jar if they wish to return, but they must realise that those that have remained may have changed the rules and they may not be getting the same share of income as they did before, or the same influence.
    You have got to consider that me and you, and probably anyone reading this, don't matter.  We either have sky sports now, or we don't. 

    The "big six" aren't the product for us, but you can't deny they are for millions.  If you take Monday Night Football it's a 4 hour show where most weeks they talk about the game for 2 hours then spend the other 2 hours talking about the big six. 

    Sky Sports News is totally dominated by the big six.  Even if its not just the games they show its how many hours they spend talking about them.

    If the next eight games on sky six include the big six one of the others is on 8pm on Saturday night.  The other is Leicester v Palace, on a Monday night.

    They can't replace these hours of talking about Everton and Newcastle, as much as we would enjoy it.  If they could they already would. 
    I don’t agree that these are THE ‘Top Six’. Manchester United and Liverpool are certainly world wide clubs, but are Spurs and Chelsea bigger outside this country than West Ham or Everton? Manchester City have been off grid for so long I would be surprised if they sell more merchandise abroad than either of them.

    The ‘big’ Clubs are talked about in so much depth because they are challenging to win things here and in Europe. At the moment they are the centre of attention but that would no longer be the case. They will be replaced by those who are. 

    The big question is if the new super league will overshadow the rest of football in Europe. I think it will implode.

    I also think if the Premier takes a strong stand and makes it clear that they will be expelled it won’t be necessary as the plan will fold. The biggest mistake they can make is to open discussions. They need to be bold and decisive. - like they have.
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    edited April 2021
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    It would just be like having Swansea and Cardiff in the English leagues.............

    Cooking up leagues isn't the problem, all the previous leagues have been cooked up.  It's cooking it up then locking the door so no one else can get in. 
    The Welsh comparison is nonsense, as they joined the English league system in the 1910's and 1920's, as there was no established league system in Wales or even a top league until 1992. Very different then cherry picking two clubs to make up the numbers. If they are booted, then bonus time for potentially 6 clubs in the Championship
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    edited April 2021
    The real shame about this - and Corden acknowledges it - is that his American audience just don’t care. When Corden makes a serious statement in his show, his audience is usually pretty sycophantic and will whoop and cheer support. They hardly reacted to this at all.
    American ‘football fans’ are generally only interested in these ‘big 12’ teams. They don’t see an issue with franchising or with there being no relegation or promotion.

    I say this with no disrespect to my American friends. It’s simply that we look on sports leagues in a different way. But it’ll be an uphill battle trying to get some resistance from the American public - because they won’t see it as an issue.
    I don't think there was an audience, there hasn't been for months (unless they returned this week).
    As you said there wasn't a murmur apart from James talking to the "crew".
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    Chizz said:
    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    I'm not seriously suggesting it, but it would be amusing if the 6, having declared themselves too good and too important to be contained by our leagues were told no, there are plenty of other big clubs who would gladly take your place.

    Plus, is it cooked up that much? The English leagues have long had Welsh teams playing, and the Scottish leagues have at least one English team (Berwick). It's only cooked up in the sense that it would be happening now rather than 100 years ago, other than that there is very little difference.
    Scottish teams leapfrogging the entire pyramid in English football and being parachuted in to the Premier League isn't the answer to the ESL. 
    I tend to agree, but the 14 EPL chairman may not. They may think that if they replace 2 of the departing teams with the Old Firm then everything can continue pretty much as it does now, and they wouldn't have to relegate anyone or prevent anyone getting promoted to achieve it. 
    I think they're likely to look a bit further than that.  Because a league comprising clubs from two different football associations' pyramids will be skewed each season.  Would SPL champions be 'promoted' to the EPL at the end of each season?  (Or would that be prohibited, thereby demonstrating that fair promotion and relegation is of no consequence to the EPL - the very same criticism being laid at the feet of the six departing clubs).  

    Would the fourteen remaining EPL shareholders prefer to pit their wits against Rangers and Celtic or, say, Brentford and Barnsley?  

    If Celtic were to be 'relegated' from the EPL, which league would they join - the SPL (who, undoubtedly, would reject them) or the Championship (and suffer the highest mileage for travel from any team in Britain)? 

    Are you suggesting that the Old Firm should be protected from relegation - like ESL teams apparently are?  Or that Scottish and English teams outside the EPL should watch each season and hope one or two of their own country's teams get relegated so they have a chance to go up?  

    My view is that you can't fix a non-merit based football competition by making your own football competition non-merit based. 
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    One of the CEO of the 6 breakaway clubs called another chairman at the 14 others saying they don’t want to leave the PL but want to talk. 

    Of course they don’t. The last thing they want to do is risk their current revenue stream on an unproven ( and unpopular) new format.  If the ESL doesn’t meet its financial projections where do they go? 

    They want to milk the current system to underpin their new endeavor. That why it’s important the current that their current revenue stream is cut off as much as legally possible. 

    As for the players, they are not part of this, yet. Unlike Kerry Packers circus, the players are under contract with their teams, so it’s unlikely you can punish them. However it can be made clear that players who sign new contracts will not be eligible for international consideration - ever. They might not care if the riches are enough, but some might think twice.  It should also be made clear that applies to academy players as well. Maybe not the lifetime ban until they sign a contract, but no age group internationals for them. 

    Also, clubs will not be allowed to loan players from these teams - they will be ineligible. 

    Cut of their revenue, limit what their players are eligible for, cut off their stream of young talent. 
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    Redrobo said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Redrobo said:
    Shearer saying this morning that the Premier League should act straight away and kick the clubs out and take on the legal fight. I wonder if this happened how many of their players might have release causes in their contracts, such as relegation or not qualifying for Europe and could walk away on free transfers and sign for real clubs not in the Super Greed League
    What other clubs not in the super league could afford their salaries?

    They can't all sign for PSG and Bayern.
    A few clubs not having to pay a transfer fee could offer decent deals

    If the big 6 were kicked out of the league, the Sky/BT tv deal would collapse and clubs would be struggling to pay their existing wage bill. They'd no longer be getting 100m+ a season, they'd be getting about 10m (i might be exaggerating but a new deal would be much much less).

    The tv deal only exists because of the big 6. People might say 'good riddance, let them go', but without them the premier league is fucked and would be for years until clubs recovered. If people think clubs were financially damaged by no fans because of covid, imagine the fall out if the tv deal collapses.
    I am not convinced that Sky or BT would walk away if the six Clubs were kicked out or collapse the payments. Football is a huge part of their business and without it I do not think the rest of their products would be sufficient to keep them going. I pay for the cricket as well, I would not buy Sky just for that.

    Football is bigger than any Club. Football has always had clubs rise to the top and drop away. Man City were in league 1 not so long ago. Man Utd dropped out of the top league, Arsenal are in 11th.
    The football world will not come to an end if these six get thrown out of the league. 

    It will be very sad, as sad as when Bury went out of business. I would feel for their fans. They will be missed for a while, but the void will be filled. TV will still have a product and I am convinced it will outlast the stale Super League as it will be the better and more exciting product.

    The Premier League should decide to expel them if they do not drop the plan by a set date.

    The door can be left a jar if they wish to return, but they must realise that those that have remained may have changed the rules and they may not be getting the same share of income as they did before, or the same influence.
    You have got to consider that me and you, and probably anyone reading this, don't matter.  We either have sky sports now, or we don't. 

    The "big six" aren't the product for us, but you can't deny they are for millions.  If you take Monday Night Football it's a 4 hour show where most weeks they talk about the game for 2 hours then spend the other 2 hours talking about the big six. 

    Sky Sports News is totally dominated by the big six.  Even if its not just the games they show its how many hours they spend talking about them.

    If the next eight games on sky six include the big six one of the others is on 8pm on Saturday night.  The other is Leicester v Palace, on a Monday night.

    They can't replace these hours of talking about Everton and Newcastle, as much as we would enjoy it.  If they could they already would. 
    I don’t agree that these are THE ‘Top Six’. Manchester United and Liverpool are certainly world wide clubs, but are Spurs and Chelsea bigger outside this country than West Ham or Everton? Manchester City have been off grid for so long I would be surprised if they sell more merchandise abroad than either of them.

    The ‘big’ Clubs are talked about in so much depth because they are challenging to win things here and in Europe. At the moment they are the centre of attention but that would no longer be the case. They will be replaced by those who are. 

    The big question is if the new super league will overshadow the rest of football in Europe. I think it will implode.

    I also think if the Premier takes a strong stand and makes it clear that they will be expelled it won’t be necessary as the plan will fold. The biggest mistake they can make is to open discussions. They need to be bold and decisive. - like they have.
    I couldn't agree more. There is no way this goes ahead if the six are expelled from the PL
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    EPL and FA need to come out now and say that the 6 will be expelled from the English game on Friday, any who change their mind before Friday can stay on current terms, there will be no re-negotiations of share of income or voting power. Take it or leave it.

    What would really put the cat amongst the pigeons is if the EPL said they've got Celtic and Rangers coming in, so the first 4 to bail on the super league get their places back, the other 2 are out of luck.
    But having Celtic and rangers would be wrong in the same way the ESL is wrong. 
    Even though I don't agree with the regular complaints about the number of teams in the Leagues, it would be better to use the expulsions to reduce numbers in the top 2-3 leagues.
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    Rothko said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    It would just be like having Swansea and Cardiff in the English leagues.............

    Cooking up leagues isn't the problem, all the previous leagues have been cooked up.  It's cooking it up then locking the door so no one else can get in. 
    The Welsh comparison is nonsense, as they joined the English league system in the 1910's and 1920's, as there was no established league system in Wales or even a top league until 1992. Very different then cherry picking two clubs to make up the numbers. If they are booted, then bonus time for potentially 6 clubs in the Championship
    The 1st part of my reply was ment to be a joke, which has obviously gone down like a fart in church.

    The point about all leagues being cooked up and locking the door was the serious point. 
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    edited April 2021
    Amazon prime video will not be broadcasting the ESL, they prefer how it is now!
    Statement just released.
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    Jordan Henderson gets it.

    I know what 14 premier captains are going to say;
    If the other six can concur this could not just rock the boat but sink the Bad ship ESL.
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    It would just be like having Swansea and Cardiff in the English leagues.............

    Cooking up leagues isn't the problem, all the previous leagues have been cooked up.  It's cooking it up then locking the door so no one else can get in. 
    The Welsh comparison is nonsense, as they joined the English league system in the 1910's and 1920's, as there was no established league system in Wales or even a top league until 1992. Very different then cherry picking two clubs to make up the numbers. If they are booted, then bonus time for potentially 6 clubs in the Championship
    The 1st part of my reply was ment to be a joke, which has obviously gone down like a fart in church.

    The point about all leagues being cooked up and locking the door was the serious point. 
    It might be just me, but I think it’s hilarious when somebody farts in church. 😎
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    Rothko said:
    The statement leaves the way for an explosion, so the shots have been fired. 

    as for bringing in Celtic and Rangers, the irony of people suggesting that, hey we're against a cooked up league, but we'll cook up the league and take teams from a different federation. 

    I'm not seriously suggesting it, but it would be amusing if the 6, having declared themselves too good and too important to be contained by our leagues were told no, there are plenty of other big clubs who would gladly take your place.

    Plus, is it cooked up that much? The English leagues have long had Welsh teams playing, and the Scottish leagues have at least one English team (Berwick). It's only cooked up in the sense that it would be happening now rather than 100 years ago, other than that there is very little difference.
    Your suggestion, even if not serious, was to bring Rangers and Celtic in to PL immediately, Cardiff and Swansea had to work there way too the English leagues. That’s a big difference. 
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    edited April 2021

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    edited April 2021
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    We should ban Americans bringing their sports over here. If we have saddos who would prefer to watch their turgid crap, they should go to the US and watch it. They can watch WWE and the Harlem Globetrotters and leave the pure sport to the rest of us.
    Which sports is the ESL 'bringing over here'?
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    We should ban Americans bringing their sports over here. If we have saddos who would prefer to watch their turgid crap, they should go to the US and watch it. They can watch WWE and the Harlem Globetrotters and leave the pure sport to the rest of us.
    What a very strange mindset. U ok hun?
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    edited April 2021
    Is it too subtle for some of you. What is behind this ESL nonsense is the American concept of team sport. No relegations, franchises, even sports that are scripted, Money, Money and more Money. Americans have come over here and tried to turn our national sport into American sports. I am saying Fcuk all of their sports if that is the right word for it. The Spurs stadium is set up to host NFL football, stopping that would kick them in the proverbials.
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    Nothing to talk about with those clubs. They either fold and crawl back into the PL, where they will be loathed by every English club they visit, or they stick with their greedy plan and are thrown out of the EPL, the CL and Europa League on Friday, with no way back, other than begging forgiveness and permission to play in tier 7 with a 100% wage cap.
    genuinely, after hearing Florenitino Perez explain how good for football this is, Fuck 'em.
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    the real question is how will this impact our chances of entering Europe in 5 years time? 
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    We should ban Americans bringing their sports over here. If we have saddos who would prefer to watch their turgid crap, they should go to the US and watch it. They can watch WWE and the Harlem Globetrotters and leave the pure sport to the rest of us.
    Their sports? 

    Baseball is based on rounders (an English game), Basketball was invented by the Mayans and Incas and was codified as a sport by a Canadian, and American Football evolved from rugby and soccer (both English). All great sports.

    And what's wrong with WWE?

    (I'll get me coat).
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