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Insulate Britain Protests (Blackwall Tunnel p22)



  • seth plum said:
    It looks pretty clear that they are not seeking public support.
    Whatever the motivation, they are doing it (the road blockages) because they can.
    It isn’t even that new or rare, I recall a time when black cab drivers were able to bring the roads around Westminster to a deadlocked halt because of a grievance, and St Thomas Hospital is just across the river.
    Well, if they are not seeking public support & are truly wanting the Government to take notice then why protest on the South & North circulars (I heard the Hanger Lane giratory has been targeted today as well) when they could easily go to Manchester where the CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE is taking place. That would have a bigger impact AND more media coverage. I bet you the first item on all UK mainstream news today will be about the Tory conference and therefore protesting there would get a much wider audience.
    I guarantee that if they protested at the conference, the Police response would be huge and violent - they would react completely differently compared to how they handle matters when poor old Joe Public are inconvenienced 
    Isn't that much better PR for the protesters though?  "Police heavy handed tactics outside Tory conference" as opposed to what we are seeing here?

    I haven't seen one person anywhere be remotely supportive to the protesters, at all.  And that is quite unusual and shows they really don't have public support, which you need for the protest to be successful, don't you? 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    seth plum said:
    It looks pretty clear that they are not seeking public support.
    Whatever the motivation, they are doing it (the road blockages) because they can.
    It isn’t even that new or rare, I recall a time when black cab drivers were able to bring the roads around Westminster to a deadlocked halt because of a grievance, and St Thomas Hospital is just across the river.
    Well, if they are not seeking public support & are truly wanting the Government to take notice then why protest on the South & North circulars (I heard the Hanger Lane giratory has been targeted today as well) when they could easily go to Manchester where the CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE is taking place. That would have a bigger impact AND more media coverage. I bet you the first item on all UK mainstream news today will be about the Tory conference and therefore protesting there would get a much wider audience.
    I guarantee that if they protested at the conference, the Police response would be huge and violent - they would react completely differently compared to how they handle matters when poor old Joe Public are inconvenienced 
    Isn't that much better PR for the protesters though?  "Police heavy handed tactics outside Tory conference" as opposed to what we are seeing here?

    I haven't seen one person anywhere be remotely supportive to the protesters, at all.  And that is quite unusual and shows they really don't have public support, which you need for the protest to be successful, don't you? 
    Absolutely agree - but I was kind of coming from the angle that it’s one rule for the establishment, and one for Joe Public - if they do it again, then the footage we have seen of people dragging them out of the way will become footage of people attacking them, because people have had enough - that poor lady trying to get to Canterbury to see her mum who had been taken to hospital - I know if that had been me, I would have snapped and waded into the protestors, and I would end up on a more serious charge than the protestors would get
  • If their so concerned about the planet why don't they go to China where pollution is churning out on a greater scale than motorists over here.  They can park their back sides directly outside the state council in Beijing. I'm sure the peoples red army will make sure they are looked after and accept their protests. 
  • Just waiting for them to try the A2 next. 
  • If their so concerned about the planet why don't they go to China where pollution is churning out on a greater scale than motorists over here.  They can park their back sides directly outside the state council in Beijing. I'm sure the peoples red army will make sure they are looked after and accept their protests. 
    Probably because they live in England.  
  • edited October 2021
    They must have very understanding employers, to give them so much time off from their jobs...  

    Laughable ain't it?

    I am sure some nubbin will come along and defend them soon.
  • seth plum said:
    I don’t understand how a news agency can know about it in advance enough to film the road being blocked as it happens, but the authorities don’t know.
    It’s probably someone on a phone that’s just sent it 
  • If their so concerned about the planet why don't they go to China where pollution is churning out on a greater scale than motorists over here.  They can park their back sides directly outside the state council in Beijing. I'm sure the peoples red army will make sure they are looked after and accept their protests. 
    I've heard that the Red Army's tea and sandwiches are not up to standard.
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  • They are deliberately targeting ordinary members of the public. I'm convinced that their MO is for one such member of the public to properly lose their rag and either clump one of the idiots or run him/her over. That way, they get maximum exposure.

    With all the other shit that’s been going on around the UK in recent times, these people need to be shipped off to a remote island with no clothes on where they can protest all they want.

    By all means, stand up for what you believe in but whoever has responsibility for organising their method of action are c**** of the highest order. 
  • Just waiting for them to try the A2 next. 
    I’m fairly sure that they will consider Bluewater as a target 
  • thenewbie said:
    I'm just baffled. Literally no one has come out in support, everyone thinks they are either complete arseholes and /or idiots. If they actually cared about their cause they would be far better changing tactics because at this point they are actively turning people against them.

    I don't see how this does anyone any good at all, them least of all. 
    In psychology a person who has a martyr complex, sometimes associated with the term "victim complex", desires the feeling of being a martyr for their own sake, seeking out suffering or persecution because it either feeds a psychical need or a desire to avoid responsibility. Wikipedia
  • cafcfan said:
    Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    But that is the crux of the matter. All the while people perceive vehicle pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, species extinction, etc, etc to be the problem, the real issue is being almost totally ignored.

    It is little to do with corporations or "the unsustainable capitalist system". Frankly, there are just TOO MANY FUCKING (literally) PEOPLE. Until we get population expansion under control we are merely papering over the cracks. If only Greta Thunberg's parents had taken my lead, done their bit for the planet and not produced any offspring:.  The world would already be one small step closer to safety.

    Get this sorted or we are all going to hell in a hand cart.
    Funny, because in some parts of the world , like Japan & China, population growth is not enough & soon there will be too many old people retiring & not enough young people still in work ......meaning their economies are going to suffer. 

    And by the way.....I doubt a little bit of loft insulation is going to counteract the major pollution that is going on in the US, China and India  !
  • seth plum said:
    If there is gridlock in central London, like one caused by black cab drivers in the past, the ripple effect of the congestion flows back through many streets.
    Not everybody trying to get through to, for example St Thomases, are going to be in an ambulance.
    The cabbies have the power to bring central London to a standstill, and these foolish protestors have today the power to bring the Blackwall tunnel to a standstill.
    Who are you excusing or apologising for now ?

  • 4Real said:
    seth plum said:
    If there is gridlock in central London, like one caused by black cab drivers in the past, the ripple effect of the congestion flows back through many streets.
    Not everybody trying to get through to, for example St Thomases, are going to be in an ambulance.
    The cabbies have the power to bring central London to a standstill, and these foolish protestors have today the power to bring the Blackwall tunnel to a standstill.
    Who are you excusing or apologising for now ?

    Err, which bit are you reading? Or are we doing imaginary writing now?
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  • I read somewhere that they are hoping to be jailed when the COP26 conference is on in order to try and embarrass Boris.

    I think we should grant them their wish. 
  • Finished 2-2
  • seth plum said:
    Finished 2-2
    Anyone do the tunnel jump?

  • cafcfan said:
    Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    But that is the crux of the matter. All the while people perceive vehicle pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, species extinction, etc, etc to be the problem, the real issue is being almost totally ignored.

    It is little to do with corporations or "the unsustainable capitalist system". Frankly, there are just TOO MANY FUCKING (literally) PEOPLE. Until we get population expansion under control we are merely papering over the cracks. If only Greta Thunberg's parents had taken my lead, done their bit for the planet and not produced any offspring:.  The world would already be one small step closer to safety.

    Get this sorted or we are all going to hell in a hand cart.
    There is enough to go around for everyone, overpopulation is a myth. The vast majority of emissions are done by a tiny majority of people. Richer nations on average produce far far far more carbon emissions than poorer nations, even if they are more populous. 

    What needs to happen is less is consumed in the richer nations. I hate it so much that people think the issue is overpopulation rather than overconsumption, seems on the edge of racism/white supremacy to me 
    Do you think all those extra billions of people in poorer less polluting nations will just accept their environmentally friendlier lot in life? Of course you don't but you did get to burnish your sanctimony and that's the important thing.
  • seth plum said:
    Finished 2-2
    Is the replay on Tower Bridge this Wednesday?
  • cafcfan said:
    Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    But that is the crux of the matter. All the while people perceive vehicle pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, species extinction, etc, etc to be the problem, the real issue is being almost totally ignored.

    It is little to do with corporations or "the unsustainable capitalist system". Frankly, there are just TOO MANY FUCKING (literally) PEOPLE. Until we get population expansion under control we are merely papering over the cracks. If only Greta Thunberg's parents had taken my lead, done their bit for the planet and not produced any offspring:.  The world would already be one small step closer to safety.

    Get this sorted or we are all going to hell in a hand cart.
    There is enough to go around for everyone, overpopulation is a myth. The vast majority of emissions are done by a tiny majority of people. Richer nations on average produce far far far more carbon emissions than poorer nations, even if they are more populous. 

    What needs to happen is less is consumed in the richer nations. I hate it so much that people think the issue is overpopulation rather than overconsumption, seems on the edge of racism/white supremacy to me 
    Do you think all those extra billions of people in poorer less polluting nations will just accept their environmentally friendlier lot in life? Of course you don't but you did get to burnish your sanctimony and that's the important thing.
    No I don't think they should, my point is just that richer countries should consume less before saying "stop having babies" 

    The issue is unregulated consumption fueled by our economic system which prioritises economic growth before anything else. 
  • Oops, posted the final score on the wrong thread.
  • A large human population undoubtedly contributes to the problem, but short of genocide on a truly epic scale, what can be done about this in the short-to-medium term? Surely the other approach - somehow forcing corporations and wealthy countries to slash emissions - is less...evil? Besides, even if we wiped out billions of (doubtless poor and generally non-contributory to global emissions) people, would the resource exploiters really ease back? Would the oil stop getting burnt? I too hate the overpopulation argument. There's no good way of enforcing it, and while I'd say that calling it white supremacy is a bit much (given some of the countries that stand to benefit from not concentrating on reducing emissions) it isn't far off. 

    How do you 'cure' overpopulation humanely in the short-to-medium term?
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