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Insulate Britain Protests (Blackwall Tunnel p22)



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    Is it not now time to strike back, I presume these people travel by their own transport,so shouldnt be hard to detect their vehicles,get them clamped,let the tyres down,form a blockade round them ,dont let them into their cars,then when they cant get home,pubic transport denies them use of their service,somehow these people have to have some grief back.
    I think arresting them and threatening prosecution is probably enough mate.  I mean they’re blocking traffic, they’re not nonces and rapists. 
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    Weren't a group of them arrested last week and returned to protest again elsewhere the same afternoon?
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    Arresting them doesn’t do anything. 
    One man on news last night said it was his 7th arrest during the protests. 

    Put them in prison for a bit. 
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    Just seen an interview with Liam Norton for the first time. Jesus Christ, is he the best they've got to speak for them?
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    Addickted said:
    Weren't a group of them arrested last week and returned to protest again elsewhere the same afternoon?
    No idea, that’s not right clearly they need to be a bit stiffer if true. 
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    Rob7Lee said:
    Seen an interesting take from the motorbike community as to how to deal with these protesters going forward.

    The suggestion is that bikes filter to the front, park right in front of them but facing the other way and just sit there revving their engines. See how long they remain sitting with exhaust fumes pouring out 12 inches from their faces......

    Seemed like a good idea to me!
    would love to see that
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    edited October 2021
    MrOneLung said:
    Arresting them doesn’t do anything. 
    One man on news last night said it was his 7th arrest during the protests. 

    Put them in prison for a bit. 

    They are taking it as a badge of honour... pricks the lot of 'em,.. and interviewing them on the news, giving them air time for causing this total cock up of a demo, unbelievable this whole thing has become..these shitehouses doing just what they want, while the great judiciary slowly gets into gear and wakes up from its slumber,, water cannons ?,.. like the idea of boxing in  their cars, would stuff it back on them, aresholes.. B)
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    In response to earlier posts pointing to overpopulation as the problem. 

    I won't deny that size of populationom earth is a factor, but its really how we live that is the main determinant of how polluting we are as a species. 
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
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    Gribbo said:
    Addickted said:
    cafcfan said:
    cafcfan said:
    Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    But that is the crux of the matter. All the while people perceive vehicle pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, species extinction, etc, etc to be the problem, the real issue is being almost totally ignored.

    It is little to do with corporations or "the unsustainable capitalist system". Frankly, there are just TOO MANY FUCKING (literally) PEOPLE. Until we get population expansion under control we are merely papering over the cracks. If only Greta Thunberg's parents had taken my lead, done their bit for the planet and not produced any offspring:.  The world would already be one small step closer to safety.

    Get this sorted or we are all going to hell in a hand cart.
    There is enough to go around for everyone, overpopulation is a myth. The vast majority of emissions are done by a tiny majority of people. Richer nations on average produce far far far more carbon emissions than poorer nations, even if they are more populous. 

    What needs to happen is less is consumed in the richer nations. I hate it so much that people think the issue is overpopulation rather than overconsumption, seems on the edge of racism/white supremacy to me 
    I think you are wrong and to suggest my comment was racist is purile. The whole point is that if population growth continues at anything like the current rate there will be insufficient food and water for the people least likely to be able to cope with those problems.  As others have mentioned noble charities like Population Matters are hoping to redress the balance before we all kill ourselves by uncontrolled breeding.
    They key to this though is ending poverty. As poverty rates fall birth rates reduce as people make other life choices. The average number of children in a family falls as well. There is significant research that shows the best way to reduce population growth (not reduce population) is to pull people out of poverty. This alone wont save the planet but tackling the consumption side as well as forcing large corporations to be better will also help.

    I still feel there is a technological solution to this that hasnt yet been found. We need to fund R&D properly in order to survive. 
    The key as far as I understand it, is actually educating girls / women - a key driver in reducing both poverty and population growth.
    What about educating boys/men too? 
    Good luck with that one.
    TBH good luck with educating the girls/women too. 
    TBH good luck educating the Agender / Androgyne /Androgynous / Bigender / Cis / Cisgender / Cis Female / Cis Male / Cis Man / Cis Woman / Cisgender Female / Cisgender Male / Cisgender Man / Cisgender Woman / Female to Male / FTM / Gender Fluid /Gender Nonconforming / Gender Questioning / Gender Variant / Genderqueer / Intersex / Male to Female / MTF / Neither / Neutrois / Non-binary / Other / Pangender / Trans / Trans Female / Trans* Female / Trans Male / Trans* Male / Trans Man / Trans* Man / Trans Person / Trans* Person / Trans Woman / Trans* Woman / Transfeminine /Transgender / Transgender Female / Transgender Male / Transgender Man / Transgender Person / Transgender Woman / Transmasculine / Transsexual / Transsexual Female / Transsexual Male / Transsexual Man / Transsexual Person / Transsexual Woman / Two-Spirit too.
    You haven’t mentioned people who wear glasses. It’s 2021 and this prejudice is not acceptable
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
    Isn’t that part of the problem? If you put yourself in danger it seems a little ridiculous you then get to complain when something bad happens. 

    I’m assuming complains / lawsuits is why a specialist team is needed to break a chain / rip clothes. 
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
    Just as a point of interest how do they unstick them?  
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
    Just as a point of interest how do they unstick them?  
    One good pull should just about do it,  oops, sorry...wouldn't do it again would they B)
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    I knew, I just knew there'd be some 'thoughtful' suggestions.
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    Is it not now time to strike back, I presume these people travel by their own transport,so shouldnt be hard to detect their vehicles,get them clamped,let the tyres down,form a blockade round them ,dont let them into their cars,then when they cant get home,pubic transport denies them use of their service,somehow these people have to have some grief back.
    I think arresting them and threatening prosecution is probably enough mate.  I mean they’re blocking traffic, they’re not nonces and rapists. 

    They are arrested,walk free and cause chaos again,I just think a bit of their own medicine is justified.
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    If you want to see a good documentary about the real negatives of a rush to green technology then see the Al Jazeera documentary the Dark side Of green energy. It an eye opener.
    There is a showing at 1pm today.
    There needs to be more programs like this to educstecus all and they should be pro and sceptical to be balanced.
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
    Just as a point of interest how do they unstick them?  
    The police are provided with a liquid solution that loosens the superglue. A family member of mine works for the Royal Protection team and believe it or not they are trained to deal with nutters that want to shake hands with dignitary's whilst covered in SG knowing full well they would then be stuck to the Royal/famous person.   
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    MrOneLung said:
    Arresting them doesn’t do anything. 
    One man on news last night said it was his 7th arrest during the protests. 

    Put them in prison for a bit. 

    Belmarsh, on bath night!
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    Is it not now time to strike back, I presume these people travel by their own transport,so shouldnt be hard to detect their vehicles,get them clamped,let the tyres down,form a blockade round them ,dont let them into their cars,then when they cant get home,pubic transport denies them use of their service,somehow these people have to have some grief back.
    Why would you presume that? I would think it’s the opposite more likely and they use public transport to get to wherever they’re going.
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    Just to put some context into the arrests of these protesters.
    If they’ve decided to glue/lock themselves to the road or roadside furniture, the average Officer isn’t allowed to remove them. 
    My last unit dealt with National protests & they have specifically trained staff to deal with removing them.
    It just takes time, as these protesters know 🙄
    Just as a point of interest how do they unstick them?  
    The police are provided with a liquid solution that loosens the superglue. A family member of mine works for the Royal Protection team and believe it or not they are trained to deal with nutters that want to shake hands with dignitary's whilst covered in SG knowing full well they would then be stuck to the Royal/famous person.   
    I have heard urine can loosen the glue - any driver caught up should fulfil their public duty and help the police by pissing on the protesters

    Alternatively - remove a few of them to allow traffic to filter through and just leave the rest of them glued there.

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    danny777 said:
    I see that inconsiderate new climate of ours has been causing flooding in London - causing disruption on the roads and railways

    Not that it happens very often. The last time was all of 3 weeks ago

    Why weren't the angry motorists out shaking their fists at the sky or something? Probably afraid of ruining their hair or getting their feet wet.

    There will be more disruption caused by climate change in the future than by a few protesters.

    Actually, I'm more annoyed with this government than the protesters, because they cancelled their Green Homes Deal (or whatever it was called) rather than rolling the unspent money into the next year. We spent a lot of time with SELCE (South East London Community Energy) working out how to best insulate our old house, only to be left high and dry (or out in the cold) after the government dragged its feet over approving contractors, and then pulled the plug,so that a lot of people ended up losing their jobs as well.

    It won’t get much praise but this post is bang on.

    Although I’m still in the weird place of supporting your point but also NOT supporting sitting on motorways blocking working class people on a rush hour morning.  
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    There was a clip that I saw where a Police Officer pulled a woman off of the road, and she screamed that he had ripped her hand off of the road as she has glued it onto the road surface. The copper didn’t seem that bothered, so a simple hard pull would free them.
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    danny777 said:
    I see that inconsiderate new climate of ours has been causing flooding in London - causing disruption on the roads and railways

    Not that it happens very often. The last time was all of 3 weeks ago

    Why weren't the angry motorists out shaking their fists at the sky or something? Probably afraid of ruining their hair or getting their feet wet.

    There will be more disruption caused by climate change in the future than by a few protesters.

    Actually, I'm more annoyed with this government than the protesters, because they cancelled their Green Homes Deal (or whatever it was called) rather than rolling the unspent money into the next year. We spent a lot of time with SELCE (South East London Community Energy) working out how to best insulate our old house, only to be left high and dry (or out in the cold) after the government dragged its feet over approving contractors, and then pulled the plug,so that a lot of people ended up losing their jobs as well.

    Is there always a direct correlation between heavy rain and climate change?
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    danny777 said:
    I see that inconsiderate new climate of ours has been causing flooding in London - causing disruption on the roads and railways

    Not that it happens very often. The last time was all of 3 weeks ago

    Why weren't the angry motorists out shaking their fists at the sky or something? Probably afraid of ruining their hair or getting their feet wet.

    There will be more disruption caused by climate change in the future than by a few protesters.

    Actually, I'm more annoyed with this government than the protesters, because they cancelled their Green Homes Deal (or whatever it was called) rather than rolling the unspent money into the next year. We spent a lot of time with SELCE (South East London Community Energy) working out how to best insulate our old house, only to be left high and dry (or out in the cold) after the government dragged its feet over approving contractors, and then pulled the plug,so that a lot of people ended up losing their jobs as well.

    Is there always a direct correlation between heavy rain and climate change?
    No but climate change does cause heavy rain. 

    Posting a link to something that happened in 1287 doesn't do anything to prove any point you think you are making
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Roland Out Forever!